Arnold tutorial - How to create a pencil sketch style in MtoA

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hi there greg's arnold rendering specialist at autodesk and just want to go quickly through how to create this pencil sketch style shading with using the tin shadow in arnold okay so we've got our rather heavy model here and if you go to render settings i've just created a ray switch shader to the background just to give us a white background [Music] and i'm just going to start off by creating an old skydiving light and connect a physical sky to color of the skyrim light and then just increase the exposure and increase another sample to three just increase improve quality start off an old render viewport might take a while to start with 17 million polygon mesh okay so i'm just gonna assign the two material to the mesh okay then first thing i'm gonna do is reduce the angle threshold and get some more tuned edges quite low like three gives this kind of sketchy look the edges are quite thick so you just need to reduce the width scaling something like point four just to thin those edges out and then we need to connect a ramp to the base tone map so under base time map scraped around rgb that'll give us our tuned shading look and then if we set the interpolation to none that'll give us a better gradation and give us more convincing appearance of a sketch style it's just bringing the white down yeah you can see the effects having on the shading and the lighting and a light gray here and a slightly darker gray hair i want to keep some black to give that sort of sketch look in the in the shadows so maybe bring it down a little bit okay so that's the base then we go to the specular just increase the specular a little bit like .2 or 0.3 and give it some roughness and then again we need to add another ramp to the tomb up just to get a more convincing tune appearance i found these values work well in this scene but you might want to experiment with the these values settings depending on your scene but uh by the way this is looking pretty good i can always just tweak it slightly reset interpolation to none actually kind of like smooth i think yeah i'm gonna stick to smooth that's how to create a pencil sketch style in arnold thanks for watching bye
Channel: Arnold renderer
Views: 15,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 8sec (188 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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