How to use 'WITH' : Prepositions | English Lesson

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how do you use the preposition with that's what we're going to talk about [Music] today hi there thank you for checking out my channel thank you for clicking on this video if this is the first video that you're watching from my channel i make educational motivational content so if you don't want to miss any of my uploads don't forget hit subscribe and hit that bell icon now like i said in the intro canada we're going to talk about the prep position with this is actually a mini series that i started before i will start talking about the specific prep positions and multiple ways companies to try to cover as much ground as possible if you haven't seen the other videos the series nato you can click right here if you're watching on youtube all right now before we dive into young lesson for today just a quick little plug if you want to help support this channel and our cost of democratized education in the philippines one way for you to do that is through buying our merch and you can look at the shop and the other options shirts hoodies caps mugs at ibapan classic email products that i designed for this team it's a that's perfectly fine uh these are just things that we do to say keep the lights on for this channel so we can keep making more videos for you all right and now that we have that out of the way i'm going to switch over to my pc i'll see you in a bit all right so you lessen that in on the prep position with all right on discussion preposition by and we will add more uh in this session position with all right now we're going to start with your preposition [Music] relationship when it comes to location now you first napa gamma that when it comes to location is if something is together or if someone is with something okay okay for example then we will use a preposition with he lived with his spirits okay he went with this person so again physically with we also use with other things location or physical again if it's something a person has okay for example okay but more than the sense of ownership it's the fact for example we can say this the girl blank glasses goes by his house on a bike blank a wicker basket soyuna okay or the girl has glasses no uh if a girl has red hair by the girl with red hair the girl with blue eyes if this is something that a person has we can use the preposition with now don't bite them wicker basket so we can say on a bike with a wicker basket okay so again if someone is all also carrying something the boy with books the boy with the pizza box a father left the house with his keys no i said then we can also use with all right now when it comes to with as a tool okay in a gambit not in it if something is made with something if you use this thing on purpose to cover or feel something you can use the word with so for example before you start smoothing the surface blank a dremel now your dremel if you're into arts and crafts or into building stuff or making stuff okay sandpaper on steroids no to smooth something so that gamete dremel you are going to use a dremel you can say before you start smoothing the surface with a dremel gamut ang dremel okay so again with when you're using something with a tool okay and cover your nose and mouth blank a mask to cover or fill something you use with then so cover your nose and mouth with a mask okay fill this cup with water you can say uh decorate this patch of land with white sand no new pineapple or peanut cover moving something okay so again with if you're going to use a tool with if you're going to cover or fill something okay now it's activated okay so if you're fighting with something you're in opposition with something okay then you use with for example stop arguing blank your sister you must leave by 1pm so you argue arguing is a fighting opposing no it's an activity not an action you are fighting with or arguing with your sister a lot of people um feel uncomfortable with this idea literally understanding but when it comes to fighting i then you're still fighting with someone arguing with someone okay now this is not to be confused with fighting for something okay because when you fight for something and we will talk about this when you talk about the preposition iv no then it is fighting with or arguing with all right so again if you're talking about then it's with all right when it comes to feelings is it follows your adjective so if you're feeling something with whatever caused that feeling for example we have the sentence no i was happy blank the outcome so if you see structure nathan the word happy is an emotion so um okay so again adjective or emotion feeling lost the preposition with plus whatever you nagging the healing feeling okay so i was happy with the outcome i was sad with my test results or disappointed with my test results i was angry okay with what happened so there's always feelings with and then young feeling okay so with orbi this is one of the things that again a lot of people confuse prepositions at by both of them are used when you are building something or when you created something but what we have to remember is that the width and the preposition is used if amperage so for example if the sentence is like this that sculpture was made with my hands okay so if it's the tool the house was built with this hammer the um the painting was painted with acrylic paint okay so again it's when we talk about the method okay if it's by hand some transportation and then you got there by bus you got there by train you got there by air by land no nothing in its video nothing dedicated if we're talking about the person in person okay so it's no longer the tool it's the entire person now some people may say in my hands specifically that was used to make the sculpture so again ha with would be this if i say that was made by hand i mean okay okay so again it's a method it was made by um by hand by a by a group of students right method they could have used um paint brushes right they could have used sculpting tools but they made it by hand so hand made sure now definition if we are talking about the person so it was made by anna okay specific tool used and again if here and there you make a mistake that's okay just make sure exactly [Music] is this a lot of people say share too no when in fact mas maganda if we say share with okay the the verb nasher give me an additional preposition with hindi now i understand a lot of people say share too and again i've done this before but the idea is online setting i have to share this to my public page or share this to the public sometimes people say that now ang sasa bingo senior would be this again informal writing just don't use to we know that language is evolving in a few months a few days a few years at the time i'm filming this this is in march 2021 we can stick with share with okay share this video with your friends okay hindi share this video to your friends although i've said that multiple times before okay so again just be extra careful share this video with your friends sharing with the idea there would be share share is in a literal sense it's taking a piece out of what you have and giving it to someone and again prepositional with is if you're together okay so again safe must save your share with although that could change at any moment all right getting your definition is ever changing so we really need to keep ourselves up to date someone get a clashing bag and again i'm teaching you specifically for exams so if exams is fill in the blank or sentence correction questions that's the time that you can use this actual conversation youtube content creator next i'm going to share this to your friends okay so again we have to be kind all the time all right now euthanasia quick quiz nathan much like you quiz nothing's a video nothing about the preposition by i'm going to give you a paragraph underlying the new mob repositions all right and now if you're ready with your pen and paper your timer starts now do do all right let's see how you did okay space tired right in the revision prepositions first line that then it says you can make a video lesson blank what you have so um or something else now in what you have what you have is to make a video lesson so i would say that we have to change this into with all right so you can make a video lesson with what you have now next i know some people may disagree blank me okay so to me disagree to me now if you notice you weren't disagreed a lot like argue fight no in opposition so kalabhan or nisha pumapayag so again we talked about that as one of the activities in a preposition with so that i disagree with me so some of you may disagree with me but it's true next the first 100 videos in this channel were filmed blank an old camera so by an old camera filmed by an old camera an old camera the first 100 videos in this channel were filmed with an old camera okay and produced by a complete nobody this time is that a tool or a person or a method now you are complete nobody which is again me in this context is a person no so that person is were filmed with an old camera as a tool and produced by a person a complete nobody at a whiteboard and prayers it's also a tool when you make your videos so the help we can change you add to with okay so produced by a complete nobody with a white board and raiders all right so again you have to really examine it to make sure come with by endowment situation next i may not be satisfied for the video quality now we look at the word satisfied emotion feeding ninja okay adjective okay so if someone is satisfied the video quality satisfaction would be emotion with and then the source or the reason for that emotion so that nito i may not be satisfied with the video quality but i was always happy to how many people these those videos help happy is also an emotion is how many people those videos help soybeaks will be and we can change this to with okay so complete sentence that they will be i will not be satisfied with the video quality but i was always happy with how many people those videos help okay now i was a woman blank a dream so antanong woman on a dream would be surface no no is something do i carry this dream or do i have this dream now the answer to that is yes if some if it's something that you have or something that you carry then you use swift with now we're a team now where a team blank a mission and it all started blank and old camera nadia monetize a team on a mission now literally important again depending on itself means something which is um okay we are on a mission we're on a mission to democratize educate education here in the philippines we also have a mission but again would be this capacity i am someone with a mission or our team we are a team with emissions but if we're on a mission is also correct so again i'm adding these layers here shadows stronger or to emphasize certain things or constantly okay so again wedding with wedding on next and it all started blank and old camera so babalica net in your old camera so it's a tool right much like hanina soybean we can change this to with and it's it all started with an old camera okay so you must have gotten that in for and i hope you did we will be posting more questions along satin quick quiz uh functions instagram accounts also if you don't follow me yet you can follow at like a memorabilia on instagram for more quick quizzes entire instagram stories and if you want you might throw back them in a quick quiz questions nathan announcement some uh upcoming events you can go to at team leica on instagram so dallas and both of them i hope are helpful in you and of course if you're on tech talk you can follow me at team leica for the quick quizzes then so every day i post at least one video lesson on ad team like talk math and english videos to on and if you want a more personal um look at behind the scenes motivational videos tips and advice in my opinion on certain things you can visit at la camarevilla on tech talk alright see you online alright i hope you learned something today if you did click thumbs up make sure that you share this video with your friends and as always if you want to reach out to me directly get reviewers that i may join the online or live review events you can go to by being a channel member rookie or mvp you can check out the video right here and the link in the description box below to get to know more about the perks and other privileges that child members have all right thanks for watching and as you always see the channel and it i never stopped learning aja aja kai again i'll see you next video and bye for now all right now thank you for watching up to the end of the video if you want one more video lesson there's one right here that you can watch and if you want to get to know me better i have a second channel i think vlogging channel that you can access right here by clicking on that face right there alright thanks for watching see you soon
Channel: Team Lyqa
Views: 34,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil Service Exam Review, Civil Service, SAT Review, English, Language, Vocabulary, Team Lyqa, CSE Review, Homonym, Homonym Horrors, Vocabulary-Building, ESL, UPCAT, UPCAT Review, PUPCET, Grammar, Grammar Rules, IELTS, English Grammar, prepositions, to or with, with or by, with or for, preposition with, english, paano, study, gumaling, teachers, grammar, matuto, simple, madali, tips, tagalog, tinatagalog, learn, exam, review, preposition, paano gumaling sa english, improve speaking, improve writing
Id: SJihy5-jThY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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