Best AI Image Generator Alternatives in 2024! Say GOODBYE to Midjourney and DALLE

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it is true that generating images is the bread and butter for modern AI there are hundreds of image generators out there all with their unique features this makes it super hard to choose the right image generator for your exact needs but in this video I'm going to tell you about the best AI image generators that I've tried and explain why they're so good the last place in our rating is taken up by gen pictures trust me I've never seen a more simplistic image generator in my life the whole interface consists of four elements input field a button for generation and a window where the generated image will be after the image is generated the fourth element appears below it a button for downloading using gen pictures is incredibly easy everything is set up in such a way that even an infant could figure it out I just type in the prompt and hit one button that's all there are no more controls no option to choose a model to specify the resolution or aspect ratio absolutely nothing you type in the prompt and get the result no questions asked some people might say that it's too simplistic to be convenient but I think that for someone who just doesn't care about all the particularities of image generation this is pretty much the perfect option if one day your relative comes to you and asks to show them an image generator you can send them to gen pictures and spare yourself from the burden of explaining to them which button does what also I hope you noticed that gen pictures generates images super fast much faster than other generators and by considerable margin gen pictures is great love it though I'd say that limiting users to only three images until need in the subscription is a bit too aggressive but hey the Simplicity often costs extra gen pictures get six for the quality of generation and 10 for the Speed and Performance now I know we're talking about image generation here but I can't not tell you about a great AI that I found isus vocal remover the sponsor of today's video in just a few clicks I can take any song and separate the music the vocals into separate files there are two ways to do it one upload the file then AI will do everything by itself it will analyze the audio and masterfully separate vocals and instruments the second way is to paste a link to video and AI will do the rest eus vocal remover works with both video and audio files and extract vocals from any media file you Import and Export them too the quality of separation is crazy like it just connected itself to the recording studio where the song was recorded stad good eus vocal remover supports many file formats such as MP4 mov MP3 wave m4a flag and more and it also supports many types of Separation drums bass piano voice and noise can be separated for music and vocals without losing quality whether you're making music professionally creating songs or just want to make great karaokey tracks or background music this tool is for you for me it's a great way to spice up my videos with with new Tunes without having to manually tune down the vocals and editing it's simple fast and wildly effective I will leave a link in the description so be sure to check it out you should also check out crayon and the main reason for that is its Simplicity crayon is one of the most barebone and straightforward image generators out there with crayon the whole process is super simple I just open the website and see a simplistic interface there's the prompt window where you type in your request and describe the image below that craye allows four style options art photo drawing and none so I'm going to start with something simple German Sheffer in space I leave a style at default as well what I find interesting is that in the bottom there is The Inspirations tab where all the related or similar images are this way we can see roughly the results we could count for crayon usually takes about 40 seconds to generate the images but gives a bunch of them at once the style is Artsy but not too over helming below the style selection part there is a so-called expert mode menu where I can type in everything that shouldn't be in the picture sometimes crayon seems to drop down the resolution but that's not an issue because under each image there is a special upscale button the images at high rest look much much better and the best part is that crayon spits out a ton of images real fast I think it takes way less time to generate 10 images in crayon then takes something like mid journey to generate four so yeah if you're just starting your image generation journey and want to learn the ropes without paying a dime crayon is definitely the best place to start no subscription fees no convoluted controls and really fast generation I'd say that the quality of generated images gets a six from me but the performance is definitely nine the next image generator text a different approach desk talker AI first requires you to upload the base image and all the generation happens on top of that I know this might not sound like a use ful thing but if you for example find an interesting stock image that you would like to use but don't want to pay the price you can just turn it into an AI in seconds here's how it works first I upload the image this one I honestly downloaded from the web below the image there is an input field where I can type in all of the changes I want to make for example I can ask deathstalker to change the suit to bathrobe then there are three more parameters for me to customize structure control indicates how closely to generate image should be to the original one color control does the same thing but in terms of colors the last option is choosing a style deathstalker has many styles to choose from but I think the photo realistic looks the best at least for my purposes I would also like to say that unfortunately it is not a fast AI it takes some time to generate an image however as you can say the end result is quite good deathstalker has indeed changed the suit into bathrobe and did it splendidly also it didn't destroy the face or fingers which is quite typical for AI to do at any moment you can change the prompt adjust the controls or pick a different style right now there are nine styles to choose from and even if I switch it from realistic to cinematic the result still looks great for you it's seconds but I had to sit and wait for the image to generate for 3 minutes or so deathstalker is definitely not the best out there but it's definitely a very interesting one can do some things really diligently but completely ignore other things for example it's took this white dude and turned him into a female of a different skin color for some reason it changed only the face not the hand luckily the interface is really simple and at least for now the generation is free if I was to assign points I'd say that deathstalker does a solid job at generating images 7 out of 10 but the performance is pretty subpar three out of 10 another image generator that's definitely worth checking out is Korea AI this one is a bit more advanced and it has one super cool feature that makes it perfect for those of you who have a Clear Vision but cannot fully express it with the words maybe prompt engineering is hard for you maybe you just have a really specific artistic Vision with Crea AI you can literally just draw vague shapes of what you want to get and AI will fill in the rest that's why the interface is divided into two halves the last one is for us to draw and the right one is for the AI below that there is a promp in window that helps AI better interpret what it's supposed to be Drawing Near The Prom box there is a button that generates a random seed and it basically changes the look of the image randomly there is a menu on the right with five style options no style cinematic illustration Bloom and product cinematic style adds nice bokeh illustration for no reason changes nothing blo makes it all glowy and blurred and product looks just like your typical product photo if you want to make the images more or less inventive there is a special slider to the right of the prompt box that adjust the strength of AI you can see how images change in real time as I drag it up and down this double canvas thing is seriously cool but if you're looking for something a bit more traditional Korea AI also has a text to image mode but in my opinion it isn't that great Korea might not be the most accurate in terms of generate imagery and the images themselves may not be of the highest quality but this draw with me feature is something That You Don't See in other AI image generators it makes it super easy to turn your fantasies into full-fledged images sometimes the AI guesses everything correctly sometimes it misses its shot but Crea AI at least makes it easy to control the framing and positioning of the elements in your image the next AI that I'm going to recommend is called night Cafe and it's pretty cool night Cafe has a few important features that make it more advanced than everything that came before like the ability to evolve generated images but I don't want to get ahead of myself the interface looks quite all right and the Manu on the left allows me to change the model that I would like to use there are quite a few models to choose from each with its own quirks ASD XL 1.0 or stable diffusion model is selected by default but you can always switch it to Dolly 3 creative upscaler or dream shaper XL lightning night Cafe also allows users to train custom models which is something you rarely see in image generators below that there is a text prompt window and below that is an option to choose a style there are many many styles to choose from from artistic and Anime to CGI and epic the list of styles goes on and on enough to generate basically anything also night Cafe allows me to specify the number of images I want to generate the runtime and the aspect ratio with the default settings each image costs one credit to generate and all free users get five credits the math says it's enough for only five Imes but there is another model that cost half a credit which means everyone can generate up to 10 images I cannot say that with the default model all results are perfect but they are definitely not too shabby with the Obscure and weird prompts the results can be just as weird as the prompts themselves for example I asked for ice cream Warriors but night Cafe just gave me an Italian street with an ice cream in the middle of it after some additional tweaking of the prompt it did get things right so if you really want to make the best out of night Cafe then you have to know at least some prompt engineering at the bottom of each generated image there is a DNA like button which allows you evolve the image using the same seed seed is the parameter that users rarely see but it determines the style of the image Al's overall structure and composition so when I click on this DNA button night Cafe lets me change the model The Prompt style and a few other parameters this is a great feature if you want your new image to convey the same emotions and framing as the original image which in my case works great night Cafe is definitely a very interesting image generator and with enough time could be very powerful Ali as far as this course go I'd rate it seven for the quality of generate images and eight for the speed the next AI is the one you've probably already heard about Leonardo and this AI has a few cold tricks up its sleeve one it lets you precisely customize the image and it's parameters such as resolution aspect ratio and so on and the second trick is exactly why Leonardo is on this list in the first place uses unusual models mine is set to dream shaper V7 and if you're an AI Enthusiast you know this is important but I don't want to dive deep into the parameters right now because you my friends are most likely looking for a simple way to generate images there's also a drop- down menu for picking a style of the image and Leonardo also does a really good job at chis upscaling clicking on the DNA like icon will make AI redraw the image and add more textures stood more details there's one more cool thing about Leonardo it has a built-in prompt generator helps you write better prompts you just switch to prompt generation type of prompt as usual then hit id8 AI will suggest a few better ways for any given prompt and H suggested variant can be easily modified this feature makes it super convenient for newcom to learn prompt engineering Leonardo is really just a simple and straightforward image generator with hidden potential if you want you can tap into that potential and create truly amazing stuff but if not it's just a nice and consistent image generator six for the quality of images eight for performance and convenience there are so many image generators out there as you can see but the next one is kind of special Hot Pot might seem like a very simple and straightforward tool but what does differently is the financial side of things all previous AI tools were only partially free and required a subscription after a couple of generated images hot poot on the other hand doesn't require any money for any amount of generated images unless you're using the premium models but honestly you don't even need them anyway using hotot is super easy you just type in a prompt pick a style upload a seed image if needed which is the number of images and the aspect ratio of them and that's all from my testing I can say that it's not the best generator in terms of following the prompt but sometimes it can produce really interesting results for example this image of a fisherman in a boat looks really nice even though I asked hot poot to show me the Sea of dumplings I'm telling you it's not about fulling around or generating some weird stuff it's like your typical noons guy and again you can use it absolutely for free however long you like and that if you ask me is a worthy advantage to put it that high on the list for the quality of generated images I'd say it's about six but the overall performance is a solid eight gencraft is another interesting image generator that you should check out I feel that it can be somewhat overwhelming for new users but if you're already familiar with image generators you will figure it out fairly easily it all starts with a prompt window where I can just type whatever I want then I choose the style of the image this isn't an unusual feature but you may like the style that it supports for example I never saw a diarama or ukq E style as for the model selection only five models are available for free but these models are different enough in the way they generate images also each of them has a certain number of likes and an indicator that shows how many images were generated with this particular model in advanced settings there are just two things a place for the negative front and an option to choose the aspect ratio what I also like is the built-in prompt improver with just one click I can turn very simple prompt into detailed one which is very convenient however I must say gencraft isn't very well suited for imitating the styles of existing media because no matter how many times I tried to make it imitate the SpongeBob style it never does it even if I changed the model the results stay basically the same I think gencraft is a pretty good image generator with all the basic functionality that you need interestes in model selection an unusual variety of Styles it surely needs some polishing but even in its current state it's fairly impressive there's just one problem for free we can generate only five prompts which is really unfortunate I would rate it uh seven for the quality and seven for the performance now we're stepping into the advanced generators territory and among them Doby Firefly definitely has the coolest tricks typically when a person opens an AI image generator he's greeted with a simple prompt window just like we had in some of the previous examples but Adobe went further than that and created a special menu makes it a piece of cake to customize the image as you please and this is a fantastic thing to do if you're trying to buy the piece of the market all image controls are on the right side and there are a lot of controls first aspect ratio then there is content type photo or art Firefly can choose it automatically but I suggest you to turn that off and Choose Yourself visual intensity controls the level of complexity and detail in the images Firefly also lets you upload a photo for AI to steal the style from so if you're trying to replicate someone's artwork this is a perfect way to do it but next comes the most interesting part effects Adobe made sure to include a ton of different effects that we can just pick and choose no prompt and needed we can choose a style like cyber Punk or broke choose a theme lighting and so on we can pick individual characteristics of the photo like boka for example this is by far the easiest way to set the image just the way you want it to be and the best part is that adobe not just picked the words but actually trained their model on these Styles and effects below that there's three additional menus color and tone lighting and composition I'm going to choose toned image harsh light and closeup Firefly really is one of the best tools for photo realistic image generation and all thanks to the way the model was trained Adobe didn't just use the artwork they used tons of stock photos which allows Firefly to be particularly good at generating people and their faces but it also has limitations for example Firefly doesn't want to generate anything disturbing I guess the developers want to preserve the reputation of an always positive image generator I don't know oh and there are two more submenus photo settings lets me choose the aperture of the camera the shorter speed and the field of view and in advanced settings I can type in all the stuff that I don't want to see seen the final images Firefly gets 10 for the quality and solid nine for performance and if I was to rate its convenience and user friendliness i' give it 20 out of 10 but since this is my list of AI image generators I get to decide which one is the best and for me after rigorous testing and frequent Everyday Use I can confidently say that dolly is the best AI image generator that I could recommend calm down don't get angry I have my reasons first it is included in gbt Plus subscription making it by far the most affordable choice for anyone who already uses Chad gbt on a daily basis second it is the most consistent in its results three the results themselves are great but let me just show you how it all looks and works unlike previous AI tools Dolly generates only one image at a time so if you want to see multiple variations you'll have to either ask for it or regenerate repetitively show me geese save in Rome seems like interesting place to start but in my case it just refuses to generate well not a big deal I will wait a bit and try again and now we're talking I do quite like this image it's quite Epic full of drama with nice colors and lighting it's the quality of generation that all AI should aim at the only major downside about dolly is that unlike Firefly it doesn't have that convenient panel with parameters and controls everything is done through Chad however Dolly doesn't have limitations for copyright protected stuff a bit of a tradeoff but I can live with that but where Dolly really shines is with artistic images the ones with a story behind them show me a National Geographic style image of a rhinoceros with a little hummingbird sitting its horn near the river with crocodiles in it and just look at it it's basically something from a magazine if Firefly was about realism and convenience then Dolly is all about artistic vision and sticking to the prompt it's basically like a Swiss knife can do everything but all of that complexity is hidden behind a slick and intuitive interface dolly is a solid 10 across the board both for the quality and the performance some people might say that my list is unoriginal or uninventive but let me remind you that we're looking for the best generators out there and not the most unique or unusual ones if you want the best results you have to stick to the big guys and by the way if you want to know what the big guys are preparing for 2024 be sure to watch a recent video about scary AI breakthroughs that are just around the corner thank you for watching and see you in the next [Music] one oh
Channel: AI Master
Views: 41,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai tools, ai art, ai, ai photo editors, ai photo generator, ai photo editing, ai text-to-image, midjourney, dalle 3, photoshop ai, adobe ai, firefly ai, free ai tools, best ai tools, top ai tools, awesome ai tools, ai image, open ai, open ai dall e 3, ai remove object, ai color match, ai photo generator free, ai master, master ai
Id: voyTIP0uGGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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