Adobe Firefly Review

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everyone was accepted into the Adobe Firefly beta first look at their new AI tool so first let's do a quick overview of the tools available so right now we have text to image and text effects I'm so excited to try these two especially because right now when it comes to text all the other AI tools they're not really good at text so for Adobe to really come out with a tool that makes it easy to create custom texts it's that's amazing just with this tool right here so they have several additional tools it says coming soon to recolor vectors that's amazing let's scroll down a bit uh this is a gallery I'll show you guys that in a sec this is a video you guys can take a look at that I just want to finish up showing you guys some of the other upcoming tools this is really interesting where you can actually create an image and then just take part of it and then you'll be able to fill in the the part that you removed with your own custom prompt um personalized results being able to customize your own images and create unique variations of it I think this is the one that I am extremely looking forward to I think that's going to be amazing text to Vector I mean right now most images right now most AI images are around 72 DPI I can't wait for the day where images are 300 DPI but if you are creating artwork for let's say you know print on demand having text to vector and creating images and being able to upscale your vector AI images it's it's going to be amazing I mean because this is what people really want in order to create products and be able to use these images and take them to the next level and right now actually since this is in beta you're not able to sell these Graphics just to you know let that be known uh next up we have uh extend image so we already have this in Photoshop um but it's great that they have it in the user interface it makes it easy to access especially if I'm not sure if this is going to be part of the um the full suite and if this is the Standalone product that will have to you know pay an additional subscription for I hope it's part of The Suite that would be amazing because if not I'm gonna have to pay more money it's like okay will I do it of course anyway so um yeah the extent image is already like I can show you guys real quick in Photoshop so for example I actually use this is the thumbnail that I created for uh my comparison video and if we go down to let me remove a few of these things if you see right here I extended the background so this was the mid-journey image and then I extended the background all you have to do is with the selection tool you click the area that's missing and then you would um hold on I'm not in the right area I'm not on the right layer so once you're in the right layer you just create your selection um and then it would be the content aware fail this would pop up and then all you have to do is paint the area that you will want to replicate so that it can fill in this section it's generating and then as you guys can see on this side it filled it in I just press excuse me press apply press ok and as you can see boom perfect it's just a seamless background so it's super simple to use but it's really great that um Adobe is going to make it an easier tool for people especially if they don't have Photoshop or the full sweep all right 3D to image this is really my mind is like I need to calm down because with this one I wonder if we can download um the 3D elements or do we have to upload our own 3D elements and then it's only going to apply the texture if they would add the option to create the 3D models in a simple way but I'm thinking that we may have to add our own um and then I can't wait for if you're doing 3D printing to have um you know a way to print at a cross section similar to like 3D molding um to eventually get to a point where we are able to print with a easier you know bi-directional texture I mean that's the that's the ultimate goal right um but I'm not like to ask him too much I'm just thinking like 20 steps ahead anyway a texty pattern this is amazing in mid-journey they did launch uh you know the tile feature so for it to have a seamless pattern a way to make it much easier and to be able to have custom patterns as well that's amazing uh and then you combine that with the text to vector and then we can actually scale that up and then for example you can use this in print on demand to create leggings I did a video on that um when I use the when I created the tutorial for mid-journey so that would be a comparable strategy that you could use with this so this is extremely helpful these two tools together that would be like a real life explanation of how you could use that text to brush this is really interesting to create more realistic patterns especially if you're using let's say you're creating um well let's just use this example right here because with Sketch to image they probably put it the same they probably put these tools together because they actually complement each other so let's say you're are drawing a sketch and you want to create for example a custom hair pattern you could use that in order to create the sketch and then you can also then move over to this tool and then convert that from a sketch to an image that is I mean I'm speechless that would be these tools are extremely complementary and then text the template I mean of course for products uh selling you know using Facebook ads um Google ads and creating the templates that you need in order to create so many different um creatives for for your businesses this is amazing and then of course the the user interface and even the way they have I expected nothing less Adobe always has a great user experience um so let's go ahead and get started and well actually let me do a quick look at the gallery uh let's take a look at some of the images I mean this looks so good already uh so we have this kind of animated look they have realism the user interface I'm already I don't even want to look at it yet it looks good and okay yeah let's just look at these pictures real quick before I get too distracted so these look really amazing I mean they look real um the light the depth of field and the focus the translucency of the leaf with the light coming through um the variation of the texture of the leaf the the edges that match up with the this look like this would be early fall I'm not sure when these type of flowers would Bloom but the fact that the temperature of the background and the light kind of matches up where the flower is actually bloom in or Dine it's kind of in the in between stage that type of detail really catches my eye this is yeah I'm excited for this I mean let's take a look at this wow these are I mean wow I mean that's all I can say and also when I signed up for the beta test they gave us an announcement that these images are trained on their own stock photography but I do have to mention something like are these images eventually going to be the end of stock photography and at what point are the new AI models going to be trained on real photography or are they going to be trained on pre-existing Ai and is that going to create a problem in what's real and what's not will things start to look unnatural so that's a discussion you know that really has to be considered because um with AI if individuals stop creating content eventually these models cannot be trained on what's real so I think we have to also place that into discussion um because we don't want to get to a point where people stop being creative where people stop um you know being photographers and designers and developing new and unique skills at a mass scale because once these tools are available to the general population and more individuals are then creating their own AI art and that reduces the need for paid content creators that's going to reduce the traditional um not a traditional it's going to reduce the number of real photography real artists um because there's just going to be an influx of AI tools so that is concerning and I think the creator of openai mentioned that as well that you have to consider what happens when individuals stop writing articles and blogs and creating content and they're just dependent upon AI creation we're going to have a an imbalance of content that uh future models will then not be trained upon our actions but rather its own and then we no longer have reality but these are stunning I mean they look I mean this looks fantastic even the grass we can see the the gradation of color that matches up to the tonality of the weather this looks good there's some issues right here with you know repetition that looks artificial right here the top of the trees look slightly um fake they're leaning in the wrong direction but that's easily fixed so these are micro details that a professional would look at you know versus you know just first glance it looks like a photograph I mean these type of patterns this is sunny I mean that looks gorgeous all right I think I'm gonna look at one more and then we're going to look at the user interface because I'm ready to um start making my own I think I wanted to look at this one I mean that looks if you're doing interior decoration and you want to create content for your profile or let's say you're starting out as interior decorator you don't have any content or you've never taken on a client but you have an idea of what you would create using a I mean let me stop talking this looks gorgeous I want that for my place like this looks amazing I love the color teal so this is this is my style this is beautiful but like I was saying yeah so I mean if you don't have any clients or content you start using AI Tools in order to develop ideas and bring them to life that's a great way to start acquiring leads and then get paid contracts for your work so this is uh amazing all right let me just do a quick scroll down so you guys can see some of the other sample images that other people have created it looks so good that's so funny right here the little hamster on the bike all right so let's go ahead and get started so I'm going to first try the texty image and then I'll do the text effects this one I'm going to put a hyper realistic [Music] puppy needing a rainbow cake with a colorful background let's see what we get I just wanted to start with something bright in color for just to see what we get as far as yeah that's what I want it reminds me of Lisa Frank I'm gonna put that in and see if I get anything all right so this looks really cute let's go ahead and take a look so these definitely I put hyper realistic um but I see that on the side on the content type I haven't even looked at the user interface but I think I see the art selected so I'm wondering what's going to happen when I switch to photo but let me take a quick look at the images they look adorable okay they look really cute so first let's start with the aspect ratio so the fact that they have an easy point and click user interface I mean they're already ahead of the game with everyone with the with the ease of use so first let me go ahead and switch to widescreen to see what happens oh okay so this is something new so it looks like as soon as you switch the aspect ratio um it'll actually reload the image and then they actually change the image entirely so I think before you even type you really have to be sure of what you want because if you like the previous image I'm not sure yet if you can go back I don't see a a button where um it'll just let you go back to the previous image but let's say I like the first one better that would have been a nice option to keep the same image that you wanted and then have the ability to then just change the aspect ratio of it I think that would take it to the next level um also when I hover over it this button right here that says show similar um let's say I like a specific style it'll reload uh something close to it so that's similar to Mid Journeys um re-roll feature I probably already said that but that's not what it's called on Adobe it just says show similar so I'm gonna try to pick I like this one the most so let's see what happens I'm going to click on show similar uh these look really good so you're going to be able to get closer to what you like just by clicking that button and these look amazing I think this is still my favorite though because I like little glasses that's really cute and yeah so let's go ahead and click on photo and see what happens so the fact that you can just point and click to create a different style that's amazing um well let's take a closer look I thought this would be more of a realistic uh I do see that the fur now looks more real but this still looks like a graphic uh and I do see that they have a Graphic button but by clicking photo I thought it would get like a real dog um but it just pretty much created more texture which is different than what I expected but it's still amazing um this is closer to more like a 3D animated movie but that's amazing okay and let's see what happens with graphic okay so with graphic you do uh retain more texture but it kind of Smooths it out um so there is a noticeable difference between graphic and photo photo has more texture doesn't mean that it's photorealistic but it does have um more texture so there is a clear difference between these four but just at first glance that is amazing um okay let's move down so with Styles first of all this is impressive right and the reason that this is impressive it's because many individuals that are going to use AI software for art they are not artists which means that they are not familiar with different types of art styles so the fact that they have these different art styles already as options for people that's going to help them and actually improve their skill sets because now they know what to look for and meanwhile that looks really cool materials yeah where we okay I'm gonna look at a couple of those I think I'm gonna have to make a different video to actually go through these ones because I just want to do a quick overview or else this video will be like two hours and I'll break it up next time alright so let's just do a couple clay interest me so let's see what happens when I click on clay I'm going to click generate then we have while that loads I think fur will be interesting because then maybe I can compare the fur on this setting versus the photo or will it actually enhance it so let's take a closer look so it doesn't look like clay but it makes it more of a it adds more of a 3D definition which if you still want the art graphic look but you want to be excuse me but you want to have a more defined Edge I definitely use the clay button that's what it adds to it you can really tell right here like on the drip of the cake um that it has more of a a 3D look to it so that's pretty cool so let's do fur let me remove clay and I'm gonna Let's Do fur and see what happens all right so that adds it keeps the I think the important part of this to really know the the different is on the edge of the ears because they're still smoothed out but if we see on the Highlight point which is what I think the fur is doing that is going to add detail to where the highlights are and then the lower point is going to keep smoothed out uh yeah that's what I'm noticing here so that's we have to you will have to play around with the settings to start understanding the depth that you want to create and how to play with this so that you get the look that you're going for now I'm going to switch from graphic to photo to see how that's going to take it to the next level with having the photo and the fur together okay so I think this has a lot more definition but it is still smoothed out on the edges the fur right here looks really good starting to see like more realism these turn out better than expected these look really good all right so let me move down okay to color and tone so this is nice it kind of tells you the let's do a let's see if we can get the colors brighter see what happens or that loads we can also see the light that's amazing that especially if they're not photographers uh this is amazing I'm gonna put dramatic now let's put backlighting to see if I will improve the focus on the foreground to make the little puppies um show up more yeah wow I definitely improved it okay the eyes do look crazy though um I think the eyes are gonna need some work it does remind me a bit of how Dolly sometimes the face and the eyes look a bit wonky um but yeah this one looks really nice I can see more definition yeah you can really tell on this one kind of made them pop out more I wish that because now these look like it was cut out because there's no a shadow or depth back here so you have to pay attention to that um but we can easily fix that in Photoshop uh so that looks good for example like if you see the Paw there's like a shadow right here I would want some more definition behind the ear too especially if you are going to add a backlight you want the death um around the ears in order to look more realistic all right and lastly we have composition and this is these options are great um wow I already have so many ideas the fact that they put so many different options that are point and click I mean let's do macro and see what happens okay nothing really happened with this one so I think I'm gonna try something completely different for macro photography so let me clear all the styles an ant drinking [Music] a drop of water [Music] while sitting on a q excuse me a cube of sugar something weird I wanted to add a another element all right let's see what happens okay I may not even need to add hyper realistic because it all already looks real so that looks really good and I haven't even added macro photography so I do want more definition around the edges though so let's put macro photography and let me put hyper realistic see how much that improves the image okay that really improved now we have a bit more definition around the edges looks more real I wish though water drop was more important especially since I put it at the beginning of the prompt um because right now it's more focused on the sugar cube I may remove that in one sec to see what happens um okay let me put photo and see how that improves okay let me see if I do see more texture right here on the ant um see more texture right here around the edges yeah I see more there's more there are more details I don't know what that's called um no I'm not an ant expert so I don't know if all the segments are accurate I mean they're also not connecting so that would not be realistic so that would have to you know be fixed in Photoshop there's like a random segment coming out right here that is not really connected to anything but those are micro details like for example these are connected I know that's not accurate so it depends on what you're trying to do uh with your art and your audience and their expectations of the things that you post like this looks like a unicorn ant because he has a segment coming straight out of the middle of his head so that would not be scientifically accurate but these are things that you can easily fix in Photoshop so you do have to take into account uh how realistic something looks versus at first glance okay let me take out the cube of sugar to see if I can get a better result of it just drinking water okay wow that looks so much better um oh it looks like now the segment of the I don't even remember right now what this would be called but this is not even connected to its body it's like in the water and uh there is a lot of definition um texture it actually looks like it has a hard shell so that is amazing so at first glance they look really uh great but if you're a scientist of course you know obviously these things are not going to be accurate so I think it has to work on um how accurate the images are versus um the I mean the realism of the structure of the anatomy of whatever it is that it's creating that may have to be tweaked now especially if you're using it you know for scientific journal or if you're part of an ant community and you're creating graphics for them right you want it to be accurate okay let's do one more and then I'll move on to the text tool a chrome robot driving a race car into a futuristic neon City all right let me remove the macro photography and let's see what we get okay wow that looks that looks really good okay I don't really see the robot but this looks really awesome okay this one looks more kind of like a Transformer like the robot is built into the car all right so I would say one of the three actually gave me the result of what I was looking for so um I think I would have to play around with its ability to actually give me exactly what I want um and since I put a photo I was expecting it to you know be a car this still looks like artwork beautiful artwork but it's not a real car I can put hyper realistic to see if that will because this is what I would do in mid-journey and it would give me a car so yeah it's still I put hyper realistic but it still looks like art with this one I kind of get two robots they just look like Transformers not like a actual robot just driving a car oh yeah so this is just my first look I have to play around with this more to really start seeing how I can get it to um really create the type of art that I want the next available tool is the text effects tool so let's go ahead and try it out first let's take a look at the existing text that other people have created it looks so amazing so let me go ahead and just enter text I'm gonna put my name let's put whipped cream covered in strawberries [Music] that looks so good and it's pretty fast too like takes around 10 seconds or so so that looks amazing first a user interface once again it's easy point and click so first let's look at the sample effects so they have a lot of choices already that people can easily use I'll check those out in a sec I was just too excited I wanted to try my own the text effect fit looks like that's going to spread out the defined parameters yeah outside of the text okay I'm just gonna stick to medium for now then let's see well let's see what this one does okay it completely removes all those extra edges but it also makes it look like it is inside of the text Ex instead of out of it so let me go ahead and see these other options because it looks like maybe yeah that's what I thought these other options will extend the design outside of the text so that's amazing you can start getting [Music] more of what you want that looks really good okay wow these look amazing hmm I think I like this one the best I like the why that looks so good okay and then we have several fonts I think I'm gonna stick with the thicker fonts um because my guess is if we use a thinner font it's going to reduce the area for yeah it's going to reduce the surface area for the for the graphics it doesn't look as good oh I'm gonna stick with this first one okay now this one looks really good too okay I'm gonna leave it on this one okay let me go back and lastly we have color so background color you can easily add a background color you can also leave it transparent to download which is a good option in case you're creating your own design so that's amazing okay I'm gonna leave it on the white background and then text color let's see what happens with that let's put black so it's actually going to change the text I wonder how that's going to affect oh okay yeah it does affect the appearance of the actual element that are on the text that's really interesting I'm gonna put pink to see what happens okay well that looks uh let me do green so something stands out more maybe it'll help us see exactly where it's being changed okay looks like maybe the increase some of the brightness yeah and increase some of the brightness on the strawberries so I really love uh this tool and I can't wait for all these other tools um this is extremely impressive and with a few more tweaks Adobe could take over Adobe could definitely be the number one Contender because if you can combine this with all the tools that they already have um especially this one the personalized results I just think they have to work on the eyes of the characters the realism because right now it is a lot of the images that are being created it's like a mixture between Dolly and mid journey I would want um the option since they're creating so many different options to have a more of a hyper realistic look versus an animated look so but this is the beta you know they're just testing things out seeing what people can create um actually I do want to try one more thing so I'm going to put hyper realistic [Music] hyper realistic I with a lot of detail [Music] Hazel because Hazel has multiple colors so let's see what happens okay let's take a look I mean that looks amazing um I do like the texture underneath but this still looks like it's a 3D render it doesn't look necessarily like a human let me put hyper realistic human Hazel eye I'm gonna try again and I mean this still looks hand-drawn um there are more details but it made the veins this person looks like they need medical attention all right the vase should be red I mean it's stunning reminds me more of like Unreal Engine um but it doesn't look like a human eye in a sense of it being real and just to compare I mean I'm gonna do this on my journey and see what I get real quick all right so this is what I created with my journey and as you can see this looks much more realistic than this image this looks more hand-drawn versus this and actually let me upscale one so this is the mid-journey image and as you can see it's much more detail all right so right now this is what I'm getting with Adobe Firefly versus this uh there's extreme detail of the tiny hairs on the skin the veins on the eye are more they look more realistic because they're closer to red the pores the skin they look more realistic and of course the iris the reflection of the lashes this looks more realistic uh than this one that looks more hand drawn and doesn't look as real the pores are not as defined where the lashes are coming out of the eye and the waterline we can see the actual pores and the hairs coming out of the water line here so there is so I think I just have to play around with this until I can try to get a better result um I'm gonna try to look okay let me look at the gallery to see if maybe I can find one all right I could not find the exact example of what I was looking for I think I just have to play around with the tool but this is extremely impressive the images are high quality they're beautiful I don't think it's a matter of one being better than the other there's just a different style of design different Graphics um it depends on the project and what you're actually trying to do with the design that you're creating so we just have to keep playing around with it of course I'll add more updates as I learn more about the prompts and and what I actually I have to do in order to get a higher quality image all right so I hope this was helpful and this is my first look at uh Adobe Firefly and the different tools that it offers I really look forward to trying out their other tools they are extremely uh impressive and like I said I think with just a few tweaks once they're out of beta I think they can definitely take over because they have far more compatible tools that will get you to do everything that you need to do in one place so I think this for many people if they only have to choose one AI software they might they will probably end up with Adobe Firefly just because of the variety of tools that they have in the ease of use the user interface everything just looks high quality so my first look this is amazing I can't wait all right I hope this was helpful hope you guys have a great day bye
Channel: Marcy Nuelle
Views: 1,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe firefly, ai image generator, ai generative images, adobe, ai images, ai tools, dalle 2, stable diffusion, midjourney, chatgpt, bing image creator, openai, ai news, graphic design tools
Id: 2aMi_wm0lNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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