How To Use KeyFrame in CapCut PC (2023)

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in this video I'm going to show you how to use keyframes in capcat PC so basically it's pretty easy just follow these steps I do so all you need to know about the keyframes that we can edit on different videos in different parts of our project to make some changes with this video to rotate it to change the size to do some actions so this is the main option of these keyframes or called keyframes so how can we deal with it so as you can see I've already created a new project and here we can see just nature and what if we want for example to make the resize of our video during its going so the keyframes will help us so to deal with it all you need is just to choose our video on the timeline and then here go to video and click on basic right up here so after that we are ready to work with it keyframes are these buttons so we can add the keyframe by clicking and simply clicking on this so after that the first keyframe is added as you can see on our timeline it's like a blue rectangle right up here so after that we can move our time Checker to the another position and add one more uh one more keyframe so after that we can do some options with our video we can scale it we can increase this size or make it less so as you can see now it looks like this so before keyframe nothing is going on and after the keyframe the video starts to makes it makes less and less in size so after we pass the queue frame nothing will change at all so this is the way how we can deal with keyframes so after that for example if you want to add some more actions we can try to rotate it like this so as you can see one more keyframe was added so it will try to play it we can see that everything was like everything is changing right now so this is the easiest way how we can deal with keyframes I hope guys this video was useful for you if it is please like this video subscribe to my channel and watch my other tutorials in this playlist goodbye
Channel: HelperMan
Views: 13,985
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Keywords: capcut pc, capcut, capcut tutorial, How To Use KeyFrame in CapCut PC (2023), capcut pc tutorial, how to use keyframe in capcut pc, how to use keyframe capcut pc, use keyframe capcut pc, keyframe capcut pc, capcut pc keyframe
Id: XKWbCc47suA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 11sec (131 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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