How to Edit a Video in Camtasia

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today we're going to take you through the feature set and potential workflows of Camtasia our video editing software now you might think this session is just for beginners but even if you're a seasoned Camtasia user like I am there's a good chance you'll get some nuggets of knowledge all along the way and if you don't have Camtasia already no problem we have a link for a free trial in the description down below so grab that and follow along today we're going to create a video walking through the techsmith webinar website hey there Jason with techsmith let's find touth webinars on our web page go to support and choose webinars then find exactly what you're looking for by filtering on the leth hand side by product and by type you'll see all the available upcoming sessions right there on your screen hope you find this useful and thanks for watching so welcome to the Camtasia editor now if you notice I've already got some content in here and and I'll show you how to get to that point but the first thing we're going to do is we need to save this project because if you notice at the top of the editor it says Untitled TI project that doesn't help me I'm guessing it doesn't help you so let's start by saving our project the easiest way to do that is to go up to the file menu and choose file save what it's going to do is give you a dialogue to save a normal project like you would inside of any Windows machine but what I want to draw your attention to is there is a little tick mark down here at the bottom that's checked by default called create Standalone project this is Magic I am not good at keeping track of all my files well Camtasia is going to help me it's going to create create a contained folder and everything inside of my media bin that I have in there now or add later on is going to be in this single folder with the recording project what does that mean it means if I move it from my desktop to another folder or another location on my computer I can rest assured everything's going to be kept together in one place thank goodness so let's go ahead and do this by giving it a name we're just going to call this studio webinar and I'll click save when that's done it's going to rename it at the top of the screen and we are set to go with our editing process now before we get into the entirety of the editing because the editing is a lot of fun let me give you a little walkthrough of the editor itself there are four main parts of the editor that I want you to draw your attention to First over here on the left hand side we have the media bin Library toolkit area so all of our tools and things that we're going to use inside of Camtasia are located here on the left in the middle we have our canvas a lot of your editing especially the visual stuff is going to happen inside of the canvas on the right you're going to have the properties panel now this to be honest you're going to have a lot of control over what you put on your screen and what it can do anytime you move over and visit the properties panel including the way that it dynamically changes depending on the type of media or the type of tool you've selected but we'll show you that here in a little bit as well and last but certainly not least at the bottom we have the timeline where we've got multiple tracks which in this case there's two available to us with a recording that we have already ready for this process project if I needed to bring anything else into this project whether it's a still image music other recording I found that the easiest way to bring content into Camtasia is by using the plus button located at the bottom left of the media bin by clicking that plus button you have a couple options one is to import media which could be to from any drive or any Source connected to your computer or if you have stuff stored in Google Drive you can grab it from there too before we get into our editing let's take a look at the tools that are available to us right inside a camtas along the left hand side you'll see several different menu options starting with the favorites menu which we'll talk about a little bit later on we have our media bin which is where all the content that you're going to use for this particular project is stored we also have the library the library with any install of Camtasia in this case we're using Camtasia 2023 is you're going to have a series of royalty-free assets everything from graphical elements to music to animated backgrounds lots of different things that you can use in your project right now without having to go out and Source it from anywhere most people ask well what's the difference between the media bin and the library food analogy time here you go the media bin is where you're going to have all the pieces parts for the recipe you're making right now where the library is like your pantry you can always go there to get flour you can always go to get sugar you can always have things ready because you can even save some of your elements to your library to use across multiple projects below the library is the annotations in fact if you think about Camtasia there's a good chance you're thinking about text on the screen call outs arrows some kind of sketch motion all of those are found in here and the first time you pull into a tool like annotations you'll notice there's actually tabs across the top everything from call outs to our arrows and lines to the shapes to my favorite part which includes the blur and the spotlight tool and uh some pixelation available to you you also have the sketch motion call outs and if you're doing some educational pieces where you want to show how to do a keyboard shortcut we can capture those with the keyboard call out and you can have those as an element in your video as well now you might have noticed a couple of the elements that I've exposed have this little yellow star in the upper right hand corner those stars are going to correlate to my favorite tools tools I use on a regular basis in multiple videos because they're starred they are actually the ones that show up in the favorites menu we kind of glossed over a little earlier and if I ever find anything in any of the tools that I want to add to that menu no problem hover over the one you want like this blur tool and you'll notice in the upper right hand corner there is a white star or gray star if I want it in my favorites menu all I have to do is click on it it turns it to a yellow star and that blur tool now exists inside of my favorites menu and you'll notice there are quite a few things in my favorites menu and it's helpful because there's so many tools inside of Camtasia it's easier for me to go find them in my favorites menu then to dig through all the menus later on especially when I'm pressed for time so we talked about all the different anim or annotations that are available to you let's talk about visual effects this is where you kind of feel like a rock star because there's a bunch of different effects here inside of Camtasia that can level up your video or add that little bit of polish that you may not have thought possible uh everything from background removal this is a powerful tool especially if you're recording in an environment where you don't want to expose what's behind you you can apply that uh we have blend modes which is great for coloring and changing the um the visual aspect of your video we could blur region adding clip speed adding borders there is so much in here uh things that I use on a regular basis to be honest is the motion blur which motion blur allows you to add a little bit of movement to something and we're going to do some of that when we do our editing here in a couple minutes so stay tuned for that there's lots of options inside of your visual effects and there's also a second tab at the top here called filters the filters are uh described as Luts if you're not familiar with with a l it's a lookup table it's a applied series of filtered colors so if you're looking for a specific look for your video this is a good chance you can find them here inside of Camtasia and if you can't Camtasia supports you importing those Lutz files as well so you can add your own dynamic range your own color effect if you want to be colder or more mysterious you have that available to you as well transitions powerful piece of media where you can move from one piece of media to another you've probably seen a rotating Cube or a fade in a Fade Out there is over 100 different types of transitions inside of Camtasia there is tons of different types of Fades there's tons of different types of 3D effects blurs there are wipes there are splits there are so many in here that there are a few that I use on a regular basis and what did I do of course I added them to my favorites menu as shown by those yellow stars in the upper right hand corner so definitely take the time to explore with great power comes great responsibility I would encourage you that if you find a couple of transitions that you really like pick one to to stick with in one particular video and then maybe apply a different one to a different video that way if you're staying excited watching your video others will as well moving on we've got animations oh my gosh this is where you get to the power of Camtasia inside of Camtasia 2023 and previous versions I'm on the Windows versions by the way we have two tabs on the top of that screen we have zoom and pan and we have animations now if you're a Mac User of Camtasia you're not going to see this zoom in pan menu you're going to see an animation menu which offers a bunch of pre-built animation capabilities to you there's lots of them in here full opacity uh restore scale to fit tilting it's all in there but every one of them derives itself from this custom animation in the upper lefthand corner including if you want to be the ability to zoom and pan around your screen now not going to lie I like using the zoom in pan on the Windows machine and I'll show you how to use that a little bit later but I'll also teach you how to use the custom animation to make Camtasia do what you want it to do below animations we have a tab called behaviors so behaviors are a combination of both animations and transitions built into one easily drag and dropped type of feature they are designed ideally for text but they can be used on still pieces of images as well so pictures documents stuff like that you'll notice there's a couple in here that have yellow stars on it so if you're paying attention they are some of my favorites that I've added to my favorites menu as well below that we have cursor effects everything from the ability to change your cursor color to add a highlight to add a magnification or if you're like me and you talk a lot with your hands you tend to talk with your mouse so you can use something like the cursor path Creator to either straighten out or correct any overzealous movements with your mouse or you can create a brand new path from scratch to make sure that your attention is drawing to where you want your viewers to see you've also got things like audio effects the ability to uh fade in and fade out if you're using music which are elements available inside of the library or one of my favorites which is emphasize audio which we might be talking about a little bit later on there's a couple more here voice narration which is the ability just voice over a section and if you're using a Windows machine like I am you also have the ability to add close captions that you can edit right here in the program so now that we've taken a light look at the tools let's get into editing this project we'll go back to our media bin because it's just a comfortable place for me to be you'll notice that inside of the media bin I have something called a recording file in technical terms it's a T-Rex file or Tex smouth recording file inside of that are two elements of the video pieces that I brought in and they are shown on the track below track one has my screen recording as it is labeled down here with the word screen and above that is on track two my camera recording which also includes audio by the way how do I know there's audio in there well I can see the waveform sitting there on top of the track itself so I see my face and I see the audio form which means I've got a webcam or camera of some sort and audio built into it now before we do any editing let's just play this back for just a quick second hey there Jason with touth let's find touth webinars on our web page touth okay so this was a walkthrough of the touth webinar web page that you saw at the beginning of this video what we want to do is make this video a little bit more visually interesting and we want it to reflect a little bit of what Camtasia can do we're going to do that by adding some not all of the tools and capabilities inside of Camtasia the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take my webcam and I'm going to make it full screen not because I'm vain but because I'm the one introducing the video and I want the focus to be on me before I go to the screen recording itself so because it's a separate track which means it's a separate recorded piece of media because I did record this with Camtasia and Camtasia is smart enough to separate both the webcam and the screen recording from each other I'm going to drag this to the upper left hand corner thank goodness for those yellow snap lines because I don't want to guess where I'm putting it I want it in its exact place I'm also going to resize it so that I have the entirety of my webcam available to me so when I start my video it's a whole lot of me hey there Jason with techsmith let's find tmth webinars on our web page so at this point the editing truly begins because I look away from my camera what am I looking at at that point my screen recording you as a viewer can't see it right now so we need to get my webcam out of the way the easiest way to do this is to add some sort of Animation to it we could fade it out we could move it around I'm going to combine a couple of things right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this which is the playhead the playhead inside of Camtasia on the tracks there is one of the most powerful tools because it gives you complete control over where your editing at that moment in time inside of Camtasia we are going to add an animation now remember when we visited the animation tool before we had that zoom in pan and we had an animations tab for this webcam I'm going to use the custom animation found in the animations tab to apply a custom animation simply click on it and drag it down onto the timeline onto the track and media that you want to affect and when I drag it down you'll notice a little arrow shows up on my screen the arrow on the track here is the actual animation it's in technical movie terms it's called the key frame what it's doing is it's telling us that you want something to be done by Camtasia at that moment if we bring our playhead back and play that video forward or even just scrub across it you'll notice when it hits the arrow and finishes over it absolutely nothing is happening and that's because we haven't told Camtasia exactly what we want it to do now this animation arrow is pretty powerful as I I said before the things you want to know about is this the animation will start when the playhead hits the tail of the arrow and it will complete when it hits the head of the arrow the length of that Arrow the length of that animation or how is reflective upon how fast or slow the animation happens if the arrow is a little bit longer the play head's going to take a little bit more time to go across it which is going to slow down the process or make it a little bit more gradual if the arrow is shorter the playhead will go over it quickly and your animation will happen much faster the other thing you want to note is when you click on the animation arrow and it turns yellow that means it's active it means it's ready for you to give it some commands double clicking on the head of the arrow snaps the playhead to the end of that animation so that you know any instruction that you give to Camtasia at that point will happen at the end of the animation so now let's add some uh information to Camtasia about what we want to have happen the easiest thing is well I want to resize my camera I'm going to drop it down to a smaller size and maybe bring it down to the bottom right hand corner of my screen me personally I don't like it sitting in the bottom corner like that so I'm going to actually grab it and shift it up and over just a little bit to create some space maybe like that I also don't like the idea of having a big rectangular box at the bottom of my screen so I'm going to add a couple of other tools one is the crop tool the crop tool is found at the top of your canvas and it looks like this symbol right here to the right of the hand when I click on that the outline of my webcam turns blue and it allows me to crop out sections of that particular piece of media for me I'm going to crop it over just a little bit I'm going to try and make myself a little bit more of a square and I'll show you why it looks pretty good when I'm done cropping I'm going to switch back over to the selection tool which is just the arrow here at the top and I'm going to add a couple of other features one of them one of my favorite ones is over here in the visual effects part of Camtasia there's a tool in the visual effects tab called Corner rounding and it's going to be up here just a little bit to apply Corner rounding to that piece of media I can either drag it down onto the timeline or I can drag it onto the piece of media right on the canvas in this case I'm going to drag it right to the media on the canvas when I do that I don't know if you remember at the beginning of the video that properties panel that's on the right hand side of the screen is extremely powerful it d dynamically changes based on the type of media or the tool that you've selected in this case it has changed and added the corner rounding to that particular piece of media now above it there's basic information about the piece of media right it's place in space it's z-axis its y AIS it's x axis uh its position the width and height of it things that I typically don't mess with on a regular basis but every time you add a new visual effect or part of the tool inside of Camtasia it's going to add it to the bottom of that list in this case we've only added one thing which is Corner rounding to apply Corner rounding all four of my Corners are selected if I didn't want to select any particular one I can deselect it by clicking any number of the corner boxes but in this case I want to have all four of them selected we're going to up the radius by dragging it to the right and we're going to create our own little hole punch some people might use a a different term but I just kind of like I like the idea of it looking like a hole punch so it the video has a little bit more personality it's gone from that uh rectangle at the beginning down to a circle hole punch Style video in the corner so if I take my playhead which is down here on the timeline and I drag that back to the left you'll see the motion that we created with that animation where it then plays it starts to crop down and turn into that hole punch at the bottom I also want to add one more effect to this particular piece of medium and I mentioned it earlier on it's one that I use on a pretty regular basis it's still in that visual effects portion of our tool bin and that is this one motion blur now I say I use it a lot but apparently I haven't added it to my favorites so let's do that right now by clicking on that star in the upper right hand corner so it's available to me in my favorites menu motion blur does this before I apply it I want to just show you when you bring the playhead back you have the ability to see that animation and you'll see that the image moves like we said it we wanted it to but it just kind of does it in this static stiff way motion blur adds just a little bit of blurring to that motion so you can actually feel like it's being sucked down from the full screen down into that corner so to add motion blur we simply click on it drag it either to the media track down here on the bottom or to the media itself on the time on the canvas which we'll do right now and now in that properties panel on the right you'll notice Corner rounding is here but if we scroll down just a little bit motion blur is part of that media as well by the way you might have noticed there's these little toggle switches over here on the right in the properties panel those are helpful and they're really helpful because I can apply different effects to my media and I can toggle them on and off to see how they look maybe I'm not a big fan of the corner rounding I'm a big fan of the corner rounding but maybe I don't want to see what it looks like in this particular version I can simply toggle it off no harm no foul it's available to me as I need it so let's bring that playhead back in front of that an and you'll see that blurring effect happen as we play it forward so we've done a few light animations light edits to our video Let's Play back that little section uh just to see how it looks right now oh by the way Pro tip you can click on your play button right here but more often than not my hand is on or near my keyboard to play or pause a playback of your video all you have to do is hit your space bar and it'll do it for you let's take a look on our web page go to support report and choose webinars I think that looks pretty good thankfully because I'm using a video editor I can make changes and corrections to anything that I perceive to be wrong like this error I made right here I am talking in this video about stuff that you can't see because I've blocked the entirety of that recording of the screen with my webcam let me show you I'm going to play the video back from the beginning about four or five seconds worth and we're going to identify when I start talking about the screen hey there Jason with touth let's find touth webinars on our web page right there I look away from my webcam to the screen at that point it's time to get my webcam out of the way but I already made all these edits and these animations farther down the timeline it's okay you can actually click and select that animation arrow and drag it back to the left so that the animation happens and we expose our screen which we're actually doing the teaching portion right we're actually showing where to find webinars on our web page so now when we play the video back let's find tmth webinars on our web page go to support and so I immediately start talking about the web page all right let's make our next set of edits first we want to play back a little bit of our video to find out what we're doing next in our process go to support and choose webinars then find okay if you'll notice something happened when I was making this original screen recording and that was I talk about clicking the webinars button and then you see this gap of time with this little Blank Space well if you've been on the internet before you know if you click on something it takes a minute for something to load that doesn't look professional to me and it certainly doesn't look polished so let's make a correction to that right now and we're going to lean on the product a little bit more by using the selection tool one more time if you might have noticed on our selection tool there's little little buttons on the sides there's a green tab on the left hand side and there's a red tab on the right that is called the selection tool so this tool actually has two names it's the playhead and it's the selection tool the selection tool allows you to make very specific selections along your timeline that you can make edits to your video very precisely here's how it works I'm going to find where that just before the page loads and I'm going to drag the right side the red tab along the right out a little bit until the page loads and give it a little bit more time so as I've made a selection with the selection tool you'll notice on the timeline there is actually a space that's been selected and it's a different color Pro tip while that is selected you can use that space bar on your keyboard to play back just that section of video and it will only play that section so if you're looking to correct an error or you're looking to time something out you have the ability to do that this is something something that I teach people often and I'm going to teach it to you right now I want to get rid of that section of the video well naturally it makes you think you want to hit the delete key if I do that it does do what I asked it to which it deletes it but it also leaves this this is now blank gap of space in our video that's not what I was hoping for I was kind of hoping just to remove it and have the video keep going well we're going to lean on Camtasia one more time to fix this for us because this is not our intent for this particular video first I'm going to undo it there's two ways to undo it if you're a keyboard shortcut person control Z on Windows command Z on Mac or command delete to do that same Ripple delete motion or there's a ribbon along the bottom left hand side of your screen that has a lot of commonly used tools everything from undo and redo to cut copy and paste and even a few more that we might get into a little later so let's undo that deletion which places it right back into our timeline and we're going to do something that's called a ripple delete it's kind of like a delete it's a little bit more powerful a ripple delete also known as a cut is going to remove that content from the timeline just like before but then it's going to take everything to the right of that content and drag it back to the left and snap it into place therefore eliminating that section that we just deleted that whole gap of space here's what it looks like with the selection made with the selection tool I can either use the keyboard shortcut control X to cut or I can use that ribbon as we were just showing and use the little scissors there to cut it out instantly that portion of the video is now gone the selection has collapsed and if we move the playhead just a little bit you'll actually notice these lines on the timeline if you really get in close you'll look and see that it has been stitched together it actually looks like a piece of thread has been putting those two pieces together visually it's just showing you where a ripple delete was made but the video it's itself will play back nice and smooth it'll create what's called a jump cut you may have seen these in plenty of videos everything from online to training where it's an instantaneous change of state in the video from one portion to another but now we've created the opportunity for that loading screen to be gone and we can move on with our edits now that we've made that Ripple delete let's play our video back to see what the result is using of course that space bar to start the playback and choose webinars then find exactly what you're looking for by F okay not bad looks pretty good there's a lot happening on our screen recording right now there's images on the right and we start talking about the filters showing up on the left Let's help our viewers see a little bit more detail by zooming in to that section of the video on the left hand side that's where we're going to use camtasia's animation tab in the zoom in pan found in there so let's bring our playhead back to the point where we start talking about those filters find exactly what you're looking for by filtering on the on the left hand side by product so right about here where I start to say filtering based on product same as before we're going to make sure the playhead is in the position we want it to be we're going to select our screen recording this time because we want to affect an animation to the screen recording and not our webcam so with the screen recording selected on our timeline we're going to go over to the animations tab on the left and we're going to choose zoom and pan now I'm going to show you this really quick on the Windows machine and then I'll show you a way to do it on the Mac machine as well the way to do it in a Windows machine is this when you select zoom in pan you're going to see a representation of the screen recording up in the upper leftand corner all you need to do is use the radio buttons to draw the focus of Camtasia into which part of the screen you want the eyes of the viewers to go to in this case I want to really get into that product and webinar type as we describe in the video itself you'll notice when I added that little motion up here in the zoom in pan that two animation arrows were added to Camtasia down in the tracks one is the actual animation on the timeline for the screen recording which will show that zooming in to that upper lefthand corner as we've asked it to but that same animation was added to the webcam now that will draw the webcam off the screen which might be your desired purpose but for me I'm trying to be the voice of authority here in this particular video so I'm going to remove the animation from the webcam by simply selecting the animation Arrow that's associated with my camera and hitting delete on my keyboard now when you zoom into the upper leftand corner of the screen the webcam stays the instruction is still being given and you can draw focus on the left hand side let's play our video from this point filtering on the left hand side by product and by type you'll see all the available okay we've added that zoom in pan we've applied these filters but you'll notice that the rest of the screen changed the results based on those filters showed up um you can't see them because we are zoomed into the Le hand side of that screen let me show you a little something I'm using a mouse right now as part of my editing tool set that has a scroll wheel most mice modern mice do I'm going to actually scroll down from the canvas and you're going to see inside of the canvas itself inside of Camtasia you're going to see the entirety of our recording which is this right here by the way I'm going to Center this really quick this is one of those keyboard shortcuts Pro tip that I use often keyboard shortcut on Windows is alt plus C and on a Mac it's option C just snaps everything back to the center of your screen so helpful if I scroll in just a little bit you're going to see that the recording is there the entirety of it still there because we zoomed into a corner we didn't cut anything we didn't crop anything out but because we made those changes to the filters and the rest of the screen dynamically changed we want to show that to everyone else so how do we do that well there's a button here that I always joke with our developers that they added just for me so let's play the video back just a little bit type by product and by type you'll see all the so you'll see all the results is what I end up saying so I want to show the whole screen again there's a button in the upper left hand corner of the zoom in pan tool called scale to fit this is the magic button I like to say it's adjacent button it's not but when you click on that making sure you've selected your screen recording because that's the media we want to effect with this tool as soon as I click scale to fit it's going to snap it back to full screen let's zoom in just a little bit on our canvas and we'll remove the animation that was applied to our webcam so that I stay in the corner what that does is we create the zoom over to the left hand side of the screen so that we can see the clicking of those filters and then we restore to see those changed results based on the filter application now remember I said I'm on a Windows machine and I use zoom and Pan on a regular basis because it's really helpful for drawing attention and focusing your viewer's eyes but the zoom in pan menu like this doesn't exist in the same way on the Mac side but if you're a Mac User you can do the same thing and that's done in the animations tab using that custom animation why custom animation is a blank animation as we showed you earlier that you can make changes to in the properties panel to make Camtasia do exactly what you want so if I wanted to let's say create that same animation without using zoom in pan I would do it like this let's click on that animation and delete it that's the one that zoomed us back out scaled to fit and we're going to add a custom animation by clicking and dragging it down onto our timeline double click the head of the animation Arrow so that it snaps to the end of that animation and then by using the properties panel we can change the scale make it 100% because that's what we recorded at itself and then all I need to do is physically move that into the center of my screen and if I don't want to do it like that I can actually simply if I move this back out a little bit you'll notice that it's POS position was changed over in the properties panel you can also just hit the little reset curly cues there and it snaps it right back in that position let's see as we zoom in and hit that alt C to snap it into the middle if it behaves the way we wanted it to based on that custom animation you'll see all the available up cool huh I'm telling you the custom animation is super powerful but Camtasia already has a couple of those pre-built animations in that animation tab so let's try one other way to bring you back to that full screen recording so we'll start by clicking on the animation that we just created and hitting delete and we'll bring our playhead back to where we want that animation to complete while the screen is selected we're going to choose the restore which is the pre-built animation inside of Camtasia we'll click on it drag it down onto our timeline snap it right to that playhead and if you notice it takes us from that zoomed in position on the left takes you right back to that full screen gloriousness of your screen recording so there's a place for all three of those styles of tools to apply and to use to get the same result find the one that works best for you now at this point you could call this video done and it'd be okay your video your rules if you're ready to have the video shared with others it's pretty simple to do in the upper right hand corner you'll see the green export button go ahead and click on that and choose local file this will allow you to have Camtasia render the video out as an mp4 and then you can place it wherever you'd like online streaming platform local video storage file your desktop it's completely up to you but I'm not quite done with this video as a matter of fact let's add a few more pieces of Polish to it right now I noticed a little earlier in our video my mouse movement was a little erratic in fact it's happening right here in this small section by filtering on the left hand side by product and by type now I mentioned this a little bit earlier I tend to talk with my hands and if my hand is on the mouse the mouse is going to try and do my talking as well Camtasia captures your cursor data what does that mean position movement of the mouse things that we can affect later on and the way we can affect this is by going into our cursor effects tool on the left hand side and choosing cursor smoothing it's going to take out a lot of those erratic movements and polish it up for us so we'll click and drag that down onto our screen recording which is where that Mouse metadata is kept and now we should see a noticeable amount of cursor smoothing now before I play this back I do want to call something out over on the right hand side of our screen where that properties panel is remember it changes dynamically depending on the tool or the piece of media you've selected there is this green button here that says edit cursor path we talked about it lightly earlier and if you want to learn more about it you can go ahead and click on this to watch a video about how to use cursor path editing or to even create your own if we play this video back from this point we should see a markedly improved smooth cursor experience looking for by filtering on the left hand side by product and by type I can't move it that straight on my own thank goodness Camtasia has cursor smoothing available to me now there's a lot more edits we could do but I'm going to make two more major edits in my mind we're going to go back to the beginning of our video uh Pro tip if you see along the top of the timeline you'll see our little Zoom slider that allows us to see more or less of our timeline at once there's actually a little magnifying glass here if you click on that it snaps the entirety of your project into one visible area doesn't matter if your video is 10 seconds long or 4 hours long it'll snap it all so you can see the visual portion of the beginning all the way through to the end our video just kind of starts with me in webcam mode hey there Jason with techsmith let's find it's a little jarring for me so I'd like to add a little bit of visual element to the beginning which is going to allow me to make a one quick edit and add something from the Camtasia Library ready for this Pro tip let's bring our playhead all the way back to the beginning of our video now we need to create some space because we want to put a visual element in front of all this content but we just spent all this time editing and timing things out and making things look animated and great I don't want to goof any of that up don't worry if you hold down your shift key on your keyboard and click and drag the playhead to the right you will move everything on your timeline at once keeping everything in sync not messing up any of those edits that you've already made and leaving you space at the beginning where you can introduce some more elements to your video whether it's a piece from our library that I'm about to do or maybe it's another recording anything that you want visually can be put on the screen at this point for us we're going to go over to our library and inside of that installed pre-built Camtasia 2023 Library as we scroll down there is a folder called titles if we expand that folder there's a few different styles of type in here and I'm going to use my favorite which is just this big type number six when I click on it and drag it down onto the timeline you'll see that media show up here um on the timeline bringing the playhead back you'll see that uh animation as we play it back of the screen metadata capture it's just this pre-built template of content uh uh our video is not about screen metadata capture it's about finding the webinars so what do we do we click on the media itself and we take a visit to that properties panel on the right because once again it's ready for you to make changes to whatever you happen to have selected these pieces of media inside the Library are customizable they're ready for you to make some changes to it first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to add a theme theme what's a theme a theme is a series of colors fonts and uh icons that you've added to Camtasia if I hit my drop- down menu at the top you'll see I have quite a few of them in fact I'm just going to choose the Camtasia theme which is going to add all of our coloring and sizing in the way that it's been pre-built and ready to go can you add themes to Camtasia you sure can using that drop- down menu you can use the manage theme button here at the bottom or you can also find it in the file menu and choose manage theme themes in here you can make changes to Colors add different fonts add different logos and stylings so that when you want to apply it to any of the customizable assets inside Camtasia you're ready to go now we've changed the color that was the easy part now we just need to change the text so instead of screen metadata capture I'm going to say finding Tex Smith maybe spelling it right it's always helpful webinars webinars how about webinars now let's go webinars I don't even know what a webin ARF is so now I have finding tmth webinars as a customized intro to my video took me about I don't know three or four seconds if I ever want to change any other aspect of this like maybe the font the font color there is more options available to you in that properties panel explore the properties panel you would be amazed at the depth of changes and customization that you can make so now that it looks exactly the way that we want let's just play it back here real quick to make sure it plays out the way we'd like spacebar that looks pretty cool um I like that intro in fact I want to use that intro again maybe not with the same text but I like the colors I like the movement remember we said at the beginning of the video that the media bin was for the ingredients of something you're cooking right now and that the library is kind of like your pantry well I'm going to add this to my library and it's super easy to do if I come down on the timeline and right click on that content I just created the last option in my list is add to library when I click on that I can rename it to whatever I'd like so if I say webinar intro it'll add it to whatever library is chosen in this case there's a default one and I have a series of other ones available by the way if you want to learn more about how to use libraries inside of Camtasia go ahead and check out this video when you have a chance when I hit okay it is now available in my library and I can add it to any future project that I see fit cool well we have a little problem we've created for ourselves and that is we added this awesome introduction but we've left a little bit more of a gap than we needed so let's close that Gap the easiest way to do it is to Simply double click on any of the media that you had shifted over by using that shift playhead movement it'll snap the playhead to the beginning of that media and then we just reverse the process hold shift on your keyboard and click and drag the playhead back to the left until they merge together and it's just snaap together and we go right into our video as before now I think I want to make one more edit and that is I'm a music guy I love adding music to my videos so I'm going to add a music bed to this video to give it a little bit more polish here's how I typically do it I have a habit of wanting my music on track number one inside of Camtasia but we already have content on track number one well we can add a track below it by right clicking on the track itself over on the left and inserting a track above or below for me we're going to click below and that moves everything up everything stays in sync and we now have an additional track available to us uh another Pro tip I also don't like the names of the tracks as track one track two did you know you could customize the names of the tracks by right clicking on them and choosing rename track for example this one is going to be music because that's where I'm going to keep my music and I could rename on webcam I could rename on screen whatever I want to do to make my editing experience even better now we've got a place for our Music let's go back to the Camtasia Library we'll choose the Camtasia 2023 library from the top and we'll choose audio in the audio folder inside of Camtasia 2023 there are three audio tracks you can always import more music just like we did before by clicking on that plus button but I'm going to use one of the tracks that's already inside of Camtasia in fact I'm going to use the Hip Hop Chambers one which is one of my favorites adding music is as simple as clicking and dragging it down onto your timeline and placing it where you'd like so if we play this video back with this music now by the way which is royaltyfree as well hey there Jason with techsmith let's find uh-oh we've added cool music but we've introduced a little bit of a challenge and that is when I start talking that music is a little bit too loud there are lots of ways to address this I could add audio points by double clicking on this green line down here and dragging down the levels of the audio but I usually don't have time for that this is where I'm going to use a pre-built tool inside of the audio effects on the left hand side called emphasize emphasize is awesome you simply grab the emphasize tool and you drag it to the piece of media that you want to be emphasized in this case I want the focus of your audio experience to be on my spoken word which is part of that webcam track so we'll click on emphasize drag it down onto my camera track my tra camera media it will then add it over in the properties panel you'll notice there's a little purple button there that says hey you can edit this audio and audiate if you interested in audiate check out any of these videos that we're showing on the screen right now emphasize allows you to emphasize that part of the spoken word in this case there's a couple of options you have uh the ramping position is just when do you want it to change from the music to the spoken word you can do it outside inside meaning is it before it starts talking after you start talking I go right down the middle and choose span that means as the playhead comes from the music to me speaking well let's play it back and you'll hopefully notice a difference hey there Jason with techsmith let's find techsmith webinars on our web page now if any point I still find that music is a little bit too intrusive if I only really wanted it for the introduction I can do something as simple as selecting that track using my tool ribbon and choosing this tool right here which is the split button which allows you to cut a section right in the middle of that media so now it's two pieces the beginning and the end I'll select that last section of the music and delete it so it's completely gone and then so it's not in a cut off of that music I can go right back into my audio effects and choose the Fade Out option by clicking it dragging it onto that music track and then I should have a nice subtle Fade Out of the music while the content is being shown on the screen let's take a look hey there Jason with teith let's find texi my webinars on our web page go to support I'm pretty happy with that now like I said before there are so many different things we could add to our project at any time the lovely part of Camtasia is that I can call this video good and share it with the world right now but because we save this project way back at the beginning in that Standalone folder I can come back to this project as many times as I want and experiment maybe I don't want my webcam in there at all maybe that music was too much maybe I want to add some visual effects like call out or blurring to hide any sensitive information all those capabilities are there within Camtasia and I have that flexibility at any time now if you still have questions about anything that we covered today or possibly about stuff we completely skips over go ahead and leave those in the comment section below and if you want to continue learning join us at our webinars that we host on a regular basis there's a link in the video description below we appreciate you being here and thanks for watching
Channel: Camtasia
Views: 19,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video editing software, video editing, editing software, video software, video recording editing software, software for video editing, video editor, video editor software, video editing software for windows, video editing software for mac, camtasia video editing software, camtasia editing videos, editing videos in camtasia, using camtasia software to edit video, camtasia studio, camtasia tutorial, camtasia, camtasia 2023 crack, camtasia 2023, camtasia 2023 full version
Id: AE1Hfy-yw4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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