Arnold 5.1 Toon Shader

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hello my name is ole Andrea I am a technical specialist at Autodesk media entertainment in Europe in this short video I'd like to show you the use of the Newton shader in Arnold 5.1 I've loaded this scene here with a model of a car and it has already some shaders attached to it in order to render I need to open the render view of Arnold and you see that it is a floating window which always covers something on the screen because I don't want to move it around all the time I'm gonna take this window and dock it under the perspective window here so keep holding it until you see that that blue bar here and then it will be docked side by side or you know underneath this perspective window so we can scale down the perspective window a little bit in order to see more in the rendering window so let's do a test render I'm starting I PR and it starts rendering I'll stop this here as you can see this a silver metallic shader attached to the car there's a you know some shadow attached to the ground and there are some lights present there is a physical sky note in the scene that provides some overall sky lights type of lighting and there are two let me zoom out a little bit there are two area lights in the scene that light the car from above so these are all the lights in my scene it's a pretty easy setup and I did it in just a few minutes so let's go back to the original camera position and start to assign a new shader to the whole car so I'm gonna grab all the geometry from the scene from the car and right mouse button on it and you can go on the favorite and choose a shader that you like you may not see these Arnold shaders in your favorites so if you don't have them here you can go and assign a new material where this window pops open the new material window and then you can go to the Arnold shaders and right mouse button on them and add them to the favourites that will add these these nodes to the favorites menu you can then also go into the favorites and right mouse button on the existing favorites and remove them from the list so that you may be only half your Arnold shader in Arnold shaders in the list so at the end I'm gonna choose the toon shader from the list here and it will be assigned to all of this geometry of the car so let's do a test render and see what happens well this doesn't look very much like a toon shader in fact it's it's actually only just a gray shader that doesn't even have some specular paths and there are no lines visible at all so let's stop this rendering here and have a look at the shader here in the property window of my hypershade we see that there are some settings for edges and the edges are actually turned on or the contours they have a certain width they have an opacity and they have a color but they are they don't seem to be visible at all so before you can see any of these lines here you have to go to the render settings of Arnold and under filtering switch from the Gaussian filter to the very last one in the list the contour filter you will see that there's also a width setting here in the render settings that is the maximum width for all lines from all to an shaders in your scene you set the maximum width here and then you use the scaling from the shader to set an individual shading for each shader type so when that is done and we start a test rendering we see okay on top of this gray shader we see some cartoonish lines okay let's stop that here and have a closer look at the shader so the this gray base material comes obviously from this section so let's turn this down because there no further down there is an emission section where I can just pull it up to a complete white and now the car should be white and there should be black on top of it that looks very cartoonish already let's keep the rendering on while we go back to the shading section or to the line section of the of the shader you see here that we have an angle threshold that is currently set to 180 degrees that defines which kind or where you see the light where you see some lights of course you know when the when the surface goes all the way around so that you have an object edge here you would see a line but some of the lines here you know from the model there are details that we currently don't see we can only see it when we when we decrease this angle here I'm gonna go down to like 30 degrees or so and then you see a lot more lines showing up suddenly even around the door handles you see some lines where there's obviously not a sharp edge or so but you know depending on this angle here the shader decides to show a line there are some lines however that we don't like so for example here on the wheels there's one extra line and that should not be there which is different geometries so the side of the of the wheels and the other parts are done in different geometries and that is a so-called ID difference for the shader so if I turn off this flag here then these additional lines will disappear and we only have the lines between separate objects or you know whenever we are we have reached a certain angle threshold so that the shader shows a line good that's not so bad I can now bump up the the quality and you know make these lines very smooth but I still want to tweak it we get a little bit now let's say I don't like the white anymore so I want this shader to be to have some sort of shading on the surface so let's go and remove the emission altogether and come back with some base shading and now in order to get some cartoonish look to this base shader and use the tone map that is already built-in so I simply click on the tone map and from the new notes window I simply choose a ramp note which will then allow me to define a few steps in the ramp and maybe you know take this one here down a little bit and define the ramp as non interpolated so I just have a few steps here in the ramp and this should already make a cartoonish look on your on the on your model because you know this defines the type of shading that happens on the surface in this scene here the way that I set it up because I used my used an existing scene and just changed the shade of the car I have a problem with this sky shadow the physical sky it down light this will keep us from having the cartoonish look on the surface so the the reason why this is still shaded and some sort of desert is this physical skylight when I remove that and and start the rendering again you would see oh now we have this tone map on the on the side of the car so now it's a proper tone shaded surface there are still some shadow areas that are not tone maps that are not properly looking like a tone map so let's stop the rendering again and have a look at that and this additional problem comes from my area lights so in this case the area lights keep this shader from doing a proper job and you know tone mapping everything so I have to replace these area lights with simple directional lights so let me create a directional light and I can place it where these lights are already by simply also selecting the area light and then and the modify you will find the match transforms and that will place the area light exactly where all that will place the directional light exactly where the area light is already so it simply copies the transforms over to the new lights I'll select the area light and remove it and do the same thing on the other side with this other one so the hotkey for that was 9 and then simply select the area light and remove it so we we only have these two directional lights and then for the two directional lights I'm gonna use the channel box for that I will bump up the intensity to something like 4 or so to reach a level that we had before with these area lights so both lights are now at a level of intensity level of 4 I could not do that here in the property editor because this would only change the last selected area light and not all the ones that I have here that is only possible here and there in the channel box so let's remove or close the channel box let's go back to the camera view that we had before and start the rendering again and now you see I mean of course the intensity has changed a little bit I can you know remove intensity from these lights but now you see that even the shadows have a proper town mapping and it's really a very hot cartoonish kind of look I'm happy with it so far you also see that it renders in only 30 seconds even though the quality is still bumped up so we have a quality of 3 here I can you know turn down the quality of all of these components except for one and you will see that in a second and I can just use this camera AAA to increase the quality of the lines here but let's now have a look at what else we can do here so once I had this in a shape like this of course I thought about having this cartoon car as a reflection down here in the ground and in order to have that the ground shader has to be a toon shader so I'm gonna go to the select the ground and right mouse buttons like favorite material and all the way down here in the favorites I'll pick the toon shader for the ground and in the toon shader for the the default settings are the same here and I could now go and pump up the specular garetty a little bit in order to see the car and we don't see a reflection here and that is the moment where we should go back to the render settings and remember that we have turned it all down because we're specular settings or with specular subdivision set to zero it won't show up as soon as I go to one suddenly you see the the reflection in the ground so that is important to keep in mind you can set everything to 0 but you know this one here has to be at 2 us to set the one at least in order to show the reflection and that's pretty cool I think so for a toon shader to be reflected and it's a very nice nice result here so I hope this was helpful and you haven't have it easy to now use the toon shader that is new in our node 5.1
Channel: Roland Reyer
Views: 90,969
Rating: 4.9609995 out of 5
Keywords: Maya, Maya 2018, 3D, Autodesk, Arnold
Id: p4Ms3J9YWoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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