Adobe Firefly Has Taken A.I. To Another Level!

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there's a new AI tool coming out every day at this point but only a few are worth talking about and even less specifically relate to artists well we all wanted to see what Adobe would bring to the table after all the Adobe suite of tools are some of the most advanced programs for videographers and photographers so surely they would Ace the AI game as well it's called Adobe Firefly and it's currently in beta they've started with image generation text effects and vectors and Firefly is trained on adobe's stock images this is openly licensed content and public domain content it's aimed to generate content that's safe for commercial use however it's very important to note you can not use a firefly at the moment for your commercial products whilst it's still in beta this is just the start once all these different AI tools actually Connect into Photoshop and Premiere Pro and illustrator they're going to be setting the bar extremely high I'm not quite sure anyone is going to be able to catch up with them now let's have a look at Adobe Firefly so this is the home page meet Adobe Firefly you can join the beta if you wanted to let's just have a quick look so it's going to be able to do a whole bunch of things generative AI made for creators for example have a look at this so we can just they're changing the lighthouse on a whim you know they're able to add a whole underwater city and it generates it just like that instant creative building blocks so this is quite cool you can just Vector variations for this sketch and it will help you take your sketch into an actual vectorized logo this one is insane this one is you're literally changing the video from from Sunny to to Winter it's it's oh my goodness this one this one's the most mind-blowing one that I've seen so there are three things we're gonna go over we're gonna go over text to image text effects and recolor vectors let's just start with text image and this is the one that you're going to have seen you know on Mid journey and so many other platforms and you can see this is just literally images you know that people have generated so let's put in I don't know cute red alien let's just let's just see what it does you know it who knows um once we've done that we're going to actually go over the things over here so it's got one more to do right okay this is not really a cute Red Alien but it's a red alien and that's fine we've got different types of content or firstly you can change the aspect ratio if you wanted to and it would regenerate into that aspect ratio and then you've got content types you've got art photographic and none so let's just click none again it will regenerate and it will get rid of this art like effect but what's really cool to know is once you've got the art like effect and the none it will switch back instantly there's no having to wait and you can see how the background's going completely blurred out when you click none so for example this one is really cool I would just fix this area here and that's quite a cool image now on top of that you've also got graphic so again it'll have to load because we haven't previously clicked graphic but once that's loaded we'll also click photo and then we'll be able to cycle through them and see which ones we like the best now let's click photo okay and we are all pretty much done so you've got none graphic art and photo we can cycle between them quite quickly and you can see how the general image stays the same so the posture and the the what they look like the only thing that's changing is kind of like a little few details here and there to you know to make it this kind of content type now you've also got Styles so you've got popular movements themes Concepts materials effects techniques so let's just have a look at you know let's get watercolor and what it's doing here is it's actually adding all of these kind of things to the bottom so if you click you know palette knife watercolor and Lino cut you can see it all adds here and then what you want to do is you just want to click generate again sticking to that same kind of style that same kind of theme this is really interesting but what we're going to do is we're actually going to go for none and then we're going to go for popular and we're going to go for synth wave wow look at that one that is cool and you could just simply download this if you wanted to and it explains how it works so promoting transparency in AI so AI Adobe is committed to promoting transparency around content generator with AI so it will always say this Inc this is made with AI um that way people aren't misled or anything like that now if we scroll down we can also kind of mess around with the color tone we can mess around with the lighting so we can put Studio Lighting in there we can mess around with the composition so we could be blurry background color tone let's go for vibrant colors and now we can see we've added all those different tags in at the bottom here we can click generate so that is Adobe Firefly I mean I mean just have a look at some of these images they're so flipping cool right and they're really good quality as well I mean that is a good alien I'm not seeing any kind of double faces or double eyes that sometimes you get when you use you know AI image generation tools and you can also click show similar and it will just show similar to these ones like all the other tools they also do that wow wow look at that one it's really really cool and you can see they've done the Blurred background they've got the studio lighting there it's really been cool but now let's go back and you can see this is everything people have created right lots and lots of things that people have created we're going to go and have a look at this one text effects because text effects is my favorite well one of my actually not sure because recolor vectors is very cool as well but text effects is something that I used to do a lot of in high school without the use of any Ai and I would spend hours upon hours creating these really cool mental looking text effects let me show you so these are all the different types of letters you can see that's like Driftwood black and gold dripping paint we could either click one of these so this is a realistic tiger fur and what we can do is we can change this and it will make a realistic tiger fur it's made this text effect with this realistic tiger fan you've got four options here so let's just for example click this one and have a look at what that looks like you then over here have got actual text effects fit so you can make it tight and that's where the effect fits really tightly around the letters or you can go for medium what it just was or you can go for loose now loose can sometimes be a bit crazy but sometimes it can work really well and what loose does is it basically creates the effect and warps in a way the text so if we zoom in here we can see how the fur of the tiger is kind of coming off the letters in a way because we've gone for that loose effect and then you can just change it you know you can change the font you can change the background color to see what it could look like you can get rid of the background color entirely now let's just do something completely different so let's do a a multi colored balloon let's just see what it does oh my gosh it's so cool it's so cool this is mad look at that wow and let's try a different one let's try um dripping paint let's have a look at what dripping paint does and because I've set it on loose you can see the paint is proper dripping from the letters now if we changed up the let's change up the font because let's try something else again it's worked with a few different fonts but I can imagine in time there'll be a lot so the moment there's only this but there'll be a lot more fonts in time that this would work with this is the main one let's try the main one wow this is this is so flipping cool and again you've got submitter Firefly Gallery copy the clipboard or you can just very simply download it and there you go now I like I said absolutely love the text effects there's so many applications I'm going to be able to use these text effects now let's go and have a look at the last one recolor vectors now this is very cool so I've added this dinosaur into it and now I can say bright a colorful palette let's click and see what it does so now it's a search for bright colorful palette and now it's changed my uh dinosaur to have all these bright colors and again we can click this and you can see how it's a vector you know this is a vector file it shows you the images we can Shuffle the colors if we wanted to we can go for some sample prompts a dark blue we can choose the harmony so complementary Triads split complementaries so many different uh let's get complementary and look at that and then we can choose the color this is really cool for vectors and now obviously we would download this and it would download it as a vector file right so you'd keep the quality there you'd keep everything but you're just kind of completely changing up those tones so what if we kind of cleared all and we did dots scary tones click generate see what it would come up with wow okay come on this is so flipping cool and you can see all the colors it's done there look that's recolor vectors and it's just a very cool way for you to actually kind of manipulate the vectors that you have all in all I am pretty Blown Away by what Adobe have done with their Firefly AI considering it's still in beta and if they actually do everything they say they're gonna do in all their documentation this thing is only going to get bigger and better now after seeing something this powerful the question on a lot of people's minds Maybe well what's the point in US clearly our creativity isn't needed anymore but this couldn't be further from the truth AI isn't inherently creative it's relying on us to create those creative prompts the more creative we are in actually creating those prompts the better the results are gonna be you have to remember AI at the moment anyways doesn't have emotional intelligence there's no real feelings there or anything creativity isn't just making a pretty picture there is so much more to it so I wouldn't be worried about AI whether it's Firefly or mid-journey or something even better than both of them taking over because we will always be far more creative now all of this AI is really cool but what could we actually do with it well you can actually make quite a lot of money using Ai and harnessing air AI for the right reasons check out this video here where I show you exactly how I use chat GPT and various other tools to create some incredible AI driven work that can be sold on t-shirts and mugs specifically in print on demand
Channel: Shimmy Morris
Views: 45,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe firefly, ai art, ai, print on demand ai, print on demand adobe, print on demand, niche research, best print on demand niche, how to find niches, print on demand niche research, entrepreneur, gpt3 demo, open ai, gpt3 playground, Open AI, gpt 3 playground, niche research amazon, niche research 2021, kdp niches research 2021, top print on demand 2021, print on demand niches 2021, top t-shirt, amazon fba research, product research, midjourney,, best ai
Id: xwpPu5FFP-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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