How to Use DALL·E 3 in ChatGPT to Create Unique Images

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you can now generate beautiful AI images in this right inside chat GPT that is if you are a plus user for now and this without having to come up with complicated prompts or even figuring out how a Discord server works joury the tech is called D E3 and it's by far the easiest way to generate AI images in this video I'm going to show you everything you need to know to get started with di 3 let's go what is up everyone Ronnie here welcome back to our Channel this is the right place if you want to learn about canva AI chat GPT image generation we cover all of these topics right here on the channel today we are going to take a deep dive into open AI D E3 which is the image generator that is integrated with chat GPT I'm really going to cover every single aspect of D E3 but before we do so you need to know one important thing my goal for this video is to bring you up to speed and show you how easy it is to generate images with di 3 so let's jump into my presentation and get started the first thing we need to talk about is who can actually access D E3 as of today the date I'm shooting this tutorial D E3 is only available as a feature for chat GPT Plus members so if you're not a chat GPT paid member you will not be able to access D E3 at least least not as of today so be warned that in order to be able to follow along with me in this tutorial you will need a paid chat GPT account or chat GPT Plus account next let's talk about how it works and why it's a little revolution in the world of AI image generation so how it works is pretty simple we are here in a classic chat GPT conversation and so I am using common language for example here I said hi can you help me generate images in here to which Chad jpt responded of course please provide a detailed description of the image you'd like to generate and I'll create it for you the more specific and detailed you are the better results will be now that seems like what any text to image generator will tell you but there is a difference here the difference is that we have our good old friend Chad jpt here with us to help us in our journey to create beautiful images so if we look at the d e landing page right here on open ai's website it says d e is built natively on chat GPT which lets you use chat GPT as a brainstorming partner and refer of your prompts so just ask chat GPT what you want to see in anything from a simple sentence to a detailed paragraph so we could indeed go the difficult way and write an elaborated prompt like we would in mid Journey For example but there's also a shortcut and that is to rely on chat gpt's capacities to help us refine find the prompt from a simple prompt so let's go ahead and try that I'm going to paste a simple prompt right here in the text box and it goes like this can you show me some examples of sleek and modern app UI for an ice cream delivery service and UI stands for user interface right here so this prompt is relatively basic so I'm going to run this prompt and you will see that chat GPT will be calling di 3 so it's kind of like how plugins work but it's just calling and relying on 3 for creating some images Okay so let's see what it comes up with and I'm not going to speed up the video so you see the actual speed at which it's been created and there we go we have two different uis right here one on a phone and another one on a tablet looks like an iPad Mini a little bit of text so here are two examples of sleek and modern app UI designs for an ice cream delivery service so there you go you have both of your images but what is interesting here is that chat GPT gives me a little bit of extra information for both of these images but also if I click on one I can see the entire prompt so I went from a very basic simple prompt to a more elaborated prompt but chat GPT did that refinement work for me that adding the detail work for me so this is where the magic lies of using d e integrated with Chad GPT is that we are leveraging the power of Chad G PT to write and refine our prompts so let me read the entire prompt here photo of a sleek and modern app UI on a smartphone the main screen showcases a variety of ice cream flavors in a grid layout each ice cream image has a brief description and a prize below it the top of the screen has a search bar and the bottom has navigation icons for home cart profile and offers so there you go what I can see here is that every single detail every single part of this prompt has been respected by d e okay so usually when you write elaborated prompts like that on Mid Journey or other image generator parts of your prompt tend to be neglected or just not taken into consideration but here and I believe this is something open AI has been working really hard on every single part of the prompt has been considered in generating the image and so I see that even dealing with text has been relatively well done okay so still some little mistakes here and there but I mean this gives me a pretty decent mockup I have five fingers not seven and this looks sleek indeed let's have a look at the second one and we will see that the prompt is different okay so we are having the UI on a tablet the screen displays a carousel this time of featured ice cream flavors with enticing images etc etc so I have my two different UI here and they look great I mean every single thing looks pretty spot on if you ask me all right so that first prompt was pretty convincing to me and I can see that from there onward I can say goodbye to complicated prompts like very detailed prompts because chat GPT is going to do that for me it doesn't mean that I cannot do it anymore I can and I'll show you that later in the tutorial and the second thing I can kiss goodbye to is to go to Discord to start using the best prong which up to today or at least in my opinion was mid Journey so bye-bye Discord server and mid Journey but also by to writing elaborated prompt and welcome to the era of having a conversation about your images with chat GPT now for the rest of the tutorial I would like to show you a series of prompts that I've been working with they're not all my prompts those are prompts that I've discovered that I have read on some specialized blog and I tried them and I thought oh this is a pretty cool result that I'm getting here so I wanted to share them with you guys also if you are a member of our Channel meaning if you are part of our paid membership via the join button right here go check out the Community Feed because we have shared a post in which we give you the link to a canva document in which you will have access to all of the prompts I will be showing you today plus our little bonus with the 50 different Artistic Styles to try in your prompt again this is an exclusive perk if you are a member of our Channel now let me show you some prompts that have been working well for me the first one is the idea of a mood board okay so if you ask chat GPT to write a prompt for a mood board for specific topic you will get some pretty cool results so the first one I have here is a mood board dedicated to the world of knitting and crushing so this is the result I got back from d e and I'm going to click on this image so you can admire it and you see this very cool set of instruments set of utensils that you actually need for knitting and crocheting you can also read the entire prom right here which has been refined by chat GPT illustration of a mood board dedicated to the world of knitting and crushing so you can pretty much take the prompt I gave you and simply replace what's in the brackets for anything you'd like for example I tried with Japanese cooking instead of crocheting and knitting and these are the two results I have been able to generate so this one which is more like a realistic photo and then I have this one which is more like an illustration but both of them are quite gorgeous and I really like how they are featured as a flatlay as a set of tools a set of utensils for a specific topic so really like that try that prompt the mood board prompt the next prompt I want to share with you is the website or app UI prompt and here's the prompt could you recommend a few website uis so user interfaces that are both colorful and easy to scroll for a business that sells Emoji shaped bags so again you can replace anything really that is in between these square brackets like here instead of website I could have said App instead of colorful and easy to scroll I could have said sleek and minimalistic or sleek and modern or vintage or whatever really I want as an objective for describing this website and for a business that sells Emoji shaped bags could be anything plants iPhone cases it really depends on whatever you want to design a website or an app for so that was my prompt now let me show you the results so this is the first one this looks like the landing page the homepage of my website so again text has been dealt with in a not so great manner but probably better than many other text to image generators and here is my full prompt so illustration of a colorful and easy to scroll website UI design for selling Emoji shaped bags so that's kind of like my original prompt but then the details come afterward the design showcases vibrant product images playful typography and an intuitive scrolling mechanism to highlight the unique bags all right so we can see that Illustrated here I really love the background here of the header which is pretty cool nothing is like out of proportion nothing is like looking weird with too many limbs or too many fingers or too many anything here the pencils everything looks great pretty much so that was the first one that was generated I got two different images so this is the next one this looks more like a thank you page or confirmation page when you have made a purchase for example obviously text is not great but I love the aesthetic of this and it's also very consistent with my first page right here so again you can read the whole prompt if you want to something else I didn't mention so far is that you can easily download these images with the little download button right here so you can just click here here and the image will be downloaded to your downloads so this is the downloaded images in the PNG format so yeah you can easily download any of the produced images you can also download them straight from the prompt page right here so with this little button right here all right let's move on to the next prompt this next prompt will help you generate hyper realistic images or photos and it goes like this a hyper realistic photo of a puffer fish for example so the there you go this is my very simple prompt and these are the two images that chat GPT generated for me I particularly like these one if you take a closer look at this image it's incredible like the level of details the realism of this fish this puffer fish like the membrane here the texture the texture of the skin the spikes the eyes that are shining in the right direction and it just looks amazingly realistic in my opinion you can read the entire prom right here also a cool thing about this is that you can copy The Prompt so if I want to tweak this further maybe change the color the direction the fish is like swimming or whatever detail I can just copy this prompt paste it back into chat GPT and just add a few lines of detail or extra instructions for this image to be completely transformed I will show you that in a second but for now just know that you can copy easily copy your prompt from here and the second image this one with a darker background is nothing less amazing than the first one it's just slightly different color slightly different lighting but this is also hyper realistic in my opinion so yeah go ahead and try this hyper realistic prompt on something else could be a person an animal nature landscape anything you want really an object sky is the limit your imagination is really the limit my next prompt is going to help you generate cute characters that you can use for example in a children's bedtime story or anything else that you like really and the prompt goes like this create a cute broccoli character for my children's book that was a very simple prompt and here are the four broccoli characters that d e came up with and they are very cute indeed look at this like big eyes shiny eyes and they have slightly different Artistic Styles so this one is more like Japanese anime kind of manga inspired this one is more like I would say a classic children's sketch not so much Japanese influence right here here the Japanese influence is coming back can see that mostly in the eyes and the way the eyes are round with the little light effects in them and this one is also more like a watercolor kind of illustration so four very distinguishable Artistic Styles here all right so that was the generate characters cute characters prompt and I have tried this character prompt on some other things like for example a fried tofu Cube like this one right here an illustration of a playful and cartoonish fried tofu cube with big expressive eyes and a cheerful smile Looking ready for an adventure I mean look at how cute this fried tofu is I mean who wouldn't bite it so there you go some more fried tofu and different styles this one reminds me of the little WhatsApp cat I don't remember the name of that cat but the kind of like the little lines characteristic of this drawing style and this one right here all kind of like very much cartoonish anime style so yeah there you go go have fun with this cute character prompt this next one is about creating sets of WhatsApp stickers and it goes like this create a set of WhatsApp stickers showcasing a koala character in different situations and expressing different emotions so there you go I have my two different sets of stickers and with a consistent koala character this is the first one this is the second one and I like that in in the prompt the koala is showcased in various situation like sleeping on a tree munching on eucalyptus leaves playing with a toy the stickers also capture different emotions like happiness surprise and sadness I like that Chad GPT added that dimension of the emotions in my prompt because really that's what stickers are for when used on an app like WhatsApp let's take a look at the second one so we have different emotions or situation scenarios like reading a book Dan Ing and daydreaming like this one right here all right so generating sets of stickers also works very well now of course you can use this in a professional setting let's say for example I need some illustration for a blog post I'm writing well you can prompt d e with the help of chat GPT to generate these illustration for your blog post using a prompt like this one for example generate a few Alternatives of blog post images to illustrate a blog post about the future of remote working that is the topic that you can change I need them in a landscape aspect ratio 1920 by 108 pixels so here in this particular prompt you can see two different variables the first one is obviously the topic of my blog post so that will depend on whatever you're writing about but the second one is the aspect ratio and as far as I can understand how aspect ratios work right now in di 3 and chat GPT you can decide between three different aspect ratio you cannot yet give them like a very precise aspect ratio say I want a 5x4 aspect ratio I want like a 13 20 by 1800 pixel kind of visual like you would do in canva this is probably not going to work however you can still choose between three main types of aspect ratio the vertical or portrait mode the landscape mode which is what I ask here or the one by one or Square squared aspect ratio mode so that is the squared photo for Instagram for example so portrait landscape and squared okay so stick to that and you should be fine probably in the near future we'll have more precise aspect ratio Dimensions resolutions coming we see that coming to d e but as of today stick with these three types of aspect ratio so here I chose the landscape and let me show you the result for my blog post about the future of work so I have these two different images all right so the future of work we can see two women here working in what seems to be a futuristic city or office space without any glass or very transparent glass a bunch of drones flying around and screens kind of huge screens or Holograms of screens we can see the city expanding very far and yeah this looks very futuristic if you want to read the entire prompt if you want to copy it if you want to tweak very easily you can do so from here I can download my image now let's have a look at the second second one quite different we see an office space with a very nice representation of the famous Ikea shelf like drawer shelf right here wooden desk what seems to be like an iMac screen a MacBook Pro computer maybe the new Apple Vision headset and a robot right here which is sitting on the floor hardwood floor very nice chair very similar to my chair this is dreaming guys are you looking at me jpt what the heck yeah so very cool blog post illustration in the landscape format I really like that and yeah I think this is well done not many hallucinations in here not many big design mistakes maybe the leg of the pair of glasses here it's not completely perfect but for the rest I mean this MacBook looks pretty cool and this iMac screen also looks pretty cool the keyboard the Apple Mouse the future of work is clearly inspired by Apple just be aware of that all right let's move on to the next professional prompt this time let's say I need a visual to illustrate a social media post let's admit we just reached 500,000 subscribers on our Channel and we want to celebrate that so here is a prompt you could use to generate that image it goes like this generate a few one by one aspect ratio images to illustrate a post celebrating 500,000 followers on Instagram I will post that image together with a post on my Instagram account my a audience is made out of fishing aicad all right so I gave d e a bunch of different information here and everything is between these squared brackets so you can change that information I told it that I wanted a on by one or squared aspect ratio I mentioned that the post is about celebrating 500,000 followers on which platform on Instagram okay and I also gave the AI some guidelines about who my target audience who my followers are there are fishing aicad so now I expect the visual to be not only on brand and on platform but also to resonate with my target audience with my follower base so let's see what d e came up with so these were the first two and you'll see that I reworked this prompt the first one right here says 5,000k followers but it has a very nice illustration going on here like a lot of fishing gear fishing rods fishes and bit so this is really cool I like the color scheme the only problem is the text right it shouldn't say 5,000k but 500k followers so that is a problem and then the next one which says 500k this time so this is correct and this is really nicely done with like fishing nets with the very nice illustration here as well so this one is correct so I could use this one directly on my Instagram account if I wanted to but I wanted to try and fix these typos like these number first mistake on these images so what I did is just click on the regenerate button right here you can always regenerate if you're not satisfied about the outcome and that's what I did and here is the outcome I got the second time so these two new images that looked great but also had some typos some spelling mistake and again with the number followers seems to be understood by d e it can write followers but it cannot write numbers very well so here we see like 500,000 yes but the coma are a little bit funky so there should be only one coma this one right here this one shouldn't be there so that's one and then the other one again like problem with the number problem with the coma the rest looks great like what a Pity and to be completely transparent I tried and tried and tried to fix this but it was very hard to get the right text to be displayed on my post so I kind of gave up I still had one out of five this one right here that was correct corly written so I guess could just fly with this one all right my next prompt is about generating a logo for your business for your brand or for whatever you need and here I wanted to give Del a second opportunity to amaze me to blow my mind using text right so I wanted to go to the bottom of this can this thing generate logos or images that include text because when you look at d e or open AI documentation or landing pages about this new technology they showcase some beautiful posters and images that include text and there is no typo in their text at least in their demonstration so I thought it must be a way so let's dig a bit deeper can I work with text in di e so that's the big question so here is the next prompt I came up with give me a few options for a wordmark logo for my company called fies it should be playful and modern all right so that is the prompt and these are the two first attempt from D to generate my brand logo my wordmark logo for my brand called fies all right so we have the first one called FES like the ey is missing fies I completely spelled the word fies but the I is not here the I is missing on this one and then we have this one fies with two eyes so obviously there's a problem here so what I tried to do and I recommend you do the same whenever d e generates some images that are not perfect you can try to steer back the conversation in the right direction so I would definitely continue the conversation here and I said okay these look great but the correct spelling is fies that is f u s h i e s could you adjust the spelling in the previous design one thing we need to understand is that d e at least as of today is not capable of taking the same exact design and make one slight modification to it it will regenerate another prompt a similar prompt but another prompt and therefore the end result will be slightly different all right so from these two images right here my original images I got these two right here you see they are slightly different this one is completely different but this one is also different if we look closely this was kind of like a round background with the blue kind of Sky inspired background now it's squared the rest is pretty similar but it's not exactly the same you see the H for example color is very different so here I have fies now not fies fies and here I have fies so this one is actually correctly spelled but the e is a little bit funky looks like an F Well it could be considered as an e but it's a very different logo than this one so what I wanted to show you here is when you ask d e to reiterate to correct or to fix a specific image it will will not regenerate the exact same image it will create a new prompt and it will therefore generate a slightly different version of your image but if you prompt enough times you might get something very similar or you might get something even better so I was not completely happy with this and I really wanted my word to be correctly spelled so I prompted again and still got one out of two only and this one is not my favorite one I would have loved this one to be correctly spelled and I'm sure if I continued promp enough times I eventually would have gotten it right I could have followed by a prompt saying okay I really like the first image could you generate something similar but make sure you write the name of my brand correctly and then spell it again but at this time I was a little bit annoyed and I just gave up on trying to get it right because I already had a copper right like this one is correctly spelled so my conclusion about working with text we are and we will probably get there but as of today it's still a bit bit wonky and you will need a lot of patience if you want to get it right all right guys how are we doing are you enjoying this tutorial if you do I would appreciate if you give me a good old like so that we can push this video to more people right here on YouTube we have a bunch of other videos about working with AI chat GPT mid Journey Etc our generative AI playlist on the channel I will link that in the description for you if you want to dig deeper also I will have a card at the end of this video but for now I would like to wrap up the tutorial with a series of Rapid Fire tips on how to get the most out of Del 3 and this is going to be really fast don't worry the first tip is that the more details you provide in your conversation in your prompt the better outcome you would get with d e all right and we can see that on the DI landing page right here if we look at some of the examples that open AI provides here we have some very detailed prompts like this one right here if you click on the photo you will access the entire prompt right here and if you read it you will see that this is a quite elaborated prompt but the outcome is quite impressive like this tiger divided between the fire and the green part is quite nice another one for example is this poster that again uses the exact good text and looks great maybe apart from what's here at the bottom but explore Venus is correctly spelled and again this is a Qui detailed prompt let me give you one last example this one I really love is really really original a landscape only made out of meat now this is not for vegans for sure but I thought this was a very original picture that has been generated again quite an elaborated prompt right here so the conclusion of this is that the more details you give d e the better the image will be tip number two and I already talked about this do not hesitate to follow up to correct your prompt to readjust the direction of where this is going or simply use the regenerate button to to create some new variations of your image tip number three ask more of the same if among the outputs that have been generated by d e there is one that you particularly like ask the AI to generate more of the same so for example say I really like picture number one here can you generate more of the same and it will do so tip number four explain which aspect ratio you would like the picture to be generated in again three different aspect ratio squared landscape portrait that's all we have for now but let's hope open AI adds more and more precise aspect ratios in the future tip number five you can zoom in or out on your picture that is to have a different type of framing so you could use keywords like closeup you could use keyword like mid shot long shot open shot wide shot what I would recommend is that you do a little bit of research about photography and the different types of Framing and then use these keywords in your prompt to achieve specific results and to make the lives of our members easy easier I will add these keywords in the little canva document I have prepared for you and then finally tip number six you can ask d e to modify your photo you can ask it to change the colors for example to change the artistic style of a specific image to change the medium maybe instead of watercolor you want a hyper realistic photo or you want a vectorized graphic whatever that's the medium or you can also change the lighting style like give some instruction about lighting to the AI so changing any of these variables will result in a different image all right so quickly before I leave you I'm going to answer two questions that I can see coming already from here number one can I use these images for commercial use or for client projects or can I just sell these images if I generate them well the good news is that if you generate them with d E3 in chat GPT the answer is yes and we can find this information right here black on white or let's say white on Blue on open ai's website it says as with d E2 the images you create with d E3 are yours to use and you don't need our permission to reprint sell or merchandize them so this is very clear guys you can use these images for commercial purposes and then the last thing I want to touch on before I leave you is can I really generate anything with that e the answer is no because open AI has put some safeguards there are some stuff that you will not be able to generate because they want to make this tool safe for anyone to use and not offend anyone and again you can read more about that on open ai's D E3 landing page but basically there are three things you will not be able to do with d e is to generate potentially harmful imagery including violent adult or hateful content you will not be able to generate content in the style of living artists imag of public figures so you can forget about generate this in the style of bangy or generate this in the style of Picasso this prompt will not be accepted that is a smart way to prevent all of the copyright infringement issues because these artists are not always happy that we can just emulate their Style with a single prompt so this here this limitation of not being able to copy the style of living artist images or public figures is going to help prevent that all right and third and lastly you cannot upload images to be used as reference as of today so you cannot upload an image of yourself and ask d e to turn you into a cute broccoli character that will not work there are ways around that that might be for another tutorial but for now this is not something you can do all right guys that is it for today as I promised for those of you who are members of our Channel meaning who are part of our paid membership you will have access to document and in that document there will be a bonus for you with 50 different keywords and these are 50 different Artistic Styles that you can try while prompting d e all right so that's it for today I'm going to leave you guys with our generative AI playlist right here in which you will find plenty of tutorials like this one thank you for watching I will see you in the next video
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 39,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai images, dalle3, dall e 3, dall e 3 tutorial, dalle tutorial, tutorial dalle 3, dalle prompts, dalle3 tutorial for beginners, how to use dalle 3, how to use dall e 3 on chat gpt, how to use dalle 2 to edit photos, how to use dall e, dalle 3 chatgpt, ai art chatgpt, ai image generator, AI image generation, content creation, beginner-friendly AI, DALL·E 3 tips, generate AI images, content creation tools, ChatGPT tutorial, visual storytelling, ai photo editing, ai visuals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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