Trello Tutorial: How To Use Trello To CRUSH Your Productivity (For Beginners & Entrepreneurs)

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if you're looking to level up your productivity  with an amazing project management tool but you   have no idea where to get started you're gonna  love this tutorial because i'm gonna walk you   step by step through the process of creating  a simple but super powerful workflow that will   level up your productivity to no end and save you  a ridiculous amount of time with trello let's get   into it alright so let's head over to trello  this is the first thing that i want you to do   awesome so after you have your trello account set  up the first thing you're going to want to do is   set up your workspace you can do that by clicking  right here and naming your workspace this could   be anything that you want it to be called whether  it's your business name or a particular department   i already have a demo workspace set up here it's  called marketing and then from here we're going   to want to create our first board so once you  click on boards you'll see that it will prompt   you to create your first board and you can title  it whatever you want usually i do something like   to do's or doing or you know my workflow  something along those lines now you're gonna see a   completely blank board and this is where trello's  greatest weakness and also the greatest strength   is you might be like oh my gosh this is totally  blank i have no idea what to do don't worry i'm   going to show you and it's very simple so the idea  with trello is that you're moving from left to   right moving tasks from left to right in a kanban  workflow and so we're going to set up a couple   different lists and we're going to keep it super  simple it's going to be the first list very basic   to do's and then we're going to move into doing  and then done once you have those three basic   lists the next step is just to add cards to your  to-do list that you want to accomplish that week   now a good brain dump here would be very very  helpful and so just bring down everything that   you're going to want to work on this particular  week do not judge yourself we will talk about this   in detail but i'm going to go ahead and fast  forward so that you can see how this is done all right awesome now that i've totally  outlined what i want to work on this week   as i'm doing it i will move that particular task  here from the to do's to doing and as i complete   it to done remember each of your tasker projects  is represented on cards and these cards are really   easy to edit and change up so let's talk about  cards and how you can leverage them i love about   trello that you can add a quick description so  let's say that there's instructions that you want   to collaborate on with the team member or with  a client or just have notes for yourself you can   just add nodes here and then you can add bullet  points here as you go along and that way you have   stuff that is saved right here on the description  now if you wanted to collaborate with other people   you can add them to this particular board and  they will show up here now i'm the only one on   this board so i'm the only one who's thrown up but  you can also add yourself if you're collaborating   with multiple people and then that will give you  notifications on due dates and all that stuff   now with labels i love using labels and  you can customize this in a variety of ways   you can say okay i'm going to categorize  my tasks based on department for example   so you could have an admin label right here and  then you can say okay this is going to be an admin   task where you can have a marketing label this is  going to be a marketing task or you can categorize   things based on function and this is how i like to  do it like for example you could have a delegate   which is very helpful particularly if you are the  head of your firm even if you're a solopreneur   delegation is so key and then also you could have  important or priority right boom right here and   so i can go in and easily change out the labels  and i can also see them if i click right here on   the label view i can see the actual text so you  can click here to hide them and then expand them   that just helps me really stay focused and on  a different workflow board that by the way you   get access to this one it's going to be linked  in the description box below if you want this   free workflow board you can absolutely get that  so another great example of labels here as you can   see is making sure that you're focusing on tasks  that only you can do so for me i like to have   these labels that give me that visual cue of  like hey this is a four figure task you should   be completing this versus maybe a two figure task  or a one figure task here that i can delegate to   my team that helps me stay focused on profitable  tasks that are going to move the business   forward and of course if you want to download  this free trello workflow board absolutely do   that it's going to be linked in the description  box below you can just enter your name and   email and we'll send you a copy of this trello  template that you can then import into your own   account how awesome is that that's pretty great  all right so back to our cards let's let's explore   now checklist let's say that you have a task that  is going to take a variety of steps that's where   checklists come in and so you can literally just  type in to do and then have a multiplicity of   steps for example if i'm writing a sales page  for our new tbl coaching program i can say okay   the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to  draft the copy and then i'm going to proofread   and then i'm going to design it on the website  and then i'm going to send it to the team   for review and then we're  going to create a product on sam cart which is our checkout tool and then  we're going to write the emails for the promo   and we're going to launch so this is an  oversimplification but it's just an example   of how you could set up multiple steps and then  as you complete them you'll have a progress bar   right here at the top that shows you where you're  at in terms of your progress right so we're moving   things here to doing and then you can see on  the front of this particular card how many steps   you've accomplished out of the total which is  super helpful now let's also talk about due dates   because what does not get scheduled does not get  done and so as you go here you can always have due   dates and set them up here you can set reminders  for yourself if you want a reminder let's say   um five minutes before this task is due or a day  or two before you can select that right here so   i'm going to click save and then we're going  to go into the attachments part let's say that   i want to gather ideas for this particular task  so i'm going and i'm checking out other websites   or i'm linking my own for a different particular  page that i want to model i can always click on   attachments and then paste or attach a url  name it and let's say this is our shop page   and then attach it right here this is particularly  handy if you have a task that entails multiple   steps or you're collaborating with other team  members and you want them to have access to all   these different resources now it's really handy  to have them here in the attachment section but   you can also just comment down here and copy  them over so that's really great too now of   course if you want to attach something directly  from your computer you can go ahead and do that   let's say that i have this design that i want  to attach and it's going to be part of the   sales page boom it's right here for everyone to  see we can also attach things from google drive   dropbox box onedrive or trello itself which is  really helpful if you wanted to let's say add   a different task and connect two cards together  you can do it really easily right here next up we   have power ups and this is such an amazing way to  take your productivity to the next level but this   is a whole nother video and we don't have time to  cover everything that is related to power up so   i'm gonna link a related video that i've already  done on my top free power ups for trello down in   the description box below so you can check that  out but one of the ones that i definitely think   you should use is the calendar power up so to find  that just you can easily just go into the search   bar and type in calendar from here you'll  see the calendar power up you can add that   and at the time of this recording it's totally  free which literally makes your boards look so   much better and so before i actually show you the  calendar view i want to go ahead and add some due   dates to all my individual cards so that you can  see how the calendar view really comes in handy all right so now that i have a bunch of due dates  for the majority of my cards i'm going to click on   the calendar power up and now i can actually see  all of my tasks and my cards on that calendar view   so you can see it right here on the month view we  can move them over if we need to and the due date   will automatically be updated you can also click  on them right here to expand them and see them in   full view let's say that you want to add a bunch  of different labels you can do that here as well   and i just love being able to see everything at a  glance so that you can see what the due dates are   now you can also see this in week view so let's  say you just wanted to focus on what you have   to do that particular week you can add new cards  right here from the bottom and create a new task   right here edit it move it around customize it  to whatever you need and that just makes things   a lot easier so again using the calendar power  up i think is a must and so as you build out   your trello board you're gonna be able to keep  track of everything that you have going on in   your business remember you can set up a new board  for a particular project or you can use boards   for collaborating with clients or a team member  there really is a limitless opportunity to   create a workflow that really resonates with  you and works for your style of productivity   so as you move cards down the done list et cetera  et cetera you can really have control over how you   operate because the idea here is to not work  so hard but to work smarter and to make use of   every single minute that we have at our disposal  now let's talk about this workflow board that we   have for you that is totally free and how this  is a little bit different because again i want   you to make this process your own it's not about  just modeling exactly what we do but making it fit   to your particular style so for example we always  teach inside the business lounge and we tell our   members hey you need to be setting goals for the  week every single week so on monday you can use   a list called goals for the week for example  and then you have a bunch of different tasks   or projects or things that you want to accomplish  during that week then you have your daily to do's   and so every day you can move your cards from the  goals for the week list over to the daily to-do   so let's say that these are right here right and  it's monday and i'm like okay so today i'm going   to work on these three things and then as you move  them along on the board you can have other things   on your board let's say that you have ongoing  projects and these are things that are a little   bit more complicated but maybe don't require an  entire board for this particular project you can   have things that are coming next right maybe like  a idea shelf or tasks that you know that you want   to get to but are not necessarily a priority for  this week you can have things that you want to   outsource maybe things that are not urgent things  that are only related to clients future projects   a whole list just for ideas resources notes wins  sales copy testimonials really the idea here is to   customize it to your own individual business and  make your own and instead of getting overwhelmed   and not having a great productivity system i  want to challenge you to open up your mind to   what possibilities are out there i know that you  can do this i've taught thousands and thousands   and thousands of students in the business world to  level up their productivity through our programs   and i know that you can do it too and listen  just to give you a teaser of everything you   can accomplish as an entrepreneur you can have  an entire board just for projects like we do in   the company where we literally manage every single  thing that we have going on and listen there's so   much more you can do in your organization for your  business for your brand for example we manage all   of our big fat projects right here in our trello  board and we call it that just lovingly but really   this board has everything that we're creating  in the business from our low-level requests for   our team to really big complicated projects that  we're running you can even do things like having a   content calendar and we teach all of this inside  our programs and by the way there may or may not   be a trello course coming soon so check all of  those details on the description box below so see   this is our content calendar and we literally  run all of our content pieces through this   particular board we have other things like our  content bank and our training library and our   systems and processes and our assessment boards  that all really make a big difference for us to   be able to run a company in a way that just makes  sense so all of our training is here for our team   how to basically do everything systems and  processes in our business there's an entire   content bank where we save all of our social  media posts and we get to reuse them for later   and i teach you all these tips and tricks in our  upcoming course so definitely check that out as   well as our trello templates all of that will be  linked in the description box below all right so   i hope that you're seeing how easy it is to set up  a clear concise and hyper effective productivity   system and workflow for your business not just  that but all the possibilities that can be   achieved with trello as you start developing and  building in more processes and systems for your   entire business here's the question of the day  what else would you like to learn around trello   and productivity leave it in the comments section  below and don't forget to check out our trello   course as well as our trello templates all of  them will be linked in the description box below   because i can't wait to show you how you can level  up your productivity i've been doing this for over   10 years and teaching thousands of students how  to level up their entire workflow so that they   can save up to 10 hours every single week they  get back so that they can use to build their   business or spend more time with their family or  friends or do the things that they really love and   are good at thank you so much for watching and  i'll catch you on the next episode bye for now
Channel: Kim & Co. by Kimberly Ann Jimenez
Views: 47,500
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Id: NfpPBtvbEck
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Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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