How to Use Midjourney | Easy guide to making amazing images with generative AI

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so in this video we're going to talk about mid-journey and how to set it up and how to use it this is going to be a quick little tutorial just an overview we're not going to get into anything Advanced but I just want to get you started on it so that you can experiment a little with it and have some fun all right so what is mid-journey now mid-journey is a generative AI system that produces images based on text prompts you enter a description of what you want the program to create and it generates some images based on that description I think it's a great tool for coming up with ideas for photos and illustrations by the way there are other AI powered image generators including doll E2 and stable diffusion and now Adobe is soon going to integrate a generative AI tool called Firefly into its standard Photoshop package right now you can get that in a beta version all right so here's what you need to use mid-journey first you're going to need a Discord account so you might be wondering what Discord is is if you've never used it discord's a platform for communities where you can send messages to people and to Bots okay I know that sounds a little weird in order to use my journey you have to interact with the mid-journey bot what you do is you send it prompts and other commands and this is how you generate images you know mid-journey also has its own site and that's where you're going to find you know all this good documentation on how to use it and I really suggest that you dig into that after you go through this video so the images that you generate on Discord are going to be stored over on the mid Journey site under your account all right so we want to talk about how to create the accounts that we need to get all this working so for one you're going to need again to set up your Discord account and your mid Journey accounts so assuming that you don't currently have a Discord account you can follow the steps at Mid Journeys getting started section under the heading quick start and from there you can click a link to discord's getting started page click the Discord registration page link create your Discord account and you're also going to want to verify your account so there's all these just handy links that you can go to to just get all this done you know this is just a setup process that you're going to go through once and then once you're uh once you're done uh you're good to go and you'll get familiar with all of this stuff as it as you go along and it'll become second nature all right so next you're going to go over to forward slash account to subscribe to a mid-journey plan uh you're going to go to step three of this list that we're looking at here on this uh getting started section and do what it says here to add the mid Journey server to your Discord I know that the this terminology is a little strange but just do what it says and you'll be good so when you're on Discord select the mid Journey server and when you're in there select one of the Newbie channels so you'll just click one of these channels that say newbie it's newbie and then some number and just select one of those there you're going to see other members interacting with the mid Journey bot and you'll see that them creating their own images with prompts you can enter your own prompts from this screen to create images right the way that you do this is like I say you jump into one of the channels for example one of the Newbie channels and then you use text commands now we're not going to get into the advanced prompts in this guide and I want to let you know that there are a number of ways to think about prompts and and how to structure them and there's plenty of good information and plenty of conflicting information on you know various websites and Reddit and places like that about the best ways to do this but for now we're just going to start with some fun examples let's start with what most of this has to do with is interacting with the mid Journey bot so your main command for creating images is going to be forward slash imagine and then the word prompt and uh colon the thing is once you start typing the forward slash imagine then the option is going to come up in a you know in a set of command the different options different commands and you just click the one that says imagine prompt and that way you don't have to type it in each time then you enter a prompt and what that means is just describe an image that you want mid-journey to create this is the most basic way to create an image but there are more controls and keywords and parameters that you can use to get more specific and higher quality results but really you can just type in anything in there and it'll come up with something like I said see the user guide on Mid Journey's docs section and I'll have a link for most of the stuff in the description below but there's a lot of good information in in mid Journeys documentation so I recommend that you read through each section of the guide and refer back to it as needed okay let's get started with some examples we're going to run through these pretty quick so you can see how it works it's fairly straightforward once you've gotten past the whole setup phase let's start with the idea that all right you're a photographer you've got you've got an idea for a photo shoot but it would be great if you had some examples of the type of photos that you're going for the type of photos that you envision so you create some images in mid-journey and as you go along you narrow down to a few that have the style and the colors and the mood and the lighting that you'd like to create these images can serve as a guide and a collaboration tool for your model and your stylist these are you know think about this as sort of a virtual mood board are pieces of one all right let's get started on the first one the prompt to the mid Journey bot is going to be and remember this is what you're prompting okay this is your idea you type in 25 year old female model medium length brown hair cowgirl outfit and barn scene and we might specify to use version 5 0.1 which is the latest version as I'm recording this video and we do that with parameter dash dash V and then space and then 5.1 that's a parameter it's version parameter and then we press return and mid Journey gets us in the queue and eventually starts processing the job mistakes maybe a minute or two and you can see the progress in terms of percent done when it's done you'll see four different results to choose from and some buttons below that the buttons are for upscaling or selecting one of the versions to make new versions of and each button represents one of the images one through four going top left to bottom right so I click on the image set and to do this to see a larger View and then I can click here view in browser for an even larger one and we can take a look and see if we like anything in this set I might click button V4 to generate more variations on the fourth image in the set and once it's finished with this new job I can click to get a better view of this new set and from here I might settle on say image 3 to upscale so I'll click the button for that I might even go back to the original set and ask for variations on another image okay let's try another concept a 30 year old male model full length shot crew cut muscular sweaty standing in a crowded gym barbells side lights strong hyper realistic version 5.1 and I'll use the parameter dash dash AR which stands for aspect ratio this time and I'll request an aspect ratio of nine colon 16 so 9 by 16 which is actually something I might use if I were doing an image for a vertical image on a phone for example so here are the results again I might select the first one and upscale it and save it to my computer and you might have noticed here I did specify full length I didn't get that and um and I'm not sure I really got barbells either but the one thing that I do appreciate is that mid-journey seems to understand the type of lighting I'm looking for so we did get that side lighting okay next let's try this prompt Betty Page style pinup 1940s Color Film one piece swimsuit vintage car all right let's take a look at what we get and most of what's here looks pretty good now I realized later that Betty Page most of her work was done more like in the 1950s but that didn't stop mid-journey from creating some good images here now this time we'll add the token hyper realistic to see if it does anything see people love using words and phrases that might not have any real effect but it doesn't hurt to try sometimes it seems like they do have an effect like lots of people like to specify types of cameras and types of lenses and depth of field and stuff like that sometimes it works that sometimes it doesn't seem to have any effect at all and by the way a lot of these prompts I have commas in there and apparently commas don't really have too much to do with the way that the prompt gets interpreted but people like to use the commas just because it's easier to to put the phrasing together and and kind of read back what was going on when you you know you're fine-tuning a prompt okay another example what if you have a Blog and you need some illustrations to go along with the text maybe you'd rather not pay a fee for premium stock images or maybe you can't find what you need in the free stock photo sources so you just described a mid-journey what you need and here we'll try old abandoned gas station in rural Oklahoma 3 P.M ectochrome hyper realistic we're going to use version 5.1 and our aspect ratio 16x9 and I think the results are pretty cool so what if you're a graphic designer and you want to generate some quick ideas for a logo that you can work off of or you know you could do something like this The Prompt is emblem for a rock and roll themed coffee shop featuring crossed guitars and a coffee cup yeah and I think these are really nice uh I would have to work out a different way to specify that I want you know two guitars Crossing at the neck if I wanted that but this is a good first try this is a good start for coming up with your own design I think and we can also do a sticker design for a vintage camera so we do that and just call it sticker design for a vintage camera colorful white background maybe design stuff like this for your own print on demand Sticker Shop and if you just want to have some fun and come up with some crazy ideas to post on Instagram uh how about a fireman close up yelling in the style of Roy Lichtenstein next a pile of camera gear with a man standing in the middle some words to the effect of you know he's broke because he buys too much gear and ask for that in the style of say Norman Rockwell how about a situation where Santa Claus is coming down the chimney and a dog is just looking on curiously all right and here's some quickies that where I just request different scenes featuring racing motorcycles in a you know nighttime City Scene futuristic style and some different John Wick scenes okay to end on a nice romantic note let's have a couple kissing in the rain all right so we've talked about what mid-journey is and what Discord is and how to jump in and start using mid-journey to create images for different practical and fun purposes and I encourage you to get in there and start experimenting and have some fun also uh do read through the documentation to learn all about the you know the other cool things that you can do with the different commands and the parameters and different versions of mid Journey because all that stuff will give you different looks and styles alright so don't forget to like subscribe and comment thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: Ed Verosky
Views: 20,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney tutorial, photography, generative ai, creative graphic design ideas, graphic design
Id: 3IbntiP1gFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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