BREAKING NEWS! Amazing New AI Photoshop Features Released Today!

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foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you for joining us let me make sure I hit okay on my tweet there we go because the Tweet says we're live now so you kind of have to wait anyway very glad you were here this is the most exciting amazing troubling disconcerting worrisome Photoshop launch ever the stuff that I'm going to show you in this stuff is I I'm not I'm not over hyping this when I say this is the most amazing stuff I've seen in Photoshop in at least 20 years I I I'm telling you this is part demo and it's going to be part therapy session because I'm going to show you stuff that is going to be you're going to be amazed at the technology but some folks of us out there are going to be very like uh oh it's both of those all in one because this technology while it's kind of new uh and and kind of like brand new is so well developed that like I'm shocked now Adobe is calling the the main thing today which we're going to talk about mostly which is called generative fill uh Adobe is talking about this and they're calling it a beta but this is as far baked as anything I've seen in a long time it's not perfect but it is darn near perfect it's very very close so um I'm sure it's going to get better and better over time but I want to jump in and kind of show you what it is because this is this is historic day it really is this is a turning point in photoshop's trajectory of how it works and how people work with it and it will never be the same I mean and I'm not I'm not exaggerating when I tell you this is going to hurt your head uh but here's basically what it is the new feature is in the beta now to get this you literally need to go to your Creative Cloud account and I'm just going to launch mine here to show you go to Creative Cloud and let me just pop it open and where you're going to need to go is you're going to need to go over here to get this particular version of Photoshop you're going to have to go over here okay it's it's slowly loading so anyway um so here's what we need to do well for some reason it's just loading slowly well probably because the whole world is rushing to download this you can run this beta version of Photoshop right along with your other one right it's okay they're two separate apps but once you run this you will never want to go to a regular Photoshop again here it is take a look on screen you're going to launch your Creative Cloud app and right down here it says beta apps you're going to click on there and you're going to go get the Photoshop beta that's what you want that's where the crazy wild mind bending stuff is now regular Photoshop came out today they've got four new features they're all great features but not like this all right so let me explain what generative fill is and this will help you understand so when we use tools that are already kind of smart like the healing brush or the um content aware fill to do the stuff that it does to do the magic that it does it actually uses uh the built-in you can just show me and I'm not ready to show that you can just show me okay it uses the built-in technology it uses whatever's there like it looks at the photo and says oh you want to fix this I'll steal from over here this is different this just makes crap up out of the sky this is technology that when you see it you're going to think aliens landed here left us this technology and left and this is alien technology you're going to see because this is not based on what's in your photo not to remove it not to add stuff and here's where I'm going to tell you in one sentence what it is you can now literally if you can imagine it you can type it into Photoshop and it will create it and it's different than what you've seen with firefly and stuff it uses that technology but look on screen and I'll show you what I mean so here's a shot taken I took a few years ago in Venice it kind of stinks you know what it's missing you know what stinks about a shot of Venice there's no Gondola so you just go and get a you know a marquee tool and say man I wish a gondola was right here all right now there is a special tool let me resize my screen so you can see it there is a new feature why is my screen not I have to kind of pull it up here hang on one second because my screen now that I've connected to the the projector doesn't want to let me see the bottom of my screen and you need to see it because there's a tool I'll just pull it up here see if you can not my mail I don't need my mail thank you right there ah this thing this is one of the new features that they released in Photoshop it is a taskbar it is fantastic it is incredible I've used it for a little while and I cannot imagine to not using it in fact all I can think of is how is this not there 30 years ago but anyway this is you draw a selection and you type it you click on the word generative fill and it brings up a prompt all right so this is where you type in what you want you know what I want I want the front of a gondola and then you click generate it goes to the adobe's cloud it does the math in the cloud it takes about 10 to 15 seconds for it to go up come back and it's going to generate from millions and millions of images it's going to generate a gondola right in that spot for you yep there it is front of gondola done now it doesn't just give you that Gondola it gives you different choices so you have three variations over here you can choose different gondolas which Gondola do I like Oh I like that one and it generates it so now you can look at any scene and just go oh I wish there was this there I wish there was that there here let me let me give you an example let me grab let me see if I can grab something let me grab oh well like this one let's just grab this image so uh here we have this out of focus image let's say that I wanted to add some friends to this shot just draw a selection back here and just hit generative fill and type in add blurry friends click generate you're going to wait we're going to have a lot of waiting today of 15 seconds at a time where we type this thing in but you just kind of draw where they want them but here's what's amazing when it generates this stuff it generates the right angle the right perspective the right lighting and there's a friend in the background right there but you want a different friend you can choose this blurry friend you can choose this that's a sad blurry friend you can just choose people in the background and it will do it it will just generate this stuff so whatever you can think of you can do you can say but it's not just for adding stuff it's for removing stuff and we are just touching we are just touching the tip of the iceberg just just you're just seeing the the basics of what it'll do and we're going to go through all of this here and just to let you know we are releasing a full course on this right away with all of the different stuff that you can do I'm going to go into all the little details and we're going to go through all the new features as well so the class is called getting up to speed fast on the uh the new version of Photoshop and the AI powered version of Photoshop May 2023 because it's the May 2023 release which is the sexy name that adobe has given it the May 2023 release anyway but take a look at that I mean I'm just I don't even know what to say let's take another image here let's take a look at this real quick uh let's say that you wanted a cloud so you could just go and generate a cloud here let's do that you could just say I kind of want some clouds or a single cloud like right there I just want a cloud generative fill you could just say cloud you could just choose like one cloud and hit generate now sometimes when you get when you do this it's going to generate multiple clouds or I mean different different choices I've also noticed occasionally it will generate like a cartoon clown you don't want to have to take the cartoon one you don't have to accept it all right we're almost done look it just put some clouds right there now it gives you different clouds you have that cloud and you have this one oh I like that one right or you can put in this one whichever one you want right it's just what all right now you can also do this let's oh by the way this is important it create these are non-destructive so it creates that cloud on its own separate layer with a layer mask so you can edit it if you want if you say oh I don't really want that that uh Cloud on the right I can get rid of that but look down here this little task bar down here which is so amazing has already updated because I clicked on the layer mask it's like do you want to subtract to the mask do you want to add to the mask do you want to hide the mask all of these features keep updating in this bar I'm telling you what you use this bar for a few days and you will not be able to go back to the other one because it is all I can think of is how did they not do this earlier this just seems like something you've wanted in Photoshop forever I'm telling you what I would pay for the upgrade even though they don't make us pay for the upgrade if they charge for the upgrade I I would pay just for that taskbar and it seems simple right now to use it for a day and then you're going to be like I can't live without this thing all right um oh there's a question from Susie and yeah please drop your questions in we're going to be that's that's what this is a discussion can you move the created image what a great question so the way it works is it kind of creates a block where it's at so if I pick up those clouds and I move them you're going to see a block where they were it's it is not a pick it up and move it right look at that it looks at the area and generates it in that spot so if you want to diff if you wanted to move your clouds and go oh I should have done it over there you need to start from scratch here's one of the gotchas I think that that in the future this is going to be addressed but right now I would have to regenerate the cloud but you might go but I loved the cloud that was there yeah that Cloud's gone forever it was generated at that moment so you would have to regenerate so here's what you would do if you said man I wish the cloud was over there you're going to throw that that layer away which is that's a great thing about it being non-destructive then you're going to draw over here and say I wish that cloud was over here and then you're going to hit generative fill and then you're going to type in cloud and then you're going to hit generate so you have to go and regenerate it and you're and you're going to go but I love the cloud that was there yeah there's got to be a way I'm sure that adobe is working on it and they haven't told me but I'm sure that they're working on a way for you to move these things but right now because it takes that area SCA completely different cloud and it's not just that cloud you can choose This Cloud which I like better and that cloud I like the cloud in the middle I like that cloud right there now watch this because it's using this technology I can draw a rectangle and go behind this kind of right over here let's put it right there now you notice I'm going behind this kind of building and I'm going to hit cloud and hit generate lots of questions uh John Dukes hi John John says can I put more money in my bank account for new photography Gear with this new feature you can try it'll do all kinds of crazy things I'm not sure it'll do that take a look on screen look it generated that cloud it generated this other cloud and it generated fake Cloud yeah you don't have to choose the bad one all right and this is important if there's one that you know you don't like because you can save this file and it will save the variations right it saves the them with the file but to keep your file size down if you look and you go yeah I'm not using this crazy one see the little X here in the variations panel just click on that and then it goes away so now you're just left with these two now if you want more clouds you can just hit generate again because look if you look over here in the properties panel this is where a lot of Your Action happens it shows you what word or they call them prompts what prompt you use to create this so you could you could change it to clouds instead of just one Cloud you can just change it here or you can just hit the generate button and it will generate three more clouds in the same space that you don't have to reselect it it knows that you're trying another version of it it's regenerating it right now while we speak and in just a second it will will be all right Laquita I think it is says um if the generated image is on its own layer can it be saved and used on other images absolutely it's a it is this is interesting it is its own layer but remember and this is kind of weird the background is not transparent behind that it Blends it into that area so it's like it's it's Square well look I'll show you take a look on screen I'm going to hide the background look it's that whole area so if you pick that up and take it someplace else it needs to re-blend it needs to do it again so and look here's three different sets of clouds here's a new Cloud there's another oh I like that's the best one yet and the last one probably isn't going to be the one you're going to use just hit the X all these questions are good alrighty Stuart stew what's up Stu says Minds will be blown Susan says bring on the aliens all right so James says or James asks how about adding my own clouds I have a collection of clouds that I took that's called Sky replacement there's a completely different feature for using your own clouds this particular feature is going to generate stuff for you if you already have your own clouds James you're going to go to Sky replacement hey while I'm while we're here watch check this out let's grab this tool put a little rectangle over here and let's type in generative fill let's type in owl hit generate give a few seconds and we're going to add some stuff so hang tight for a sec John John Keenan says is this what they mean by Creative Cloud Natalie asks can you change the opacity absolutely it's a layer just like any other layer oh there's our our I don't like that owl but that's not the only owl I can choose from I can choose this owl I can choose this owl I think I like the middle one the best yeah you can just add whatever you want for example give me one second I want to open up an image here and I'll just show you what I mean let me grab where's that in but I'll grab this image right here all right let's just open this real quick oh I don't want to open any camera that's fine all right all right here we go check this out I'm going to get the gonna get the Lesser tool I'm going to make a selection right over here and very loose selections work great you don't have to make these are very loose selections and I'm going to type in herd of sheep grazing and click generate so here we go Terry's got a good question can this be used for commercial purposes are there any copyright issues so this is is again oh look at that look at the Sheep and I don't I don't have to go with those sheep I can go with these sheep I can go with these sheep but guys do you notice the lighting is in the right direction the Shadows the perspective the whole nine yards it's all there that's what's so incredible about this just sticking sheep there and it's the lights going the wrong direction there's no shadows and all that all that stuff would that would not be awesome so it's what it's doing is just incredible it's analyzing the scene it sees the direction the perspective it does it all so uh back to Terry's questions can this be used for commercial purposes are there any copyright issues it is Akin now let me just say this I am not an attorney as you've probably guessed I'm not an attorney I'm not giving legal advice I'm just telling you what I think I don't know Terry I think you can use it because it's like stock photography alrighty um let's say John says since it's on a new layer I think you might be able to change curves and Hue and contrast you can but remember John it's changing the square like in other words we see it here as we see it look here's what we got that's what you're changing so for example if I went into curves Right and started to adjust this right that's what you get that's what you get what's I mean I'm hearing Siri off the set over here which is okay anyway uh let's take a look let's do this here's my friend Paul hey pal let's open up a picture of Paul here and this was taken and we're in Scotland last year and he's shooting something off in the distance but we can what we can do is just drop a little let's drop a puffin in there and hit generate now so far we've just added stuff we're we're going to change gears here in a second but I want to show you a video first uh it's look at that oop there's a puffin this is but you see why I called this the therapy session because I'm a photographer you're probably a photographer and you're watching this and you're like you know I'm I don't know what to think of this I I'm I'm somewhat when I look at other people's photos I'm going to be like did they generate those sheep now the nice thing about it is if you ever looked at a scene you go man it would have been great if a plane was flying over if there was a flock of birds there were some sheep grazing if there was this if there was that if there were friends in the background you've had so many scenarios where you're like oh yeah we just you know the clouds there's one Cloud right over that Wishing Well wouldn't it have been great and now when I look at those I'll be like did you add that so you know like every once a month on Wednesdays we do a thing called Blind critiques on the grid and I'm going to be looking at photos going did you take this did you create it I don't know so it's it's it it begs a lot of thought-provoking questions that kind of make me lose a little bit of sleep I I'm amazed at the technology I'm blown away and you guys are just seeing the dip of the iceberg I want to show you a video from Terry White and uh and and Terry of course is an adobe evangelist an adobe employee for almost 25 years um and uh and Terry's wonderful and Terry's been working with us for a while he's got a great video I'm going to show his video and then I'll give you some live examples but here let's let's watch Terry for just a sec [Music] hey everybody Terry White here and it's my pleasure to take you through what I consider one of the most revolutionary things to happen to photoshop in the last two decades hands down changes the way we use Photoshop from here on out all right I'm talking about generative films let's dive in I need a horizontal version of this shot you know we always sometimes we take with our phone we're used to taking vertical but then you need it for a magazine you need it for a banner you need something wide so let's go ahead and use our crop tool and uh we'll go to our crop too there we go we'll go back to our default colors and we will uncrop this image we will outcrop and this is also called out painting so when I added the caramel sundae think of that as in painting when I crop out like this I'm out painting so I'm just going to go ahead and grab my rectangular Marquee tool once again we'll go ahead and grab a rectangle and I'm just going to go ahead and include a little bit of that scene so it kind of knows what I want I'm going to do the same thing on this side so hold down my shift key and include a little bit of that scene a sliver of it and then we'll go ahead and hit generative fill and once again I'm not going to type anything in I'm going to trust Firefly the AI to do its thing for me all right here we go and just like that I have more office I it even extended the chair it gave me the desk with some stuff on it it expanded the window and gave me three variations to choose from of how it extended the scene this chair is a little bit too big so it probably wouldn't go with that one if you as a result you don't like you can just remove it and that way now you're keeping just the results you want and you can keep generating until you get more but I kind of again the first one is the charm in this case as well is that crazy is that just crazy crazy stuff can I show you something that's the tip of the iceberg so take a look at the image that you see on screen here all right so we have a bride on location in a church and stuff but here's the thing the original photo of the Bride well I'll tell you she wasn't wearing that wedding dress she did not have a tiara in her hair she didn't have those earrings she didn't have that necklace and you're ready for this it cut off at her waist take a look the original photo first off I want to take off all the stuff that we've added that's the original photo it stopped at her waist is that ridiculous it built her legs what the heck what the heck's going on it literally built the rest of her based on what it thought it would be right so I'll just take you through a look and we'll do it but look at that it extended the original dress I just wasn't crazy about the original dress so I said can you generate a different dress how about this one and it gave me multiple choices then we went and look added a tiara and it gave you different hairstyles and a different Tiaras like if I go to that layer I can choose was it this tiara or do you like this one better or do you like this one better and I just generated three I could have generated 30. I could have just kept generating them right and then you can go here and then I added earrings and then I added the necklace I mean come on this is absolutely just nuts the perspective is correct the size is correct the lighting is correct I'm going to take you through this whole thing we're going to do it together I want to answer some questions by the way if you have questions if you have comments if you're worried if you're confused just drop us a line here where we're live right now so happy to answer your questions if I can uh uh atala asks can you merge the layers and then adjust absolutely you just flatten the layers merge the layers down and then it's like any other pixel and any other picture so they come in on these layers but you can change them and flatten them you know once you flatten them it's like any other document um Emmy asks can you use this to expand the affordable yeah you just saw Terry do that and I'm going to do it here for you in just a second can you type in a specific number of what you want generated so I'm thinking you're asking I want three sheep that's a good question we can try I haven't done it yet Sherry's saying can you use this to extend an image to fix something cut off like the rest of before oh we're about to see all of that and are you able to flatten the image and then apply curves of course yeah it becomes anything else all right and uh Susie says soon we will not need cameras Oh Susie you we're just getting started all right let's take a look at the image here and I'm going to go back to where we started all right so let's just I'm going to revert the image now this is important to note before I hit revert this document will never look the same I'm not going to get those earrings I'm not going to get those uh Tiaras I'm not going to wind up with that wedding dress this stuff is all generated on the fly so it's not like there's five of them and then it says how about this one you want to choose the one you once I start over all of those things are gone that's why if you have stuff that you like it's important to save it as a Photoshop document make a duplicate and start from scratch that way you have the other ones that you want so watch I'm going to hit revert that stuff's all gone and here's the original image oops that's not the original image hang on oh it must be the original image where I started here let me go back because I've saved this file so many times let me just throw everything away we'll do it that way no don't don't do that we'll do it the old-fashioned way here let's just get rid of this stuff yeah yeah I want to delete that delete that we're going to delete that and then we're going to start I'm going to re-crop it so you see the original photo we started with the one I took is right here so this is the original shot on location a few years ago I took all right that's our original shot so how do you add something like a tiara you would go with the lasso tool and here's the weird thing I need to say exactly where I want it because if I select her head you know what it'll give me a new head it'll find somebody else if I just hit generate don't type anything in there just hit generate you don't have to type anything in there if you don't type it in you're telling Photoshop you take a crack at it well I can tell you what it's going to do it's going to give me a new bride okay so in this case it said and this is important there are certain things it's like are you trying to do something naughty I'm not sure so it brings up that warning that says I'm not doing it there's something funky here so it's not going to allow you to do inappropriate things it's not going to let you take a picture of somebody add a gun and put them in the murder scene it literally doesn't let you do those things it doesn't let you do things that are inappropriate and you shouldn't be doing those inappropriate stuff anyway so if it senses you're trying to do something funky here you'll get that warning now I have found that in some cases like obviously I'm not trying to do anything nefarious here I can try again just hit generative fill and often just trying again it'll go oh okay sometimes especially if you make the the thing too loose it should be loose it should not be a tight selection like don't select that ah it's doing it again all right well I'm going to show you the right way anyway I would just select her hair you don't have to be right on let it dig in a little into your skin say I want a Tierra like there I want a tiara now type in and I want to you have to say what kind are you're going to get like something that looks like the queen right you need to go in here and say Bridal Tierra Tiara hit generate and that should do it let's go and give it a sec or 15 your choice here we go now you notice it also changed the hair because it's regenerating it right but remember we have three generations I've generally found wow completely different right I have found that often the second one or the third one is the best one it's not always the first one in fact it seems like there's a different one let's just hit generate again and also um you can go over to the properties panel and you can click on the thumbnails or you can use the left and right arrows inside this little floating thing right here so there's one there's number two we decided to put no Tiara in there or put a little thing in the back actually I'm not crazy about that let's hit generate again now what's nice is we have six of these here we're gonna have nine we're gonna add 12 16 whatever when you save this it'll save all of the ones that you don't get rid of let's check the next one that one's all right that's kind of funky I don't know let's hit generate again that one's kind of weird John wants to know are these AI Generations high-res that would scale well I wouldn't scale them up so what they are and this is interesting this is very interesting they create a square of the in the area that a maximum size of 10 24 by 1024 so you don't want to take a big sky and do it all at once like if you want a sky you'll make a square and another square and another Square so your resolution stays pretty good so at this point in this beta it's doing 10 24 but I mean obviously the area that I just added is not 10 24. let's look at some other ones here well that's not terrible let's just go with this one because I'm tired of generating them but you can hit generate again all right now you want to put a necklace in here's what you're going to do just select that where you want the necklace to kind of be something in this area maybe and then type in Bridal necklace if you don't type in Bridal you won't get it won't be contextual you'll get some crazy some crazy weird thing so let's see what this does this is going to be different than the necklace I put in because I think the selection I made is different there you go boom done or you can choose this necklace or this necklace or if you don't like any of those just hit generate again and it will generate a new set of necklaces now what about the bridal gown all right we can change that uh let's let's first do the trick that cherry showed let's go get the crop tool and say you know let's add some more into this just expand down all right once you've done that hit return and then you're going to get the rectangular Marquee tool and say and and dig into the photo a little it helps if you actually dig in a bit hit don't write anything in there it knows what to do you're like you take a look you I I added emptiness if I don't type something in there see if you can extend this dress and make sense now this this could look greater it could look horrible it doesn't always hit it first time look at that it made it into like a cocktail dress now the second one it didn't do at all so just hit X and then the third one is that dress and it extended I'm not crazy about any of those hit generate again just let it do its thing and you can see I got a completely different dress last time but I haven't I haven't done the dress we're just extending the one that we've got that's actually not bad that last one all right it didn't like the first one so we'll hit that and then the next one it added some weird stuff some door ornaments probably not necessary and the third one we're back to this now at this point you could go all right well let's I'm not crazy about this dress so this bridal gown and Brides love it when you change their dress after the fact let's just kind of make a very loose selection and just type in bridal gown and click generate but it was already going to choose a bridal gown it wasn't going to put in like nightclub glows but just in case it doesn't hurt to put in bridal gown again it may be great or it may be awful let's take a look oh there you go that's not bad except for her hand look at her hand her hands funky all right there are two things that it does not generate well sometimes hands are funky and often faces are funky because they're drawing from a bunch they're creating a new face so if you say you know put a mechanic there he might look great or it might be ice from this one knows from this one malfun this one and it just looks funky that's something they're still developing and it'll get better and better but right now hands animals and sometimes animals and sometimes hands now you've got a layer mask right on there the layer mask is already there so you can click on the layer mask and you can say subtract from this mask and then you could just paint back in the original hand so we would paint back in right here now you have to be a little more careful than I'm being right but that way you can kind of get rid of that now that's a sloppy job but you see what I'm saying so that's why it's nice that it has a layer mask already on it then you'd have to go in here and subtract from the mask and then try to put as much back in here as you can I'm doing a horrible job but you get the idea all right so that's how we got to the image that I saw before let's try a different picture let me close that one and here's one take a look and you're going to say well do you want to extend down nope I already did that's the original photo I took and this is the extended come on that's just amazing and it kept the fall off of the light because you can see I had a light under on this side and I I intentionally had it fall off fast so it's really just lighting her her head and shoulders which is dandruff because of dandruff oh this is a stupid joke okay and then it added that in I mean come on it's just ridiculous all right uh some questions George says do you have to have a subscription to Adobe stock to do this nope nope nope nope nope just go download the uh the beta uh will it match the resolution of the image I kind of we already talked a little bit about that how long of a search string can you put in I don't know I haven't reached a a limit I'm not sure that there is a word limit but it won't take you long to just type it in and find out for yourself but usually it's something very very simple are the elements it's generating created from royalty-free images yes it is I'm sure they're from adobe's they're coming from their stock collection of millions and millions and millions of photos yes it is all right so anyway just wanted to show you that but let's do this all right let's try this part of her arm is missing over here and a lot of her head but that's just the way I composed the shot so I'm not worried about it but if you wanted to change your mind you could go over here let's add a little more room over there and then you're going to get whatever selection tool you're comfortable with I use a rectangle a lot for this stuff and hit generate now you can also just hit return once you if you're not going to type anything in there you just hit return and it'll do its thing let's watch here we go notice part of her arm is missing it's cut off on the left look at that it extended the wall it did all this stuff it's crazy now let's try going up let's see if we can add a little bit more of her head it's it's a little trickier going up than it is it does really well on the sides the head could be funky let's find out generative fill just hit generate and let's go and again of course if you have questions Marcus says this is nuts John says tis witchcraft John says I'm going to need a bigger hard drive all right for some reason it's giving me that warning again like oh you're trying to do something bad I'm not trying to do something so I want to reselect and just see it's not trying to do something bad trying to do something good says this will change image competition forever it seems there's no way to tell what's real and what's generated what will this do to photo competitions oh come on I can't believe it's doing this so it it it did this I was able to do this many times and today now it decides no so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to undo all this I'm going to undo my crop let me go back and I am going to oh by the way I had three variations on that side look I could do variation a variation B which I like better or variation C it's variation B let's try uh going up here again let's go to the original image maybe that'll help and let's pull up this much let's just go a little ways and see if this will fix it now I've had to do this a number of times when you're doing this stuff sometimes it just gives you the warning for no reason you're not doing anything bad but it thinks you are it's a pretty big policeman so hang on it's looking good let's go come on ah if it fills it with black it didn't work but look at the third one is it oh yes yes it is it filled in with the third one so now we you can see we probably needed to go a little bit higher to get that but look at that right remember our it added this side over here excuse me it added the top and the side so here's what we had added the top that's that's pretty amazing all right so here's what I want you guys to think about when we're thinking about all this because this does change a lot of stuff all these things and all these comments that you have what will this do to photo competitions uh uh this is all true here's the thing everything that I've shown you today there's not a single thing today if you were really good at Photoshop and very very patient and had the time you couldn't do could I have flipped her arm over put it over there blended it in could I have done all that could I have added that extra wall over there could I've extended her hair and and maybe used another picture of her from that day and popped it in there and stuff sure I could have done it it might have taken me an hour or two that's what this is doing I haven't seen anything today that you can't do I can go find a stock photo with sheep select it bring them in blend it flip them so the lights the same way it just all took so much time so we haven't seen anything today that you couldn't do on your own if you were really good at Photoshop and you were really patient but what this does and where this also becomes worrisome if you've spent years and years and years learning Photoshop and you're an Ace and you're just really good at it now my kids could go in and type in add an owl add a cloud add some sheep add a lake add a rowboat add whatever and boom it's done it is lowered that bar of creativity so it's it's going to shift how we work in Photoshop from I'm a production manager and I know how to do all this stuff and extend all this stuff and retouch to what what can I do creatively it's going to and the people that are going to do the best with this are people that come up with creative things to do they'll look at a photo and go oh let's try this or let's try that guys we've got a lot more to see here too I don't want to take two I don't want to take your whole morning but uh there's some more stuff so I'm gonna I want to play another one of Terry's videos real quick they're short but they're really really good and I thank you Terry for sharing those with us today so let's look at Terry's next video and then we're gonna we're gonna see what's next so we'll be right back don't go and move over to this shot this is a a panel that I did from Milan in Italy years ago and I never really used it because I I didn't get there early enough and I got all these tourists in the way so I thought well could I use AI to kind of be a tourist remover so let's go ahead and grab my lasso tool and let's just do one gigantic lasso around all of this stuff and all of these people all the way over here I'm gonna come all the way back around the top like so there we go I'm even gonna hold down my shift key and get this stuff over here as well to add to that selection now when I click gener to fill this time I'm not going to type anything in I'm just going to click generate and see what it thinks it needs so just no prompt generate kind of maybe it will remove those people let's see what it does and just like that I have a clean scene for my Milan Cathedral shot and I have three different versions of it I kind of like the first one that came up with and there's my shot I would now print this out and hang it on the wall now keep in mind you don't always have to just remove something you can add something as well so if I were to go up here and choose a generative fill and type in clouds let's see what it gives me for clouds and you can make multiple selections so if I want to put different clouds in different parts of the sky shift select different parts of the sky and then generate the clouds and it will put them into different places so there we are we have our clouds and again I can toggle three through even though it gave me birds that time it gave me a cartoon Cloud um the clouds I want and we'll stick with those for now if I wanted to generate more I just do another selection and generate more or hit generate more now in the same area and let it do Terry so I want to kind of follow up on what Terry just showed the picture you see on screen is from a very very famous bookstore in Porto Portugal I was just there a few weeks ago and one of the things I wanted to do was visit this this bookstore what you're seeing here is the bookstore at the very end of the day so this bookstore is so popular that there are hundreds of people in line to go inside and just see it it's one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world and I wanted to take pictures of it and uh anyway long story short I'm in there and and I'm doing that technique that we used to do in the old days of Photoshop like yesterday where you you stand there and you take a picture every 15 seconds like you just you stand there hold a steady as you can because of course they don't let you have a it's absolutely you can't tell from this picture it's it's mobbed in there there's hundreds of people in there you can't even move right and the stairs are just packed full of people all the time I waited to get it down to these like what 12 people or something so I'm standing there you take all these pictures and then you go into medium it removes some it removed a lot of them but I had to spend about two hours painstakingly going in removing the people upstairs in between all the stuff and trying to replace some stairs and it got rid of most of it so I would say if this was a four hour job the way I used to do it got it down to two hours now it's two minutes so here's what you would do you would just go in here and you'd say okay well these two people on the stairs they gotta go now what I would do in a situation like this is do what Terry did is uh hit this second check box here so you don't have to keep holding the shift key and say let's get this guy out of here and get this one out of here and then just hit generative fill you don't have to write in anything it knows what to do you want those people out right so give it a second and it may not do perfect the first time I've noticed that in some of these cases especially they're moving people you might have to do it twice or it leaves a little bit of foot or something but the stuff it leaves is usually so easy look at that come on that's crazy and that's the that's the default one we have this choice and this choice that one looks pretty good and then what about these people over on the sides like look at this whole family here what are they they're ruining my shot let's just select this whole family and then hit generative fill now the problem oh gotta hit generate problem is look at all the staircase and the banister and all that detail that's what took forever was cloning all that in and trying to figure out what's behind them like I don't know what was behind them who knows so how about that right look at that and it's it's not 100 perfect but I don't have to go without one oh I like that one better and folks we have a winner so yeah you might have to go and do a little touch up there how about these people over here I hate these people really they're ruining my shot to generate give it a sec and buy a second course I mean 15 seconds uh kalian asks will it add metadata to indicate generated images I do not believe so oh look at that up there look at that did you see that now I have different variations I've got that variation and I got this one and you can choose the one you want that's just crazy this is blowing my mind Linda says what this is Magic um Emmy says you could do some of this with Photoshop it would just take forever yes it would Susie says I remember doing all the complex things as long ago as CS2 new people and and Susie I think is talking about new Photoshop users will never understand how it was done it was it was tough uh Doug says this is crazy it is very interesting uh Bruce says on the photo editor for a bwd magazine this could be a game changer when it comes to making photos work in a layout absolutely John says I have so many photos with tourists in them time to get to work so that's what I've been doing this is the first thing I did I went back to this picture I spent hours on I'm like ah so uh that's that one I want to show you a couple other things here we're almost out of time but there's there's more to show uh but don't worry like I said we have an entire class on Kelby one uh that has all of the new stuff in it and we go into detail and we talk about everything so that's that's coming up immediately so take a look at this image so this is a whole nother way of thinking this is where you're asking it to generate the entire background for you so the original photograph is this shot in my studio right over here to my right so we got soft boxes in the shot we got everything in the shot and you're asking it to generate so I use different words now what's neat about this is when I click on a background it's going to tell you what words in the properties panel over here it'll tell you what words were used Rock concert stage for this one right or you can choose this one and then I chose like nightclub that looks stupid that one's stupid that's Pro oh see how all the people look weird that's what I'm talking about I did City Street that was weird that's okay so look at that one that one looks really realistic here's like a Studio background with shadows right here's a concert stage there's a different one these are all just generated these were I said these I said the words in the spotlight and look at that it just generated it and generated the Shadows on the floor the Shadows going in different directions look at the shadow behind her on the wall right it's it's just nuts and this is from just now here's how you do this I'm going to show you what you would do in these cases what you would do is this you would start by saying look down here the contextual menu already figures you probably won't select subject right yep select subject now I need to expand the selection remember this works best if you don't have tight selections you want it to be a little loose so I need to expand it by 20 pixels where's expand well it's right down here in the little pop-up menu there it is expand selection 20 pixels is fine then you're going to inverse where do I choose inverse it's right down here the contextual man I'm telling you this menu is the boss all right now I've got the background now that the background is selected and it's not right tied up against her I can type in something different so let's type in uh let's type in photo studio just see what happens hit generate and wait Bob Crow says AI is just the tip of the iceberg Richard says you won't have to use like 90 of the rest of Photoshop yeah so this is going to change the way that I'll be teaching Photoshop because I need to be teaching how to clean up after AI right a lot of that kind of stuff there's a little bit of cleanup left sometimes more photo studio stuff more for look what it did to those soft boxes remember it's generating this stuff that's stupid let's try something else let's try what else will we do let's just say I don't know uh uh a stage you're on stage let's hit generate but look at the Shadows on her under her feet and everything I mean it does a pretty good job except for you need to ask for your money back on those soft boxes I think that's look at that right I don't know what's going that's a bad stage that's just kind of hokey but that one's not bad that was not bad this one actually that looks pretty realistic if I showed you this I opened this image you wouldn't go wait a minute she was added after the fact right uh oh here we go Natalie's right on the money this will be so useful for underwear people who walk right into your photos yes they do uh Linda says I I just can't believe this I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor I agree I I totally agree this is just absolutely mind-numbing stuff um take a look at this shot here so this is what it took last week in New York I did a travel photography Workshop in New York and I rented a for the class I rented this old 1960s Checker Cab we found this amazing Street near Wall Street and we did a whole photo shoot there so see the woman uh on the right that's not one of the people in the class I just said add a woman leading on the wall right so look at the stuff that I was able to do just by typing let's just start up at the top I removed reflections I just selected it and just hit go I didn't even tell it what to do so look different reflections I got rid of those that's what was really there that's Square that's reflecting the sky that was what was really there but I was able to just select those areas and say get rid of most of them I added the license plate I just made a selection and say add license plate so you would just do this you would go over here you would say oh you could put it in the middle I want a license plate here maybe right there and you just type in license plate hit generate give it a minute John's asking Scott can I take a picture out of Lightroom look at that look at it even put letters in stuff uh can I take a picture out of Lightroom and move it into Photoshop beta instead of regular Photoshop and then go back to Lightroom yeah so what you'd have to do John is in Lightroom go to the preferences go to external editing and for your editor choose the beta instead of the other one instead of the standard Photoshop all right now I have other license plates to choose from California [Music] so anyway yeah it just generated that right and then over here generated her right in that wall it took the little plate off the front the Insignia off the front there right and there's the there's the license plate so you could just select an area like I did here under this light and just type in person leaning against wall generate give it a second Stu says I'm going to try to add the cab hang on Stu got a great shot of this Gap we were there he was there with me in New York all right what it added was looks like another door nice what's this oh it got rid of the door what's this it puts some electrical stuff there all right so let's just say person let's see what that does because it gave me doors this will happen sometimes where it's just totally like oh you you over described it and also if you if you it doesn't work for stuff like put a big person there put a little person there it's going to scale it so here's someone walking there you go there's your dude leaning against the wall and there she is leaning against the wall but she's floating a little bit above the wall there we go he's that's I I know my mind is blown so all right uh oh Nelson says this would be good for high school senior backdrops oh yeah you could just drop them in there Jay Jay what's up says can you add chicken sandwiches to a photo yes you can Jay of course you can I can always you know what a chicken sandwich is appropriate in any situation by the way I have a new chicken on the grid I'll be talking about a new chicken sandwich phenomenal and it's from a place you wouldn't expect all right let's take a look at one or one or more Terry's videos got another video with some more mind-blowing stuff check it out all right now this is a real world scenario that I really wanted to challenge the AI if you had to manually remove the guy in the middle we don't have to but I just wanted to see what it would do imagine how much work that would take you would have to clone in where the steps would have been you would have to make up this guy in the blue on the on the right here you'd have to make up what he looked like because he's completely covered including his shoulder and his pants and then you'd have to you know of course put the steps in under the leg here and under the arm and so this would take me hours to do this right and I may not ever like the way it looks if I can't get it to look just right so I really wanted to challenge Firefly built into Photoshop and see what it would do so I'm going to go to my select menu I'm going to load in that selection just of the the lasso just to save time so we'll just load that lasso in and I lassoed all the way around him I lasso the little part under the leg the little part under the arm I kind of cut into the guy in the pink a little bit so it would blend in better and again I kind of cut into the guy on the on the right here on purpose all right so now that I got that selection we're going to go to generate fill and I will warn you that each time I like it didn't do it right away because sometimes it tried to guess and think that I wanted to put some people in the middle I wanted to replace them with a different person so the first time I did this it took five tries to get it to where it would remove him let's see what did we get this time the first you know just trying it from scratch and it's starting to do a better job removing him I can already see that that that's not what I want this time I put a kind of a weird looking person there we're going to take that one out and this time it got it right on the first try look at that like that's the one I would keep look at the steps look at how it built his body look at the Shadows look at everything it did as if that guy was never sitting there it did it in about 20 seconds what would take me hours or maybe never to get it just right in Photoshop this is what I mean by it changes everything alrighty so thank you Terry is isn't that unbelievable I mean that kind of stuff is going to be so useful take a look on screen I'll just give you an example here take a look we've got our bride and groom right and uh let's just let's will it get rid of the groom and replace the wall and and the curtain yeah yeah I did I'll show you how we did it but I did it the same way I do all the rest you just select what you don't want there so it's great at adding stuff it's incredible at taking away stuff the reason is it imagines what's behind it and it adds it in so take a look here are the variations I could have had this variation I don't like that one because there's a little bit of weird stuff here and it extended this down too far look at variation number two it went all the way to the floor that's acceptable but number three actually kind of you can see it turning there and you've got the I just thought that was the best of the three so here's how we did it let's throw that away here's how we did it we uh took believe it or not they weren't married these are professional models they look pretty happy though okay let's take their lasso tool I'll make sure I back off a little so you can see the whole thing here we go we're going to go right in here remember you want to dig into your subject a little bit and say all right he's got to go because they broke up immediately after being married it was sad very sad just hit generative fill and then hit generate don't type in get rid of the groom or anything if you want it to go away don't do anything Pamela says can you start in the bridge yeah I've been opening all these from bridge so yeah you can start from the bridge oh come on now it doesn't want me to remove them all right that's just mean because it did it first time last time and now it's being more let's try a rectangle now let's move it over just a hair let's try that because sometimes I have found that just changing the selection seems to do the trick I hope it doesn't change your face because sometimes it will do that if you select someone's face it puts a new face in except for when it doesn't oh there we go so here what do we have we have him there we go gone but her face has changed look it changed part of her face all right let's try it this way let's make a selection of him and her but let's deselect her face let's deselect that part and now let's try it again and hopefully and this will be part of the learning curve of this is figuring out well we'll let you get away with what things will it let you do which selections work and this is something that you will just learn over time literally oh it put a different guy in now she's cheating this is not good let's see oh God she gets around this these are the groomsmen and they're very handsy okay I don't even know what to say this is part of the learning curve yeah it is all right I want to show you another one uh Stu says bye bye ex-boyfriends the ex-girlfriends and ex-spouses Linda says no freaking way all right over here so this is a shot I did on location um and uh I you can you can see the behind the scenes shoot over on my YouTube page but anyway so this is not the original shot this is an enhanced shot because the original shot was much smaller the original shot was just that just that is the original photo her head's cut off tent is cut off her legs are cut off that's the full original shot then I expanded down look how it expanded the chair and added legs and they look real come on then we went over here and I added the top and it added her hair in and look how realistic it is it looks right on the money and it generated that then I added this side now there was an issue when I added this side the tent's kind of funky and there's this line that happens sometimes which is why like a lot of the things that I will be teaching or how to clean up stuff like this so over here I removed that line I just cloned it out then what I did to finish this off was I copied this side over here and flipped it over to this side so that was a manual thing I did in Photoshop was to copy it flip it over there and then erase you know just mask add a layer mask and mask out that stuff but here's what that looked like I flipped it over and I rotated it so you could see the the actual file here I rotated it I cloned out stuff you know I needed to clone out so that's how we got to the final image but that's kind of being what where we're at honestly you can just type in words I mean type in words and you'll figure out which words work and which ones don't and when you see my class here at Kelby one I'll go into all that stuff we're gonna We got some crazy examples and stuff where we're doing Reflections and and water and cobblestone streets and just what ah it's just crazy it's all just crazy Paul says can you add some street art on the wall could you add some graffiti on the wall I I bet you probably could I haven't tried it but you know what do I still have that image handy let's go try it it was the taxi image well if I just got on my bridge here I can go to where's the taxi uh Taxi there it is all right let's get rid of the people on the wall scared of everything else all right and let's just choose a wall let's choose the same wall make it loose and we'll say g-r-a-f-f-i-t-i is that correct and by the way you can only at this point you can only type in English I'm sure they will expand it you know eventually to add other languages but right now it's English only and let's see what it does if it adds graffiti if I spelled it right maybe yeah boom look at that there's some more there's some more I like the first one and look at the spotlight do you notice that it it replaced the spotlight from the light above it look at the light I mean come on guys this is crazy so that answers Paul's questions okay we have one more video from Terry and we're gonna wrap up here shortly but I want you to catch this one so check out this this little video real quick let's go in and talk about changing an outfit completely let's hit select subject so that will select him we're going to invert that selection right here on the contextual taskbar invert that selection so now it's the background and now we're going to also use the contextual taskbar to expand the selection by that magical 20 pixels and that will cut in around the edge because what I want to do is replace this background first so we'll do generative fill we'll do um snow-covered covered Mountain one time it spelled Mountain wrong I got some really weird results so make sure your spelling's right nice nice snow-covered Mountain nice snow-covered Mountain not so all the background mountains or snow covers so they all count all right so I kind of like probably this first one the best but now he looks wrong he doesn't look like he should be wearing um a shirt like that so I'm just gonna make a new layer with the composite so far and we're just gonna go ahead and make that selection that I started with the lasso come all the way around here and this is the reason why I didn't use the object selection tool because I kind of want some of this neck selected as well so we'll do generative fill and we'll give him a ski jacket all right let's see what we get there all right now he's looking more like he's suited to be outside with the snow covered Mount and we can give them a hat and sunglasses but you get the idea so this is just a quick little Deep dive kind of on what general feel what generative fill is capable of in Photoshop with that said I want you to go ahead and download that public beta give it a shot unlimited use right now continue working with it playing with it with your own images seeing what you can push the boundaries of like I did with moving that guy in the middle and I want you to have fun wow thank you Terry it's just incredible the stuff that you can do take a look on the image on screen here all right that is not our original image that's not the one I shot in the studio she was wearing this that day I just selected the shirt and said change blouse is what I wrote and look at that one and it gave me different variations that variation this variation that variation with a little scarf for Rooney yeah crazy all right so that's you're getting the tip of the iceberg I I encourage you we're about to release this class on all the new stuff because there are four more features I'm going to talk about really really briefly that are coming up that have been released today by Adobe so you can go download it but those features are in your regular Photoshop there's four features uh one of them you've already learned about that taskbar that is so incredibly handy you're gonna love it way more than you think you will that's number one but there's three other features this other one this re this generative this creative General thing generative fill thank you is only in the beta they're still working on it I mean we saw a couple times he did some funky stuff they're still working on it but it's just going to get better and better and better so that's really that's pretty amazing right there um let's go over the other features and we'll wrap things up uh and let's see amazing for Christmas season backgrounds this will be a game changer says Mary absolutely Doug says can I add Scott Kelby sure go grab a picture of me pop it right in but you don't need this for that you just you know uh Nelson says downloaded it John Duke says National Enquirer is going to have a field day with this yeah it's just going to make it easier to do the stuff they're already doing okay let's talk about the four new features number one you already learned about the taskbar number two is an amazing tool they already released it in beta now it's part of Photoshop and it is the object room what's it called here it is called the remove tool just simply the remove tool here you got a cute doggo you got a dog there you got to do and I want to remove the fence in front of them all you do is this uh there is a there's a feature called remove after each stroke so if I did a stroke it would remove it but I recommend turning that off so you can when it's something like this you can just paint and paint and take your uh your your uh finger off the mouse and just paint over what you want so I'm gonna just I'm not going to do every bit of this but you'll get the idea and got you got a little defense over the dog we gotta get the dog out of here let's get this here go right there down this way this is enough when you get to the end of it there's one more get that just hit that check box wait a few seconds and you got that dog there's a little spot missing right there so you would just switch to well you only have to switch warrant and hit okay done that didn't do the greatest job let's do it again all right there you go so it's a very very very smarter than it's way better than the healing brush better than content aware and all it is using AI so it is the other tools use part of the image this one says I know what a dog looks like I know what this dog probably looks like I'm going to analyze it and I know it's back there so it's for removing stuff and it works phenomenally well so it is a whole nother uh done uh Paul says is this stream recorded so I can show my wife later this is recorded well first off it's on my Facebook page just live right there so you can go watch this anytime just go to my Facebook page slash S Kelby so it looks like scaleby s-k-e-l-b-y and it's sitting right there you can re-watch it now all right there's that that's feature number two and that that's going to be the new go-to tool instead of the healing brush and the rest of them number three is there are live gradients so let's go back to our studio portrait here right let's throw that other layer away and let's just go select subject and uh we'll do that and then let's hit the inverse button down here so it's on the background so well actually let's just put her up on our own layer so we have just her on her own layer like that so now we can use this new live gradient tool so you've always been able to make gradients in Photoshop right you drag it it makes a gradient but your gradient's stuck there like it's stuck you can't re-edit it you can delete it but it's stuck not anymore now you can just go grab a gradient like this drag it back there and uh it's completely re-editable so I've dragged it I've let go but you can move it why won't my why won't why won't my Cur there we go you can move it you can change it oh my I don't know what's going on my mouse my mouse is sticking it's not Photoshop it's my my trackpad is like not working I don't know oh everything's lagging I don't know what's going on here but anyway you can see what it does you can double click on any stop and bring up and choose a different color and it's live like while you're doing it which is like if you use gradients this is mind-blowing like whoa so that's what it is it's completely live you can edit it you can add points you can do whatever you can change the type of gradient you can go up here and change it to different types of gradients and you can usually move it except for right now I don't know what's going on that just happens when you do demos things happen like that it's crazy um what is the other one we got the remove we got oh this next one's pretty cool we use the same photo too let me undo all this stuff I probably need to quit Photoshop and restart it would probably fix this but anyway here's what it is very cool thing there is a new thing called adjustment presets they live over here in this adjustments panel and what's neat about them is you could say well Scott don't we already have presets like in camera on stuff yeah we do but you could go in here and like we'll go to portraits and you can choose you know this warmer one this warmer one choose whatever you want but did you notice when you click on it it populates your layers panel with all of the the adjustments it needed to make that look so you can turn on or off or edit or mask any individual one of these so it's not just a preset that's stuck there it populates your layers palette with all of the adjustments it took to make that look so they're completely super editable undoable maskable and everything else after the fact and that's pretty cool so those are the new things and those are all good they're all moving Photoshop forward they're all great the remove tool is amazing but that generative fill it hurts my head all right Stu says this can help when you need to make a change and it would cost a fortune to get the model back and reshoot yeah this will be great for removing power lines absolutely Jay says thanks for this what a great way to start the day you're very welcome Nelson says looking forward to the class Paul says already downloaded it can't wait to play with it I hope you do the same give it a shot see what you think don't forget you can run the beta and the regular version concurrently but what's going to happen is the bait is very stable and I've just been working in the beta just you know it's I will tell you this I want to warn you about one thing and then we'll go this will suck hours out of your day you'll think I'll just try it and you can't stop because it the what you can do you'll start typing in until I've done it for hours on end you don't even realize how fast the time goes by because you're you're seeing miracles happen in front of you so congratulations to Adobe on being able to engineer something like this and that the beta version is so good and so usable uh it's it's really just I I knew stuff like this was coming I just thought it would be five and ten years from now before we could just say add this remove that expand that fix this and it just does it add a reflection make the water make uh put water on a cobblestone street make it look wet all those things that we had to do all these things for now it's just typing it's going to change the world it's going to change the world of Photoshop certainly the world of Photography the world of post-processing and editing and we've only just begun so let's embrace the change because we don't have another choice thank you very much everybody thanks to all our Kelby one members thanks to my crew here thanks to all of our sponsors and uh tomorrow on the grid Wednesday at 1 pm we will be Wednesday May 24th at 1 pm we'll be discussing this we'll be showing more examples we'll be taking your comments we're giving away a bunch of stuff should be fun you can go watch it on my Facebook page on YouTube on the Kelby one wherever you watch it's the greatest weekly photography talk show with myself and Mr kuna who is winging his way back from gallivanting out west at a nighttime photography conference where he had a ball we will see you guys hopefully tomorrow at one o'clock thanks very much take care [Music] foreign
Channel: KelbyOne
Views: 88,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 63xd7qu83FU
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Length: 77min 57sec (4677 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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