How to Use DALL E 3 FREE Access (without ChatGPT Plus) AI Art Generator

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The official Dalle 3 AI art generator from open  AI is now 100% free to access and use this is   now the best free stable diffusion and Midjourney  alternative and it is a huge upgrade from Dalle   2. There's only a few steps to get free access  to Dalle 3, so in this AI news video I'll show   you first how to get Dalle 3 free and how to use  Dalle 3 AI image generator. The first step is to   head over to the website and you  can see here is where the Dalle 3 image Creator   is housed. Previously it was only the Dalle 3 2  version that was available to use on Microsoft   Bing. You can see that this is in preview mode  so perhaps there's some more updates to come. But   now let's see how to use Dalle 3 for free. Let's  start with a prompt and I want to see humanlike   coconuts playing guitar around a campire once I've  got that now I'll click join and create now it's   asking me to sign in for my Microsoft account and  if you haven't already got a Microsoft account   watch the video above to learn how to create  an account and sign in to Microsoft Bing all   right once signed in we get gets sent over to the  image Creator dashboard and we can see there's a   few areas here we have our prompt that we've just  put in down below as well we see the images once   they're created we have 25 tokens here otherwise  known as boost and when we hover over that we can   see that we can create images more quickly with  boosts and if you run out image generation may   take longer and while we wait for the image to  be created we can even pop down here and explore   the homepage to see what other images people have  created and as we hover over these images we can   see what prompts people use to get these images  down below we have the frequently asked questions   section so feel free to browse through that to  get some more information about the Dall e 3   image generator on also while we wait we  can check out the Microsoft rewards section which   you can flick through here to learn how you  can accumulate reward points and you can use   these reward points to buy more boosts remember  to check out the AI video maker course in the   description and pin comment below you'll learn  cool ways to make money with AI videos and you   can try it out for just $1 okay and we can come  back to the Creator dashboard and we can see we   are still waiting for the image to be created and  now after about 5 to 10 minutes these images have   finally been created and wow I'm actually really  impressed with the result here this is pretty   much exactly what I pictured when I put in the  prompt as we flip through these images you can   see they're all quite similar with a few varieties  of the Coconuts being different sizes I actually   like this one it's kind of like Papa Bear playing  guitar for the little kid coconuts and you can   actually see that the limbs are actually looking  like it's playing the guitar here which is cool   there's a few options here you can share save  download or even customize now when you come   over to customize you get sent over to Microsoft  designer so I'm not actually going to make any   changes to this I'm not interested in signing up  to Microsoft designer at all you'll notice in the   bottom left there's a little Watermark of the  Bing logo but don't worry once you download it   this will disappear as we can see here and here's  the final image all right now I want to compare   how long it takes to create an image using a boost  so I'll put in a new prompt let's have a couple of   puppies running through the corn field at Sunset  and by tapping the Boost button and hitting create   you can see we've gone from 25 boost down to 24  down the bottom here we can see the progress bar   of the Dall e 3 AI art image creation and bang  these images got generated really quickly so   once again we've got four beautiful images they're  all quite similar let's have a quick scan through   them I think this one here looks the most lifelike  out of the four of them so I'll choose to download   that one now there actually a second way you  can access Dall e 3 for free and that is going   to itself and clicking the chat feature  so we can actually be in Bing chat here and along   with having a conversation with Bing chat we can  ask it to create the images now Dall e 3 is built   into Bing chat here so theoretically this image  should create something very similar to what we've   got before when I first tried this method I wanted  to see how fast it would be created inside Bing   and I was pleasantly surprised to see how quickly  it was created and you can see how quick that was   this time around once again these images are very  very similar to what we had before and you can see   also made by being image Creator and powered by  Dall e 3 and now when I click on that image it   actually sends me back into the Microsoft Bing  image Creator but the beauty here is I can even   get it to do some modifications inside the Bing  chat so let's change the puppies to kittens and   see what result we get you can see it takes a bit  of time to work out how to change the prompt to   get it to have kittens instead of puppies once  again it's generated very quickly and that's   pretty much the result I was thinking at this  point you might be thinking well why do I need   boost then and why do I need to conserve boost  and earn rewards so I can create more boosts if   the images are creating this fast inside bing  well the catch is that because Microsoft Bing   chat is connected to the image Creator you can  see I've actually used two more boosts by doing   those two Bing chat image Generations the other  thing to note is you can't turn off boosts once   you've activated it so be aware of that so you're  pretty much locked into using a boost every time   you ask it to generate an image but if you're  a light user of Dalle 3 image Creator these 25   boosts will be enough because each week it resets  back to 25 boosts at least that's how it is at the   moment but this is subject to change of course now  check out this video to see how to download and   use Photoshop 2024 free with its new AI generative  Fill feature also subscribe to the channel so you   can get more AI updates as they happen thanks  for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Tim Harris Video AI
Views: 87,161
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Keywords: dall e 3, dalle 3, dall e 3 ai, dall e 3 access, how to get dall e 3, dalle 3 ai art generator, how to use dalle 3 free, how to use dall e 3 for free, how to use dall-e 3, how to use dall.e 3 free, how to use dalle 3 for free, how to use dalle 3 in bing, dall e 3 free access, get dall e 3, dall-e 3 tutorial, Dall e 3, Dalle 3, How to Use DALL.E 3, ai news, dall e 3 free, Dalle 3 free, dall e 3 tutorial, get dalle 3, free midjourney alternative, how to use dall-e 3 free
Id: K9mtzhyolbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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