How to Use DALL.E 3 - Top Tips for Best Results

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Deli 3 is finally rolling out to more chat GPT plus users I just got access today and there's an option to get it for free if you don't have chat GPT plus now with Dolly 3 you could generate images just by typing in text but now you could do it right inside of chat GPT there is not a different platform that you need to go to but what Dolly 3 does that makes the biggest difference is you could actually type in any version of a prompt and chat GPT will help you really refine that prompt so you no longer have to come up with the perfect prompt to get really good images out of Dolly and you could go back and forth inside of chant GPT to really edit and refine that image and you could even add text now let me show you the free version of it I mentioned so Microsoft the company that owns the search engine actually owns half of openai the company that owns chat GPT so because of that if you go to neww press chat now it will bring you to the the AI chatbot here under the more creative mode you could actually create images here inside of Bing and that uses now Dolly 3 and here I'll just jump into the blog post because they have some examples here so this is basically Dolly 2 this is Dolly 3 but here's a prompt I'm going to just copy this prompt and I'll paste this here into Bing and this uses the Bing image Creator here but you'll see in a second that it's actually using Dolly 3 behind the scenes it gives you a little logo here so let me let this finish up so you can see I got four different images here and right there powered by Dolly 3 so it's made by beinging image Creator but powered by Dolly 3 the only thing is I'll show you the difference inside of chat GPT it actually helps you see the prompts that it's coming up with so you don't have to come up with a prompt like this you could just say something much simpler than that and chat GPT will do the prompting but the side by-side comparison is actually very close on the output side the prompting though is very useful so I'll go back to chat GPT to show you the rest of what's possible and if you don't have access to what I'm about to show you inside of chat GPT again you could use Bing here completely for free and this is based on a 100 fast Generations I believe you could do per day and then it just kind of slows it down but it's really unlimited on how many of these you could generate inside of Bing so inside of CH GPT first you need chat GPT Plus in order to get Dolly 3 and it's under the chat GPT 4 dropdown so this GPT 4 drop down you'll see Dolly 3 you actually don't have to turn it on in settings like these other options I had to turn these on inside of my settings menu this one just appears so this is again rolling out so as I'm recording this not everyone has it even if you have the paid version so if you don't see it here that just means you don't have it and you have to wait a little bit more there's no way of basically forcing them to give you this Unfortunately they just roll this out a little bit slower sometimes just like any other updates they usually do so as as long as I have this checked on here next to it as soon as I type in a prompt it's going to access Dolly 3 in the background so here's how simple this is and I'll show you a couple of different examples and some tips here that you need to know about to use this more effectively so I'm just going to say create an image of a moon with a smiley face and look what happens with Dolly 3 up here it actually starts crafting the perfect prompt for you so here's one here's another I could see illustration of a cartoon Moon photo of a full moon in night sky oil painting of a large detailed Moon Vector graphic of a minimalistic moon so these are all created inside of chat GPT and then it's going to power Dolly 3 to create them and here I got four Images now you could see it gave me four completely different versions of this so then I could refine it further here is what's really interesting about this so this is how I count these this is one this is two this is three and and this is four so if I want more like number three I could say I like three but make it even more Smiley so it took number three which is this one the oil painting and it gave me a much more Smiley version of this and a couple things you should note the image here could be downloaded with this little icon here so if you press this it's going to put it right inside of your download folder and it's available for all the Creations so you don't have to actually get it to upres anything for you you could just press download over here now let me show you the size because that's important right now this created it in a square format and the dimensions are 1024x 1024 so that's a square shape this is your resolution here and the file size is 1.5 megabytes so it's a pretty good resolution but you could actually change this resolution with a simple prompt so I could say for example make a horizontal version and here's a horizontal version so let me download this to show you the file size and the dimensions you could also do vertical so if you ask for a vertical version it just flips these two numbers so it becomes 1024 by 792 and this one you can see it's a bigger file 2.7 megabytes so that's a really quick way to actually change the dimensions here with a single prompt and I asked how many resolutions it could make so those are the three different resolution your Square your wide angle the horizontal and the vertical the tall version of it and these are all the different dimensions by pixel size now for this next prompt I'm actually going to take a prompt that I've previously made inside a mid Journey so I said create this and I typed in this prompt over here let me generate this and then I want to show you a couple other tips here that you could use to refine this a little bit more and here's four different images that I got over here I could click on any of them to see it bigger here I could copy any of the prompts that it created from this page and I could always press download right over here this is going to download it to my computer from from there and I could do this with all four now let me copy this prompt and let's take it to Bing here let's see what Bing comes up with so I'm going to say create this and I'm going to type in that prompt let's see how close this is so let's look at the difference this is what Bing gave me again it says powered by Dolly 3 and this is what chat GPT gave me so this is a little bit more contrasty uh the characters a little bit different people are seated at different positions so you could refine this further for example I could then take this prompt and say hey don't have a table for example or have people standing around in the library I could say reduce the number of robots maybe I just want the one robot it looks like you create a little R2-D2 type Star Wars character over here and again you could download these from Bing as well just by pressing this right here or you could press customize here and this actually takes you to Microsoft designer which is really interesting Microsoft designer is a whole different tool that lets you actually refine images and create different graphics with it so using this in beinging is kind of really interesting as you can see here is giving me some more options for prompts or turning it into a poster for example here you can see all these different types of Graphics it gives me but inside of chat GPT again I could refine this by adding text to it so I could say add text to number one and this will add a text to this first image here this one was created in the horizontal format by default but if I want to make it Square I could say make give me a square version here now adding text before was just not possible at all it did did a terrible job dolly2 did a bad job mid Journey did a bad job but now it's getting a whole lot better there we go the future is here very nice right no typos this is the best part of this platform is you could refine every image here with a simple prompt and it will design that prompt for you in a way that chat GPT and Dolly understand it best now one thing to note about Dolly 3 inside of Chan GPT it actually has very strict copyright rules so I said create a Pixar looking character if you ask it anything that has any copyright issues it's going to basically try and then stop and it's going to say you can't do that sorry I can't do that because of uh content policy restrictions which is copyright issues so this is one thing that you just have to deal with inside of chat GPT as of right now they have very strict copyrights and you can't also create things in a certain style so that's something you could do in mid Journey For example you could say create this in a Salvador Dolly style and this won't be able to do that but if I take the exact same prompt that chat GPT basically gave me an error message on and I take it to Bing somehow Bing could do exactly that illustration of a Pixar style character exploring a dense jungle and he created one for me back inside of chat GPT though I just basically removed Pixar created a 3D character in a jungle and it created some for me and as far as how many images you could create inside a chat GPT the limit right now from my testing is same as the gp4 limit which is 50 messages every 3 hours so if I pick Dolly 3 again I'm going to cap out here espcially if I use these in combination I still have this 50 message that's not just exclusive to Dolly 3 it's just exclusive to all of chat GPT usage at the time that I'm recording this video and I also recommend checking out mid Journey if you haven't that also is one of the leading text to image generation platforms so I have a beginner's tutorial so that way you could compare what you're getting out of Dolly 3 versus mid Journey the link is included in the description as well I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 128,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Use DALL.E 3, howfinity, how to, tutorial, youtube, dall e 3, dalle 3, ai art, dall-e 3, ai art generator, artificial intelligence, ai image generator, ai news, dall e 3 ai, Dall-e 3 demo
Id: nMok0XXrT24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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