How To Reduce High Email Bounce Rates In Klaviyo

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show you how to fix the issue of high bounce rates specifically within your clavo account but you can take some of these tips and apply it to other esps such as MailChimp omnisend anything like that as well bit of context I run an email and SMS marketing agency I've managed hundreds of clients and we've driven about $5.8 million in Revenue through the use of email so I am 100% qualified to talk about what I'm talking about today so straight off the bat you want to actually figure out if you do have a deliverability issue and high bounce rates now odds are if you're watching this video you probably do but in case you haven't already checked this this is specifically with en clavio go into your analytics tab scroll down and click deliverability this will show you specifically how your deliverability is looking in the case of this account it's my personal account and there's not a whole lot of data coming through it but nonetheless we can click bounce details and we can see what emails are bouncing in why right or rather um you know why the emails are bouncing so in this case we have like 666 total emails being sent in the last 30 days good delivery rate total bounces of nine and a bounce rate of 1.33% so we can go ahead and see what is causing those emails to bounce and unfortunately unclassified doesn't really help us a whole lot um and we can also see hey there's an invalid address there so hypothetically if we were to say okay this is actually a high bounce rate it's too high for us we we need to fix it we would go and do the following steps steps number one is you'd go into your flows I'm going to do an example here we go into our flows and we're going to add the following filter to the top of every single one of our automations this is how we do it we go into the welcome Series in this case this is my welcome series we click this and we add the following filter what somebody has or has not done bounced email zero times in the last 30 days this means if their email bounces at any stage in this flow they will get kicked out of the flow that's going to help improve our overall deliverability you'll notice the welcome series typically has the highest rate of bounces as well as people tend to enter in dummy email addresses within the sign up form process just to either a get that discount or they just accidentally enter in the incorrect email address so you'll find that your bounce rates are probably highest in this first email in the welcome series and if that's the case if they bounce here this filter will kick them out from the flow going forward and that's going to help improve your overall balance rates if your bounce lates are really high as well I recommend doing this pretty much in every single one of your automations at least temporarily until you can get those Balance rates under control a great way to figure out if you're like hey you don't want to apply it to every single flow but you only want to apply the high bounce uh this filter rather to flows they're getting high bounce rates you do this go into your custom reports create a new report by clicking reports Library go email deliverability by flow create report and then what you can do here is go sent in the last 300 in 65 days and then you can run this report and what this report Will Show You Is What flows are getting the highest bounce rates and as you can see here it's this one here the one that I was just in if you have a bunch of Flows In the case of this account I only have two this will show you every single flow that's getting the highest bounce and then you can just triage from there right so you can say hey I can see that one two three four flows are getting really high bounce rates what I'm going to do is I'm going to apply the filters of bounced email zero times in the last 30 days specifically to the flows that are gain the highest bounce rates and not the other ones that'll help be a little bit more targeted with where you're excluding people so that's step number one adding the bounce filter to the flows step number two is to apply this strategy to your campaigns so what we're going to do is we're going to create a new segment and this segment is going to priz of people who have bounced at least once in the last 30 days so this is what we do we call this I'm going to call it IB because that's the name of my agency inbox dash dash bounced at least once at least once in the last 30 days and we're going to title it or rather put in Brackets exclude this what we're going to do we're going to go what somebody has or has not done bounced email at least once in the last 30 days and we're going to create this segment as you can see here while it loads you noticed just before there was only four people in the segment those are the profiles that bounced at least once in the last 30 days then for our regular campaign strategy we're going to take this segment and we're going to exclude them from our email marketing campaigns that's going to help us essentially exclude any invalid emails or emails that are reporting bad metrics from our campaign strategy and lower the bounce rate for our email marketing campaigns this is super important I pretty much do this for every single client that I have highly highly recommend you do this now within clavio there's a distinction between hard bounce and soft bounce a hard bounce results in an immediate suppression of the profile right so here we go that's our metrics there so those emails bounced now a hard bounce yeah like I said results in somebody getting suppressed within clavio the default what qualifies a hard bounce is seven consecutive soft bounces within clavio I think personally that's a little bit generous so what I like to do is I like to create a segment of people who emails have bounced at least four times over all time in the last in the last really it's it's if you do like the 30-day condition like bounced zero times in the last 30 days it can kind of mess with this but if you don't do bounc email at least four times over all time that should be the segment that you start suppressing you can create an automation for that right you just go create a segment triggered automation if somebody has so you create a segment I'll show you create a segment go IB bounced let's just say I D Das bounced four times and we go what somebody has or has not done bounce the email is greater than three overall time that means if it's four they're going to enter into the segment and you just create a flow that is triggered off people joining this segment and you suppress them so we just go like this we go flows create flow build your own just call this IB bounce suppress bounce suppress excuse my spelling create flow and then you do this uh add to list or rather added to segment bounced four times saves the moment they join this segment you put them into this flow profile property update you add a step update and just go like suppress it's going to be a custom tag obviously for some reason clavio is being a bit of a pain in the ass here okay well for some reason there basically you just go ahead and update their profile property with suppress equals true create new suppress true and then you just go ahead and basically suppress anybody with tag every 30 days 45 days whatever you have capacity for finally if you're still having high bounce rates the final thing you want to do is find the list of people that people are being added to from from your sign up forms or at checkout so more often than not your sign up forms for example if I go to my forms I can see that my sign up forms here are pointing to the ib-- S flows for $10 right I know that people are being pointed to that list and if that is resulting in high balance rat if I'm seeing a high balance rate in my account this is what I do go into my list in segments I click ib-- 7 we go here seven here's the list click the list and then you go over to the settings tabs here and you go consent and you can change it from double opin to single opin nice and easy or rather change it from single optin to double op in double opin is default uh basically it just means that somebody has to confirm their email after having subscribed to your newsletter change it to double optin if you need and that's going to improve the overall deliverability of your list and the emails that you're having but it's going to decrease how many people are in that list cool guys so that's how I would go about improving my email marketing strategy by lowering the overall bounce rates and those are the steps that I would take to lowering the bounce rate if you have any questions let me know in the comment section I answer every single question that I get and if you like this video subscribe smash the like button ah all that stuff cool guys thanks bye
Channel: In-box
Views: 52
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Email marketing, klaviyo expert, Mailchimp, Email marketing expert, Email marketing strategies, SMS marketing, Klaviyo, Klaviyo ecommerce, Ecommerce, Shopify, Shopify expert, ecommerce expert, email, Mailchimp marketing, Klaviyo flows, Klaviyo automation
Id: DvgL-Z37Lnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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