How to use reporting in Klaviyo

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hi I'm Mai and today we're going to learn how to get started with reporting in clayview clavio includes a number of tools to help you review and assess how your marketing strategies are performing and where you can improve these tools are grouped under the analytics tab which we'll explore in detail in this video you will learn how to get an overview of your performance using dashboards viewmetrics data using metrics compare your performance with industry peers using benchmarks and conduct in-depth analysis using custom reports first navigate to the dashboards tab under analytics in your clavio account by default you should see an overview dashboard already created in clavio let's click into that a dashboard is made up of cards a card is a way to visualize the set of metrics you can understand it as the answer to a question you may have such as how are my flows performing or how much revenue have I generated with clavio the overview dashboard has a default set of cards designed to give you a bird's side view of your account performance but you can customize this to show only the data you want in the format you want you can add a card by clicking on ADD card here you'll have the option to choose from our pre-built cards library or create a card from scratch you can remove a card by clicking on the three dots on that card and click on remove data View you can also customize date range conversion metrics and comparison period at the top of the dashboard you also have the possibility to create multiple dashboards for your analytics needs to do so let's go back to our dashboards tab then click on create dashboard give your dashboard a name and then click on create dashboard once inside your new dashboard you can add cards to get answers to your most pressing questions next we're going to navigate to the metrics tab here you'll see a list of metrics that are specific to the features you use and Integrations you have on your account for any given metric you have five tools that you can explore these can be accessed by hovering your mouse over the metric and selecting more the fact tools are charts activity feed cohorts best people and activity map you can also find these by clicking on the metric you want to focus on for example placed order here at the top these tools enable you to explore your metric data in a variety of ways charts lets you visualize the number of times the event has occurred over time so in the case of the place order event you can see how many times orders have been placed on your store in the given time period activity feed shows individual events as they take place in real time like a news feed in this case every time someone places an order you'll see a new log appear in this page cohorts lets you compare groups of people who triggered the event over time in this case a cohort would consist of customers who place an order in a given month and you can see for each cohort how many people come back and place an order in the following months best people help you answer the question who are your top performers for this event in this case which of your customers has placed the most orders over time and finally activity map lets you see where in the world people are triggering the event so in this case where in the world your most recent customers are located next up let's take a look at benchmarks benchmarks enable you to compare different aspects of your account performance to a peer group of similar companies your peer group is a set of around 100 companies that are similar to your own by their industry average item value total revenue growth rate and sending patterns if you have not set your industry or need to make an update you can adjust this in your account settings click on your account then select account and billing then contact information click on the organization tab then scroll down until you find industry here you can select the most relevant industry in the drop down menu then click on update information to save your changes now that we have selected the correct industry let's go to the benchmarks tab under analytics in the main menu you'll be taken to this overview page the overview page displays a quick summary of what aspects of your marketing program are performing well and what aspects are performing poorly you can also zoom in on different aspects of your marketing program by using the explore benchmarks section or using the menu at the top dive deep into the performance of your overall business email campaigns SMS campaigns flows and signup forms let's take a look at how data is organized within the pages I'm going to take the example of the business performance page but this applies to all the other pages by default the metrics will be displayed in a table View for each metric you can see your raw value the peer median as well as a visual indicator of how you are performing with regards to your peer group you can view additional performance indicators by toggling on the detailed view option located above the table you can also view the metrics as graphs the different views can be accessed via the icons located at the upper right corner the bar graph view lets you easily compare your rates to your peer group and the industry average while the line graph view makes it straightforward to see how your rates Trend over time note that you can only view the line chart if you are viewing more than one time period you can change the time period via the drop down at the top left corner finally let's take a look at custom reports navigate to the custom reports tab under analytics in the main menu you can use custom reports to dive deeper into metrics campaign flow or product performance he can create a report from scratch or choose from one of our pre-built reports from the reports Library which is accessible via the button located at the top left corner once inside the reports Library you can use filters to narrow down the best reports for your use case let's say I'm trying to understand how my customers are engaging with my messages so I select that filter under message performance clavio now only shows those reports which analyze my message engagement for this demo I will choose the email engagement by campaign template customize the report as needed by giving it a name adding or removing metrics adjusting the time frame or changing the report type there are also options to filter and group your reports by various properties once you are happy with the settings click on save and run report to generate your report get a preview of the results in app or export them as a CSV to conduct further analysis you can also schedule the report to run periodically and be notified via email when your results are ready and that's it you've learned how to use the analytics tab to review your data and get actionable insights to improve your marketing strategies start analyzing your performance now to make sure you're getting the most out of clavio foreign
Channel: Klaviyo
Views: 3,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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