How to Record Your Computer Screen and Make AMAZING Videos with Microsoft's Clipchamp

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hi I'm Jamie and welcome to Teachers Tech. today I  want to show you how you can record your computer   screen for free using Microsoft's clip chat  before I get into this tutorial I just want   to show you some of the key features that  I really like about this program when you   record your screen plus your webcam it puts  it into two separate tracks so this allows   me to do this effect right here what I do in my  video using Camtasia and then with another just   simple click of a button I can add captions  to this it only takes a few seconds so this   is a very easy program to use everything's just  drag and drop for that beginner friendly user   experience so let's get started on how to record  your screen for free using Microsoft's clip chat so first of all where do you get Microsoft clip  champ from so I'll put the link to this down   below in the description as well but I'm going  to be showing you from the online version here   today so you can log in you will need to create an  account when you click try and free you're going   to see that you do need to log into this and I'm  going to log into this with my Microsoft account   you can create one of those for free the other way  if you're on Windows 10 or Windows 11 you can go   to the Microsoft store if you do a search for your  computer and type in clinch clip chat and you can   install this on your Windows computer as well  so I just wanted to point out those two options   when you're using them they look identical they  work the same so I'm just going to use the online   version in case you're not on Windows today but  I'm going to go get logged in with my computer   and I am using the free clip champ account in this  video it is going to be focused on recording with   your webcam or with the screen and how to edit  that if you're looking for more about how to use   clip champ I have a separate video a tutorial  about more of the features in it that I won't   show here today so I'll put a link to that in  the description and up above in the cart but so   for this one if you're on your app on Windows or  on the online you'll see that it looks the same   and I'm just going to go to record something  here and if if you haven't used this before it   might come up when you click screen screening  camera it's going to ask you to allow this so   it's allow the camera and on this point I'm going  to be just working from here screen and camera but   you can see I could record the camera by itself I  could record this screen recording by itself and   there's text to speech also but I'm going to show  you how I add the captions later on so first of   all let's go ahead and just click on screen and  capture and then we'll find something to record   you get a little preview of me down here it's  picking up the camera that I'm using I could   make this a little larger uh don't worry about  this being here because I can move this after   I can record this I can place it anywhere on  the screen and I'll show you how you do this   make sure you have your correct camera and your  microphone so this is the microphone that I'm   using if there's multiple ones to find you just  drop down on any of these uh notice also that is   a 30 minute recording limit I'm going to go ahead  and hit record and now I have some choices on what   I want to record so we could have a tab so if I  go and just click on a tab to open and move it   to the side you can see now it's coming up here  and I can select that I could record a tab in a   browser I could go to a window and sometimes I  just have to open them up click on them once to   bring them up so if I bring up my Excel right here  and then I'm just going to move it down it see how   it closes sometimes so that's one thing I noticed  sometimes I just have to open it again and then   click off up on it and then it picks up and then  we could do entire screen also so if I go entire   screen I have two different monitors on here what  do I want to record the entire screen on this one   or this one and if you have audio that's coming  out of your computer if you wanted to capture   make sure you select this down here so in this  case let's say I'm doing an Excel tutorial I'm   going to select this so it's highlighted and I  just have to hit share so it's now it's recording   and I could be saying all I want about Excel  doing a little tutorial when I'm done and this   is going to be just a short practice clip  down below I could pause this if I want but   I'm going to hit stop sharing I'm going to move  the Excel out of the way so you can see it gives   you a playback right away so stop sure it's uh now  it's recording and there's the playback all I want   about Excel I'll hit pause here so it gives you  I just had to move Excel out of the way because   it stays up but this is what I was recording so I  could retake the recording and save and edit here   but I could also just watch it here I'm going to  hit save and edit notice it downloaded those two   files the screen and the webcam and the recording  down to my computer I just want to point out when   you're using the free version it downloads to your  computer all this we're not syncing with the cloud   so you do need to stay on your computer all the  time to have those media assets available to you   so if you switch computers you wouldn't have this  unless you're paying for the upgrade and then it   will sync everything okay so if we look over here  we have it intermediate we also put it they put it   in our timeline here so I could go through and  say play Excel doing a little tutorial and now   I can make some changes to this and I do want to  point out that it is grouped right now green is   around both of these so uh if I right click I  get some options where I could split but I can   ungroup these two so now if I click off somewhere  and click back on one of them uh now I have that   option or it's just by itself where I can select  them one at a time okay so first thing I want to   show you I want this on the other side let's say  so this I can just click and drag I have this   selected here I can size this larger I can crop  it as well because I have Parts where the green   screen isn't and I'm going to crop it just like  that hit the check mark when you're done move it   into place I'm noticing I have black bars on the  side here well I can quickly change that too as   well this is the auto autofill so if I click it it  just fills the screen but I could move this around   I could even size it larger if I wanted to uh make  it so that people could see a different part okay   what about the green screen just a simple click  so I have to make sure I have the correct thing   selected and remember that other video that I have  I go in more detail of more of the things that you   can do uh in clip champ but I have this selected  I'm going to go over to filters and take a look at   this so if I go all the way down there is a green  screen option here right here green screen so if   I select it now I notice it's not quite the they  didn't get it kind of the right way I can change   my thresh hold here and then I can clean it up and  I can just play with that depending on what you   want on it and the other thing is if you didn't  have a green screen you have other options that   you can choose for there as well so I'll just  leave it like that and I'll move my playhead   back a little bit move this out of the way and  about Excel doing a little tutorial when I'm   done and this is going to be just so maybe at my  threshold I could go back and change my threshold   if I wanted to as well if you want to take another  clip what you do is you just go back to record and   create over here and I can choose to do a camera  only I could do screen recording on it I'll go   back and just do one more clip get everything I  want right here hit record and I could choose this   time something different if I wanted to go entire  screen maybe I choose this one I hit share and it   says that this is here this is why you're getting  this effect I could minimize this and I could open   up my Excel one more time and it's recording  everything that's happening on my screen I can   hit stop share and uh since this is open back up  my window so it didn't open up automatically but   it's giving me that preview again minimize I'm  going to hit save and edit and now we have the   second one you can see 12 seconds it's added it to  my timeline already I can go through and make the   edit so let's say here's a quick edit that I can  do if I didn't want this first part so if I'm just   dragging my plate head to here I could just simply  grab hover and trim the beginnings like this again   I talked about more of this in my video with my  full video on clip Champ here so you could keep   going through adding more and more to this now the  other feature that I wanted to use to show you was   that you can quickly add your captions to this so  and it's just a click if I go up here hit captions   I just have to turn on captions here so turn on  captions and you can check what you want and here   I'm going to leave everything the same turn on  captions and it gets generated as it goes through   you can watch it get generated on each one it  doesn't take very long depends how long your video   is but now if I go back to my uh practice clip uh  down below I could I had it selected on only this   clip over here so if I go back sell one more time  and it's recording everything that's happening on   my screen so you can see it it just put it up on  this one I I had that one selected and that's why   it added to that slide or that clip alone now the  other thing that I just want to point out you can   download the captions the SRT here so again just  quick clicks drags and everything's working very   very simple on this one if I go up and if I'm  all done my video I'm just going to close this   I could hit export and here's my choice here  I'm going to go 1080 this will be no watermark   in here 1080 and I can go through and if you want  to log in to any of your different if I want to   go right to YouTube I could go here I could go  to my Google Drive or as it processes when it's   done I can just download it it will get downloaded  automatically on my computer as the finished copy   so it just download it down here to my computer  and I can go ahead and click on it and I know   this one's not going to be that great but to  show you how well this works and I could be   saying all I want about Excel doing a little  tutorial when I'm done and this is going to   be just and it gives you it shows you now I can  play it with the threshold a little bit better   change my lighting to work a little bit better  on this one uh but for a free video editor and   free screen recording this works very easily  remember you can work with this online or you   can install this on your Windows computer as well  so I hope you like this tip on this free screen   recorder from clip champ let me know down in the  comments below if this is working for you thanks   for watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see  you next week with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 43,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clipchamp, clipchamp video editing, clipchamp tutorial, record your screen in clipchamp, jamie keet, teacher's tech, add captions to your video, how to use clipchamp video editor, How to Record and Create for Free, record your computer screen in windows 10, record in windows 11, clipchamp create
Id: 22ZUGZ5tbmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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