How to use Bitwarden, a Password Manager

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g'day everyone paul here from hobstar computing solutions and today i'd like to talk to you about password managers and in particular my favorite password manager hit warden before we begin i'd like to show you the power of password managers i'm going to do a demonstration with my password manager to show you how i start my day when i turn my computer on here we have my preferred browser i use firefox when i start the day i first use my icon up here in my top right hand corner of my browser this is to log into my password manager and we're going to discuss these more later i've got a very secure password there we go and then once i'm logged in i can open up the sites that i normally go to and only open up protonmail my preferred mail you might use hotmail or gmail or something else like that open that one up i've got two different accounts that i use so i could even open up a duplicate of this one i'm going to go to the login screen for both of these log in and log in and then i can click on the icon up here for my password manager and choose which one matches this site so i'll open up this one here and over here i'll open up this one the two main ones that i use and i also use outlook and once again i can just choose the appropriate one from the list here and go next i don't even know need to know what my passwords are doesn't even matter my password manager remembers them for me there we go i've logged into three different accounts here without having to do much at all one password to log into all things so why should we care about passwords well let's first have a look at the list of the top 25 most common passwords of 2019 number one on the list is zoom in here one two three four five six that's a terrible password even if you add a few numbers that's still going to be a terrible password qwerty is just the first sort of few keys on your keyboard looking at your keyboard q-w-e-r-t-y not great password coming in number eight um password makes for a terrible password this one is pretty much just all the letters on the top line of the keyboard i see some of these are really bad to see that these are the most common passwords but only are they the most common they're the most terrible let's have a look first at why these are so bad to use and why you'd also want to make sure that you're using different passwords on each site that you visit so there's a site we can actually use and you can use as well to test how strong these passwords and your own passwords are as well i'm going to open up a new tab in my browser here and i'm going to type in how strong is my password and i meant secure how secure is my password is the one that we want it's how secure is and this is a very well trusted site it's very secure it actually has a little padlock here which means that it's a secure connection you can see that there any information you pass into here is uh secure between your computer and the site where this one is hosted if you're still nervous about entering in your password you can just change your password a bit so make it something similar i'm actually going to go back over to our list of the most common ones let's go down and try this one i'm going to highlight this one with my mouse i'm going to use the keyboard shortcut ctrl c to copy it and i'm going to click over here and in here i'm going to do control v which the keyboard shortcut to paste it in and as you can see it would be cracked instantly now let's try another one what about this one which has a little bit more difference to it copy that and paste one day not great what does this actually mean here this means that based on how secure your password is it would take a computer about one day to crack your password if someone wants to get a computer and to sort of try and brute force try and log into one of your accounts it could cycle through all the different possible passwords and it would only take one day for it to be able to crack it not a very good password let's have a look at what does make a good password so a strong password should be unique which means it's a different password for each site that you use it should be longer than is required but the site says you must have at least eight characters it should be longer than that maybe make it 10 or make it 16. and it should be a mix of characters so uppercase lowercase numbers and special uppercase letters are like that another case letter like that numbers and special characters are basically if you hold down the shift key on your keyboard and press one of the numbers there's a few of the different uh special characters having those in your password would actually make it very secure so let's try that one as a password i bet you that one is pretty secure click over to here highlight that one and do control v again to paste uh three octillion years not exactly sure how long that is but i'm pretty sure it'll take a while now the part about being unique is really important if you have your email address you obviously need your username and your password it's a un username and pw for password so let's say your email address is your name at when you log into that site you need to have a password let's say our password is one two three four five six now that we have that login for our email if we go over to facebook and we want to create a profile there it's going to ask you for an email address you're going to use your your name at which is obviously just the made up one and then password you might go well i don't want to forget my password so i'm going to do one two three four five six and maybe i'll put an fb on the end for facebook uh when you go over to your bank when you sign up for internet banking they're gonna want an email and a password as well your name at email and for the password maybe you're gonna do it backwards gonna be clever six five four three two one although these are unique passwords they're very very similar and there's not that much difference between them if someone wants to work out one of your accounts maybe you sign up for something else maybe it's um something like a newsletter once again you use your username and your password and oops and one two three four five six now let's say that um the bank and facebook and your email all very secure and that no one ever gets manages to hack into them but maybe the place where you signed up for a newsletter has less security if your details get out your name at email there we go if your details for here were to get out then a hacker could try and use the email address and the password on the site that the email addresses come from and then they would try all different sites different combinations and the password like that would be very quick to be able to guess so it's very important that we use a very different password for each site it should be longer than is required and it should be a good mix uppercase lowercase numbers and special characters as well a scenario where this would be something that would look good is you'd want something completely random like this punching random keys here pretty much um and you want something like that for each of the different sites but how would you ever hope to remember that well there's actually a really easy way of something called a password manager and the one that i prefer to use is called bit warden you do a search for bit more i'm going to take you through the process now of actually setting bit warden up hit there we go if you already have an account then you can log in but we're going to be getting started you can either click getting started or create a free account same way let's click create a free account so we need to enter in an email address i'm going to be using one over here just trying to ask me to save it i am using one that is hobstar so i'm going to be using that one not that one that's a different one and you can put a name there but any name you like and this is where we need to set our master password now we need to make something that is nice and secure but also something that we can remember now there's another way that we can actually do this i wanted to point out to you before we move on let's actually make a password together now although these are really good and secure we still need one that can we can remember for our password manager let's actually set one up now so this one we are using i'm using this one you need to use your own email address another way we can do for a password is actually called a pass phrase which is different um what i'd like to do normally in my classes is i'll get each of the students to say a random word you might have something like someone might call out uh beach and someone else might call out um holiday then maybe bbq and friend although those four things are sort of completely random and not necessarily associated together it's still something that you can kind of make a little story in your head where you have a beach holiday where you have bbq with friends it's a way to remember a slightly longer kind of password but making it easier to remember than trying to remember what that one is let's actually test this one before we use it go over to um how secure is my password i'm going to delete that one out and paste this one in and this one's 200 septillion years and uh once again i don't know how long that is but that's pretty secure so that was just a combination of uh different words you could even add a few numbers in there you could add in some numbers between beach and holiday if you wanted to we're just going to use this one for now that's fine this is good because we'll be able to remember it fairly easily back over to creating our account let's use that one so beach space holiday space barbecue all capital letters friend was it friend or was it s on the m let's just double check no yes okay and i want you to retype the master password so that you know you're not making any mistakes each holiday barbecue friend now also when you're creating this for the first time i do actually remember that you write it down on a little piece of paper maybe put it inside your phone or inside your wallet don't write what it's for just write it down that way if you forget it while you're still trying to remember it you'll have a reference to it um a hint um looks like we've done this before uh sand vr hint because it's about the beach and the holiday understand would be a good one uh once you've got all those things in let's click submit before you do if you want you can double check the password make sure that it looks right haven't done any other typos and click submit okay your new account is being created you may now log in so it already has our email address in there you can tell it to remember it or do not remember it i think it's fine to leave it as remember and we're going to log in so beach holiday bbq and i think i missed type friend then let's check with the little um i here yeah i did capital f and i put too many r's there we go and let's click log in so this is one of the ways you can access your password vault by actually logging into the bit warden site i'm going to show you another way soon one that i demonstrated at the very start of this video where we can add an extension up here which will help us to log into different sites while we're here we can add different items to our vault if we wish there's also a way they can we can use to automatically add them as well let's go for example i'm going to add an item in here and we can give it a name so i'm actually going to enter in the password for my protonmail account the one that i also use to as a username for this one so that was this uh if you want you can set up folders i don't have anything set up here so you won't see any there but you could create a folder for email and a folder for online shopping and just to help you find them again easier when you're starting off i don't think you really need to do that now the username is the thing that will be entered into the username field when you're trying to log into this site so in this case actually you know what i'm going to change this i'm going to change the name i'm going to remove that out of there uh hobstar photon email account that's more of a descriptive name and then the username is going to be at protonmail that's better and then the password i'm actually going to have to go and check that because um my password for this email account was actually generated as a random one so it's a big long string of random letters numbers uh special characters so one moment and i've just copied that password i'm going to put it into here obviously not going to show that and we have things being set up here another thing we really need that's quite handy but not essential is to put in url the url is the address of the site where we where we will be logging into in our case of this one it's and then we can just click save there we go we've got our first entry there all right let's add another item in here i'm gonna call this one facebook because i've got more than one account i'm gonna call this one hobstar test and the username this one is a different email account that i have and the password is i do have a few passwords that i need to keep in my brain um everything else is remembered by the password manager if you don't know the address down here that's fine you can always come back and add that later and it's not essential to have we'll see later on why it is handy though and let's click save so then the first way that you can use bitboard to enter these passwords is that if you go to someone like facebook facebook login page uh we come back here and we can go [Music] and we can launch the site directly from here or you know this way first we need to click on it first we can copy the username by clicking on the button here over to here paste it with control v back to the uh vault over here copy the password over to here and paste it this is not the best way to do it i'm going to show you really cool way in just a minute give it a moment there we go i'm going to log out to facebook and show you another way i'm also going to tell facebook to forget it um facebook does like to try and remember you that's up to you if you want to leave it like that so the way to log into sites a much easier way and it's the same way that i showed in the very start of the video is to use it a bit more than extension extensions are little extra things that you can add to your browser that add functionality i'm using a google chrome you might be using firefox or one of the other browsers if i open up a new tab i'm going to type in bit warden because i'm using chrome i'm going to type in chrome and the word extension you can see the search there's actually come up with it there i can click on that as you've seen uh previous tests i've been here before click on this one the chrome web store is where you want to be if you're using google chrome it'll be the mozilla they call it the mozilla app store i think mozilla store for um if you're using firefox um and if you're using um safari which is apple and it's the i store while we're here all i need to do is click add to chrome give that a click it warns you that it's going to be adding an extension we're going to say yes so add extension and then normally your extensions appear up here we have to do something to turn it on i think here is where it's showing you you can actually watch a little video if you wish on how to set it up we need to click on this little button here and we need to tell bit warden to actually be pinned i like to have a pin so we can actually see it there there's another extension that i use really good one uh u block origin but for now we're just going to be looking at bit warden we now have a little bit wooden um icon here that you can click on that'll be there every time you open your browser the way it's set up by default is each time you load your browser you'll need to log into bit warden when you close your browser and open it again you'll need to log in again there are some other settings where you can tell it to timeout after a few minutes but it will require you to log in more frequently if you like more security so i'm going to log in by clicking on the little logo here and click login our original email address which we use for this account was and the reason it was appearing down below there at the end about that uh was because my browser is trying to save my password which is something we can actually turn off i might show you that in just a moment um and it was beach holiday bbq friend if you want to check you can just click that to check if that looks right if not it's not a big deal it'll just say that you've got it wrong you might need to check some details i think i've missed about something here there's an o missing from there try that again there we go and we can see the ones that we've already added the things that we added over here by logging into the warden site are added and they'll be viewed in our extension here when you go to a site where you have the url set once again let's have a look at that come up with facebook here um all i need to do is actually click on that and it looks like facebook has it disabled so that's a great example uh let me just try and refresh the page sometimes that will help warden and click that time it worked but sometimes you have to refresh the page i think it's because we just installed the extension brand new i'm trying another one in a moment uh let's go and log in you'll see that that works fine okay and we can log out again let's uh demonstrate that on another one let's um close out of um proton mail and just in case it's going to not play nice i'm just going to refresh the page there's one recognized here i wanted to show you what i meant about the url because if we go to uh view this record we've set the url or website up the up top left here it matches as well it's sort of similar it's close enough it has slash login but it recognizes this and we can click the bit warden icon and click on that one to log in i'd like to show you now the standard procedure that you would take each day if you want to use bit warden with the extension when you're opening up your different websites so let's actually close completely out of the browser i'm going to click the start button and type in chrome load that one you see bit warden um the extension now has a little red padlock there saying we need to log in let's click on that put in our password and press enter so it's saying there's no logins don't worry if you see that that just means for this one page that we have open there are no logins we'll actually search for example for facebook once again type it correctly and it's here i've actually clicked the launch button here it will take us to the url that we've entered before over to and then we can click up here and tell it to fill in by clicking on the entry now we've got uh facebook signed in we've done that by searching through the extension here so the other way would be to go over here and go to protonmail for the other one once again i'm not doing great typing spelling today search for protonmail and then get me there spelling is important let's click log in you can already see it warden little logo there click on that one there's our account just click on that and log in finally we're going to have a look at how when using the bit warden extension if we create a new account somewhere it'll actually ask you to save it so i'm going to create a new login for a site what i haven't used in a long long time all about fonts which are like the way that the text looks on things there's a site called what the font um which is all about a site where you can find out different fonts find ones that you might like to use but also you can upload fonts and they'll tell you what it is and let's see we should have somewhere here option for signing up okay so the the sign up part was not immediately obvious under sign in there's an option obviously into your current details but you can also sign up from there not the most obvious location for it creating a new account put in a name let them know what you want to be called as important as email address um i don't want any free stuff thank you but that's correct and the password here's where we can enact a bit warden and get it to generate a password for us so we can say generate and we've got some settings here how long the password is going to be whether you're using capitals lowercase numbers and special characters there are some other options as well how many special characters uh avoid using ambiguous characters but that's fine if you don't like it you can always go regenerate a few times find one that you like to look of uh that one will do i'm gonna click copy password and then when i create this account i'm going to paste the password there and there a bit warden should ask me do you want to save this and it has should bit warden remember the password for you you can say yes save now although what's just popped up here is actually my browser google chrome is trying to also save things for me i don't want google chrome to save things for me thank you no i'm using bit warden i'm gonna say no to that one but yes to um my fonts what the font here click save and that's it it's done by now sign out of here and then go to sign back in again we should have in here my fonts we can just click on that and it enters in in now can you remember what that password was i certainly can't we can't check it if we need to i'm just going to sign in let's go and have a look at the entry for the site now so i can click on the little bit warden extension icon up here click on the view and we can come down here and we can click the little i to see the font data font see the password with all the different characters and letters and numbers and we don't ever need to know that or even remember it because our password manager does our password manager that has that one strong passphrase that we've used which was beach holiday barbecue friend which is still very very strong we can always come back later and change it but we don't need to for now that's fine a few little tips and tricks about using a password manager it's very important when you first start using it that you don't put all of your eggs into one basket if you put all of your baking details and all of your email addresses and everything into it and then you get that one master password it can be very hard to recover it i recommend when starting out with the password manager that you start with just a few sites enter in the details create new accounts for different sites save them into bit warden and then if you have any problems that's not a huge loss once you become more comfortable with it and you've memorized your master password that's the time to start entering in a few more and then a few more the last thing i wanted to go over was as i mentioned before telling your browser to not remember your password it's different for each browser and it might be easier to do a search for it but if we go to settings we'll search for password and it's remembering some passwords offer to save passwords let's turn that off i'll auto sign in and nope i'm going to do that with bit warden thank you and never save at all these sites are ready not to save passwords that's fine and that should no longer let my browser ask me to say passwords that was quite a long video and a lot of information in there if you have any questions please feel free to post them in the comments below i will endeavor to answer all questions that are posted and if you need additional help i'd be happy to communicate via email as well
Channel: HobStar Computing Solutions
Views: 4,979
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Id: gW-_ckBVlH8
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Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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