How to Create PRO Videos in CapCut with Crappy Footage

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is it possible to make your okay sounding and average looking video look and sound more professional using cap cut yes yes it is now let's see how we can make your videos that don't look or sound so great look and sound more Pro first go ahead and download all the elements we use in this video link in the description below do it right now so you don't forget first we're going to enhance the audio let's jump into cap cut I'm going to take my clip and we're going to watch a couple seconds just so you can see how it looks and sounds before is it possible to make your okay sounding and average looking video so it looks and sounds just okay the lighting is fine the background is boring the audio is too low and kind of echoey the mic is good but I'm far away from the mic and if you're far away from the mic it sounds bad even with this mic this is a $1,000 mic left over from my voice over days if I stand back here the audio suddenly sounds terrible so more important than having a great mic is being close to the mic now it sounds considerably better for this clip we're going to fix the second half of the video right after I snap so I'm going to hit shift Z to zoom in on the timeline and I'm going to I can see the snap in the timeline because there's barely a waveform right there and I'm going to let the snap complete then I'm going to cut the clip right here by hitting command to be on a Mac or controlb on a PC and we're going to fix the audio on this clip the first thing we're going to do is click on audio making sure this is highlighted select loudness normalization and that fixes a lot look and sound more professionally so it sounds better because the audio is normalized which does a little better job than just raising the volume but it's still kind of echoey because I'm so far away from the mic to fix that we can use this Pro feature called enhance voice I click on that and I find that around 50% works pretty well takes a second to process but now let's see if we can hear a difference looking video look and sound more professional use so step one check sounds way better right step number two let's make the backround round blurry now one thing that you see all the time in well done YouTube videos and in every movie to make a subject pop out from the scene you got to make the blurry background there are many ways to do that when you're filming but if you fail to do that when you're filming or your camera is not so great at it here's what you can do in capcut the first thing we're going to do is turn the track magnet off so that Clips don't slide over automatically we want more control so I'm going to turn this off so now when I slide that over it just stays there I'll hit command Z to undo that next we're going to duplicate this layer to do that I'm going to hold down the option key on a and the ALT key on a PC click and drag up and it didn't line up exactly so one thing you can do to make sure things line up better is to make sure that snapping is on by clicking on this guy right here now when I drag it up it's going to have a much easier time snapping into place also I do not need two layers of audio here so I'm going to drag this audio down otherwise it would sound bad next we're going to just cut me out of the top layer so I can blur out the background layer to do that I click on video cut out Auto cutout notice that it only cuts out human figures it's said right before I I clicked it and did it and now I am cut out from the background can you tell no you can't because the background's identical I'm going to turn off the background like this and you can see that I'm cut out and it does a pretty great job of cutting me out in the old days you had to shoot against a green screen or a blue screen and chroma key and it was a pain capcut makes it super easy next to blur out the background I'm going to click on effects type in the word blur here in the search bar and it'll give me a bunch of blur options we have this Pro lens blur version but you don't even need that and I think in this case the generic blur works even better the one in the free version I'm going to click and drag it down here and now we can adjust the blur strength and you know right around here in the 40s is pretty good too much and that's that's kind of extreme but down here it looks it looks pretty dang good around you know 45 or so so not bad and if we play it for a second using cap cut I mean it might be a little bit too much let's just take it down a little bit more so there you know we'll we'll stick with 29 how's that everyone on YouTube is you know 20 or 30 and I'm 60 so I'd like to look closer to their age to do that we click on this top layer we click on video enhance and we have this feature called face there's a bunch of other features we just talking about this one to enhance my face I choose how many people are in here one or more it's just one guy so single mode and then I can start messing with these sliders to make me look you know less wrinkly and more like you who's probably you know 20 or 30 we've got some Pro features some free features the free features are are great in fact it might be all you need so if I drag this down it just starts to smooth out my face oh that's that's kind of great and we've got some smile lines here we can kind of get rid of those you if you see these start to go down brighten my eyes so they pop a little more more poppy dark circles I don't really have dark circles too bad but you know this stuff it all helps and oh whiten my uh my brown teeth from a lifetime of you know being alive and you can't see a ton here but I'm going to drag this down so it's bigger and turn off and on and you'll see like I'll never want to be seen in public ever again without this filter on me so we got to figure how to make this IRL three old people that means in real life and turn it off bam old dude turn it on hey I'm like 20 right the lighting here is fine but it's kind of boring not very vibrant what can we do about it well luckily K's got a really cool AI feature called relight you click on video basic you scroll down to oh look it's called relight it is a pro feature we can relight the background we can relight me and it doesn't matter if they're two layers or not but we're going to do it with two layers since we have two layers here I'm going to click on the background I'm going to click on relight and I have some options I can choose ambient or facial or creative or presets in this case we want to change the ambience the background here and I can choose one of these to start with let's just choose teal light because I love teal and orange and Bam it did a great job there it already looks better but let's just do a little bit more so you can see how it works we have three light lights on this preset one of them is for the light on the left you can click on it and see and adjust it the other one on the right and there's one here in the middle now this one in the middle is a directional light that we don't need because I just want two lights so to get rid of it you just hit this little X right here but I want this light to be more intense let me just show you the features and how it works there are two types of light a directional light which is the light pointing a direction it's got an arrow Direction it's pointing you can see as I move it around it's pointing the light in the direction of the arrow there's also a point light that's the only other kind and a point light just emits light evenly from all sides around it so if I put it over here it's evenly emitting this orange light from all the sides and our case that would work but we want to use a directional light to have a little bit more control and we can choose to light the background or people or both and you know it's we can't really light people on this one if I put it on people you know not A lot's going to happen because our people is is is covered by this guy if I turn that guy off we can say oh it's lighting the people but we want that we're doing the background so we're going to click on the background again and we're going to make it say background and we're going to drag it over here and make it more intense so to increase the intensity well you just drag the slider over increases the intensity and I would like it to be less bright so it's more you know vibrant so I'm going to drag this down and oh yeah look at that that's I think that's way cooler right and highlights will adjust the high points a little bit but it doesn't do a ton because this is already pretty dark and the radius determines how far the light goes right now it's down pretty low if I drag it back the light's ending here if I drag the radius to the right it lights the entire scene but you lose some of the color and the saturation we want it to go about halfway so we get this kind of cool look a little brighter on top a little darker on the bottom and then we want the right side to kind of match that and we're going to change the color on that one to do that we click on light two which is this guy right here and I want that to be purple I like purple see I got no purple's on that side right I like purple so we're going to click on color and drag this guy over to this purpley oh yeah VI yeah that looks great right and I drag it up here and we're going to mess with the intensity a tiny bit just maybe a little more intense little more radius oh actually maybe a little less radius on that so that it doesn't cross so much with the orange on that side and then I'm going to take the brightness down just a little bit and then we have a pretty cool intense orange and purple background they're they're kind of contrasty colors and I think I like that but I look terrible too bright I don't match the background at all how do you fix that well we click on the top layer right here and we go back to relight and we choose facial yeah and how about warm light think that'll work I don't think it looks great so what do you do well first of all we know that we are on light two which is this guy right here it's lighting me from below me which I don't really like I want it to be up here so I'm going to drag it there and it's too it's too bright and too intense and it's too orange so I'm going to take this orange color slide it to the left a little bit so it's a little bit closer to a human being tone and not that crazy color I don't need the object to be both it's just a people so I'm going to change it to people which changed how that landed on me a little bit too and I'm going to take the intensity down quite a bit and I'm going to drag this guy a little farther away and I'm going to mess with the radius watch what happens when I drag it down it's not hitting my face at all it's ending right there this is kind of the old color just tweaked a little bit if I drag it over here notice that you can see it going across my face and even starting to hit the other side of my face the shadow side of my face but it does it really realistically so it looks it looks dang good next we want to mess with the brightness a little bit more because it's too bright highlights are all the way down if you take it all the way up it look terrible but if I hit brightness and take it down a little bit it's going to make it much much more consistent with the background that's not bad at all and this light this is this blue light on the other side you know we should have it so that a little bit of this purple kicks onto my face because it would bounce from the background and probably hit the side of my face a little bit so I'm going to change the color of that guy to purple oh right around to make it as similar as possible to that other color we got going on that's pretty close and then I'm going to increase the radius a little bit so it actually hits my face and increase the intensity so we can actually see it and that's too much just a little teeny hint I'm going to pull it away from me a tiny bit and this is one of those things you just mess with until you get a look that you like and I think right about there looks pretty good and turn the intensity down a little bit because it's a little bit too obvious just a little bit of a hint of purple on that side and now I think this image looks much more pleasing just for comparison this this is before and this is after what do you think looks looks better so far without without the circles here we go again before after before after by the way if you'd taken my course edit with Trev Master capcut you'd already know how to do all of this stuff plus you'd know how to get way more views on your videos are you getting as many views as you want I bet you're not if you're not put nope in the comments below and then take my course edit with Tren Master capcut next there's one more really cool thing we can easily do to look way more Pro and people think well that guy knows how to edit what do we do we just add some text so let's go ahead and click on text but not just adding text we're making it look cool you're going to take that default text drop it onto the timeline we'll put it on top and I'm going to make it last the duration of the rest of this thing and I'm going to put in a word that says yes because I asked a question and the answer was yes is as I recall I think that's right so I'm going to make sure I have text basic selected type in the word yes but it's too small and the font sucks so let's go to font instead of system let's use something big and fancy oh and dude by the way new feature I've been begging for this from the day I opened cap cut you can now search for text see that little search bar so let's type in a font that we want how about modern and Bam there's one that says modern that's a pro one but we'll take it it looks nice and fat and readable this is too small so I'm going to drag the font size way up because that text is going to be just super obvious and you know text is text but wouldn't it be cooler if it was behind us so I'm going to drag it behind us by just dragging it between these two layers I know a lot of people have this issue I whole video on it but in case you like I can't drag the text below what do I do Trevor just click anywhere but on one of these clips in the timeline so you get the details window go over to modify and check this box here free layer make sure the free layer is on the right under details and project settings and hit save then you'll be able to drag the text under here so the text I think looks pretty great right here but I want it to come on at the right time so let's go ahead and have a listen and see when it should come on look and sound more professional using cap cut yes right for say cap cut I want yes to appear so I'm going to just drag this over to the right and we'll have yes pop on right there but just popping on is boring now we could animate it using key frames by the way I have a whole video on key framing so you have more control over these animations linked uh there or there I never know I never know where it is but check it out after this video but we're not going to key frame it because cap cut makes it way easier with text animations make sure you clicked on the text down here then click on text up here click on animation we have all these ways to make the text come into the scene without having to manually animate it free paid whatever they're all great we'll just use popup how about this one yeah bam that looked great did you see that let's watch it again yes I love that and it was about a half second I think the duration was correct and I think this looks great those are the five things here's a little bonus thing for sticking around to the end I'm going to click on this top layer and this is lit cool but I don't love it it feels like it needs to be a little more vibrant so I'm going to click on this top layer and go to adjustment and scroll down to adjustments and just kind of mess with this a little bit so it pops a little bit more and one thing that I do in almost every video clip of my face is I drag the highlights down a little bit so they're not so different from the Shadows on the right so to drag the Shadows up a bit and then I go into curves now I know curves are fancy and scary but just click on curves right here there's you know there's RGB and then there's the contrast one the brightness on here so we can mess with this just briefly so I want to take the highlights up a little bit so the whites look a little bit wider this is white on this side this is black on this side going to click kind of somewhere between towards the whites add a beat a little dot right here just going to drag it up a little bit to make my face a little bit brighter and then the darks I want a little darker so I'm going to drag this beat down here a tiny bit to make the blacks a little blacker yeah yeah and I think that looks a lot better and this is called an scurve and that's kind of a starting place for a lot of videos you created just adds a little more contrast I'm going to go back to basic again and add just a little bit of saturation by scrolling down here and adding a tiny bit of saturation more so I pop a little more yeah there we go not like that much much better I know I sometimes go hey and here's the final Masterpiece but I've done more stuff like edit sound effects and things so I'm just going to show you what I'm doing here in case you want to know how I made that that opening shot look exactly like that opening shot and it's by adding some sound effects I'm going to add a quick whoosh right here that kind of lands hands right about when I snap and then I've got this hard effect this hard impact effect hard hit effect I'll get it right some way and i' I've given you these actually use these a lot I've got some these are like kind of a a bamp sound effect that I use for a lot of stuff so you want to download these they're very useful so watch this average looking video look okay and that didn't hit exactly right I want to hit when my fingers snaap you sometimes I have to mess a little bit to get it to line up exactly exactly right so I want the whoosh and the hard hit to hit at the same time as my snap video look and that looked great except that the light changed color too late so we want to drag this back just a little bit and drag these back as well and it's going to have to redo a few things because we're we're modifying some stuff and let's see if that worked a little better not going to worry about the voice looking video come on looking video okay and now with this stuff lined up better looks like this video look and sound more professional using cap cut yes okay and obviously that yes needs a sound effect there's actually a good sound effect built in to capcut right here if I go to I think sound effects and type switch God I'm so glad they have these searches in here now maybe this one yeah that one's kind of great and I'm going to grab that and take it down a tiny bit now this Snappy thing is okay with the sound effects now but it could use a transition now here's a side note from a Hollywood editor the transition that is used 99% of the time in real Hollywood movies and TV shows and commercials is a straight cut just going from one clip to the next one with no fancy Schmutz in between but sometimes it's kind of cool and capet has a lot of really cool transitions built in so we're going to add a fun transition here to polish this thing off we're going to highlight all of the video clips including the text right click and choose create compound clip we're going to the exact frame where it changed from that to way cooler and we're going to add a cut there by hitting command be on a Mac or control be on a PC then we're going to jump over into Transitions and find this Electric Light 2 or any transition this is a pro one you may not have it any of these will work they're kind of cool I'm going to grab electric light to drag it down here make it a little bit shorter and now this transition will look like this average looking video look what way cool right to watch the final Masterpiece you want to just go back to the beginning of the video and and watch the whole thing cuz there's a lot to learn and you probably forgot all it already one thing that can totally make you look way more Pro is to understand color correction and color grading no they're not the same thing you need to watch my video on color correction color grading right here right now so you can just you know smoke everyone else
Channel: Trevor Jones
Views: 9,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut, capcut tips, capcut tutorial, 5 Stupid Easy CapCut Tips to Look PRO, how to edit on capcut, capcut desktop, capcut pc, capcut mac, capcut hacks, how to edit videos like a pro, capcut edit tutorial, capcut tips and tricks, capcut video editing, capcut edit, capcut editing tips, capcut tricks and tips, capcut video editing tips, how to edit videos for youtube, how to edit videos, how to edit youtube videos, how to create pro videos in capcut without expensive gear
Id: OcA8BeWO9yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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