How To Use Bitwarden On Android

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all right i'm going to show you guys how to set up and use bit warden if you have an android phone the first thing you want to do is go to your google play store it's this icon right here once you open it what you want to do next is search for it in the search box at the top just type in bit warden you'll have as one of the options make sure you download the one that's been warned incorporated just the one with the good reviews and a lot of downloads then you click this big install button to install it and you wait for it to install once installed you can press the open button here or you can go to your home screen here usually there's a pop-up or go to your app drawer by swiping up you can see this in your app door click on it to open the app next thing you want to do is log in i'll press the login button because we already have an account created then enter your email address once you've entered your username and password your master password you want to go and click on the login button at the top then it will download your vault and decrypt it locally on your smartphone from here you can go and view all your items in your vault just by clicking on the name you can see everything inside that item you got the username this little clipboard here is for copying it so in case you want to copy and paste the username and password by hand you can you also have the little i button next to the password that shows your passwords you also have a little check mark box here as for checking to see if the password has been any uh breaches using the have been pulling data brace database this one has not been found in the database exposed passwords you also have the url here clicking this arrow right here will launch the url into the web browser you have defaults or you can also copy it in the clipboard icon there and the at the bottom here is a password history there's a number when you click it you can see the previous passwords using your back button on your device you can go back back again open it back up show you one more time the edit buttons right here at the bottom you click that allows you to edit the items in this vault of course you have other options here click away from me to close it or press the save button there there's your generate password button if you have premium account bit worn you can take a picture of the totp qr code you can add more urls you can put in a folder add notes add custom fields at the bottom too when you're done with it you just press the save button we'll get out this item this is all your items in your vault you also have the generator button at the middle you can join a new password so all your criteria there avoid ambiguous characters means avoid o and eyes because they look the same and you also have settings at the very end on the right to make it the most useful which you want to do is enabled for your device here you want if you want to enable autofill service and then also enable autoflow accessibility service so when you do that this will make a lot easier for when you're on different websites and it will actually fill in the password for you click on that this will allow you to enable it so what you do is you got the stash now it's disabled so you want to click on this and we want to enable bit worn so click on open autofill settings take you to the settings you want to select bit warden select okay and now we've got the statuses enabled let's go back now we get enabled screen right there we also need autoflow accessibility service click on that we have stats disabled so we want to enable it so this will do is open up accessibility settings and we want to select bill warden select check it we want to do allow and we have options for hold volume keys you can do that if you want to i am not so go back go back and we want to do open overlay permission settings click on that click on built warden and check it off there so it turns blue press the back button back one more time now we got status enabled so now it'll be easier for us to log into things using the built-in web browser of our smartphone we'll press the back button now both are enabled sweet so now we can log into things a lot easier using built warden as our password manager all right after we get the autofill settings set up what we can do now is we can use billboard and to sign into websites using uh our mobile device here so what you want to do is go to a website that you want to log into go into the sign in page i'm going to use walmart as an example and we're going to sign into our account to sign into our account select uh email and bit warrants popped up here click on the autofill option there's a launch bit warden if your vault is locked it will ask for your master password or your fingerprint or your pin or however you have set it up and once you're here you click on the name of the item you want to autofill click it and build water auto fills it and just click the sign in button and you're signed into the website one convenient option with bit warden is that you can set a pin so you don't have to keep entering your master password all the time so open bit warden up and navigate to the settings page at the far right right here and you can go to unlock with pin code select it and then you can enter a pin i'm going to do three four five as my pin code yours can be longer yours can be shorter whatever you feel comfortable with and then press the submit and it's gonna ask you unlock with pin code do you want to require unlocking with your master password when the application is restarted no i do not want to uh have my master password prompted when i restart the application this is just for convenience sake uh what we need to talk about here is the pin code itself your pin code is not replacement for your master password even though i selected it and it seems like i did but it's actually not a replacement your match match your mesh password still encrypts your data on the vault at bitwarden and i like to set the vault timeouts a little shorter than 15 minutes me personally usually immediately but for the settings here of this demonstration i'm just going to do it to five minutes but let's see what happens when you hit immediately and then we uh close out when you open the application back up it's going to ask for the pin so we enter the pin press the unlock button decrypts our vault and opens it back up and once again the pin is not a replacement for your master password you still need to remember your master password all right what if you run into a situation where you're trying to log into a website but for some reason the bit warden pop-up doesn't show up well what you want to do for that you want to go to your bit warren application and go inside the application website that you want to log into and click on mainly you have to click on the clipboard i'll copy your username it says the bottom has been copied go to your application switcher and switch over to the browser then press and hold until the paste pops up then press the base button and go back to the application switcher and go back to bit warden and copy the password click on the clipboard here it says password has been copied go back to your application switcher go back to the browser press and hold paste then you can log in it's a little bit harder but it's not that bad once you get to hang it because it was kind of slow for me going back and forth but once you get used to it it's not that bad and most of the time the little uh bit warning thing will pop up you press it then it will autofill for you that happens most of the time just in case it doesn't maybe the website is some weird website and they're being uh complicated this is another way to do it and fill in your uh your login credentials okay i'm going to show you guys how to add an account to your bit warden password manager that's not already in there there are several ways to do this but i'm going to show you the the surefire way that works every time there's a couple other ways you can do it that can be easy sometimes some websites get a little finicky and they don't work so i'm going to show you the sugar far away so let's say for example i want to sign up for target here and of course normal people will start filling this information out but instead of going and filling out information right here what we're going to do is we'll go into our bitboard and password manager and we're going to create an account then we're going to fill out the information from here so i'm doing a target account so i'm going to name it target the username will be whatever the website needs uh some websites use uh actual username like whatever made up name or some use your email address so whatever that website is needing this website needs an email address so i'm going to do that and then we're going to generate a password by clicking this rotating arrow button and choose whatever that website is uh requires that looks fine to me so i'm gonna press the select button then it's important you get the url or uri as bit one calls it this is the website itself and you can simply do the simple url you don't have to get the fancy with it you just need this and this is this is the meat of what you want because when it does the autofill option actually is going to use the url from the website you're on to compare what's in your vault and that's how it gets the using a password to fill that in so you have to make sure that's correct just press the check box there and you can add any notes or anything else you want to add to it down here maybe security questions you can add that right there but once you have it you press the save button now it's saving your vault now you can go back and uh start filling in what i like to do from here is get the item i like to mainly this is the foolproof method i like to mainly copy switch application press and hold paste and for the password i go like to go back to switch application open bit warden press the clipboard icon to copy the password switch press and hold we do have the option that pops up that bit warning can autofill but i like to do the manual copy paste i only do this for when creating accounts of course you can fill out the rest of that information here and phone number and all that and you can sign up to the account and carry on that's how you create an account inside of bitwarden so what if you want to create an account that you don't already have an account for so i'm going to create account here at this website and what you want to do is click on the little password for the username field until you see the bit one pop up here and you want to click on it to go to the autofill section that will open built warden and it's going to say hey you don't have an item you don't have an item at this website or you don't have a fault item so you want to do is click on add an item and already fill in the type and the url name and url down here then you just enter the username username depends on the website some require emails and require just to make up a username for this particular website they just require me to make up a username i'm just going to make something up uh then in the password section here you have a little generate button click that and it's your password generator you can pick up whatever options you want so on and so forth uh but that one's fine for me so i'm gonna press the select button and you can add other items here notes so maybe they have security questions you can add that to the notes section but once you're happy with that press the save button it will create a new item and once it's created we're still in the autofill section here so we'll click on the name itself and create an account down here at the bottom that is google asking if you want to save the password i do not recommend us to you don't want to use two password managers so stick to the bit 101 in this xlr press never for the chrome one at the bottom it's important you don't get too confused because you'll have if you if you end up using both password managers you'll have a set of passwords in google chrome password manager and you have another set and bit warning that's going to get you confused and make you crazy so you want to stick to one password manager and stick to the bit 101 to log in just i'll log out real quick show you how to log back in click on the item autofill autofills it press login and you're logged in and of course ignore the chrome i'll press never so it'll never ask me again and you want to keep your passwords inside of bill warden's password manager to keep google from popping up the auto save option so we don't get confused by having google chrome save our password and bit word and save our passwords because i just would get just a little too crazy what you want to do is keep chrome from asking to save and autofill passwords what you do that is you go into chrome click on these three dots for your settings options go down to the settings option at the bottom here click on that and go to passwords then uncheck that and then uncheck auto sign in and you can also go into the payment methods and you can deselect it from saving the payment methods and addresses and more this one's important too uh because it'll keep it from popping up email addresses and usernames uh for some reason they've uh also followed this rule too so you won't make sure that one's on select like it is now that way you don't have bit warden fighting google chrome with the passwords you
Channel: Password Bits
Views: 14,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nyqxR20I1NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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