Arnold Tutorial - How to create a paint stroke effect in Arnold for Maya (GPU)

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hi there L GRE 3 artist and Arnold Advocate at alesk and just want how to create this painterly style using by Frost Arnold in Maya create a wide variety of different painterly styles okay so I've got a head model here I'll put a link to the in the description where you can download a free head scan model so I'm going to start off by creating uh by cross graph in the graph editor let's just track this down here cre a graph and then going to middle drag the head into the by Frost graph editor okay so I'm going to scatter some points on the head model connect the Mage to the geometry uh we use the default uh settings and then create the set point shape which we going to change to a quad shape so from disk to quad and just increase the size use 30 and just connect the to the output so we can see what's going on okay so there's aead going to the scatter and then setting the scatter Point shape next thing going to do is starts shading the quad points so open up the node editor and create a standard surface Shader let's call that paint Strokes okay guess to create the paint brush style look we need to get a paint brush Alpha map and connect that to the capacity of the standard surface Shader so if you type in paintbrush Alpha in Google you can find a wide variety of uh paintbrush maps you can use just make sure it's something like a PNG with an alpha map uh we can use for the P brush style you may need to invert the the map uh maybe use a compliment Shader to do that in in Arnold or just invert in in post so uh create an image Shader on image Shader and connect the alol to the opacity okay find my page stroke and then we need to assign it to the bifrost I'm going to assign It To The Head model as well just get an interesting look so we're getting the opacity on both the header and the on the quads as well but uh you might want to shade the head separately it's up to you so we go back to the bow Frost and Scatter points we going to increase the amount to 9,000 and just make sure you disable screen aligned at the moment they're all aligned to the the camera here okay starting look a bit better go back to the standard surface Sher get a it different color and then we could increase the roughness a little bit and increase transmission just to add bit of blending between quad points can also add some subsurface just it look a bit more alive you might notice some black marks here where we've got so many points the uh transparency depth isn't high enough so if go to render settings and under Ray depth uh at 15 I think it's 10 by default go even higher if you go back to 10 might notice some more black marks here where we're not going enough transparency between the quad points so let's try 20 should improve that there you go okay uh let's go back to the standard surface Shader so we can twak the shading even further using utility Shader so I'm going to replace the color with connector color correct so we can change the colors using the Hue shift and then connect a ramp to the input ramp RGB set that to custom and to that will connect the utility Sher so how color are the utility to the inputs of the ramp so now got our utility Shader set the shading to Flap because we just want Pure Color from the utility see and I'm going to add some extra colors for the for the ramp so set the interation To None just add a few more shades okay so these turn n oops okay talk up she want a harsh gation okay so the final shading we send the surface Shader with the brush Troke Alpha going into the opacity and I've got a color correct just for the Hue shift to change the the hee of the P Strokes with the ramp set to custom some colors here and then we've got the utility Shader Shad sit flat which enables us to change the color mode so you can maybe show normal you can see how that's affecting shading of the uh strings um UV coordinates get different kind of style so yeah have have an experiment try try changing different coloros to get different uh looks finally I'm just going to add a new imager that we've got in 725 called the overlay imager just give us some information about our rendering we can also overload the with with tokens here or create our own text also got an input in the B graph that's going to the amount here so if you touch the input the amount and then go to the uh by Frost extra attributes gives you the amount there which you can key frame which I've done uh one to 9,000 over 200 frames so if I was to change the frame now you should see renders fewer quad points so something you might want to experiment with either an animation or just just uh for look if purposes okay that's it thanks for watching and bye for now
Channel: Arnold renderer
Views: 15,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cnVYrV5gFrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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