How to use ASANA - An ASANA Tutorial for Beginners 🔥

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welcome to asana solutions my name is markee and you've landed on the number one channel on youtube for all things related to asana process improvement and project management if you are brand new to asana or you are searching and evaluating the tool and comparing it to monday or trello or click up or teamwork then this is the video for you this is our 101 training we're going over asana basics everything from how to get started to how to organize your work to what asana looks like so that you can make the best decision for your company or take a crash course and get yourself up to speed as quickly as possible it is a bit long but i would recommend that you send this training along to someone else in your company if you think that anyone could benefit from this if you are all evaluating the tool and you want to see what does it really look like behind the scenes what are we able to do and what are the different functionalities then i'm so glad that you found this video if you haven't already make sure you subscribe hit the notification button the little bell down there so that you can get notified on new videos and make sure you like and share this with someone else again who you think would get value from it so that's it let's jump in hope you find it helpful right you are watching getting started with the sauna this is asana 101 for beginners so if you're watching this it's because you're either new to the tool or you're evaluating the tool and you're trying to figure out if this is the best move for your team or your company maybe you're looking at monday or click up or something else i'm going to show you the basics today as clear and concise as i possibly can so you can make the best decision for your company so if we just jump in here i'm going to be flipping back and forth between this screen or this presentation sorry and a sauna to show you stuff you know kind of um from a theory perspective and then i want to show you it practically within the tool and so asana does three things it helps to capture work inside of projects and tasks so these are tasks or projects that you yourself have to complete or you need to complete with a team it also helps you to organize all of your tasks through a view called my tasks this is everything that's assigned to you that's on your plate right now that you need to get done at some point in time and then there's tracking the status of work and communications within our asana inbox this is not to be confused with your mail inbox this is your asana inbox we are getting status updates on everything related to the asana tasks and projects that you're following so just to give you an overview of what asana looks like before we actually get in there and take a look at it is it it's broken down into these different tiers or these different levels at the top here we have the organization this is your company so for me um i work at ditto and our company domain is so our organization is think ditto on the the business plan of the enterprise plan you can change your name from just the domain to whatever you want it to so ours is called ditto but that is where everything happens and then we break down our organization into teams our teams in this case depending on how you're using it could be a client it could be an actual team like a department that's working on specific projects but i'll show you what that looks like and then within your teams you can have projects alright so your projects could be building a new website or putting together a logo or planning an event or you know moving buildings or installing a new database um and so all of these things could be projects because within your projects you have lists of tasks okay and i'll show you the different views when we get to asana as well but just remember within your projects you have your tasks and then within your tasks you can drill down to sub tasks that are as you can see connected to the task and you can also engage in work via the comments as well so again organization then we look at teams projects tasks and subtasks and comments so just to take it a step further if we take a look at this kind of uh arrow on the side here the tasks that are more to the top or the the structure that's more at the top is things that you're going to do once right you're going to set up your organization once you're gonna set up your domain once okay and then you're gonna invite people to it as you move down the structure these get more into like the day-to-day things here so as needed you would create teams and again teams of groups of people that are all working towards you know a similar end goal and then your projects these are large efforts so if you have anything that's more than you know 10 things that you have on a to-do list you would create a project for it and include those people and then tasks are those smaller steps needed to complete the project and then subtasks help you to break down your your parent tasks into even smaller and actionable steps so i'm going to switch over to asana now but you can see kind of high level what we're going to be looking at here there is your dashboard that you're going to see where it shows everything that you have access to and on the left hand side here this is where we have our teams and this is our working space so let's switch over to asana so we can see it in real life here so again we have our our dashboard right here so at the top we have our our home which is a collection of whatever you really want to look at this lets you know what's happening in your week what's happening in your month how many tasks you've completed how many collaborators you're working with and you can set your priorities here as well so before we get too into this just understand that this view is a set of modules that allows you to see and group information from different places inside of asana but let's just back up a second here so the next thing we have is my tasks which again is your list of everything that's on your plate that you need to complete it is in most cases they're connected to other projects you can assign your own due dates here but these are typically the things that you have to complete at some point in the future then we have our inbox which again is not to be mistaken with your email inbox this is your asana inbox where you are being notified on the status and the updates of all tasks that you are either a collaborator of and we'll get there in a second or you are mentioned in if there is some communication happening in the comments and you are notified if there's a file that's uploaded you're going to get all that information right here and what's nice is you can quickly go through this and archive these notifications right i like the shortcut e i can just get through them really quickly or you can you know create follow-up tasks for these as well and so it's really nice you can do quite a bit with this here and then we get into our reporting so reporting is an advanced function that we will not cover in this video but this allows you to group data through projects across the entire organization and all the teams then we have our portfolios which is really just a fancy word in asana for folders within our portfolio you can group together other portfolios you can group together other similar projects so that you can get a view on a timeline you can get views on progress or you can see the workload and capacity of your team across all of those projects as well again portfolios will not be covered in this video that will be for another video and then we have goals as well so at the high company level we can see all the goals we're working towards as a team we can see the sub goals and how it connects to the rest of the organization and the projects within and we can set different metrics to make sure that we can track our success and so that is the dashboard section this can close up like that really easily if you don't want to look at it and then we move into our structure so again we discussed the organization which is everything you see here in front of you and it's broken down into teams so in this case we have a staff team we have a sales team we have a product engineering team we have a marketing north america team and so on and so on and then if we click on any of these teams we can just drop down like this to see the projects or we can click on the main team view here so we click on the main team view it shows all the members that are in this team we can add other team members here as well and invite them to a specific project within it and now they're on this team we can see all of our projects related so this is company-wide goals we have an internal library here we have delta overfly and so on and so on so if we did click on the internal library as an example now we can see the specific tasks within all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start up a project from scratch we're going to navigate to our staff team here i'm going to click on the little plus sign and we're going to create a blank project it is important to note that asana has a plethora of already populated templates no matter what department or function you are looking for so if we want to look at all you know use cases we can see what asana has already created for us right there are already lots of templates here that we can pull in that already have workflows created for us if we are doing any kind of work requests this can really get us started we have meeting agenda templates stand-up meeting templates if you are you know in dev you know there are ticket tracking templates here creative requests there's so much here to be explored but in this case we're actually just going to start our own and create our own new project so we can click on here and again create a blank project or at any place you're at in asana you can click on this orange plus button up here to create a project and click on blank project so we're going to name this asana demo there we go and now is the first time that you're seeing really what you can do with the sauna and what you know flexibility there is that can be offered through using asana so we can change the team that this project lives in remember we started in the staff team but if we made a mistake we want to switch it we can put it in the sales team like so then we can update our privacy we can make it public to everyone in the team meaning everyone that we saw in that main team view they will be able to see this project okay so if if it's something a bit more sensitive like employee information different records or finances that you don't want specific people to see we can just click on private to project members and then we can invite the people that we want to take part in this project with us so the four default views within asana are list board timeline and calendar so the list view it's exactly what you see here if we click on board view you get a really nice sample of what this could look like the timeline is a simple gantt chart with dependencies that you can draw between tasks and you can move them as well as assign milestones across these different tasks and then there's the calendar view all right so to get us started i'm actually just gonna start with a list view it's the simplest one don't worry you can change it later it's not an issue and then you can do a couple of things here we can get started by setting up a workflow which will not be covered in this video or maybe it will we'll see if we have time we can share it with specific team members here but we're just going to start adding our tasks all right so it's going to load up again we created a blank project here i'm going to close this up so that we're not distracted with anything and we just have a blank slate all right the first thing we want to do is you can simply click on add task you know pick up laundry that's not how you spell laundry just like so we can we can simply add our task list get milk whatever it is um finish reading chapter seven whatever you want to put here you can put here but um what we want to do is if if we ever get to a point where we want to start um categorizing or organizing our projects like it's a bit you know messy right this could be um call ryan and this can be submit payroll again these are all arbitrary there's no rhyme or reason but this it we're clearly grouping in things that are personal you know with the pickup laundry get milk finished reading chapter seven you know call ryan submit payroll so what we can do within a project is not only list things out but we can create sections within these projects to better categorize and organize our our tasks within now of course this is just an example there would never be a project in asana where you're mixing personal and work stuff but i just want to show you some of the flexibility here because as we know our project is a grouping of all the related tasks okay and as we click off and complete those tasks we complete the project so the first one i'm gonna um the first section i'm gonna create here and you can do that by clicking on this little drop down and pressing add section or the quick key is tab plus n to create a new one all right so let's do this we're gonna open this up we're going to call this uh home and we're going to double click on here to change this title we're going to call this work and then we're going to double click on this once you change it to school now we can simply click and drag this does work like a word document so if i was here i press enter new task i can exit or backspace like so to remove it or i can press tab delete to delete it as well but i'm gonna select what i feel to be the home task so pick up laundry and get milk i'm holding down shift and i'm clicking to um to highlight multiple tasks at a time so i'm going to click on the left hand side here and it's dragging the dragon is dragging the task to our home section if you like that you're going to love this stuff tab b i should have saved that for later but tab b does exactly what it says it puts tabbies on your your your screen and tab v if you're a dog lover instead um which i am um it puts a bunch of cute puppies on your screen if you click it just gets rid of them but anyways um so finish reading chapter seven that could be something for school and then um call ryan and submit payroll maybe those are work related so now we have these different sections and if we change to a different view well guess what happens those section names become our our board or our card titles and then we can organize them that way we can also put these on a timeline like i said and we can see them that way as well but we don't have any tasks assigned just yet just want to show you that you can easily switch between the different views and if you did wanna you know have this board as your default view on the right hand side you can click on these three dots and you can save layout as default so no matter what happens if i'm in calendar and i just refresh here quickly it's gonna come back to our board view that didn't work if anyone were to come in or we navigated away from this for whatever reason and we came back in let's just do that quickly there we go and let's go back to our sauna demo i'm going to search that we go it automatically brings us back to our board view as the default view all right so let's go back to list for a minute here so we can take a look at the task detail view if we click on you know this section right here to the right of our text you know it's going to open up what is our task detail view this is the name of the task or the title of the task we can add our assignees here okay as you can see it's it's highlighting and it's showing me that for every action there's a short key as quickly as you can learn the short keys they're incredible so if i go tab a right i can assign it to somebody on my team a quick one that i really like is tab m and it automatically assigns it to yourself to me right tab m is a good one and then tab d is how you can add a due date to it as well so you can change the due date what's nice is you can have a start date okay by clicking on here so i'm going to say this is our our start date of the project and our end date of the project so we have now duration of that 30 one days of the month we can see that it's assigned to this one project here and it's in the home section that corresponds with this section over here if this was in the wrong spot and we wanted to move it again we can simply click and drag and the dragon will drag it or we can click on this drop down here and move it to another section and it gets updated there in real time dependencies we're not going to look at that just yet it is pretty straightforward but if you um did have another task let's say that in order for me to be able to pick up the laundry i needed to call ryan first okay so maybe this is a home thing let's put that up there we would do this the simplest way is to come into pickup laundry add dependency okay and right now it's blocked by is selected you can switch this so that this task would block something else but in this case it's going to be blocked by and i'm going to find my task so there it is right there okay so what's going to happen you're going to see this little hourglass pop up so now this task cannot be completed until it's dependency call ryan is completed and as you can see this call ryan task is blocking pickup laundry i need to call ryan to maybe confirm that the laundry is ready so let's just put in those details call ryan to make sure that the laundry is ready there we go i'm going to assign this to myself and i'm going to make it do today right i would pick up the phone i would call ryan ryan would say yep it's ready and i would say this um called ryan the laundry is ready to be picked up and i'm gonna press command and enter on my mac to add a comment what's nice is this works like any other tool or any social you can at mention people you can add some rich text formatting here we can add appreciations in this as well so great thanks for doing that i'm so happy look how happy i am i'm as happy as a narwhal with uh with a green whatever that's called horn on its head so we can add things like that we can add attachments at this level as well we can connect it directly to our google drive dropbox box or our onedrive and we can update or upload any information that we want to it as well we can add emojis in this spot and again if we type at we can just mention people right there this is ready for you to go pick up right and then great so now let's say that this is who did i assign that to julio martin let's see there we go so now what's going to happen is i'm going to complete this task just like that and you're going to see that this hourglass has disappeared and now it's ready for julio to actually work on and what's really cool is that in julio's my tasks he got a notification that said hey this is ready it's unblocked you can go now and work on this this task so that's what the task detail looks like i'm just going to show you these up here you know we can like the status of a task we can add attachments here we can you know copy a link to this task if we want to bring someone's attention back to it let's say the there's a conversation happening in slack we want to reference it here we can bring it back here we can add subtasks right so before um julio goes to pick up this laundry maybe he has to go get a new suit bag right and if we wanted to we could make that dependent uh sorry make the picking up laundry dependent on getting the soup bag first and we can do that by just clicking in to this subtask so now we can see we're in a subtask okay we can we know we're in a subtask because we can see a highlighted parent task above that doesn't happen at the top level it's only when we're in a subtask but we can see that there's a parent task above it that we can click back to okay we can also see that we're in a subtask because if i go back to my list view here i can click down on this little arrow and it's now showing me all the subtasks that i have right there so now i can come in and i can create another subtask right there and it's added it to our subtask list or i can do it here as well and we can also assign these so again tab m i'm going to assign it to me tab d going to be for today and so on and so on all right so that's what the task detail view looks like there are some little handy things here if you have this enabled in your asana you can record videos directly to here if you were to do any screen sharing or anything of that effect let's allow it all right let's start recording and sure so now it's going to count us down our 3-2-1 and our video is recording this is connected to vimeo you can start up a free vimeo account for your team and all your videos if you don't already have a video documentation platform we use loom at ditto but you know you have it right in here as well and then it's going to upload and go back to vimeo for you so let's just see where we're at inside of this that pretty much covers everything on this slide right here let's keep on going um we covered the inbox yes we did let's talk about multi-homing and that will be i think where will where we'll cut it for today so multi-homing is a really cool feature within asana that allows different people across different teams that are not specifically working on a task to gain visibility on the status of that task okay let me say that again in different terms you can have one version of a task split between many many many different projects and all the activity all the updates that happen in that task are now visible across all the projects it's connected to or is now multi-homed to so that people that are in a project that didn't have access in say the original project can now see what's happening on that task in real time so it's a quick refresher we have our organization at the top we have our teams and then when we get down to our projects you see what's happening here is we can have projects with tasks and then we have our subtasks and our comments or we can multi-home to a new space this can be multi-homed and we can have a shared task that again is connected to two different projects if you're following my mouse you can see that there so this is what it looks like we have this one task right here it's called create brand assets okay it it started in the requests for creative production okay so there it is up there it's the highlighted task okay and then it was multi-home to the seasonal marketing campaign there it is right here so in the first project they're seeing it in the board view the second project they're seeing it in the timeline view or the gantt view and if we click one more time it's now being shared to the web development sprint board right down here so different projects different functions but they're all gaining visibility on the exact same task there's no duplications there's no what's happening with that task or there's no versioning that you have to be you know thinking about it all originates from the one space and so if we go over to asana now we can click on pick up laundry let's say that there was another team that also needed to be informed on the status of this laundry run right we can come over here we can click on projects like so and we can add it to request for creative production so now and let's see what section it's in let's put it in in progress because picking up laundry is in progress or active and now the people on that team can see exactly what's happening so if we did click on this request for creative there it is right there it's in progress it's active this can just be used as an fyi just to inform people or it can be used to say hey we're kicking the ball over to you guys um you pick it up let us know when it's done and then we can keep all communication happens here uh there we go um just another thing quickly that i'll show you while we're here is let's go back to to my tasks so again within our my task view i'm just going to take a bit more time to go through this this is everything that's assigned to us across different projects what's nice is that we can change the sections just like we did in our project view we can delete these sections and um you know keep the tasks within but we can come up here we can add a new section so i'm gonna call this one today and then i'm gonna press tab n to create one for tomorrow and then i'm gonna create another one called overdue okay this is a bit this is gonna be a bit of advanced asana as it pertains to rules but i'm going to give you a crash course in rules really quickly before we bring this one section to a close so task 1 is right here task 2 uh task three all right so i'm gonna assign um this one a due date of today this one is tomorrow and then this one right here it was due on the 16th a couple of weeks ago what you now have the ability to do inside of my tasks let's close that up is create rules that automate the the progress or the activity of your tasks within this view again this view is private to you no one else can see this unless you want to share with someone if you have a team member or you know someone who's assisting you and you want to share it with them you can add them in here right and now this person has been invited to see your personal my tasks and they can actually um see these private tasks and work through them with you but what i want to show you here is your customized section so we have the ability to add tags we can show the projects or turn them off for due dates but i want to add some rules now so there are two ways you can add rules you can add them by going to the customize section and clicking on add rule or you can click on the little three dots at the head of the section and click on add rule to section okay just as a quick getting started there's lots of already pre-populated rules for you um there are lots more in the project view but for my tasks um we can create them here so if you're if you're new to asana this is what we want to do today so the due date is approaching move task to certain section so the due date is approaching and it's due today i want to move it to a certain section today perfect so we're going to see a little lightning bolt pop up that lets us know that there is a rule associated with that okay i'm gonna create another rule i'm gonna create one in tomorrow i'm gonna click on here add rule to section move um and so again we have triggers and we have actions so the trigger is task moved to section tomorrow that's not what we want we want this to do its own thing so the trigger is going to be a due date trigger so new date is set okay there we go if the new date is set um the action is going to be set due date for one day in the future there we go and i'm going to create that rule so now for anything that happens tomorrow that is going to show up there now let's do one more rule here i'm going to create a custom rule that says when the due date is um approaching let's go back for a second when the due date or the task is overdue so it's one day after okay that is the trigger what do we want it to do we want it to move to the section overdue there we go and actually i'm going to come back to my tomorrow rule because i did that one wrong i realized let us come back in here i'm going to delete this rule and i'm going to just create a custom one okay so our trigger is going to be due date is approaching instead so anything that's due one day before right so essentially tomorrow i want to move it to this section tomorrow just like so so now we have rules on each of these and it won't happen instantaneously it'll happen after you create the the uh the rule so tomorrow when you show up anything that's overdue automatically get added here any tasks that are tomorrow will automatically get put here and then again today will be right there one thing that i do like to do is create another rule okay that let's just see what this one says yeah i'm gonna add another rule that says any new tasks anything that's added to my tasks is to get moved to the section recently assigned this allows me to keep like an inbox so to speak so i can triage any tasks that come in if i want to set any priorities they're already going to be here and then there's a lot of them in there and then i can just click and drag them to these different sections okay whether we're clicking and dragging or we're clicking on these um little arrows here and moving them around doesn't really matter it all kind of does the same thing so i hope this was helpful i hope this gave you a really good solid foundation and how to get started with the sauna what to look for and gives you the basis the basics sorry um into getting started and working on it with your team please be on the lookout for the advanced asana where i'll show you how to use automation custom rules um portfolios and things like that to get more clarity on the work done within your organization thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Marquis Murray
Views: 36,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asana, asana training, asana tutorial, asana basics, asana demo, asana review, how to use asana, asana project management, how to asana, asana tutorial for beginners, asana project management tutorial, training, asana 2020, asana tips, asana basics training for beginner, asana demonstration, asana project management review, learning the basics, using asana with clients, asana beginner tutorial, asana training tutorial, Marquis Murray
Id: 87YlaMG2rtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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