How To Upload Mario Characters Into VRCHAT [BLENDER - UNITY]

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hello everyone and welcome back to another tutorial for vr chat now for this tutorial i'm gonna go ahead and showcase how you can grab a model from deviantart or model resource uh put it into blender and then from there to unity and then from unity export that into your vr chat so now the first thing that you're going to need to do is go into uh go ahead and click on downloads and download the sdk too because you're going to need that in order to link unity into vrchat so that you can upload and have uh upload your avatar to vr chat and also have filters for your textures uh i am going to go ahead and download i'm going to use a deviantart just because deviantart worked best for me uh for full body i i never really have luck with full body using model resources just because sometimes the model can be broken at times but other than that i don't really ever have a problem with demon art models so in this tutorial i'm going to go ahead and do this mario we're going to go ahead and download the uh the file for i believe this is yeah this is a super mario party model of mario we're gonna go ahead and open our documents go ahead and click on downloads uh let me delete this uh let's go ahead and rename it to super mario party mario then you're going to export that sorry extract that um then we have uh blender open i'm gonna go ahead and delete that um now you're going to need cats or mmd or xps i'm gonna go ahead and leave the tutorial uh video of that in the description below on how you can uh add these into your blender because you're going to need them now i'm going to go ahead and choose cats because cats are um they fix the model uh better than the mmd uh so we're going to go ahead and click on the import model and then go ahead and go to downloads click on this file we got the mpmx file there let's go ahead and grab it and we're going to make sure that the model is fine from here so we're going to go ahead and click fix model the whole software should do it just for us as soon as it fixes it it will add some colors into it after a while you see that it's adding color little by little all right so that's good we are going to go here into model options i like to separate my material i like to separate the bone space on the material so just so that i can add the texture one by one and work on them individually and then right here we're going to translate everything just in case some of the models have uh either chinese or japanese texts and obviously i can't really read that so i'll just translate everything else to english you know do it by itself uh and that's pretty much all i do there's more that you can do in blender that you can edit your your models add stuff to it but i prefer to do that in unity or just don't do it at all because i just i'm just pretty much just basic i just want to use this avatar and that's it now uh okay everything should be fine we're gonna go ahead and export this uh export the model i'm gonna go ahead and go into my unity um file we're gonna call it smp so for super mario party mario fbx is going to export that into an fbx file now we're gonna go ahead and open up unity and we are going to create a new project called smp mario go ahead and create that and i'll go ahead and skip to the part where everything is already downloaded all right once you got that open you're going to want to go ahead and go into the vr chat uh website and go ahead and download this sdk on the download section uh go ahead and download this sdk2 file and you should be able to open it up uh where is it just double click on it open it up and it should open up uh here on unity by itself and just click on import it's going to import a whole bunch of package and features that you can use for the model all right now once you've got okay now once you got that uh downloaded we are going to want to go ahead and drag the model that we just took from blender and put that in here and then also the file that we downloaded from deviantart we're going to want to drag that into here so now that we got both of these uh first thing before we start working on our models we're going to click on the model itself go ahead and on the rig section change that to humanoid in order so we can use it for full body i'm going to configure some stuff just to make sure that everything is in there now for the head i'm always removing the mouth or the jawbone just because i don't really want the mouth to move but that's just my preference the neck is missing and the neck is pretty much a required bone that you need thankfully it's right here uh let's see we got the spine to chest shoulder arm elbow wrists right shoulder arm elbow wrist leg knee ankle toe left knee okay all right so everything seems to be fine um this should be way uh this should be good to go for a vr chat um and as you can see we had colors added here let's go ahead and import our model here switch it to zero i want to center it right there in the middle uh whoa you guys are kind of freaking me out all right uh we're gonna go ahead and type the descriptor we're gonna add the descriptor is a male model so uh we see that mario is going to be a little bit tiny and you know obviously that's normal because mario is a small man uh but i do want him to be just a bit bigger so we're going to resize them maybe two two actually maybe two 1.5 1.5 should be good 1.5 1.5 all right so now this little ball right here is the camera which is what you're going to be looking at is pretty much your eyes when you're in vr chat so we want the camera to be out okay and we need it well we need it to be a little bit more 45. uh it's a little bit too far okay this should be fine if anything we're just going to test it out when we go in game so uh everything should be fine i don't really add any other custom you can add some custom emotes and or you know little dances or funny things uh to him but i'm not really gonna go over that i'll probably go over that in another tutorial um but i think this is fine now so the next thing you need to do uh i'll click on the material actually right here textures okay so all of these let's go ahead create material we're going to use the vr chat filter to lit and ctrl d as many times as you want and start finding the oh well that was easy okay yeah that was really easy i don't even think i needed to uh duplicate duplicate the uh this whole thing for no reason okay uh okay so the next is going to be the eyes might be a little bit difficult uh okay yeah alright the eyes are gonna be a huge problem all right so i'm gonna go ahead i was not planning on this to happen but i'm just going to let's uh i'm going to teach you something so we're going to right click on this texture we're going to open it and we are going to save we're going to save us and we are going to do some editing skills uh okay we're gonna do that uh it's not the first time that this happened i've actually done this quite multiple times we're gonna do the eyes as well because we're going to render it and we're going to apply that oh it's already rendered okay so that's perfect actually we're going to save that as go into a editing picture website that i like to go to it's called we're gonna go ahead and go here open up i recently did this with peach and another mario avatar that i was working on but didn't end up working so we're gonna try it with this so we can open this image we see that in the model we are using the i'm guessing the blinking one i guess which is this one right here so going to add another picture we're going to add the same picture all right but we are going to so what we're going to do is since this is our original picture this is our original image we're going to take the copy and we're going to move it just about the same right here so that it will match make sure the eyes meet up hopefully everything is a good match all right we're gonna do that all right and then we are going to add another picture and we're gonna do the eyes the eyes we're gonna move it just about oops just about here and we are going to resize it all right so we're going to leave it like that and i think that should be fine so let's go ahead and save this hopefully it works the eyes might look a bit off that's the only downside but this is i just want this to be a quick tutorial not all mario um not all of the uh not all of the mario uh avatar is going to cause problem like this hopefully not uh and there you go the here is our picture the eyes does look a bit weird um yeah okay but i guess this is what we are going to have to work with um and he should be he should be ready to go uh we're gonna go ahead and log into your account and don't worry about this just click on auto fix and it should fix by itself here you can just feel free to google a nice rendered picture of mario i guess maybe i guess maybe this one this one's not that bad you can do this uh then grab the image you just downloaded drag it onto here change this from default into a sprite apply you're going to see why i'm doing this this is going to be the thumbnail for your avatar maybe change it to 0.5 all right the smaller the better that's fine [Music] okay that's not perfectly straight but uh okay now that's perfectly straight okay so that's gonna be it uh we are going to upload this also before i forget please also whenever you're doing this uh make sure you always give credit to the uh to the person who uploaded the model because working with these models are a pain in the bra and so um thank you uh and me girl sorry sorry if i'm mispronouncing that um but okay so you see this weird uh thumbnail that we have with mario with this weird eye hopefully i'll get to fix this one in the future but this is not a model that i'm really gonna use i'm just using this model for a tutorial we're gonna do this okay and yeah that's gonna be the picture is that we're gonna see uh mario party i guess and then we can just upload it and there you go um i'm gonna go ahead and showcase a few of the other models that i've been working on so here's that [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Views: 33,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #junior'sodyssey, #supermario, #nitnendoswitchonline, unityvrchat, howtomodelunityvrhcat, blendervrchat, marioblender, marioinvrchat, supermariovr, supermariovrchat, peachvrchat, princesspeachvrchat, howtouseblender, howtouseunity, howtovrchat, howtouploadmariocharactersinvrchat, unityanimation, blenderanimations, blendermodel, unitymodel
Id: QG-6dDMYt5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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