Trello App: Full Trello Tutorial for Beginners in 2023! [A-Z Guide] 💻

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hello and welcome to the ultimate trello tutorial for 2022. in today's video i'm going to take you from a trello beginner all the way up to a trello pro we're going to start with some of the more foundational easy to understand basic topics within trello and we're going to work our way up to some of the more advanced topics such as card power-ups and automations to save time and make sure that you're maximizing your productivity when you're using trello so if you're a beginner as always i recommend you watch the video all the way through at least once if you watch it on 1.25 x speed or 1.5 x speed that can be a good way to get through it on the first go and just learn everything kind of see what sticks and then you can come back to it later if you're a more advanced user or if you've already watched it through once then you can kind of use the chapters below to skip around and find what you need more help on in trello so let's start out with the boring but necessary topic of pricing for trello so that you guys know exactly what to expect when it comes to pricing and which plans you should look at getting into so to start out here we have the free plan and the free plan i would recommend for individuals or if you just have a small team and you're looking to learn more about how trello can help you you might never scale beyond the free plan it might have everything that you need and if you're looking for just a basic kanban software and you have a small team or you're just using it for personal projects the free plan is more than enough but where you're going to find limitations is in some of these quotas and also some of the features you're gonna you're gonna sacrifice a few features and a few quotas on the free plan so you do get unlimited cards but you get capped out at 10 boards per workspace so if you have more than 10 boards or you want to have more than 10 boards you're going to at least have to go up to the standard but for most people if you're an individual or a small team you probably won't cap out any higher than 10 boards now the unlimited storage is a nice thing but you're limited to your file size for your uploads now you're going to be capped at 250 workspace command runs per month so if you're not planning on using automations a lot then the free plan will probably work well for you and you won't need to upgrade but if you're looking to really utilize that automations feature you're going to want to go to the next level now i'm the type of person where if i'm going to go with any sort of paid plan i'm just going to max it out so for me i would go to the premium plan because they're going to give you all these new extra features on top of having unlimited uh workspace run commands so you're never going to run out and also just getting all the unlimited upgrades from the standard plan right you're going to get a higher file upload size you're going to get some custom fields advanced checklists unlimited boards if you're running a team but you're running a team on a budget standard works but i recommend just going up to the premium or if you're running a large company and you need to manage things and you have some admin work to do within trello that's where enterprise comes in when you're getting up to these higher numbers of users so just a quick recap on pricing individuals can benefit from all of these packages as they get more features as you go up to the 10 premium package but teams really will thrive on the premium package or higher and that's just my opinion based on what i've seen within their feature sets next i'm going to walk you through a diagram that shows you how your trello account is set up and gives you an idea of the overall structure of a basic trello account so here we have the workspace and the workspace is where everything happens right so if i open up my trello account this is where the team can all come together and they can see all of the boards that all the projects that are within this workspace you can edit your workspace settings up here just by going to workspace settings and you can upgrade to premium if you want to get some of these other workspace settings you can delete a workspace down here and as you can see this workspace is actually private i can change its name here and i can invite other workspace members by clicking here and creating a link or allowing people to join via email right here if i want to switch between my workspaces i can click this drop down here and i can switch between my workspaces but since this trello workspace is my only one that is all we have for now now within this workspace there are boards and these boards are essentially different projects so if i open up my trello workspace and go back to my home page here i can then click on create your first board and here it's going to walk me through a bit of an onboarding for creating my board now boards can have different pictures as their background or you can select a color that you like right here if you click on these three dots here you can see even more photos or more colors i'm just going to go with this green board for now and i'm going to give the board a title so you want to think of your boards as projects so if you have a long-term project that could be a board or it could be a short-term project it could be an ongoing project like a youtube channel like the one we have here so that's actually a good example for me to to show you guys for this board so if i go with this red right here that might be better for youtube and i could put youtube content planning as the board title now my board visibility is set to workspace so that means that everyone in this workspace can view the board but i could also set it so that it's private or so that it's public and anyone on the internet can find your board i'm just going to set this one to private so that i'm the only one that can see it and if i want to start with a template i can click right here but i'm just going to create this board from scratch so if i hit create board that is going to open up this amazing workspace right here and it starts us out with three lists now a list is what goes within your board and oftentimes these lists just represent a different portion of the project so on this one here we have a to do list we have a doing list and then we have a done list right so these are just different stages of the project you can move them around if you wanted them in different order you can change the name so maybe you have for a youtube content planning you would have ideas so you have video ideas and then after ideas maybe you have videos you're actually filming that are in the filming queue and then you have videos that are in the editing queue and then finally you get to the publishing stage of your video how do you keep track of the videos within these lists well you would add cards by hitting add a card now cards are within lists and these can be moved between lists and they're going to represent in this case our youtube video ideas so a youtube video idea might be the trello full tutorial for 2022 i could hit enter and boom i have a card right here that can be dragged along this process from ideas to filming to editing to publishing and typically this is the track that you're going to follow on your trello account you're going to start over on the left and you're going to work your way to the right now i'm going to dive into this board in specific so you can learn a little bit more about how boards work now over here on the left we have this side panel that you can collapse just by using that arrow button but this will allow you to get at any of your other boards at all times and your settings within that workspace as well as the members and the different workspace views but i'm just going to go ahead and hide that another place that you can change your workspace views is right here and this will actually require trello premium as i said before so you can start your free trial to start viewing this information in a different way but today i'm going to focus on using trello as a kanban view which is the traditional way that most people use trello you can also change the name of your board right here or add it to your start boards which appear underneath this drop down if you want to be able to access those quickly i recommend starring them for your favorite boards then you can also click on templates right here and you can access any of trello's templates now if you click up here on show menu you can pop out the side panel and you can change your background of your board if you'd like to let's change it to a more soothing color like this gray here and you can also edit some other things here that we'll get into a little bit later but this side panel might be useful if you're trying to see any activity that's going on or if you want to add automations power-ups anything like that and there are some hidden features here like stickers and if i click on more i'll see collections as well which is a different way to organize boards based on a topic and you can view archived items which are old retired lists for instance if i hit archive this list i could view that under archived items so if i'm no longer using that list sometimes you'll archive it and you can go and view it later if you want to connect your email to trello you have the email to board settings that you can edit right here and you have this link down here that only works for board members as of right now if i ever wanted to copy my board print or export it i could do so here as well and if the day comes when i'm not using this board anymore i can close the board right here now let's go ahead and add a card to our board so in this specific example of creating a youtube content planner i would create a card by hitting this plus button and my cards would serve as videos in this case so one of my videos might be trello full tutorial and then the next video might be you know 37 tips for using trello now let's take a look at the different ways that you can interact with these cards so if i click on this card here i can see that we have all of these different properties that we can add to a cart like a member so if there's a member that's specifically supposed to be working on this video that's in the idea pipeline we can add a member here just by clicking on members and selecting the member that we want to add you can also show other workspace members and you can add workspace members to your workspace so that you can add more people here if they are specifically supposed to be focused on this task now if i wanted to i could also add labels labels are different tags for a task so trello tutorial might get a trello label so i'm going to go with this trello blue and i'll just name it trello and i'll hit save now that is considered trello and if i want to click on it it'll add a label to my card let's close out of here and as you can see this little blue color shows up if i click on it it's going to open up that label and it's going to show me that tag for this specific video so in the future if i wanted to i can filter up here and i can filter by a specific label so i only want to see things that are tagged with trello i can select that here so let's go in and tag this other video with trello and then let's also create another one and we could come in here and we could go ahead and label that with a new label i'm gonna hit create new label and we're gonna go with this color here i'm gonna call it notion and i'm gonna hit create so now as you can see we have a few different labels and like i was showing before you can select which labels you want to show just by filtering using that filter button there now this next portion gets a bit interesting because you can actually add a checklist to each one of your cards so if i hit checklist here i can give it a name and this might be filming checklist okay i can hit add and now we have a nice checklist here where i can add some items so for this trello tutorial i might have a filming checklist to do an intro and then i might have another item like explaining trello workspace and as i finish these i can check these off and that percentage will increase and i can even hide checked items if i want to so that i'm only seeing what's left to complete now if you're using these checklists a lot i would recommend upgrading because this button here will actually allow you to add due dates and add members to your checklists so this is that advanced checklist feature so we can set up specific people for specific tasks and those tasks can have due dates if i click on these three dots right here i can also convert this to a card so if i hit convert to card it's just going to move that out here now in this case that wouldn't necessarily be needed but i just wanted to show how to do that you can also right click it and archive that card if you want to get rid of it by going to show menu and then going over to archived items you can find an archived card here and an archived card here as well you can send them back to the board or you can delete them permanently now that all of our tasks are complete you'll see that this goes green and it gives us a nice message here saying everything in this checklist is complete i can also come back and show those checked items if i want to and uncheck them and as you can see it would go back to that grayed out version now checklists are pretty neat but if you want to really get something done you have to set a date for it so that's where dates comes in so if i click on dates it's going to allow us to associate a start date and a due date if we want to to our specific card that we're on so for this trello full tutorial let's say that we wanted to go in and set a due date right so we could click here and we could change this out to let's say september 17th and we could set it for 2 pm and let's just say the start date is today so now we have a bit of a timeline view here of how long this process will go and right here we can set a due date reminder so that anybody who is set as a member on this card and is a watcher of this card will get notified so john smith here is going to get notified one day before or we could even have it set up for two days before or we could have it set for at time of due date however you want to set it up but you can set up some notifications in here and then you can hit save and that will add a due date here i can also check this off to complete it similar to the checklist items so as i mentioned before there's going to be different plans for different file sizes that you want to upload but the next thing i wanted to talk about is attachments in trello so here on the side you can add an attachment to a card by clicking this attachment button and you can even import attachments from google drive if you'd like or just by simply pasting a link if you click on computer you can upload a file using that button right there so i could upload this cover photo i could hit open and it would add that as an attachment and the way that attachments work is they also allow you to view it as a cover so now that i've got this photo in here you can see that that comes along with this card if i click into here i can click on this cover button right here and i can also remove the cover if i want to or i can change the way that it's viewed as you can see if i change it there or i change the text color here it's changing this background over here by hitting remove cover that will get rid of the cover but it'll keep the attachment if you want to keep that attachment if people come in here they can also comment on this and leave a brief note that will show up down in the activity they can just say hey i like this cover but i would change the orientation of the laptop let's say something like that hit save and that kind of brings me on to the next area that i wanted to focus on which is the chat feature down here this activity section so anybody who has access to this board and this card can come in here and leave a comment and then you can also add your reactions to the comment if you want to you can put a plus in here if you're the person who left the comment you can hit edit and you can change your comment here if you made a mistake and you're typing let's say i wanted to capitalize that throw a comma in there and then hit save and it will say the last time it was edited right here if i wanted to lead a comment i can do that as well now when you're writing a comment you can also add certain people so if i wanted to at john i could do so and it would pop up there and i can at john smith hello check out this card progress and that will actually notify john smith now let's talk about the actions phase so let's say this card is ready to be moved to a new list i could hit this move button and i can move from ideas over to filming that's what it suggested at least so if i click on that it's going to move my trello tutorial from ideas to filming now another way that you can move a card quickly is just by dragging it and that's what i prefer it feels more natural to just drag that task once it's done with idea over to filming right so then i can click into here and i can also copy this card if i want to and you can choose what you want to keep so let's say we don't want to keep these labels but we want to keep the checklist we could turn off labels or we could turn off members if we don't want to keep the members then i could give it a new let's say version 2 give it a new name and i can choose where i want it to come from right so if i want it to go back to ideas i can make it position three or i could change it to position one however i want it to show up and then i could hit create card and that's going to show up over here in my ideas board if i was using these cards a lot i would also create another list and just call it templates and maybe throw a nice emoji in here and then i could hit add list and i could put all of my template cards over here in templates i'm going to keep the template section over here and because i added these little stars here it's actually going to put confetti every time i move something over here so we're just going to put this card as a template so we're going to put trello video template over there and i've also added this emoji to publishing so when we create a new video and it's all the way through and published it will also give us a bit of confetti here now the next action that you'll see is watch and because john smith is added as a member and i'm considered the member john smith here it's going to be set to watch but i can also turn this off if i don't want to be notified about this list and i can still be a member on this list so i'm going to keep that on in this case and we already talked a bit about archiving so if i archive this it will go to our archive it will disappear from our board but it will always be there if we want to come back to it and if i wanted to share this specific card i could do so by hitting share and then linking to the card or even embedding it if i want to next let's look at power-ups power-ups are essentially just super powers for your boards lists and cards within trello so let's go ahead and look at some of the power-ups that trello has to offer you can click up here if you want to install power-ups or you can click into one of these tasks for instance and you can scroll down to where it says add power-ups so i'm just going to click out of here and go to this power-ups button up here if i click on it and then hit add powerups it's going to take me to the powerups marketplace now not all of these powerups are free some of them are installed by third parties and some of them are trello originals so if you just want to see the made by trello ones you can click on this right here and it's going to open up the door to a whole bunch of different features that you can add to trello so there's card aging which allows you to quickly visualize inactive cards on your board and keep tasks from going incomplete there's a calendar power up which gives you a nice calendar view in trello and this one's pretty neat it's a snooze feature that allows you to snooze a card so that you don't get notified about it if you don't want to hear about it anymore or you just want to put it on the back burner for a moment and then there's even different integrations like evernote here allows you to create and attach notes right to your trello cards from evernote giphy allows you to search for gifs and use them on your cards and then google drive here allows you to access your files directly from google drive right in trello so that it's a native experience so in essence these are just integrations with other applications or their feature enhancements for trello the nice thing about this is you can really tailor your trello experience to you and your company some of these power-ups are going to be a bit more advanced but some of them are going to be pretty simple to use now i'm just going to show you a quick example of how you can use power-ups in trello i'm just scrolling along here and one of the power-ups that i see right off the bat is voting so this is going to allow users to get the power to vote on a specific card which would be perfect for our lists that we're using where we have a list of cards that contain our ideas for future youtube videos so if i hit add and then i go to settings it's going to allow me to edit the power up settings or just full-on disable this voting feature but i'm just going to hit edit power-up settings and then i can set up my settings here i can hide view counts if i want but let's just close out now that that's installed and see how it's changed our board so over here in ideas let's say we've got a few different cards here i can click into this 37 tips for using trello and let's say somebody wanted to go ahead and vote on this well i would hit add power-ups and i would go to voting settings edit power-up settings and who is allowed to vote on cards let's make it members and now you'll see that under actions it shows with the option vote so if i want to vote for this specific tips video i could hit vote and as you can see it's going to tally up my votes if there are other members viewing this card they can vote as well and if you click into these votes you can see who has voted for it just zooming out here you'll see that now this card has votes and this one down here doesn't until i hit vote and now each of these cards has a vote so that's just a small taste of how power-ups work using trello now this next segment is really going to help you understand how you can start saving time when you're using trello the more you utilize this automations feature the more time you're going to save and honestly it's just going to keep things moving fluidly especially if you have a team and there's cards that are moving along different stages in your project so let's just take a look at the automations menu by hitting automation up here and then it's going to give us a few options the first one is rules so this is going to have an action that responds to a schedule or a due date or a card getting moved for instance so anything essentially that's underneath actions here if there's a vote a watch a template something's copied something's moved that is what's going to affect a automation so let's say for instance we have the ideas here and they get moved to filming now when they get moved to filming somebody needs to be assigned to this specific card so they're in ideas right now but i don't want to have to go in after it gets moved to filming and add a member every single time that it goes to filming so what i would do is i would go to automation and i'd set a rule so if i go to rules here you'll see that it's going to open this up here and it's going to give me some more information about how trello boards can be automated i'm just going to hit create rule now what you'll see here are just some presets for what happens when a card is moved you can also add card changes these are different uh like a label switching for instance um when something is attached to that card make another action happen you can have an action occur when a date is selected or when a due date is reached for instance or when a checklist is complete or a card gets some new content or maybe there's a bit of text that comes in in a specific phrase and you want to have an automation based on that you can also automate based on fields so since we don't have custom fields it will note that in here but you can even hook this up with your own custom fields if you have a paid plan i'm just going to go back to car to move because that's what we're trying to automate when a card moves we want it to change the member that is associated with that card so let's take a look at this automation template right here so when a card is added to and we can put the list of filming by anyone let's hit plus so we've selected our trigger now we have to select our action right so what do we want to happen when the card moves to filming anyone moves that card to filming and we're going to go to members so what we want to happen is we want to add a member by their username to the card so i'm just going to go ahead and enter john smith right here and hit the plus button now if i hit save it's going to give me that confetti and it's going to list out how this will work so when a card is added to the list filming by anyone add member john smith to that card so let's see how it worked okay so right now this right here doesn't have any members associated with it but if i drag this over to filming and then i click into here you'll see that it automatically adds john smith to this card and it makes him a watcher so now john smith is going to be notified about this card when something happens to it next i want to talk about automating using buttons so this type of automation allows you to create a button that's clickable and when it's clicked by a user it's going to create a domino effect and kind of complete those actions you have preset for that button so to set up a button you're just going to click on automation here and then go to buttons so here it's going to show us some examples of how you can use card buttons and if you want to create a button just hit create button and now let's go ahead and create a button that moves something out of the idea stage and creates a checklist for me for filming that video so let's go ahead and add an icon if we want to we can just do this little zap and let's name the button uh send to filming i'm just going to leave this check box checked so that this card is enabled by default so if i want to send a card to filming i can add an action so this is what the button will say that's the icon that it will have so first we're going to move the card to the top of the filming list right so let's add that after it moves to filming we then want to add a member so let's say add member john smith let's add that action as well so now it has these two actions that are going to take place when we hit that button and we can even add some content in here so for card description we could add a description for that person who is at that filming stage so let's say we add a list of different things to remember when filming remember to stay upbeat and positive throughout the filming and don't forget to add your call to action great so now it will add that description when we hit that button as well so it's going to do all three of these things and we can do even more here if we want to but for now i'm just going to hit save and that's going to add that card to our buttons so just make sure you have enabled on this board and if you want to you can even enable it on the other boards in the workspace and share it with your workspace so let's go ahead and back out here and now i can click into let's say this is back here i can click into it and i can go down to this send to filming automation and it will go ahead and it will make all of those things happen right adds the member sends it to filming and it adds that description that we had there so that can certainly save some time if you want to add some buttons for some common task routines that you go through in trello but remember it's important to keep track of your automation credits that you have left so that you aren't using them all up if you are on one of the limited plans like the free plan or the five dollar per month plan now let's take a look at filtering in trello so that you see the cards that matter most when you have trello opened up the filter button can be found up here and you can also hit f to filter if you want to so i'm gonna hit f and that's going to allow us to search for a specific keyword within a card or only show us cards that have a specific member assigned with them or it'll even figure out which cards are overdue or which ones are next in line and as i showed earlier you can show cards that have a specific label on them and i could even type something in like 37 if i'm just looking for this card right here and down here you can toggle between any match which matches any label in any member or exact match which meets all of the requirements on here next i want to give you a few ideas of how you can use trello to your advantage so let's start out with just changing the name of this so i'm actually going to call this 2022 goals and if i wanted to make it 2022 goals i could add some different lists here for let's say q1 goals you two goals you three goals and q4 goals and then i could have a list over here that just says complete and what that's going to do is it's going to give me a bit of a planning structure for my year so if i wanted to put a few goals in here for q1 like reach 20k subscribers maybe that's a goal for q1 start running youtube ads that might be another goal then let's say in q2 we want to complete our website we could add complete website over here and as we move along here if we don't complete these goals that's okay right we can move it on to the next quarter and it just stays pretty flexible in that way as you move these cards throughout but if i move it over to the complete that means that it's pretty much done for so my goal with using this 2022 goals board would be to move everything in my goals to complete for the year another way to kind of zoom in on your week would be to name your board weekly goals on this board you're gonna add a few lists right so you might have a monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and then maybe you have a full weekend list and lastly let's say we have a back burner list okay so the way that i would go about doing this let's also add a complete list is i would drag my back burner all the way over here to monday and then i could scroll through here and i could add my tasks right so task 1 task 2 task 3 and at the beginning of each day when i'm adding those tasks i could essentially add templates as well so let's say i have a routine that i want to go through like my morning routine okay so this morning routine could be a template card right remember how i showed earlier you can turn this card into a template by hitting make template and we could just have our morning checklist here so morning to do and let's say we wanted to add something like work out uh drink half a gallon of water eat breakfast shower different things like that that can get checked off every day now if i wanted to i could make this into a template and from there i can like i said earlier i can create a template list and that would just house all of our templates so now if i wanted to i could go over to this template and i could create card from template so let's just call it morning routine and add it to monday create card and now we have our morning routine list over here on monday right so i can go in and check these off as i complete them and if i want to i can also go ahead and let's say i'm done with monday i want to copy this over to tuesday i can just hit copy and i can move it over to tuesday and hit create card and boom now as you can see this is on tuesday and it copied it over but it didn't copy over the fact that i completed these things on monday so it's just a good way to keep track of everything in my morning routine and then your tasks that you add to the day of course you can add all of these different add-ons for your card you can add your power-ups but what i really like to do is just move these all to complete or just reallocate them to a different day such as tuesday if i don't finish them on monday if something becomes less important all of a sudden and i don't want to focus on it i can move it over to the back burner now there are hundreds of ways that you can use trello but i'm going to give you one more example as to how you can use trello so this is from a product design perspective so let's just say we are creating a new software as a service roadmap so the first list we'd have here is a requested features and this is something that you can connect with google forms or a type form so that you can get all the requested features ported into here if you wanted to so a requested feature might be i want to change the color of my lists okay so then in here we could go ahead and vote on it if we wanted to or we could uh add a description as to like what that's going to entail or what it's going to look like or maybe even a screenshot if we want to then we would have a list of in progress and this is where we would move the requested features that have been moved to development stage and at a basic level we would just go ahead and create a complete list so these are the features that have been fully added so this is kind of another way that you can use trello and you can add as many stages to your roadmap as possible but this just serves as a way for people to see all of the requested features the in-progress features and the features that are actually complete and live it's also useful to have a list of bugs in here if you want to so that people can see what bugs you're working on now finally let's talk about the different views that you have available to you in trello if you are a premium trello user if you are on a free account you can go up to where it says boards here and you can start a free trial for trello premium so that you get the timeline table calendar dashboard and map view so i'm just going to hit start free trial now the nice thing about this is it's just going to start me on premium i don't have to enter my payment method or anything until this timer runs out and i have full access to these different workspace views so right now we are viewing this as a board but i can change the way that i want to view this so if i wanted to view it as a map i could click on this map view right here and we could actually have cards added to specific locations based on what their location is for the card so let's say that these had different shooting locations i could say let's say this one is going to be shot in new york and this one is going to be shot in new jersey well then if i had those in there i could change over to the map view and i could view these based on the map which is pretty neat for specific use cases like if you had a construction company and you wanted to list out all of the construction jobs throughout the country that you're working on you could do so and then you can click on these and open up these cards specifically and you'll get the location as well as all the other card details the next view to go over is the timeline view so i'm going to start back out in the board view just so i can set things up properly but for the timeline you're going to need to set some due dates and some start dates so if i go into this cart here and i hit dates i can select start date and i can have my due date so for the start date let's just say it's the fifth and it's through the 22nd so that's the period of time that i will work on this specific card i can then come in here and add a date time frame for this next one now if i open this up as a timeline now on the left side here we can see which list it is attached to so which stage of the project we are on are we in the idea phase the in progress or complete so far all of these are ideas and you can also see anything that's not scheduled by clicking here and let's say we wanted to click on miro full tutorial and add some dates for it that would add it to our list here and if i came in here and changed this to let's just say in progress move it now it's down there in in progress we can move these around and change the date in the timeline view and here you can scroll through and see what the project's progress is looking like the calendar view is somewhat similar to the timeline view so if i open the calendar as you can see it gives me these long start to finish dates but if i click into here you'll also notice that you can just come in and turn off start date if you want and we could just see the due date if we wanted to right here and that's totally okay it works the same as the timeline where you can drag it and decide where you want it you can change the time frame overall or you can even just shorten the time frame or lengthen it based on how long you want a project to go on if i don't want it to have a start and end date i can just drag it down to one day just so i see the due date if that's all i want to see now let's say you wanted to get into some of the more advanced analytics behind your cards well you could view your cards and you could view your board as a dashboard so to do that you're just going to click up here and select dashboard now i can see how many cards per list just by hovering over that i can see cards by due date and i can also add different uh types of tiles here so these are just analytics that we can keep track of so for line chart i could hit next and then i could select like cards in within the past week that are dictated by cards per member so then i add title and i'll just see john smith plotted on here because he's the only member that we have but you can add these different views of your data so that you can keep track of that if you're an account admin and you want to just get some insights as to how things are moving along in your trello account finally this is a relatively new one that trello has added and that is viewing your board as a table rather than a kanban board so here you can switch to the final option here which is table and table is just going to show all of our cards in the form of just that a table and here we're going to get a view that's reminiscent of other database softwares such as notion this also looks kind of like a or a click up account so here i can actually change my list and i can edit some of these things like i can add members to specific cards and sometimes this table view just comes in very handy for seeing all the properties that are associated with a card and making changes there you can also click into your card and make your changes here similar to how you can when you're editing a card within a board or a list alright so that's that that should pretty much get you going with trello it should get you to a point where you understand the software enough to be dangerous and enough to get some things done if you're working in a trello team or if you're working on something personally if you have any feedback or questions please leave them below and if you did enjoy this video please go ahead and drop a like i'm going to have a link here at the end to our trello playlist so definitely check out that trello playlist if you're still struggling and you want to see more trello content from the productive dude youtube channel alright thank you guys for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Productive Dude
Views: 76,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trello, trello app, trello tutorial, trello app tutorial, full trello tutorial, trello 2022, how to use trello, trello tutorial for beginners, trello tips, trello for beginners, trello project management, how to use trello for beginners, trello tutorial 2022, trello power ups, how to set up trello, trello boards, trello review, best trello power ups, trello advanced,, trello 2022 planner, trello guide youtube, getting started with trello, full trello guide
Id: lfMJ-NeoUGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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