Klaviyo Tutorial: How to Split Test Klaviyo Pop-Ups to Increase Your Website Email Capture

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welcome to my split test series if you haven't watched the previous two videos I show you how to split test flows and campaigns but in this video I'm going to show you exactly how to actually optimize your email capture on clavio through popups okay so this video ideally is for two types of people one you're a brand owner that's already getting pretty good results on popup AKA you're capturing more than 5% of your web traffic and turning them into leads and you're just kind of like really looking for the ways to kind of optimize it towards that 8% or 10% 12% Etc or you're the brand owner in specific niches that actually is just pretty difficult to get it even above like 4% um I know we we have a couple accounts that we really struggle to even get like above 4% but majority of the time the range goes anywhere from 3.5 all the way up to around 15% it's a absolute huge range just depends on like the nichan industry that you're in but this video regardless is going to be super helpful if you want access to to this split testing documentation sheet for campaigns flows and pop-ups join my school group Link in the description and uh yeah let's dive into it so with popups several things that you want to do like with all split testing you want to keep it single variable okay and there's kind of several things that you can kind of uh play around with in order to increase it so the first things first right you always want to start with this data sheet instead of just building it out in clavio straight away reason being is because without documenting previously you don't really have anything to go off of then there's no overall split test strategy right so we're going to put the date started as uh you know whatever day that you want to launch it the offer so the offer could be anything right it could just be like unlock free shipping or like get 10% off get $10 voucher um buy X get y whatever or like sign up to unlock your free sample of product right so the reason why offer is super important is because um that's kind of like the highest impact thing when it comes opin percentage and then sample size is the number of views the individual popups have so for me I would always like to stick it at above 1,000 views minimum if you're a super super tiny store watching this you can kind of sometimes maybe get away with like 500 views but I would just let the popup tests run for a while before you actually make a conclusion in terms of popup types there's kind of three right there's the popup there's the fly out forms and then there's also the embedded ones the embedded ones are more so for like landing page option rates rather than website capture so you know most of the time you guys are going to be sticking it within these popups or the flyy outs personally I like pop-ups more we've seen it perform much much better compared to flyouts based on just purely the fact that you know a popup is in the middle of someone's screen versus a fly out comes out from the side in terms of data capture there's kind of three ways to go about it you can either capture email only SMS only or both through a two-step popup form which I also kind of recommend and then in terms of offer copy and design these are the only three test variables there's actually another one which is uh Behavior which I kind of forgot to add so I'll add in right now and in terms of ab variable notes it's just like the difference between a and b again you want to pick a single variable so if I'm testing something to do with like the copy I'm just going to type in the copy that's like different so for example it could be like get your 10% off when you sign up to our news letter right versus just get 10% off right these could be the two copy differences now I already know which one out of these two for example is going to win so I'll just give you a a bunch of best practices right now just rattle some off so it's going to save you a bunch of time okay so if you're a low average order Value Store percentage discount works better than fixed amount discount so like 10% works better than $10 off just because if your low average order value $10 would simply be too much whereas if your high average order value you can say something like $50 off rather than 10% off because $50 feels more impactful than $10 even though in terms of like raw value of discount let's say your average order value is $11,000 right $50 is only 5% so you're essentially giving away half the discount but get better conversion rates in terms of copy you want to keep it as straightforward and simple as possible just stick to the offer right anything that says like when you sign up to our newsletter or like you know join our mailing list to get exclusive updates and all of this it generally drops conversion rates right you want to keep it as simple as possible but let's just pretend you know like we split tested this winner conclusion boom what you want to get to is the point where you have a bunch of split tests done in the past and you're able to collectively use the conclusions drawn from these tests to make more informed decisions going forward about your brand now how do you actually implement this within clavio itself well first of all you want to go into your existing popup form and you want to just hit create AB test test name can be really simple right it it's just literally the variables that you're testing right so it's like copy you might put like long form versus short form something like this right or like uh you know if it's offer then it's just offer 10% versus let's say $10 right even or if it's like design then it's like you know you can kind of around with it or if it's delay then you're going to want to put something something like 7 Seconds delay versus exit intent for example right so once you have this obviously name the split test variable like let's say this is the 7c and then this is the exit intent right once you create these variables you're going to want to hit create test and it's going to bring you to this screen right here which is going to have the two variables you're going to edit each of them individually in terms of waiting right you want to put manual you don't want to set it to automatic because you want to keep an eye out and automatic basically it lets AI decide and allocate like Which percentage of uh views goes to which form based on where they think will perform the best personally I just like to wait at 50/50 cuz I want to be the one making the decision for the account and from here you can go ahead and then just like customize however you want form to look customize the success page whatever whatever just make sure if you're testing for something like delay you keep the aesthetic the copy the offer and everything else the same you literally just want to go to targeting and behavior and boom change that right so once this is done you can then continue to test settings modify the other one and you're basically good to go ahead and hit publish test obviously in this case I'm not going to do it just cuz you know this is a demo account and whatnot but yeah and after you get a good enough enough sample size you just put let's say 5,000 views total and you want to put like offer date started conclusion whatever right and then from there you can actually start another split test so hope you guys found this video useful and if you're a 78 and N9 figure brand looking for email marketing on your team or just you know one an outside opinion I run these really in-depth audit audits for your brand where we basically look at everything from deliverability Health buy domain and your sending Cadence your frequency your messaging your designs your flows very comprehensive audit I give you the exact blueprint the exact strategy the exact thing we would do for you if you were to sign with us completely free of charge so you can either choose to work with myself and my team on it or you can go with someone else I really don't care right so again if you want access to the sheet template just go to my school account and uh sign up and you'll find it within the classroom hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you in the next one talk soon
Channel: Boyuan Zhao
Views: 1,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: klaviyo, klaviyo email marketing, how to use klaviyo, email marketing, klaviyo email, klaviyo tutorial, how to do email marketing, how to use klaviyo for email marketing, how to use klaviyo email, email marketing for beginners, how to capture more emails, klaviyo email marketing tutorial, how to create welcome series klaviyo, how to create split test, email marketing tips, klaviyo email marketing for shopify, how to make money online, how to create a flow on klaviyo
Id: vxsItuMl_ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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