How to use PowerPoint: A Beginner's Step-by-Step Tutorial

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hi I'm Jamie and welcome to teachers  Tech and welcome to my beginner class   on Microsoft PowerPoint today in this Microsoft  PowerPoint tutorial we'll start with the basics   so even if you've never used this before you can  start here and then we'll build all the way up   so that you're making a very impressive looking  Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and you'll feel   comfortable presenting that not only will it look  professional you're going to have a lot of fun   creating this as we go along too let's move down  to the search feature here on Windows and I'm just   going to go ahead and start typing PowerPoint you  can see it's already here because I've opened it   up recently but if I just start typing power it's  right here if I know I'm going to be using this a   lot I can go ahead and pin it to my taskbar so if  I rightclick on this I can go pin to taskbar and   take a look now it's down here if you don't want  it here you can right click on it again and I can   also unpin it it uh I'm going to go ahead and just  click on PowerPoint from here and you're going to   see it pop up right away it's going to ask me  to actually sign in here so maybe you're just   opening this for the first time on your computer  uh you need to connect it to an account and this   is what I was talking about earlier do you have  a work account or school account that you could   log in with this so I'm going to go ahead and  get signed in here so if I scroll down I I'm   going to go sign in or create an account at this  point so after this then you're going to see all   the features unlock now let's go through just our  different views that we're seeing and if I take a   look over on the panel over here we have our home  view our new view and our open view with the home   view what we're seeing and we can start our blank  presentation here uh notice that if we wanted to   get a little bit more real estate of just the down  below we can do that we also get our templates or   themes in here which are great to save you a lot  of time and they have a great look but it's good   to learn the basics first because then you can go  back and manipulate them after but definitely take   a look at them uh if you go to more themes here  notice it moved over to the new uh view here we   can go through and see different uh few more here  but we can also do a search in here and they have   suggested ones that you can go through and just  click on and then it will just uh look uh based   on what that category was under the uh if I go  back to home again uh down here you're going to   see the the most recent PowerPoint so if you want  to quickly open up one of the ones you've been   working on uh you can go and just click on it we  have our pinned uh so with our pinned it allows   us to quickly uh get to one an important one and  we can make things pinned very quickly so if I go   to recent and I say over this dog one I could go  ahead and just hit the pin here as soon as I do   that now if I go to pin you can see I have two and  I can unpin them as well if I don't want them in   there over here we have have shared with me so  in this case I can see that Ashton shared this   PowerPoint with me uh that I was working on here  so and it gives me the time and date that that   happened as well so just a little bit about the  home view here uh we already were in the new view   and notice we can start our blank presentations  from here too and if you uh were looking through   maybe on your computer and different places to  open if I go to open here where do I want to   open the PowerPoint from I can go over here and  open uh notice that this shows me the dates and   everything in here and I can go down the list  I can open from one drive I can even open from   this PC here so if I go ahead and uh click on  it double click it opens up and I can go find   something on my computer here but what we're going  to do here is just start from a blank presentation   here and you notice right away I'm greeted with  this and what we're seeing uh is our title slide   it just defaults this way and and on the left  hand side we're seeing a thumbnail of the same   thing so if I type in something here notice that  it shows up on the thumbnail so this is just the   default that happens with the very first all this  is customizable but before we get to creating our   slideshow what I want to do is to give a little  quick walk around what we're seeing up top here   and we can see here these are different tabs and  Microsoft products work the same whether you're in   Microsoft Word or Excel or different ones you're  going to see tab across the top here so these are   categories of tabs and then inside the tab what  we see are is the ribbon so if I ever say to take   a look at the ribbon I'm taking a I'm saying  take a look in here then inside the ribbon we   actually have groups so here is a font group or a  paragraph group notice if I click in an area this   is highlight it now because I can use this here  uh so these are all the different font ones but   you can even expand it a a little bit more inside  this group we can get this here so if I open it   up uh it shows gives you even more options that  they couldn't fit in the ribbon on this group so   that's just some terminology that we have here we  do have quick access here up top here so these are   little quick links that we can customize up here  uh towards the end I'll show you how to do some   customization of the ribbon or the tabs as well  just so if you find something that you just want   to quickly uh click on before we go any further  it's always good to save your PowerPoint and we   can do this in a couple different ways I could  just hit this save right here so notice that we   have the save and if I go back to file we have  save here or save as so if I was going to hit   uh save or save as notice it comes to the same  one and where should I save this to well I could   save it to one drive or I could save it to this  PC depending on what you want if you save it to   one drive this allows you to be sharing with  other people then you can access it from any   computer as well too and the sharing option is  nice because I can share it with other people   in my organization and we can work together  collaborative collaboratively in lifetime but   if you just want to save it on your computer you  can just go here and we could pick a spot so if   we had something on here that we wanted to do you  could go find a a folder that you can put it in   and then we can just save it like so hit save and  now that's saved on my computer and then the name   came up right here okay so now that we have this  saved uh and we are ready to go with creating our   slid show first of all I don't want to call  this presentation hello so I'm going to make   this change right away I'm just going to click  in this text box here and uh delete this just by   hitting delete on my keyboard you can backspace it  I'm going to call this pause for Success keeping   with my dog theme and in this cell where it says  subtitle I'm actually going to paste something in   so I copied it on a different different sheet I'm  going to go contrl V here just like this mastering   dog training techniques so we have this our title  slide set up we'll come back add images later but   first of all I want to show you how you can add  new slides so to add new slides if you look at   the Home tab right up here and then you look into  onto the ribbon here into the group slides if I   go ahead and click it up here it automatically  adds a new slide you notice that it's slightly   different this is a title slide which has the  title and a subtitle this one now has the title   up here and clicked add text here we can change  this and I'll show you how to do that in a moment   but let's say we wanted to add another slide if I  go ahead click here I can choose the layout this   time so if I wanted to go uh to this right here  I can click on it and then I have my third slide   but this time I've chosen what I wanted as the  format another way you can do it whenever you get   wherever you're selected so if I'm between these  two slides if I just hit enter it adds the slide   and then I can change the format after so what I  mean by notice it just gave me the title with a   text down below I could go up top into the slide  here into the slide group and I can make a change   up here do I want this to be comparison and now  the layout is changed here if I rightclick on any   of these slides and I get different options so at  this point I could change my layout and do what I   want here so if I wanted to content Conta and cap  caption it makes those changes the other thing I   want to point out you can add your new slides from  here too so if I wanted my new slide I could pick   it from here we can also delete our slides as well  now let's say if you have a slide that you really   like and you only want to tweak something and you  want to and you don't want to have to do the same   thing I could make a duplicate of it so if I go to  this we can go duplicate here so if I duplicate it   it gives me the exact same slide again I could go  ahead and hit delete on my keyboard like this but   if you ever want to undo remember it's control  Z like so we'll undo the last step or else we   do have undo up top in this quick access here  so I can undo or redo again those ways so those   are some ways that you can uh create new slides  delete new delete the slides and even change the   layout before you even get started I have a title  for my PowerPoint here but but I want to go ahead   and just put a title for each slide of these four  and I can go ahead and add more slides after but   just for helping with organization I'm going to  go and put you know I'm going to put a chart on   this one on this one I'm going to go ahead and uh  put some quotes on here and on this one I'm going   to put smart art so smart art is a way to taking  something like a Waring list and it just in a few   clicks make something really graphically Pleasant  to look at and now what I want to show you though   so I have these four named I can change the order  very quickly so if I want it quotes to be before   chart I can just drag it up like this so I can  change the order just by simply dragging them   around uh so even if you make put your all your  ideas on your kind of your titles just for helping   organization then you can drag them into spots  after you can also select multiple ones so if I   was selecting three and four if I hold shift down  as I select four notice they're both highlighted I   can drag two these two up and drop them in between  so if you get a lot of different slides that's one   way that you can grab uh multiple ones and do it  that way now if you wanted to select different   ones not in an order try holding control down so  if I was holding four if I click four and hold   control on my keyboard and click one now I can  select those two even though they're not next to   each other and still drag those around I'm just  going to undo that last step but just some ways   to help manage and organize uh where your slides  will go now it's almost time to start adding some   design to this and this is what I love about  PowerPoint is how quickly this can happen but   before we do that what I want to do is actually  resave this to the cloud to one drive uh I'm going   to go up here where it says hello because I don't  want this called hello anymore if I go this is on   my computer right now I can go ahead and hit  upload say what where I wanted to go to select   my location it's going to upload it to the cloud  even though I started it on my computer I don't   want this called hello so at this time I Now it's  uploaded I'm just going to call this pause for   Success so I'll just do that right up here and I'm  going to hit enter notice everything's updated and   now this is being saved in the cloud and remember  do check out that uh the my tutorial on Microsoft   One Drive so you learn more about uh saving to  it now let's move over to the design tab up here   and this is where we can quickly make some changes  and the first thing we're going to look at is over   here to the right the format background and I'm  just going to select this and you're going to get   this opens up right here just going to stretch  this out a little bit so you can see a little   bit better now uh with this what we can do if you  just wanted to have one color changed on this you   can go have solid fill I could select aor let's  say I want it red and just like that I have uh   that changed I can apply this to all slide so if  I hit apply all it goes right through I'm going to   go contrl Z to undo that last spot now I'm could  go back I could pick a different color if I want   or change it back to what it was now we do have  things like gradient and we can change all these   different so right now with all the gradient stops  in here I could add more just by clicking and then   I can select a color and then what you'll notice  is that it changes based on uh which one I pick   and I can drag this also and you can see how  it adjusts so you can have a lot of fun playing   with the gradient and then you can even change the  direction or depending on what type of uh option   you want from all this so you lots of different  options and you can go play with the gradient   stops we have our uh picture our texture feel  so if we want to you can see this is a texture   in here if we wanted it uh different we could go  ahead and insert a picture source so is it going   to be from a file from stock images and you can  go ahead and try these by doing a search for this   or we could do a pattern fill very quickly pick  a pattern for this or we could hide background   Graphics if we want so but what I'm going to do is  actually uh not even use any of these here so I'm   going to go back and just Co turn it back to what  we had at the very beginning and close out of this   format background because if we take a look at the  themes here we can go ahead and drop down here and   we can hover over and we get an idea of how things  change just by hovering over so these are themes   that we can be using so once you find one that you  like uh and we can always change this after so if   I go ahead and select this one now I can choose a  variant from within this so if I drop down now I   can choose a color that I want I can even pick my  own so notice I don't have to choose for what they   have I can get more customization even my font I  can uh choose from here so if I wanted this right   here and then the font changed from there so you  can start to uh make these all up on your own as   you go through but it's nice to start from that  theme and then making the change from there now   the other thing I just want to point out is the  the designer so with the designer take a look at   this it from right from the because it's called  pause for success and has mastering dog training   techniques it came up with some ideas for me so  which one of these uh would I want to use as I   scroll down you can see see the different ones  I'm going to choose this I like this one here so   at this point I'm going to choose this I can close  out of this and already and I haven't really done   very much is just gone to the design tab picked a  theme did some custom iation and then to designer   and I already have a good start now at any time  you can customize the font on any slide if I was   just going to go in here if I click maybe once  you can see how with the Flash and cursor inide   here I double click and a triple click so a double  click lets me select the word and a triple click   lets me select everything in it and then I can go  apply if I wanted the different font I could drop   down choose it choose a different size I could  format the the color and all these things do I   want it bold underlined and so on now this right  here is the same thing if I have it selected if   I look up into my at my home tab in my ribbon  under the font uh grouping I can make all those   changes as well and remember when I showed you you  can expand a few more and get all the different   options here too so just some different ways you  can uh customize your own font after that I'm just   going to go contrl z uh to get it back to where  I was the other thing I want to show you if you   ever want to make your own Uh custom theme if you  go up to view over here and then you go to uh look   here slide Master slidemaster allows you to do  this I'm not going to get into it on this video   but I do have a separate video that explains how  you can go through and use slid Master to U make   your own theme and add it so I'll just put that  the link up above in the card and down below in   the description but let's go now and try to  add add some images to our slide let's move   over to the insert tab right here and then take  a look at the ribbon at all the different things   that you can insert here now I'm not going to go  through all these things in this tutorial but I   just want to show you that you could put a table  in uh we're going to focus on pictures a chart   and smart art but let's go ahead and put a picture  in first so I'm going to go ahead and just select   picture and where is it going to come from this  device doc images or online pictur I'm going to   say this device let's say I have something saved  on my computer here and I have this picture of my   dog and the kids uh sitting here and as soon as I  do this it's uploading to here what I like uh how   fast this does this is look at the uh designer  over here so what is it that I want to use uh   maybe I want to choose this one here so now I've  personalized it I've used designer uh to quickly   make some changes to it and I didn't really have  to do anything at all notice when I'm uh have a   picture inserted like this I get more options uh  we can remove the background so if I hit remove   the background and this wasn't a great picture to  do it because of all the grass I can uh go ahead   and quickly do this now if I go ahead and I don't  want to keep the changes or discard you can see   I can discard all the changes but there's lots of  different things I can apply to this if I look at   the uh if I wanted to do any of these corrections  to it I can scroll through and apply uh this to it   it makes that change and I can undo it if I don't  want do I want it more transparent and I like how   easy it is to see what everything's doing uh just  when they give you those live examples artistic   effects so go ahead and play with some of these  that you can quickly change up and remember you   can always go contrl z uh for any of these but  now on the next slide what I want to do is add   some more images but I want to point out on the  slide you get these quick shortcuts here that   you can use too so stock images uh I can go ahead  and insert things from this point so if I click   on pictures uh right from here it just gives me  the search so in this case if I was looking for   dogs I can go ahead and do this and choose one of  these dogs so I have full access to this because   of my license that I have for this if I was going  to go pick this dog right here I can go and place   this dog in here I could go and try if I wanted  to remove the background now I could go up click   remove the background and I can also uh Mark areas  to move or to keep so if I wanted to add some more   if I was going to go and just do this to this  you can see how it gets closer and closer as I   go through each one and I'm just going to draw  like this and when I like what I get I can go   keep and then that gets a little B better but  I'm doing it pretty quickly uh and I want the   whole thing so I'm just going to go uh discard  all changes and back but I wanted to show you   how quick you can remove the background to this  I can size these move them around I can he move   this on the rotation here if you wanted to do a  picture style you can see how I get the uh mirror   down below I can put the frame on everything is so  easy with these simple clicks and then you can go   ahead and customize more of any of these uh just  by looking through these different features now   I'm going to go back a couple steps to just where  I had it before different ways where I could add   pictures and I have a folder on my desktop right  here if I go ahead and open this up I can drag   pictures right in here as well so if I was going  to go and drag this in then now I have another   picture and I'm going to drag one more in we'll  say this one one right here and here's my third   picture so I put three pictures in and I haven't  done anything with it and already the designer   giving me some options here to put here so I'm  going to go ahead and choose this one right here   and everything lines up very nicely and that's  keeping with the font theme that I had before and   I can approve just like this so that's how easy  it is to bring images in make any changes uh to   it as well now I need to make a change to this  because I want my quote on here rather than my   the uh smart art so I'm just going to go and type  my quote here I'm going to go and paste my quote   here so if I go and rightclick I get some paste  options I could paste it just like this notice   that it comes through here but it's still uh not  matching with the color and the font that I want   how do you correct this in a hurry go to designer  if you want to keep everything kind of matching   here notice that uh I can have some different  options how to quickly change this if you see   something that looks a little bit better so if I  go down I'm going to say I like this one now here   so I have uh the quote underneath and then the  three pictures this way now I'm going to enter a   new slide for my smart art so I'm just going to go  in between two and three hit enter and I'm going   to choose a different format rather than this too  so if I rightclick I can change my layout I'm just   going to go to a title and content and I'm going  to leave it at this I'm going to close down my my   designer and maybe I'll choose to change this  later but uh now what do I want to title this   well this is going to be the essential uh dog  training commands and I'm just going to go and   paste this in here uh just I had an extra space  and I'm going to insert my smart art down here now   first of all if I just placed a list so if I I'm  going to put in a list here and just to compare   the differences that between the smart art and the  list so here I have uh this list you can see it's   just five different training commands yes it works  but graphically and everything it doesn't look uh   very good so what I'm going to do is actually  just I'm going to uh cut this here so I'm just   going to go control X here oops I'm going to cut  this actually this way and I'm going to place in   a smart art I'm going to go click here but another  way you could do it under insert like I showed you   before all the inserts we have smart artart so you  can choose what you want if I go to smart art here   I get all these different uh Graphics that I can  choose from these categories I'm under all so that   shows them all for this one that I'm going to do  it's more of a list and I'm going to choose this   here so and then out of all these These are kind  of connecting to a list and gives you kind of a   description here I'm going to choose this one  because I like how these ones you can put the   images here and I'm just going to hit okay now  theuh text pops open right here so this is the   text pane if you don't see this this is up here so  take a look uh making sure you're under the smart   design because as soon as we did the uh smart art  we have this smart design tab now if we're clicked   in it and we want the text pane open because if  you click it again it goes away I'm going to be   pasting uh that list right into here I'm just  going to go ahead and delete everything in this   area here and now I just have the one spot and  I'm going to go ahead and go contrl V and put   it back so look look at that right there uh it  put all the top level ones so here here Sit Stay   come heel down and then it put the next one inside  so already is looking a lot better now inside of   this here uh we can go ahead and make more if we  wanted to change uh the looks if we go back to our   smart art design uh you can click on these to get  a different look real quickly drop down see all   the different options here that you can do just  with a simple clicks and then reset it to go back   to normal I think I'm going to stay with this one  right here now the only other thing I really want   to do on this one is add some images across here  you can see there's a little picture here this   means this is where I can place them so I could  go ahead and select from stock images and I'll   just do the first one as an example and then I'll  fill them in if I'll search for my dogs I can go   and pick a picture from here and insert and there  it is now I want to show you how you can insert a   chart so if I go to insert you're going to see  chart is below smart art or it's right here so   you can select either or I'm just going to select  this and for this purpose I'm going to use a line   one right here and you can see there's different  options here that I could choose I'm just going   to stick with the basic one here that they started  with and hit okay so I can go ahead now and I'll   bring this up here so it kind of gives me uh you  notice this looks like a little bit like Microsoft   Excel here and we just have to plunk our data in  and I'm going to kind of just copy paste this over   so I have a training progression uh data set and  I'm just going to paste it right into here I'm not   going to have a series three there's only going  to be the two Series so what I'm doing in this   column is uh deleting this column clearing it out  so I only have the two different ones this is the   all the different weeks and you can see as it  goes through each week uh the success should go   up as they practice it more so pretty simple and  the chart should reflect this and I'm just going   to go ahead and close this out uh you probably  want to have a title on this slide as well so   if I go I could do it under the chart up here  or I could go back into the chart I could just   paste it in just like this and put it at this just  like I showed you before when we uh go to format   different parts even slides this is format chart  uh when I double clicked in here it came up and we   can go through and start to change all these  different things I'm not going to go through   those different options now but notice we have  text option uh the way I like to edit the the   charts to get a different look is to use the chart  Styles up here so if I go and just start looking   if I wanted something with maybe with a little  bit more uh uh contrast in it easier to see but   I can click on different ones and get an idea  so you pick the one that works the best for you   and then we have this insert it inside of here  but you can still click on the different parts   and start making formatting uh we can go and add  uh some other if we wanted other chart elements   we could go and click them on or off uh depending  what you want here so as I hover over you can see   how it it shows me what it's going to be if I want  that added to the Chart so some quick ways to add   a chart just to make your data more interesting  than just typing it out uh to read the numbers now I went ahead and added another quote slide  here with a couple of pictures I want to show   you how we can insert a few more things and let's  talk start with the text box I want to add some   text right here if we're under the insert we have  text box here and I can select text box I can   draw a text box wherever I would like and write  whatever I want these text boxes when I select   them I can get the handle you can see the handle  as I hover over the line here if I click and hold   on my mouse I can move it to different places now  another thing that we can insert are shapes so if   I go to my insert we have all these different  shapes that we can go ahead and add now if I   wanted to let's say add the star I could go select  it and as soon as I have this selected I have this   shape format and just like I showed you before we  can go and pick all these shape Styles uh we can   choose our colors have an out outline and make all  these quick changes to it so you can add that if   we wanted text in here I could doubleclick and  I can start typing away now sometimes when we   add images or text boxes or uh shapes like this we  might want to change the order that uh things are   showing so if I wanted uh this not to be on top  see it's on top of both pictures I can click on   it if I go rightclick I can bring to front or send  to back so if I go here send to back I I could go   backward or backwards I'll send to back if I do it  once nothing happens if I go ahead and do it again   it goes to the back so you can see if you wanted  to change different on so if I wanted this to the   back I could go send back and now we have this one  is on top of here but below this one so you can   work with different layers uh with these shapes  too if you take a look with anything you're going   to notice up at the top uh under picture format or  even your shape format we have our bring forward   send back up in the ribbon as well under that  shape format with any of the objects on a slide I   can add animation to if I look at animation on the  tab right here if I move over to it notice they're   all grayed out that's because I haven't selected  anything to add animation to as soon as I click   an object so an object could be this picture now  I have some options I can go and add animation I   can go through and look at this row or drop down  and see all the different options so let's say if   I choose bounce on this one it gives me a preview  here of what that would look like now I'm going   to go to this one this hello and I'm going to  add fly in so now I have this I actually have   two different animations happening here if I hit  preview it shows me what it's looking like if I   I select each of these here notice I can do some  different things now when is this going to happen   on a click so if I click my mouse it will go to  the that's when it will apply the animation with   previous after previous so this will be dependent  on what you choose be careful with presenting with   animation uh too many animations can make it  tricky and just almost too much sometimes some   animation is nice but use it kind of in the right  places don't overdo it with it I'm just going   to say uh add another one here let's say on this  hello I can click on have this selected I can make   this animation appear so now I have a third one  here and we're going to go with this title as well   I'm just going to click on the line here to have  this selected uh I can go and add animation this   way too I'm going to say zoom and then that's my  fourth one my preview here shows all the different   animation that's happening to this slide uh if  I go ahead and look at the animation pane these   this shows me right here I can change the order of  any of these so now this fourth one is selected uh   if I have it uh you can see on the dropdown I can  make some uh different options here as well but I   can move earlier I can't move later because it's  already at the end but I can move it up so now if   I hit preview uh for this one it's going to change  where uh it comes in for that animation so just   some little bit about uh animation adding them and  remember not to overdo them so we've added some   animation what I want to add next are transitions  transitions happen between the slides and it makes   the experience much more smoother for the viewer  so if I just go up to Transitions now I can pick   different ones and you can play around with what  you like like always you can drop down and see   all the different ones if I go and choose let's  say morph it will show me uh what that it gives   me the preview of it and now if I look over here  do I want to sound when this happens do I want   uh how long the uh transition to happen I can  up that and I can apply this to all also when   do I want to have this happen if I'm presenting  is it on a mouse click or is it after a certain   amount of time so all these things you can adjust  I'm just going to stick with this one right here   this transition and apply to all because now I  want to get ready to present it to show you what   it looks like with the transitions when you're  ready to present your PowerPoint take a look at   the Taps here and go to slideshow this is where  I can present for the beginning or from a current   slide I'm just going to choose from beginning  if you have one monitor set up you're going to   see this right here so this allows you to go to  the next slide with a single click if I wanted to   but if you take a look down below I have controls  here that I can move forward in either direction   I can hover over and then they appear and then  I can bring it back I can also use the arrows   to move forward on my keyboard or even my space  bar will do the same thing another thing you can   do is use a laser pointer so if I rightclick on  this and then go to uh laser pointers right here   I have some different options some highlighters  some pens if I go to laser pointer and then if   I'm showing something like a I can be pointing  to certain parts of it now if you have dual   monitor it might look more like this so this is  your view with dual monitors from the computer   you're presenting on not what the audience sees  so this is a great way uh to present because it   shows you the slide that you're on right here  the next slide that's coming and any notes that   you have I'll show you how to do a couple notes  in a moment because they're handy to have when   you're presenting you can go through by just click  looking to the next one and you're always one step   ahead so you know what's coming up uh you can see  the different options down here that we have that   I showed you uh before that you can just connect  through this way as well if you're all done you   can go to end the slideshow and it will go back to  your slide like this so some different ways that   you can present now how do I get those notes to  my PowerPoint take a look at the very bottom we   have notes right here so if I just click on this  I get this space underneath and I'm just going to   stretch this out so notice how my mouse changes  I'm just going to stretch this up so I have more   space for notes I can go and put my notes here  so I could be don't forget to say whatever you   want so I'll just add don't forget now if I want  to present this and I'm going to go to this right   here so this is another shortcut for slideshow  if I just click here it will present now take   a look at my notes where I just wrote so it says  don't forget so I could have different things to   mention that aren't on the screen that I want to  make sure that I say if you're not giving a live   presentation you can record your PowerPoint and  turn it into a video to share that way I'm going   to go over to record the tab here and notice that  I can record from beginning or current slide I'm   going to go and go from beginning I'm going to get  some options you're going to notice that here I am   on my PowerPoint as part of it I can have the  webcam on or off I can go up top and just turn   it off and you're not going to see me depending  what you want and you have the same option with   the mics when you're ready to record you can just  go ahead and hit the start recording and then it's   going to record as you go through and you'll  notice that you have the different annotation   tools and everything down below and you can go  to the next slide here when you're all done you   can hit export and it's going to turn this into a  video here that you can share as an mp4 file since   this PowerPoint is saved in my one drive I can  quickly share it with others maybe I want them to   make some changes or just to view it I can go up  to the share up top here and just click the share   notice I could copy the link also but I'm going to  go to share and this allows me to put people here   so if I start typing other people maybe part of my  organization I can add them here what do I want to   have them is it just to view it or do I want them  to make edits at this point I can write a message   here and send it and they're going to get an email  that they that this has been shared with them and   also in their one drive that they're going to  see it and also in their PowerPoint shared with   me so some quick ways to work with others to  collaborate I hope this video will help you out   getting started with the PowerPoint and creating  those first presentations and making them look   great stay tuned for my intermediate class on  this where we dive in even more where we look   at just different ways to make your PowerPoints  more effective and more visually stunning thanks   for watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see  you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 18,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PowerPoint for beginners, PowerPoint tutorial, Step-by-step PowerPoint, PowerPoint basics, Beginner's guide to PowerPoint, Learn PowerPoint, PowerPoint training, Creating PowerPoint presentations, Easy PowerPoint guide, How to use PowerPoint, PowerPoint slide design, Microsoft PowerPoint tutorial, PowerPoint presentation skills, PowerPoint for business, teacher's tech, how to use powerpoint, powerpoint tutorial, powerpoint
Id: mXOD9ExmMNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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