How to Use Trello as Your 2022 Planner! (Track Goals and Build Routines)

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hey there guys how's it going my name is carter sirach i run a content marketing and website design agency called homeways and i also run this youtube channel productive dude and i found that one of the most challenging things to do is to find the right software stack that's going to help you achieve your goals especially when you're a tech entrepreneur i guess i wouldn't consider myself a tech entrepreneur but if you do anything related to tech or virtual work it can get kind of cloudy sometimes and there's a lot of applications out there that you can choose from one of the bare bones like straight to the point applications that i always come back to is trello it's really good for just planning out and forecasting your long-term objectives and also seeing what you need to do on a weekly basis so in today's video we're talking about how i use trello to plan for 2022 and how i use it to you know kind of zoom in on a day-to-day and see exactly what i need to get done that day to be well on my way to reaching my goals at the end of the year so let's get right into it [Music] so once you open up trello and you create an account it'll look something like this or it might take you through an onboarding if it's your first time using trello but it's pretty self-explanatory you're just going to want to get to the point where you can create your own board so to create a board once you have an account you're just going to hit the create button and then you're going to hit create board i'm going to give it a title and this is going to be called goals and objectives and i'm just going to put 2022 just to clarify and we're going to hit create so the first thing that you're going to do is you're going to enter a title for your first column and this first column is just going to be your 2022 goals and then we're going to create one for monday tuesday wednesday and i'm just hitting enter after i type that in to confirm and create that list okay so now you should have six if you wanted to you could add saturday and sunday or you could make saturday and sunday a single list so you could just do like saturday and sunday or weekend if you want to have a weekend to do that's okay as well i'm just going to delete that for now though by hitting archive this list and you're going to want to add three to five 2022 long-term outcome goals so these are just gonna be like the thing that you want to achieve the thing that you want to have from your goal so you can get out there you can get dreamy with this it doesn't have to be super specific we're going to get into that in a minute but you just have to enter those goals first so i'm just going to add in my goals for the year so my first goal is a money goal is to hit 150 000 in revenue for my content marketing and website design agency humways so if you want to work with us in 2022 reach out we do amazing work you can check out our website in the description um i doubt that any of you are interested in humways so let's get on with the rest of my goals so i'm going to add that card and now as you can see i can click into this card and i can add a description and i can add some labels bunch of other things even a checklist dates i'm going to go into this in a little bit but now let's just add the rest of our goals all right so my next goal is to become more mindful and relaxed and in order to do that i do have some steps laid out in my mind right now but that is my goal outcome that's what i want out of this year that's how i kind of want to end this year i want to end this year with 150k in revenue and a more mindful relaxed attitude another thing that i want to do this year is i want to uh get consistent on my workout routine and i also want to grow my youtube channel so grow the youtube channel at least 2x so these are my goals simply put for the year now let's talk about what it's going to look like reaching these goals and kind of the small things that we need to do in order to get to that point where we're actually hitting those goals so i'm going to hit this button right here hit 150k revenue for humways and here we're going to want to add a checklist and we're going to define how we're going to reach this goal right here so this checklist title is going to be simply put um cold emails so i need to do more outreach and cold emails are one of those things that i want to do on a monthly basis so i'm actually going to add 12 items here to make sure that i'm staying on track with my cold email goal so we're going to put in how many emails that i want to send for each month and we're going to add those all as checklist items and then i can check those off as i go throughout the year so i've ran some numbers and kind of tried to calculate based on our previous cold email outcomes and it looks like minimum i need to send 175 cold emails per month so i'm gonna put for january i'm gonna copy that and then hit add and i'm gonna paste it and we're gonna do feb okay so now it's broken down into months i could have done this quarterly if i wanted to as well this is just going to be a high level progress tracker that i can update once a month i can come in here and say did i hit my goal i did i can check that off and it's going to create this progress bar which is nice and then if i back out of there you're also going to see this little check mark with 2 out of 12 so it's going to show how many months out of 12 i hit with my goal for cold email if i wanted to i could also add another checklist for any other initiatives that need to happen so maybe i need to do website rebuild okay we're just going to add that and then this item can be create the mock-up for the website uh launch the live site promote with remarketing ads and we could add as many initiatives in here or objectives or like milestones as we wanted to and as you're completing those you can check them off make sure that you're hitting those goals and what that will do is just going to add to the total amount of tasks that you have left and it'll still say 4 out of 15 because there's 15 total there's three on this list checked off and there's one here so get all of those kind of added in here and once you have those added in it's going to be a little bit easier to visualize the objectives that you need to hit to reach your goal at the end of the year you can also add a description in here if you need any more detail as to like what this goal means to you and what things you need to get completed i'm going to close this and then next we have become more mindful and relaxed so i'm going to create a checklist in here so what i would do next is i'd basically just meditate for 100 minutes in january february okay so now i have the meditation goal i want to meditate for 100 minutes per month which boils down to about i believe it's like 10 minutes a day with a few days missed here and there i gave myself some buffer room but that's something that probably isn't going to make a difference like immediately but i think that after i get through january february march and april once i get through that first quarter i'm really going to start to see the snowball effects of my consistency with the meditation and i'm going to try to do that before i work pretty much so that when i do start my work i'm focused and it kind of just gets into that routine right like meditation is just something you do before you work so that i can get in that right frame of mind and getting that right focus to to knock the day out and then some more consistency on my workout routine so i want to hit 200 workouts this year so i need about 17 workouts per month on average so i'm just going to create a workouts column and we're going to do 17 workouts in jan all right and then for the youtube channel this one i'm saying right now so hopefully this reigns true at the end of the year we'll see and i'm sure we'll see the fruits of our labor if we do pull this off but i'm going to try to upload 200 youtube videos this year uh so again that's going to be about 17 videos per month and if i do that i think we're we're going to exceed our 2x expectations so even if i do a third of that it'd probably be good but we're going to shoot for 200 youtube videos so i'm going to add that as my last checklist so once you have your 2022 goals or your 2023 or whatever year it happens to be locked in at this point you can move on to your weekly schedule and if you want to you can add another list so that you're just focused on the month at hand too so if i wanted to i could just do january and then i could drag this over by 2022 goals and i could add some january goals in here like some near-term objectives they don't necessarily have to be things that you need to hit on the 22 goal list but if they are that's ideal because that means you're aligning with what you're hoping to do so i might look in here and i might see oh create mock-up for the website i'm going to add that to my january goals so create mock-up for the humway's website so you're basically just going to want to add all your objectives in january and again they don't have to all be related to these goals um they could be just the necessary things that you have to do on a regular basis but ideally you want to look at these goals and you want to plan this on the first of every month or like basically like the month before if you can kind of forecast out um that's just what i recommend to do add your goals in here for the for the month so i'm just going to do three of those and then next what you're going to want to do is you're just going to want to fill out your day to day and when you're filling out your day today you want to think about how your day-to-day habits can actually influence your long-term outcomes and your year and your second degree consequences of your actions so when i think about the routines the things that i want to build in do daily one of the things is make a youtube video one of them is meditate one of them is work out um and then you know the revenue i mean i want to consistently send cold emails so i'm going to want to create these cards and i'm going to want to make sure that they're set up like routines so i might have a morning routine card so on monday just call it morning routine add the card click into it and you can add some checklist items here i'm just going to call it morning routine and my first thing that i want to do when i wake up is i want to drink a warm glass of water you can add lemon in there if you want that's a good way to wake your body up and get your digestive system uh you know feeling okay because sometimes people wake up in the morning there's you know stomach pain what have you and that can help out a lot if you just drink some like warm lemon water when you wake up so i'm gonna add that in there drink a warm glass of water uh eat a healthy snack i used to do intermittent fasting but i found that like as long as i'm eating healthy in the morning it doesn't really interfere with my uh my routine or my deep focus or it doesn't give me brain fog in fact it helps me have more energy so i think a lot of the people saying to use intermittent fasting it might work for some people but keep in mind that eating healthy and just like eating something good in the morning is also a good method but i'm not the type to glorify breakfast i think that breakfast being the most important meal of the day uh could be a little overrated i mean think about our ancestors they probably all didn't eat breakfast they probably woke up hungry and that's what gave them the drive to go out hot all day for one meal and then eat one big meal at night and that's the idea i think behind intermittent fasting anyways not to go off on an intermittent fasting tangent but um maybe eat a healthy snack in the morning bottom line okay and then i'm going to get into my workout so jog to gym because my gym is within jogging distance at my apartment so that's super nice i'm gonna get back take a shower then i'm gonna get a proper breakfast get some good calories in especially if you're doing strength training you can eat like a light breakfast at this point if you want this is just my routine though so it doesn't have to go exactly this way and then we're going to meditate for 10 minutes so that would be my morning routine and if i exit out of there and then i click on this and i hit copy and go to list tuesday hit create card it's going to create that same morning routine right here on tuesday so i'm going to do that for the rest of these and then i'll be back all right so now i've got all my morning routines in there uh now it might be good to just do like a mandatory work block every day where i have like a routine set of things that i do for that work block and then i can have free time for work because not all of my work time can be completely structured like that but i can at least get the first hour or two the important things out of the way and worked on and get some of those habits done early in the day so next i'm just going to go into focus block and this will be another routine so i'm going to create a checklist in here we're going to call it focused habits and remember we're coming off that meditation right after the morning routine so i'm going to go straight into cold email 10 potential clients and the way i do cold email if you're curious is i like to go super warm on this and oftentimes these are more so like warm follow-up emails because i'll go to a lot of like in-person networking events and then at those networking events i'll sort of meet people talk to them about some of their problems when it comes to their website or their content marketing and then we'll drill down and we'll help them solve those issues um but i don't usually like uh just just hit them up right away and i'm and ask them to work with them i'll make like a warm introduction and then i'll reach back out or we'll do highly qualified lead sourcing we will find cold leads and then we'll send like super personalized cold emails and build a relationship with the people so that's kind of our cold emailing routine i'm gonna add that and then also film one youtube video and then once i've done those focus block things in the morning and got them out of the way i can move on to the rest of my day and i'm actually going to duplicate this add it to all the days really quick all right so that focus block is in there and the nice thing about this is i've actually uh considered with these number goals and whatnot um you know if i do have a day where i don't feel like doing that if i really struggle to get the motivation or if i'm really just swamped with work i can take one day off per week out of the five day week and i can also take off the weekend without having to do these things and i could still hit my goals even if i did it four times per week so that's a nice thing and i've kind of factored that in from the start so let's say i just completely botched tuesday well i can i can pick back up and i can and i can get things done on wednesday or one of the other things that you can do uh if you have goals similar to mine is let's say you botch tuesday but then you just want to move your focus block and have a double focus block on wednesday you could potentially do 20 cold emails and uh in two videos and you can make up for the day before so that's one of the things that i like about trello is you can just easily drag these tasks over to like the next day or over down through the week further now you could also throw in a night routine here if you want and if you don't have a night routine i actually just shared some of my uh tips for getting a better night's sleep and some of the things that i do for my night routine so if you want to definitely check that out the card will be in the corner one of these corners here so check that out and that should help you with like getting a night routine set up at this point you're just going to want to add your day-to-day tasks so i've got my habits that i want to achieve built in and honestly if i just do my habits i should hit all my 2022 goals but of course there are other things that kind of are accompanied with this um especially with some of my goals like hitting 150k revenue and growing the youtube channel there are just things that need to get done maintenance things that need to happen on a regular basis whether i'm going for that goal or not to keep things afloat so those things will naturally arise as tasks here so if i add a card i can just do like you know change the channel art on the youtube or meet with so and so whoever i'm going to meet with right and as you complete these right maybe i finish my morning routine here and then i just want to get it out of the way well that's what this next list i'm going to create is for it's called the archive okay so this is kind of just our trophy case of all the tasks that we've ever achieved so every time that i finish a task like this i'm just going to drag it on over to the archive just like that and remember if i you know maybe i can't meet with so-and-so on monday so i move that over to wednesday super easy it's just super flexible you move things around you can drill down and you can see your subtasks within a card and that's really the reason that i like using trello so much so with that that kind of ends this video if you guys liked the trello video leave a comment below and let me know that you liked it because i've only made a few trello videos if you want to check them out i'll leave a card up in the corner but i've only made a few trello videos and they've seemed to get a good response so maybe i'll start getting more into making videos about trello to help you guys out hopefully this video did help you if it did please leave a comment below and let me know like this video to help us out with growing our youtube channel and subscribe if you want more content just like this alright see you in the next one
Channel: Productive Dude
Views: 19,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trello, how to use trello, trello planner, planning in trello, 2022 planner, how to use trello as your 2022 planner, track goals, build routines, tracking goals, building routines, using trello to plan, how to plan with trello, trello tutorial, trello 2022 planner
Id: e6Zsk-mnbU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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