How to use the aiToon Shader for Maya

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hey so i'm going to be adding a tune shader to the sunglasses model that i made in a previous video so if you made these along with me you can just follow right along as i add a really cool technique that i love to use um okay so usually when you have a model you're going to want to unwrap and uv the whole thing um but for the tune shader we don't need to do that so we're just going to skip it but if you're going to texture these in a different way i definitely suggest doing the uvs first okay but that being said let's start with the aitun shader so the aitun shader is built into maya and uh it's great because you can render it with arnold i'm going to select all of the sunglasses right click and for me i have it in my favorite materials right here the ai tune but if you don't just assign new material go to arnold shader right click on aitune and you can add it to your favorites or you can just click it and now we've assigned the aitun straight to all of the sunglasses um i am going to just rename it sunglasses and let's see uh before i do anything with that i also want to make a plane for the ground just so we have a little something else in the scene to bounce light off of and i also want to show you guys i already made the lights here um i turn them off in my viewport so if you just go to show lights you'll have them and i've got two directional lights let's see where they are here one one is back here so i'm going to move that and create like a back lighting i think for now or like a maybe for a little bit from above move it here boom and i already know that i want these lights to be brighter so if i go to the attribute editor i'm going to bump the intensity up to like 2.5 each i think for now cool okay so after i do that the lights kind of annoy me so i turn them back off and let's get to the tune shader gotta grab part of the geometry and their sunglasses okay so uh one the first thing is um we're going to just take a look and see how it renders now that it has the toon shader on it and um okay so it's pretty plain and it doesn't look very toony just yet so let's make some adjustments and see what happens also i'm rendering this sort of bigger than i need it to be so i'm just going to turn it take it down to about that okay so uh we need to take down the angle threshold a bit because that's going to give us our lines and i'll show you that in a minute a bit more we're going to turn the emission up for now that's going to render it white um temporarily one thing that you need to know right away is that the settings arnold renderer needs to be the filter needs to be changed to contour that's the key for tune for the itunes shader so now that we changed that and see and there we go we've got some lines and it looks pretty good um i think we could use a little bit more lineage here so i'm gonna go to the edge detection which i talked about a little and move that down i think like 15 maybe will give us a tighter angle threshold so we're going to see more angles the lower we get more lines along the angles that's even more maybe sensitive than i wanted it to be so maybe take it up to 18. maybe back down to 16. okay i like 15 better okay so now that we've got lines we're going to color it in now you could leave it as white if you'd like it like that but it looks really cool with color so i'm going to return the emission down to zero uh go to the base and i'm going to give it a gradient so it's got like shading and to do that you need to update the tone map to ramp and we're going to add some middle spots here and we're going to color it in so for each of these you're going to pick a color um i think maybe these glasses can be blue so that that'll be cool um you pick the darkest on the left and just lighten it up a bit all the way grab another one and another one this will be our latest and you need to change the interpolation to none and you get like this and we'll have to move this in a little and we'll just test it out and see how it looks so let's render it again okay so it's picking up a lot of the light colors so i can take them still picking up quite a bit of light um you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna even that out and i'm gonna turn down the intensity on my directional lights oh before i do that actually the sky dome is creating some dithering so what we should do is delete our sky dome because it doesn't render correctly with a itunes shader the directional lights should be okay but delete that and now let's see oh way darker so it turns out all i need to do is turn down the darkness now it's the reverse of what i thought okay lots of rendering to test to test this but it's worth it cool okay i like that that's cool um now i'm just gonna put the two and shader on other things and uh render it all out as a tune so i think the lenses should be their own color so i'm going to just select those and right click a itune and i'm going to give them a tone map ramp let's make them like i don't hate the grays for lenses makes sense so um here's a dark one let's just change that to none right now so i know what i'm doing i think this could be a little darker and this can be a little darker too if i'm blending it okay not bad uh and one cool thing you can do is you can create reflectivity if you turn up the specularity so maybe these lenses are really reflective um even a little goes a long way with this so if we render it out get some reflectivity that's pretty cool looking it's um reflecting the ground so let's also give the ground to tune shader and uh just the same thing maybe we'll make the ground um orange none it's a little lighter than i want okay now let's see oh okay that's super um reflective and i'll show you even how reflective it is if i grab the sunglasses and just duplicate them bring them in the front a bit and then render again you get the perfect reflection of those sunglasses so anything that's in front of the specular uh material will get like fully reflected in it and it looks pretty neat but i actually prefer no reflectivity so i'm going to go back to my lenses and i'm going to title them lenses um and i'm going to turn down the specular and there you go it's just uh maybe fiddle around with the base color of that um maybe i want it like a little less dark maybe i want even one more level here yeah that looks cool and another thing you can do is you can change the color of the outline so i like black but also it could look cool with um like a really dark blue and it's just now it's like a bit um hard to see but it's dark blue so you can you can change the colors of anything and make it look however you like and you can make the ground specular you can make the whole thing um have like reflectivity using that specular uh option and yeah it's super fun and uh it's simplified and i like toon shaders a lot so there you go i hope that this helped some of you okay later
Channel: My CG Tutor
Views: 22,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toon shading, autodesk maya, maya, arnold, 3d texturing, 3d art, maya beginners, toon shading beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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