How to create a flow in Klaviyo

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hi my name's Gemma and today we're going to learn how to create a flow s are sequences of automated actions which can include email and SMS messages that are triggered when a person performs a specific action like being added to a list making approaches or abandoning their car you may also have heard them refer to as automations or drip campaigns the flow we're going to build today is called a welcome series this flow welcomes new subscribers and introduces them to your business and product offering more specifically today you will learn to discover flow templates in the flows Library navigate the flow Builder add a time delay to an existing flow and a new email to a flow using a conditional split and view the analytics of a flow email we're going to start by clicking on the flows tab in the main menu let's click on the create flow button in the top right this will take you to the flows Library where you can find pre-built templates for each kind of flow that Fabio offers you can filter your search by Channel email SMS or both and also browse flows by goal like preventing lost sales or encouraging repeat purchases let's click on note to subscribers and select the standard welcome series this is the flow we're going to use to navigate the flow Builder here I'll see a preview of the flow I've selected and I can also name my flow I'm going to name my flow gemma's welcome series let's start by taking a look at the trigger every flow has a trigger and once the trigger has been set it cannot be changed a welcome series is what we call a list triggered flow as the trigger for the welcome series is when someone subscribes to your newsletter you can also apply Trigger or flow filters to this flow to further restrict who or receive the flow for example a pretty common use case is excluding people who have made a purchase at any point during the flow now let's take a look at the content of the Flow by clicking on email number one if I click edit I'll be taken to edit the content of this email starting with the subject line preview text and other details for sending you can click edit email to be taken to the full body of the email here you'll see that clavio provides you with a pre-built template for this flow email which you can edit directly from the editor here or you can click change template in the top right hand corner to use one of your own pre-built templates let's return to the flow Builder the other key component of all flows is timing the time delays between emails ensure that the recipient receives a gradual introduction to your brand and doesn't get overwhelmed by emails smart sending which you can see here is enabled also helps with that smart sending ensures that a customer won't receive more than one email from you in a 16 hour period however you should turn smart sending off for the first email in this flow as it's important that when a customer subscribes to your newsletter they receive the first message in your welcome series straight away let's add a time delay before the next email in this flow to do this I'll use the drag and drop Builder to drag in a time delay and then configure it here to be three days you can also add more advanced logic to the time delay such as delaying it until a certain time or until certain days of the week now I'll click save now we are going to add a fourth email to the flow and learn how to use a conditional split a conditional split allows you to create different content for recipients based on their behavior or profile properties in other words it sends a customer down a different path depending on what they have done or not done to add a conditional spit I will drag in the conditional spurt element from the sidebar you can select a condition for your conditional spit under configuration on the left we're going to select what someone has done or not done as we are going to be creating this split based on whether or not someone has placed an order since they started the flow I'll select place order from this drop down and at least once automatically appears as the frequency although I can also change this I'll want to adjust the time period drop down to since starting this flow and that's it I can save my split to add new emails to each branch with the flow I just need to drag in email actions from the sidebar to each branch of the flow these are then ready to update with content that aligns with my objective for each of these groups of subscribers my final step in creating this flow would be to turn this flow live by clicking on update all action statuses there are three action statuses a flow can have live manual and draft draft is for you to edit manual means you will need to manually approve each customer to pass through this flow and live means your flow is live and sending to customers automatically without any approval needed from you once your flow is live you'll want to keep a close eye on the performance of your flow you can do this by clicking show analytics in the top right hand corner this will open up the analytics for each individual email and you can see some kpis including how many people this photo is delivered to and how many people have been skipped from receiving this file you can also see more advanced analytics for that message by clicking on the message and then clicking view more Analytics and that's it now you have post an email welcome series and you're ready to start creating more flows in your account [Music]
Channel: Klaviyo
Views: 5,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X8sH2h8jASE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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