How to Use Keyframe in CapCut PC: Step-by-Step Tutorial

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create your content today we're going to answer one of the simplest questions about the cap cut application it is how to create or how to use key frames this is the cup cut basically you import all the materials you need from sounds music to logos to elements whatever it is let's go ahead I'll try the video for example I want to highlight that position a small position come here in one portion of the video I need to click on the video itself of course I need to drag this Navigator over here to the position I want come here to this video tab basic and here come to this add key frame as you can see it and then I'll need to actually zoom in a little bit so I want for example to zoom in and then zoom out so I'll come here add another key frame and then I'll come at the end and zoom add another key frame to zoom out at this point because I want to see the end of the video uh from a bigger perspective but for example I want to scale on this yeah so I'm going to scale all the way here for example yeah and then I'm going to the second one over here I want to zoom out so I'm going to return the video to how it used to be and I'm going to just play the video do you see that it zoomed in and it zoomed out you can do a lot of things with this key frames are easy to use and a very very basic skill for pro editors very easy to use let me know if they don't know anything about cap cut or anything about video production feel free to share down in the comments below what is that you don't know and we will get into it into a specific video for it thanks for watching and I'll will see you in the next one
Channel: CreateContentTV
Views: 123
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Keywords: How to Create Content, Content Creation, Visual Content, how to add keyframes in capcut pc, capcut, capcut pc, capcut tutorial, capcut pc keyframe tutorial, capcut keyframe, capcut keyframe tutorial, capcut keyframe pc, how to keyframe in capcut pc, add keyframe capcut, capcut video editing, how to use keyframe in capcut pc, How to Use Keyframe in CapCut PC, Step-by-Step Tutorial, keyframe, keyframes, CreateContentTV, Keyframe Magic: Learn How to Add Keyframes in CapCut PC, editing
Id: B03PW8Q88to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 50sec (110 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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