Arnold tutorial - How to light & shade a robot using the toon shader in MtoA

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hi there lyrics arnold rendering specialist at autodesk and i just want to cover how to shade and light this robot using toon shader and we'll also cover some different style variations using various arnold shaders okay so i've got the geometry here i'm going to start off by creating an arnold skydive light so i don't like this kind of night and i've set off an arnold render let's create a two shader and assign it to the geometry okay so we won't see any two images by default because the filter type is set to gaussian by default so we need to change that to contour bottom now we can start to see the two edges i'm going to reduce the angle threshold so we can see more edges something like 30 a lot more detail next we want to get some interesting specular highlights on the model so what we could do is create a stylized highlight so that's under specular stylized highlight so let's create a directional light just scale up rotate it so it's pointing in front and maybe i just left it just rotate it so it's pointing down now we need to copy the shape name of the light so copy and paste the text and go to the style type paste into the lights there and just increase the specular so i can start to see it there so getting the stylus highlight from the directional light rotate rotate it around should see effect it's having you can have more than one light for the stylized highlight so if i was to duplicate this light rotate it around you won't notice anything in by defaults because we haven't used the shape name so just again copy the shape name text go to the stylus to highlight and then press space and then the name of the second highlight if you're not sure if it's working you can always change the color of the directional light so we can see its effect now so i'm just going to rotate it so we get a second highlight here i'll be ducking it down a bit i'll just get this effect here now the edges are quite thick uh uniformly across the geometry what we can do is go to the edge with scaling and connect a facing ratio shader here that will thin the edges around the outside here let's focus on more on the inside we want the opposite so we just hit and invert it may not be obvious at the moment so if we increase the contour filter with something like three it should be a bit more apparent that the two edges are thicker and the edges here and thinner in the center just gives more pleasing comic book style you can always change the uh settings so as to put these back to the defaults this is how it was before see it makes a lot of difference for the facing ratio it to the width scanning next we could add a ambient occlusion shader to the mask color that will give us a more gritty stippled effect be too much by default so we need to increase the black levels i think like 0.96 you can see the effect around here it's too much you can always produce the file clip so let's focus around all the edges you can also increase the quality as well okay so i'm going to delete that and then create another style i'm going to use the half tone shader it's now installed shader we're connected to the base tone map it's on the base tone map okay nice little shader okay the out value to base time up and then we need to import the halftone oso shader if you're not sure whether it is the documentation is documentation page but using the halftone iso shader with the toon shader and there's a link to the outsole shaders 3d smart shipping shaders you can download it here once you've downloaded it just import it i'll copy and paste the text and just make sure you compile it you will have to update the render when it currently is not showing by default so just update the full scene to show the often shader rsl shadow okay so it's two big butterflies you just need to scale it down a bit i can use a ramp to determine where the halftone effect appears so under input value just connect to ramp rgb and then just move the whites increase the points so we're now seeing just the half time value in the darker areas the model okay so it's starting to look a bit busy we can always go back to the tune shader and under the advanced tab we could reduce the indirect specular just to clean up some of those indirect specular reflections and that's looking less busy now okay and then finally we disable energy conserving and get more of a cartoon tune style okay so that's how to create some various tune styles in arnold thanks for watching bye
Channel: Arnold renderer
Views: 26,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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