How to Use Coordinating Conjunctions - FANBOYS | CSE and UPCAT Review

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what do these mean fanboys coordinating conjunctions that's what we're going to talk about [Music] today hi there thank you for checking out my channel thank you for clicking on this video this is the first video that you're watching from my channel i make educational and motivational content so if you don't want to miss any of my new uploads don't forget hit subscribe and hit that bell icon now this video right here is going to be a discussion on the different coordinating conjunctions dimensions of the discussion about compound sentences if you haven't seen that video yet you can get the link i button so you can watch that and learn companion formula compound sentences but before we do that just a quick little little plug if you want to help support this channel and our cost of democratized education here in the philippines you can do that by being a channel member if you want to get to know about the perks bonuses and other among ways for you to help us help more people don't forget to click on the link below beside the subscribe button you can see you join or you can also click right here for more information all right and now that we have that out of the way i'm going to switch over to my pc i'll see in a bit okay so in this video we're going to talk about young fanboys which is the list of them conjunctions and it's actually um a lesson that is stemming out duns at the previous lesson which is about compound sentences structural compound sentence goes like this you have an independent clause either a semicolon or a coordinator and then you constantly independent clause for this list is fan voice because they are for and nor but or yet and so now that's happening before the coordinator when separating two independent clauses now fanboys again one of the things that we have to remember is which one to use meaning is [Music] if it's about the process it's about linking two things if it's about contrast so on in this video and hopefully at the end you have a better grasp of which conjunction to use okay now because basically again if the first independent clause is something that comes after jung second independent clause or union reason behind jung first independent clause happening we use for now i don't get an example john if you have something like this i didn't see what happened blank i missed the party hat you so this is the first independent clause i didn't see what happened is i missed the party is you i think coordinating conjunction okay then we can use for so i didn't see what happened for i missed the party now a quick trick would be to substitute the word because if reading because then we can use four for example i didn't see what happened because i missed the party oh now you and the gamete if you are linking two things so they are usually used then for similar if i'm positive or consequently but again it's basically joining two things that are usually similar for example the halogen i had jet lag blank i was too tired to get up so you're feeling jet lag you're being too tired to get up you can connect them because they are similar and you can just link those two sentences together so it's a quick fix we can just say and i was too tired to get up so again you have this right here but in the comma remember you will only put the comma right there laluna before the end kapag you are connecting the lawang independent clauses okay landito is i had jet lag tapos and a headache for example you a headache is not an independent clause so dependent and to link those two things i don't need to put a comma right here okay so just a quick little reminder before we move on to the next coordinating conjunction which is nor you nor we use it to also connect two things however is like this if you have a negative independent clause you will add another independent clause the negative spirit or negative the muslim now example that in right here we have i wasn't well enough to go so this right here is a negative statement when a time wasn't so negative standard was i willing to lose sleep so i wasn't well enough to go nor was i willing to lose sleep okay so yeah again um basically you're connecting two things or connected silla indicating positive is it as negative you have a first na independent clause which is negative and then yeah now because if you look at this example right here i was too tired so it was nisha wasn't no it's a positive i was too tired so again it changes the entire meaning of the sentence if negative you first now last time we use the example now for the wages of sin is death that is a negative statement and then you know but the gift of god is eternal life so gift of god it's the positive thing so again it shows contrast go negative you know [Music] tried to wake me up blank i didn't even budge okay wake up we could also say something like i know you mean well but what you said was hurtful so again you i know you mean well it's a positive thing what you said was hurtful is a negative thing so again it shows contrasting but it shows you two options okay for example if you have something like this we could have breakfast downstairs blank we can order room service so basically is [Music] for example my stomach is empty blank i don't feel hungry now again you could put what here but i don't feel hungry okay but emphasize is i don't feel hungry okay so again you can use that instead of butt now so naman and for example if i have something like this i know i need to eat so i'll meet you downstairs in 5 minutes i'll meet you downstairs in five minutes okay or again the interchange in there four i know i need to eat therefore i'll meet you downstairs in five minutes major old english language therefore your class in case okay so you know so my result or reason [Music] options and if you're ready with your pen and paper your timer starts now do do do do do all right let's see how you did okay was tired next sentence is she was happy if i want to put these two sentences together negative notation which is a good thing my contrast john okay i could choose to use what so comma but that small letter in the young s she was happy okay so that's an option now some of you would have used yet or hyland again i will not use yet for this now your number two arthur had everything he wanted he felt empty now this is where i would use it let's say every he has everything he wanted so that is a positive thing a good thing you have or you already have everything so superlative he felt empty which is negative so again a normal reaction is that you're good that's the current deviations are normal negative exception he felt empty so anga meeting kodito is instead of magic yet yet he felt empty so small letter h okay next ken had no one to rely on he worked harder than everyone on the team now you know which is your situation [Music] situation preference rely on comma so he worked harder than everyone on the team or everyone else on the team next giselle is young apple she is eager to learn nao eager to learn next clary bell didn't want to waste her time she didn't want to waste this opportunity now that is a mouthful right i say waste your time with this opportunity want to waste this opportunity okay so claribel didn't want to waste her time nor did she want to waste this opportunity next we can stay and sort it out blank you can leave so much speed what we could add would be or so you can say and sort it out or a small letter y you can leave last night rwanda helps support this team she believes in our cause support this team four she believes in our cause and just a little bit of an easter egg are actually names of our channel members they do help support this team and our cause i brought a bit of a smile on your face by mentioning your names and i know some of you want to remain anonymous so i didn't use your full names but when i said i'm saying your support and uh yeah if you want more information about that that's the description box again you have multiple options here this is just how i would solve it and if you have alternatives then comment in the london's video nato okay now um i will be posting more questions on my instagram account so if you don't follow me yet follow me at la camareville on instagram i also have another account young team like an account where we post throwback questions updates and important announcements and if you're on tech talk you can also follow me at teamliga for the english math videos and a young ad like i'm reviewing for the motivational videos tips advice okay see you online all right i hope you learned something today if you did click thumbs up make sure that you share this video with your friends and as always if you want to reach out to me directly get our viewers at me join the online or live review events you can go to teamlike for more information and if you don't want to miss any of our new uploads and again if you want to help support this channel another way for you to do that is to visit our merch shop the that is where i put up human designs for mugs like this trying hard mug right here that i made shirts hoodies at ibapa onsa proceeds there go to our hope fund which helps support this channel of course all of our scholars all right thanks guys for watching and as we always see the shout out never stop learning and i'll see you next video and bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Team Lyqa
Views: 54,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil Service Exam Review, Civil Service, Civil Service Examination, SAT, SATs, SAT Review, English, Language, Vocabulary, Team Lyqa, CSE Review, Homonym, Homonyms, Homonym Horrors, Vocabulary-Building, ESL, UPCAT, UPCAT Review, ACET, PUPCET, Grammar, Grammar Rules, IELTS, Homophone, Homophones, LAE, PHILSAT, English Grammar, sentence construction, constructing sentences, writing sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences
Id: 7k_qSfClHAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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