How to USE Secret Ender Dragon Crafting Table!

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ladies and gentlemen this is the dragon crafting table a rare and secret crafting table indeed home to some of the most advanced crafting recipes minecraft has ever seen and the best part well they all involve dragons in fact in today's video I'm gonna show you how to do a lot of things with your dragon egg crafting table such as oh you know creating a magical obsidian shrine to attract under dragons using that shrine to make an actual ender dragon show up baby and back into the dimension you go taking that dragons special gift to actually make a dragon crafting table and then using that crafting table to make very special dragon themed items such as dragon minions that will follow you around and kill anything in their path creating magical charge dragon heads that you can use to break blocks and deal damage to other nearby creatures sorry mr. sheep and so much more so stick around you got a lot to learn about this special crafting table all courtesy of valve voxel ething shouts out to you leave the description for more first you're gonna need some dragon eggs but as you know there's only one dragon egg you can get in Minecraft wrong not in this data pack there's now more than one way to get this dragon egg you know your original option being jumping into an end portal to oh you know take on the ender dragon and eventually kill him for his egg yeah love this explosion and so the egg thusly appears right where we expected mine well that way does take a little bit so now there's an easier way to do you'll need to make yourself an ender dragon shrine which is simple enough to make you can see one right there we're gonna need to make ourselves this little nest and then put an end crystal on top we'll also need some dragon breath as well and it will lure in a dragon so let's go into survival mode I'll show you exactly what it is you're gonna need a lot of obsidian a lot of buckets of lava you're gonna need to make an end crystal as well and believe it or not you can make those end crystals if you don't know how to make those end crystals well don't you worry a thing about it this isn't why isn't showing up oh it's because we needed to be on a real crafting table and crystal all you need seven pieces of glass one eye of ender and a gas tear and then you can make yourself an end crystal so we're gonna go ahead and make another nest to show you how exactly to do this right here you're gonna want to start with a fairly open area where these are gonna act like the sides of your nest obsidian blocks three blocks on each side the center is going to be for the most part covered with lava you'll also want to break out the center right here and then place rip sitting as follows Bam Bam one two three one two three one two three one two three finally you can get rid of all the grass in the middle here and you're gonna replace that with lava instead once the lava has been nice and placed down you'll be ready to go look at that beautiful flat the last thing you'll put on is one of your end crystals and then you will need to place some dragon's breath right on top of the end crystal now if you don't know how to get dragon's breath well you need to kill the Ender Dragon in order to have access to it well you don't even kill the Ender Dragon but he needs to breathe dragon breath and so if you already killed the ender dragon and didn't grab your dragons breath all good you can summon in a new ender dragon all you need to do is go back to the end grab some end crystals which I just showed you how to make and place them along the perimeter of this lovely little area and just like that the crystals will activate their powers and summon in another and your dragon y'all ready what it's doing its thing it's connecting to all these letting it start again beautiful and look at this it begins almost all the beams have been lit up and we should see our dragon popping in in just a few seconds here [Music] for this moment so the dragon begins to roam and so again if you don't know how to get dragon's breath I'll show you right now he will shoot fireballs from the sky which you can use bottles on to fill up that dragon breath see there's another one or you can wait for the dragon to land at the shrine and breathe his breath on you he's kind of going crazy over there so we you know we just gonna we're just gonna let him do his thing but now that you've got the dragon's breath you just drop it on top of this crystal and lo and behold a rift in space is open the dragon will appear do a little bit of damage to you and then dip out like nothing happened he quickly laid you a new egg and so I suppose she laid you into eggs may as well make another one pop up right here could always use more eggs you got to be very careful to not throw this in lava by mistake because that can happen love it each time a dragon lays an egg you'll need to make a new nest notice this turned into bedrock you got to do this in a place where you won't mind the nest becoming that you could even use it to your advantage make some cool defended areas made out of those blocks but most importantly you now take those dragon eggs you made and get a special crafting table with them which means we should actually probably go collect these dragon eggs where's all my goodies oh boy I think I just deleted them all well whatever we got created by there we go give me the dragon that's okay we've got creative mode so I've got a dragon egg on me right here using a dragon eh you can make this special ender dragon crafting table you'll need four dragon heads surrounding a crafting table and then you'll put the dragon egg right on top and watch as it transform so you didn't know you can get dragon heads from the N City dungeons in the end but more importantly not just an N city but specifically a warship because at the front of this warship you will find exactly what it is you need the dragon it y'all like my cinematic movements yeah there is a little rough but grab four of these and you're good to go from there place a crafting table as you see here dragon heads on all four sides and drop your dragon egg on top oh you've got your dragon crafting table bum-bum-bum and you can use it to make special recipes which we're gonna dive into right now first up you got another way to get a dragon egg in case you don't want to make the mist any longer it's gonna be a little bit more expensive but it might be easier for some of your professional players out there this is the recipe you'll need for nether stars you'll need four dragon heads and you'll need a plain old egg we'll also grab the rest these dragon eggs to keep making these and do dragon crafting table so as you saw just to say we go place them in just like this and other stars along the Centers of the sides dragon eggs on the corners and you now have another way to get easy access dragon eggs because you don't need a lot of dragon eggs for a lot of these other recipes the next recipe is going to be dragon minions they do damage to nearby entities and they follow you wherever you go but only for a limited time so here's how you make you'll need for zombie heads and you'll also need a dragon egg and you now have an easy way to get those we've got some enemies and some sheep here to show you how these things are gonna work together BAM dragon egg crafting table it never gets old check this out here's the recipe as you saw for right there dragon egg right on top and you now have a dragon minions spawn egg look at what happens you spawn this thing on the ground you now have dragon minions that surround you wherever you go look wherever you go love wherever you go they'll even jump when you jump they say how high no they know they just make weird noises but most importantly look at what happens when they come across any mobs instant kill they instantaneously kill almost every single type of mob they come across and that even includes bad guys protect me protect oh boy strong oh my gosh can't believe they got through on that wild hold on a second easy does it easy does it guys look at this again this is only a limited amount of time here so they will not last forever and they can take damage if they're targeted or if you know you get stuck in a block you can hear a couple I'm taking damage right there these things will happen they'll try their best to jump up blocks when they have the opportunity to but every once in a while they'll get stuck or they'll walk through another block or whatever it might be they're just doing their best they're just little dragon minions and sometimes you gotta feed them they don't actually have to feed them but you know it's about to kill them but now we can move on because I think you get a base idea of different ways you can use these okay a little bit more okay let's do it baby yeah yeah I never gets old eventually they'll just disappear on their own so let's let them do that while we get some of these other recipes next one being the charged dragon head this is a handheld object you can use as a weapon as well as as a mining tool it can mine any blocks except obsidian and bedrock and it only has 30 uses this is how you make it you'll need eight dragon's breath as well as one single dragon head in order to turn your dragon head into a charged dragon eridan beast now dragon heads are infinite in the end cities because you can just go find more warships so checking this thing out look you right-click wherever you look it shoots dragon breath and whatever blocks are nearby will also take damage now it is a relatively small range of area that it works in but you can you literally use to clear any block except obsidian and bedrock you could also use it to deal damage to other creatures so why don't we spawn in and they'll take magic damage from the dragon breath slowly over time now it's not necessarily the strongest attack in the world but it is an extra tech nonetheless and you're not really using dragon heads for anything else right now anyway so you may as well take that's summoning a cow I bet the dog died and best part about it you can spam click it to see all these home voice here check it out check it out doesn't work as well on the undead apparently I ran out of it it literally broke on me Oh what are my minions I need them eat our next recipe in huge swords when jumping you get extra air and you'll also damage nearby enemies with your flap you'll need eight dragon's breath bottles as well as a diamond sword and naturally your treaty friend they don't need any dragon crafter for every single recipe I just like making up constantly it's a lot of fun to be honest put your sword right in the middle of this crafter place dragon's breath all around it and grab your imbued diamond sword hello abs knee jump get a little extra Gila extra something something on it huh huh little pep in that step little walk with that talk you dig now look what happens when you jump nearby a lovely little opponent here sheepy what's good take some damage get stomped on that's it you literally stand by people exist by them and the rue the day they ever decided to be already bam oh bam I said yeah you take that damage not only that but it acts like a sword so you can also use it to sword people it's pretty cool if you ask me yeah yeah yeah jump over them quick scope do damage on the other side yeah we don't even need to touch him we just got a hang out with the sword in our hand and jump right over him oh this is great not only that but you can obviously use the jump to let you get to places you normally would not be able to get to like away from this guy get thank you dude oh boy the Lord okay I'm not normally a dragon by trade I I do play Minecraft for a living but it's hard sometimes now the jumping effect will last essentially forever so as long as you have the sword in hand you can have a handy permanent jump to boost that you could essentially get to at any in all times next recipe though is the imbued pickaxe which does a very similar thing with its dragon jump except instead of enemies you can use it to break blocks here's how you make its diamond pickaxe right in the middle Dragon's Breath all along the sides there's your imbued diamond pickaxe and check it out you jump uh-huh bricks blocks above you look at that look at that look at this this is lovely this is my new favorite oh I got stuck on the ground on that one again this one also won't work on obsidian or bedrock so keep that in mind and also try not to kill yourself using it moving right along here we've got a couple more recipes to show off to you guys these ones are awesome and crystal turrets two kinds of them ones that will heal you and once that will damage you you know those healing crystals we were messing with earlier over there for the nest yeah now you can turn them to be an ally or your best friend when it comes to taking out other mobs here is the recipe for one you'll need an end crystal you'll need three obsidian blocks and you'll also need two of the special enchanted golden apples once you have all those things go ahead and go to your dragon crafter place the recipe town as you saw oh I also need an Android as well forgot about the end rod battery important and rods very important and right on top crystal in the middle your two apples right there or excuse me your two apples down here and then your three obsidian just like that and now you have a healing and crystal turret we'll go ahead and place this down and as you can see it tracks the nearest entity and we'll heal it at a moment's notice so I'm gonna go ahead and spot it you see see look he's doing damage to me except he's not because my healing turret is nearby keeping me safe it can in fact hone in on him as well though as well as numerous other things in the area it will literally hone in on whatever is going to be closest to it at a given notice including creatures that are under the ground now that is only the half of it you also have a damaging turret here's how you make it three obsidian and an crystal to wither roses which you'll get by fighting the wither boss in-game now uh-huh and once you got those things you're ready for some serious battle again here's the recipe on how to make it check that thing damaging end crystal turret that's big money right there let's go ahead and put this somewhere a little bit further away so that we can show you exactly how it works lace you down and get ready to run because it will also damage you if you're not careful in this case it looks like it's latched on to something underground which I'm honestly more than fine with see look get him get him boys it literally just latched on to me yeah yeah yeah in with the width come on get a little bit closer son yeah get that you see it'll attack everyone someone it is literally like stuck on some bats underground or something it's pretty absurd we could call it magical it's very magical it's a high-powered device the honestly can't be mad at it you'll want to make sure the area around you is cleared so that none of that stuff happens but you know every once in a while you'll get a nice little heal from your boys too and look even this appears to be focusing in on me which means that's what I'm talking about every once in a while you'll take damage from this damaging and crystal turret as well so just remember that and be very cautious so when you're messing with crystals these things are very magical our final recipe using the dragon crafter the imbued bow it shoots arrows with the power of a dragon I ain't even messing around you need a bow and you need eight dragon's breath using your dragon crafter so once again place the bow right in the center surround it with dragon's breath grab your imbued bow from there once you've got some arrows and some targets you're ready to go you already hold on check this out let me shoot one of these for you check it out check it out did I even grab arrows I didn't grab no look at this wha a dragon will literally follow the arrow wherever it goes you can catch a better glimpse of it in the water like this because it kind of takes a little bit takes its sweet time going this way look that dragon mass logo dragon miss uh-huh man and it will clear blocks that it runs into you can see here it's with the grass lets rid of the sand even gets rid of the water or tries to as it's moving through it all but you can also use it on enemies what's a baby for an instant kill at a moment's notice except when it doesn't insta kill and when it doesn't instant kill you know that's okay too I think your better bet is to get close to the husk and then the Dragon will attack nearby you see yeah you don't want it you want to hit a little bit off base let's say we're gonna hit our target over there cuz it's targeting me a little too much yeah we literally deleted it beautiful just like the Android dragons work in in the end overall pretty exciting additions using this brand new dragon crafter which is very important because now we no longer need to worry about saving this egg and more importantly we can now do things with it alongside dragon hats and dragon breath so if you want to see more special mob crafters like this let us know in the comments section below shouts out to Ethan shouts out to the ender dragon leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you haven't already and we will see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,176,642
Rating: 4.7586102 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, craft, dragon crafting egg, new crafting table, new crafting, crafting table, crafting, dragon egg crafting, minecraft ender dragon, minecraft dragon pet, dragon, hatch ender dragon egg, dragon egg, how to hatch the ender dragon egg, ender dragon, minecraft dragon, dragon armor, ender, new, new items, function, functions, function pack, minecraft commands, commands, custom, custom command, mods, funny, gaming, no swearing, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip,, pet dragon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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