Bitwarden Tutorial For Beginners - How To Use Bitwarden For Newbies 2022

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hello guys my name is matu and in today's video i'm going to show you how you can work with bitwarden to achieve maximum performance or maximum security for you and your team first things first we have to create ourselves an account at or login to our existing account the process is pretty simple you have to you have to address the first master password which is basically when you go to my account master password should be really really strong and you won't be able to retrieve it so once we're in here in the top right corner we have our account so we can go to my account also in settings you have all your informations uh master password new master password algorithms and then there's epic key if you want to make some integration or to authenticate in the bit warden cli next in options uh we have a vault timeout that we can basically set to from one minute to four hours or on browser refresh which means basically when you leave your computer for in my case for 15 minutes uh it will automatically log you from bitwarden and you'll get asked to to basically write down master password yet again old timers action is lock or logout it's completely up to you language is default so it's english but as you can see there's a couple of options even check language espanol uh even my language which is slowing chino uh disable website icon and gravitars and will full with layouts organizations we don't have any organization yet but you can make a new one very easily choose your plan families teams enterprise but also you'll get charged for for example three uh three dollars a month for six users uh there's a regal uh premium dollar billing very uh very good thing is two-step login with uh for example authenticator app ubiki duo vido or email domain rules and emergency access but we want to go back to my world in my world you can basically add the passwords so let's go and click on add item what type of item is that let's go with login name uh let's go with zapier this app i'm using for making my integrations in a folder we have no folder yet but we can make one later username like this wait a second like this because you're logging in with your email password authenticator key if it's uh if it's needed your uri default match detection custom fields and so on also we can do it like this and then master password re-prompt we don't have to we don't need it at the moment and save yet again we have so next thing we want to go to bitwarden and now we need to download an extension so we go to and write down bitwarden and as you can see we have bitwarden3password and we just want to click on add to chrome add extension and straight away in the top corner of our screen we have bidwarden and now we have to login to our bitworden account so that's our email address master password f4 let's go like this login and we have our bit warden account here my world in the login as you can see we have first one the so we want to go to the zapier itself we are not logged in yet so we are about to log in like that and i want to go to the top corner the bit warden click and it's already there click on that and copy everything's copied password is copied and we are we are logged in the same way it works for example for facebook for ultimate for anything just remember you just cop you just click on bit one bit word extension logins and now you can copy password or copy username or launch the site and automatically load it we are here we can uh go with favorites favorite it's the only one that we have for example you can uh still manage like copy username copy password from zapier in your world or launch it or attachments or clone it even share it you can share it in organization so we can create our organization emma m stone but as i said before billing email let's go with submit but i need to fill in the the email submit my organization is ready to go and as you can see in the vault we can edit the item so we already add we already have the zapier one but we have to start to do it again but let's go with my vault we have zapier share or to organization i'm stone as a default collection save and we have our organization all set up we can go to trash but there's no no passwords in our trash and there is logins cards we can add the card for example name of the card let's go master card and we can always come back to it later it's mastercard expiration blah blah blah security code number cardholder name as you can see those are mine but let's not do that but it's very easy now you can pick either identity first name middle name last name basically everything you need for filling out the forms when you are logging into some website or into into our workspace and secure node if you want to secure some nodes you just put them there and they'll be protected by your master password no folders we can create a folder name m stone for example save it and now we can it'll save it cancel or we can delete it in all items you can see the collections it's in the default collection add item who owns this item well there's only me in this site but as you can see it's very easy to work around bit warden it's a bit easier and more simpler than than the other ones but that's not necessarily a bad thing for example one password is way more complicated but this one is really easy to use so you have your organization for example here and as you can see everyone as a member of this organization can see your zapier account and zapiera password so they can log into and start doing integrations so that's about it it's actually very easy you can get an app into your mobile phone into your pc so that's about it thanks for watching and see you on the next video
Channel: Marcus Stone
Views: 60,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, how to, how to use, beginners guide, bitwarden tutorial, bitwarden for beginners, bitwarden tutorial for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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