How to A/B test a pop-up in Klaviyo | Increase website popup conversion rate | Klaviyo tutorial

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running on the Commerce store and want to crush it this year you are in the right place because in this video I will show you exactly how to a B test a sign up form in playview so you can double the growth of your email and SMS list and Skyrocket your store Revenue as a result there is nothing and I mean nothing that is as powerful for your email Revenue as that signup form submit rate and in this video I'll show you exactly how to double or even triple that submit rate from the industry average my name is Casey and I run luck and Co agency where we help seven and eight figure e-commerce stores maximize their email and SMS revenue on this channel I share free tutorials and best tips for e-commerce your support in the form of likes and comments makes this free content possible so please leave your favorite emoji in the comments section I already have a video about creating a clivia signup form from scratch on this channel so if you don't have your pop-up activated yet go watch that video first in this video we'll focus specifically on how to set up a pop-up a B test in Flavio case study but first let me show you why you need an A B test and just how powerful it can be we run pop-up a B test all the time here at lock and go because it's the biggest leverage brands have for revenue from their entire email Channel here's one recent example we increased this one Brand's welcome flow Revenue by seven and a half thousand dollars per week by running an A B test on the pop-up that's almost thirty thousand dollars in extra Revenue each month from just one email and a much faster growing email database as a sweet bonus pretty cool huh pop-up submit rate has a direct correlation to your store Revenue so you should be testing it a lot until you get to 10 submit rate or higher I'm about to show you exactly how to set up those a b tests in clavio but before we dive into the technical things and I show you the ropes let's talk about what you can a B test in your pop-up types of a b tests first of all your messaging headline hook paragraph text CTA try testing being more aggressive with inviting people to the list versus being more friendly and Casual funny versus straightforward using puns and emojis versus being serious next your offer 10 off versus 15 off dollars off versus percentage off free gift with purchase a free digital download free shipping next design full screen versus smaller form side image versus top image give versus static images photos with people versus photos with products maybe a very simplistic approach with no images or Graphics at all and finally Behavior settings showing the pop-up 5 seconds after the user lands on the website versus seven seconds exit in 10th versus time delay versus page scroll with all these options just remember to test one thing at a time otherwise it will be a mess for example if you're testing 10 off versus 15 off use the exact same copy in both variations and just change the numbers if you use different copy in one of the variations you just won't know for sure what caused the winning variation to win the offer or the copy drop a comment under the video right now and tell me what's going to be the first test that you're going to try or the next one that you're going to try by the way if you want to go to the next level with your pop-ups and a B test you gotta check out the sponsor of this video Amped Amped hooks up directly to clavio and helps you create beautiful pop-ups that convert two to three times better than your average pop-up getting more subscribers into clayvio and as a result making you more money you can start with one of amp's fully designed premium templates just look at these you can customize everything and the cool thing is that designing a pop-up in amped feels more like figma or webflow so much easier to create exactly what you need than in the clunky clavio pop-up Builder you can launch a split test with a click of a button and amp gives you super granular analytics of every interaction and step progression you can run mini quizzes capture zero party data and of course all data captured syncs up to clavio so you can use it in your flows segments and campaigns brands that use amped see 10 pop-up signup rates on average which is about three times higher than the industry they also have amazing support and can help you if you get stuck go pick your template and start a free trial with the link in the video description okay we're now ready to dive into clavio let's get our hands dirty so over here I'm assuming that your clavio is already connected and integrated with your shopping platform in my case that's Shopify and we can jump straight into signup forms so just select sign up forms on the left right here and then let's create a sign up form I'm just gonna go with one of the templates that clavio is offering me let's choose this three-step pop-up and let's call it something like this and an important thing is to choose the subscriber list so make sure that you're using the list that is also triggering your welcome flow what we want to do here is make sure that we set all of the settings and make this pop-up exactly perfect and the way we want it before we duplicate it and create variation B variation B at the beginning is going to be the exact clone of variation a so if you don't want to duplicate work and set the settings in variation a and then do the exactly same things in variation B make sure that your first variation is Pixel Perfect so I'm not going to spend too much time here like explaining how to actually create a sign up form because I have a separate video for that so we're just quickly going to go through all of these things let's imagine that this is the exact copy that I want to use exactly the copy that I want to use for ctas the images I love everything and then I go through the next step where I'm collecting the preference from the customer or from The Shopper all of this is perfect effect and then there's no other step and then the success page also looks great by the way if you want to learn how to create unique coupon codes in clavio that would sync up directly to Shopify make sure that you subscribe to my channel because we're about to release that video very very soon so let's pretend everything's great the next thing that you want to check is go into targeting and behavior and make sure that the pop-up settings over here are exactly what you want them to be so for example I actually don't want to show this pop-up on page load and I want to add a five second delay so this pop-up is going to show five seconds after page load and then I don't want to show this pop-up again to people who close that out without submitting the form for let's say 14 days and then it's showing on all devices and then let's pretend all of these settings are exactly what I want them to be make sure that you're not showing this pop-up on your card page and on your checkout page and then on any other Pages where you don't want to add friction because let's face it if you got your customer to the checkout form you actually don't want to show them the pop-up you just want them to check out and complete their purchase okay so let's say this is exactly what I want one last thing that I want to check is click on this continue button and then make sure that it's going to the list that I want let's pretend that test is the list that I want to connect this pop-up to and then over here in step two where I'm collecting a preference um I want to click on these and make sure that the profile property is being created based on the question that I'm asking and that the answers are linked to the property values that I want so all of this looks great and then over here I want to configure my coupon and instead of going with a static coupon I actually want to use a unique coupon code and clayview makes it super easy for me because I can just select one of the coupons that I pre-created in my account before again I'm about to release a video on how to do that so let's do this and then just in case they're asking for a fallback coupon so let's just pretend it's sign up 15. a fullback coupon is if your unique coupon code that's unique to every recipient of this which is the cool part about it if for some reason it fails and doesn't work the fallback coupon is what's going to show in its place ways and it should be a like a regular static coupon code that you create in Shopify or another shopping platform that you use and it's just here as a fail proof all right so all of this is done so now that this pop-up is exactly the way we want it to be this is the magic button we want to click create a B test a pro tip here make sure that you name both your test and your variations properly because it's going to make a huge difference to you in the future let's say for example that we're testing 10 versus 15 off that's exactly what I'm going to name it 10 percent and then the important part is that we also name variations so variation a is 10 off and variation B is 15 off and now let's create the test so over here the ux of cladio is a little bit tricky you need to pay attention to detail right now we're editing variation a the only way you'll be able to tell this is from here you'll see that it says a and then this is where naming already comes into play because I named it in a very descriptive way I know I'm editing the 10 off version and then I if I click on it I see the drop down menu and I can choose my other variations so we already finalized the design and the settings for variation a 10 off so let's go straight to 15 off so now clayview tells me that I'm in variation B and I'm editing the 15 off version so I'm gonna click into here and just change 10 to 15 as I mentioned just earlier in the video make sure that you're only testing one thing per test for example another thing here that I would love to test is the side image versus the image on the top but I should not be testing that at the same time with my offer let me run this test first and then I'll come back to it once the winner of this test is chosen then I'll grab that one as my new kind of status quo and then I'll add new variations there and test my design okay so 15 off and because this is the only thing that I'm testing I'm actually done but again if you were testing other things you would edit design things or messaging or behavior settings or any of those other things that I mentioned at the beginning of the video but just one thing at a time super important oh one last thing if you're doing the same pop-up for desktop and mobile just make sure that you preview everything on mobile as well at lock and code we usually actually have separate pop-ups for mobile and desktop which is design them very differently to fit the device but over here it's the same thing so just make sure you preview it it looks fine awesome let's click continue to test settings and this is where the interesting part really begins okay so in this window there are a few very key settings for running your A B test first of all you can manage your variations and you can actually add more variations so you can run an ABC test and the more traffic you have the more room you have for multi variate tests the thing about traffic and pop-ups is that the more traffic you have the more people you will have opting into your form the faster your test will reach statistical significance statistical significance is basically this statistical thing or metric uh or concept that says that like there are enough results uh there are enough people opting into your form to say for sure that yes B variation will win even when we extrapolate these results into a larger sample of people so that's what statistics physical significance is about and the more traffic you have the faster you'll get there so if you have low traffic not a lot of traffic you will need to run your test for longer in order to reach that statistical significance and for that reason if you don't have a lot of traffic don't add too many variations and just do two variations and then from here the next thing that you will want to do is Select whether you wanna do manual versus automatic weights currently this is Switched Off so the weights are automatic what does that mean it means that clavio will figure out in real time which variation is performing better than the other and will feed more traffic into that variation it's kind of a way for you to not lose out too much on the losing variation so in other words clivia will continue running your A B test and it will continue showing both variations to your traffic but it's not going to be split 50 50. more of your traffic will see the variation that currently winning and then uh you know less than 50 will see the other variation however clearly will continue showing the losing the currently losing variation as well until enough people submit their emails through both of the variations with this setting I usually like to go with automatic and just let clavio figure it out because it will still continue showing both variations until that statistical significance the magical statistical significance is reached so I'm just gonna do automatic but if you wanted to do manual for some reason and like keep it 50 50 very strictly you can always easily choose that with this toggle uh on and off oh and by the way did you notice how when you go manual you can actually choose 50 50 or 70 30 or whatever you want however I'm Gonna Leave This up to clavio and then the next important thing is over here do you want the winner of your test to be selected automatically by glavia when that statistical significance is achieved or do you just want that A B test to run indefinitely until you manually choose the winner or do you want to set a date limit and just tell clavio hey in two weeks let's close this uh test let's end it and then you like take your next steps from there my approach to this depends on which type of a B test you're actually running and there are two different types one type of a B test in the pop-up will actually require you to also split your welcome flow and the offer a B test the one that I'm actually showing you in this example is one of those examples because if you're showing one set of your traffic 10 off and then you're showing other people 15 off what you send to them in your welcome email will actually need to match what you're promising to them and the pop-up and the way it technically needs to be executed on clipio is you'll have two separate paths in your welcome flow and I'm going to show you how to do that in just a second and with this you're not actually just a b testing the pop-up you're also a b testing the welcome flow and sometimes even though the statistical significance is reached for the pop-up so we know which one 10 or 15 off is working better to get people into the door to get them onto your email list we're also a b testing which of these offers is going to convert your subscribers into customers better and you know because the welcome flow is ideal you more than one email for us it's usually between four and five emails and you know it spans usually a whole week for people for that reason I like to manually end my a b test and I look not only at the pop-up results but also at the welcome flow results and stick with me I'm going to show you exactly what I mean in just a second but if your a B test is more about copy or design or behavior settings in other words you're strictly just testing the submit rate of the pop-up and not how how the welcome flow converts if that's the case then totally let clavio and the test automatically once statistical significance is achieved so that's a very important differentiator there and finally on the screen you can add a note about the a b test if your team is large and if you want everybody when they log in to know what this test is about this is a great space to add those notes so now let's publish this A B test and see what happens so once your A B test is running this is what the screen is going to look like you'll be able to choose your date range over here so right now we're looking at the last seven days and we're looking at it day by day and clavio is reminding us that this pop-up is running this A B test 10 versus 12 off and I'm gonna see some basic stats over here the total people who viewed the form how many of those people submitted the form and my form submit raid and then clavio also ranks your result compared to your peer group and your industry average so for my pop-up Claudia was telling me that this pop-up is doing excellent however these are the stats for the entire pop-up and what you want to do is you want to go into the A B test results tab at the top over here here there are also a few little tricks you can toggle between all of the a b tests that you run on this pop-up in the past by going in here and there's a little drop down menu that's easy to miss and you'll see that on this pop-up I've already run two different a b tests they're named very similarly because they're very similar a B test and honestly the first one had to be discontinued because we made a little mistake over there so we just caught it right away and then we redid this A B test so this is the current one we called it 10 versus 12 off round two and it's currently still in progress and this um this little window has a lot of very interesting data so when probability basically clivia was telling me that variation B which I named 12 off has 82 percent of probability of winning of winning the winning variation and these results are not statistically significant and that's why this A B test is still running the status of the A B test is live I also can see my start date and the current weights that cladio is assigning to these two variations and because I chose automatic weights clavio is giving more weight to the variation that's currently winning but not too much so that it can still continue comparing the results between the two variations until that statistical significance is reached and then over here very cool I can see the views this the number of people who submitted the form and the form submission rate for each variation so I can see that my 10 off variation is converting visitors into subscribers at 5.5 percent and then the 12 off is converting visitors into subscribers at almost 7.6 percent so you know the variation B B is quite a bit higher which is great but I'm still going to wait until these results are statistically significant okay so now let's look at the welcome flow and this part of the video is relevant for you if you're a bit testing something like the offer which spoiler alert is one of the things that you can a bit test that will give you the biggest leverage because obviously whether you're giving five percent off or ten percent off or ten dollars off or free shipping or free gift with purchase those kinds of things will have the biggest effect on your submit rate and then the other thing is design so the way you design it like simplistic design versus gifs versus photos with people in the photos versus photos with products all of those things also have a huge effect on your submit rate this is what we're doing in the welcome flow first of all we have this conditional split that removes all people who are getting into the welcome flow for making a purchase and this is just a choice that we make because we only want people in this flow who are not customers yet and by default if somebody joins your email list from making a purchase because of course their email address in the Shopify checkout form they're going to join your list and we actually don't want them in the welcome flow we send them to other flows to a post purchase flow so we just remove them from here so that's what this conditional split is about and then from there this is the conditional split that actually splits my welcome flow into two paths based on which offer the person got in their pop-up variation this is how I set up this conditional split properties about someone pop-up discount equals variation a 10 and then I click save and then if the answer is yes they go down the path of the welcome flow where that's delivering 10 off and if the answer is no I just checked that the like for a very similar thing but the value for this property pop-up discount is variation B 12 and then if the answer is yes then I do deliver the welcome flow which gives them 12 percent off but the answer is no that means that this person got into the email list not from variation a not from variation B but from somewhere else really the only other place where they can get into this flow is from the footer and if they came from the footer then we're still delivering 10 off to them but I do want that path separately just simply because I want to see how those people convert differently from the people who are coming in from the pop-up so that's why I have a third path in my welcome flow obviously this is a like a pretty Advanced setup um but you know if you do it step by step it's not actually that difficult and the cool thing is that if you click show analytics at the top over here now I can see that my 10 off variation converts at 22 percent and then my 12 off variation converts at 28 honestly both of those conversion rates are pretty crazy uh really really great for welcome flow and then interestingly people who are signing up from the footer are not converting at all but also they're only 15 who received this variation of the email so it's not too bad but it kind of confirms my hunch in that people who are signing up from the footer they're buying intent is much lower so for me to show you where this property is coming from we need to go back to the pop-up and I'll show you where to add that here's another Pro tip for you if you're running an active a B test you cannot edit it anymore so if you made a mistake or if you decided to change something you will actually have to end the test and then make your edits and then start a new test so when you click that start a B test button make sure that your pop-up is truly truly ready so now I want to make an edit and I'll click edit a B test and click edit content and now clavia was giving me this warning that hey we can only create a copy of your A B test you can't edit an active test so I'm going to say round two 10 versus 15 off so in this first step were you collecting the email address click on the button and again it's going to show you some of these settings and which lists your subscribers are going to and then it's going to show you submit hidden Fields so this is a very very important part and not a lot of people know about it besides the field that you're actively collecting from this step of the pop-up in this case it's the email address of the person you can also collect unlimited number of hidden fields and the your subscribers to visitors will not know that you're collecting that information about them but it's not like anything crazy so in this case we'll just want to make sure that we're collecting which uh pop-up variation they are coming to me from so I'm gonna say you need to first name your profile property so I'm going to call it pop-up variation and then choose value variation a 10 off create and go back so this was my variation a now let's switch to the aeration B again click on the button and add this property again and you won't be able to select this property from the drop down menu and this is because not a single person has that profile property in their profile yet but as soon as at least one person has it in their profile it will show up for you in the drop down menu because you know due to the nature of how we're creating this pop-up it's not going to show up it's super super important for you to copy paste that both the profile property and the value exactly the same way that you have it in a variation a not the value just the profile property because if you mess that up it's like there's a little typo it will actually create two separate profile properties and then it's a mess and it's really hard to keep track of so let me actually go back to where are we no to variation a click on the button um oh I actually won't be able to do this so I shouldn't have I should have done this from the start so let's let's pretend I'm doing this from the start pop-up variation copy paste and go back click variation B click on the button again uh let's just delete this create this again now I'm pasting it still says create pop-up variation as if that profile property didn't exist for the reason that I just described and then over here it's going to be variation B 12 or 15 in this case percent off I'm using two different example two different examples throughout this video as you may have noticed okay so that's it and then when I go to my welcome flow in this conditional split you'll just need to make sure that over here you are selecting exactly the same property that you had over here so mine actually doesn't match 100 because again I'm using two different examples but essentially this should show pop-up variation and then equals variation a 10 off and then similar here so that's it there you have it we've gone through a lot of different things you now know how to create a variation for your pop-up you know which thanks to a B test uh you know like little little things in the settings to look out for uh naming super important and now you saw why and then once you create segments based on your variations and other things you'll see the value of naming things properly even more and then I think that the last thing that I showed you where you also actually a B test not only the pop-up form but the welcome flow in addition to it that's where the value you really is for me also of course you know the higher the pop-up submit rate is the better the more people will join your list and you will make more money from that welcome flow and from your entire email Channel just you know by default because the more people are in the funnel the more people can convert the more Revenue you can make but if you're also a b testing the welcome flow it's just kind of like you're doubling up on on all of those conversion rates and you're growing your Revenue even faster I hope that this was helpful I know that this is a little bit technical maybe not a little bit so if you have questions please ask them in the comments if you're subscribed and if you follow me you know that I always get back to everybody that who I can help and if I can't help I try to point you in the right direction where you can find help so drop me a comment like this video subscribe to my channel a special shout out again to the sponsor of this video and they are a truly truly amazing platform and if you noticed uh even from the video the templates that they have are a complete Game Changer so I would recommend checking them out in the video description and uh going and just trying their templates they have a free trial so you have nothing to lose and then other than that thank you again so much for being here and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Kasey Luck
Views: 2,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kasey Luck, luck and co, email marketing, ecommerce email marketing, A/B test a signup form in Klaviyo, klaviyo tutorial, a/b test klaviyo, a/b test a popup, a/b test a signup form, how to grow an email list, grow email list faster, email marketing for beginners, klaviyo, klaviyo shopify, klaviyo signup form, klaviyo signup form shopify, signup form, how to create signup form, how to grow email list, klaviyo email marketing, klaviyo tips, klaviyo for shopify
Id: MvmAAPnIkQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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