VRCHAT BEGINNERS GUIDE (Introduction for New Players!)

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you want to learn more about vr chat features hidden tricks that can help new players and veterans alike then never fear fiat is here to guide you through the menus safety settings camera options and everything else you could possibly need for recording and playing the game to maximum enjoyment [Music] i'm going to divide this video up into timestamp sections i'll start with the absolute basics and then work all the way up to features that i wish i knew when i began playing and streaming in vr chat so if you're trying to figure out how vrchat works or maybe you have a friend that you want to introduce to the game well show them this video because it'll help out big time and learning how the game works so they cannot be confused as heck when they try to join you i'm also adding a separate section for quest users at the end so if you're planning to join on quest you'll want to stick around at the end of this video since there are some major changes so the first thing i want to talk about is worlds there's different types of world instances so if we open the worlds tab and we pick out a world that we want to go to like the black cat a very popular one well we can see a bunch of different things on the menu you can add it as a favorite you can make it your homeworld that you spawn into or you can make an instance of the world of course so we're going to do new instance and then there's a few options that you can choose from down here you have your region you can pick us eu or japan public worlds mean that literally anybody on this game can join the world friends means that only people who are friends with you can join friends plus means just that your friends can invite their friends invite plus means that people can't just automatically join the world they have to be invited to the world so even if someone has a social status that allows anybody to join them they can't do so unless the person requests the invite in my only means literally only you can invite people if you created the world only that person can invite people so let's say you want to do a friends plus world we can go ahead and open that and then you're gonna see up here in the new instance it says fia bunny now you can either go ahead and join the world or if you want your friends to be able to access it as well you can drop a portal now this portal in front of you is gonna make it so that anybody who walks into it will go into the world so let's go ahead and check it out now you know how to create worlds so let's figure out how we can add friends so let's open up our social menu and you're gonna see a few different options here right here is your friends list your friends requests and then also a list of anybody who is in the world and since that you are so let's say your friend invited you to vr chat and they asked you to friend them well you can come to search here and if your friend's name is i don't know poop you can search for poop here and you can go ahead and friend them and then they will get a friend request in the same social tab as before right here and they can accept it if you want to add somebody as a friend who's in the same room as you you can do that by accessing the player menu you're going to go over the player menu in depth so skip to here if you want to see how to do that now your status dictates how people can access you blue status has joined me which means that anybody can join without sending a request now this only works in worlds that are accessible to you so a public world or if you're friends with somebody in a world green status is very similar it shows the world that you're in to your friends and if it's accessible to them they can just join you now orange is ask me so it hides your location even if you're in a public world but you see join requests still so anybody on your friends list can request to join your world do not disturb doesn't let your friends request to join you it also hides your location this also means that if you want to join someone else it also will not go through if you want to do a custom status you can type in whatever you want it to be and press ok and then it will show up to everybody right there you can also edit your profile if you want that's pretty cool too now just to show you how requesting an invite actually works i can pick one of my friends here and you will see over on this side i could either invite them to the world that i'm in right now or i can request for them to send me an invite oh and that's one of the requests right now if i open my menu i'm gonna see it right up here at the top i can click on it and join their world all your notifications will show up right here above the menu by your username but you can also hit this notification bell to see anything you might have missed now let's go ahead to our avatars tab and there's a lot of things that people don't even realize when they first start playing the game and don't learn until way later on obviously things are pretty basic i can switch into an avatar and change into it i can favorite an avatar so that it shows up on my feed but then down here we're gonna see our avatar stats and this is very very important especially if you try to join events if you're someone who's getting invited to a vr chat club of it then most likely they have rules on avatar performance what this basically means is that there's certain avatars that are super laggy because of all the stuff that people have added to them there's also avatars that are super optimized and they run super fast and don't cause any issues for other players so let's check out the avatar stats as you can see this little circle is red which means this is a poor avatar a lot of clubs will say no poor avatars allowed or very poor avatars which is even worse you can check all the specifics of the avatar but unless you're into avatar creation already it might be a little overwhelming so just don't even worry about it and look at the colors now for something like my low polyfia model if i go to avatar stats you can see that it is excellent if it's green it's all good to go and will run pretty well on most people's computers there's also another thing about avatars that works for optimization as well so if you are laggy you can always turn off something called dynamic bones dynamic bones is basically anything that moves in your vr avatar for me that's my hair right now but someone might have a tail or a flowy skirt it's all relative although it looks pretty cool we're gonna turn it off by going to the safety settings and finding performance options we're gonna go over all these safety settings in depth but let's start up here if you go here you're going to see there is a dynamic bone tab you can limit the dynamic bone usage and make it so that nobody's avatars have any moving parts which can save your computer a lot of power so if you click on that and okay it will update if your computer really doesn't handle laggy avatars very well you can come to your avatar performance and block them so if you want the minimum to be medium perhaps because your computer is maybe garbage or whatever you can press ok and then it'll block any avatars that have anything less than medium now something very important that we need to talk about is safety settings if you plan on going into events or public worlds this is gonna save you a lot of lag and a lot of trouble you can see here that we have different quote-unquote shield settings so if you have nothing turned off you can literally see every part of somebody's avatar including hearing their voice and seeing their avatar normal safety settings turn off a lot of problematic things that can be found in crashing avatars so some people make an account just to mess with people and usually those are going to be visitors or new user accounts turning off certain avatar features will greatly reduce the chance of getting crashed personally i use the custom setting for me i never show visitors avatars i'm worried that a lot of those people might be crashers i can turn them on myself at this time stamp when i go over the player menu now i have avatar stuff turned on for most other people typically but if you are going to a club event and you want to reduce the lag on your computer you might want to have avatars only turned on for friends on trusted user known user user and new user you might just want to turn off avatars completely and then when you're talking to someone and want to see their avatar you can just turn them on individually that way you're not getting lagged by having 80 people in the same room now we gotta talk about vr chat plus let's go into our menu here and you're gonna see vrc plus up here the little yellow icon and on this screen you're gonna see everything that comes with it it is ten dollars a month or a hundred dollars a year you get to add icons to your account along with your username you get a hundred favorited avatars and then a couple other things that are really cool you might not get a whole lot for vrchat plus but vr chat is a free game so if you find yourself playing it a lot it's a great way to support the development so that they can improve things so let's go to settings i'm just going to go over the basic stuff you might want to know first off is personal space when you have personal space turned on it means somebody's avatar disappears when they get too close to you if you have hollow port turned on that means you're going to be doing teleportation walking just like this you're going to see your avatar in this weird third person mode so if you prefer to have just the plain walking around feature then we can go to our settings and turn off the holo part you can manage all your audio volume here so in this world since i don't want to have music in the background while i'm talking i just turned that all the way down to zero there's a lot to go through so make sure you take some time to experiment for yourself but there's one thing you need to know if you go to your advanced settings you're gonna see all the downloaded content on your computer if you have a ton of worlds downloaded it's gonna take up so much space on your computer and when it gets really high it always lags me to hell so you can just clear your downloaded content cache and that will delete it all you'll have to re-download worlds next time you go into them but it'll clear all this off next time you open the game and keep your computer nice and clean now i know a lot of you people want to learn how to stream vr chat or record it so you can make videos like i am right now so let's open up the camera i'm going to go to camera here and there's a few different options when you're doing first person mode like i am you want to make sure you have steadicam view on it's going to smooth out that motion and not be so shocking for the people watching the photo camera obviously takes photos but the stream camera is what you use to send the camera footage to your computer so that you can record it the buttons are the same on both cameras so i'm just gonna go through the photo camera to show you what everything is hello i can see myself now isn't that lovely so let's go through everything on here starting with the upper right you have cycle movement space so right now the camera just sits wherever i put it and stays there but now if i set my camera down and go ahead and do the next option it's gonna make it so that when i move around my camera stays in that exact same spot and follows me now what i use a lot of the time when i'm filming videos is this last global option where no matter where i move the camera stays in the exact same spot and you can see that here is the camera lens and then you can carry this part around with you to always see at any given time what's on the screen now movement behavior is just following you normally just wherever it is pointing to the next movement just smooths everything out so kind of like how i showed you the steadicam a little while ago that does something similar and finally you have the eyes so that wherever your head is the camera will follow with pins you can set up different camera positions and settings for each one so that you can switch between them you can add some cool filters so for me i like to do the alphas when i'm taking pictures for thumbnails i can do it this way so that i have no background and it just puts a nice little png on the screen for me this little lock sign means that i can't grab my camera anymore it does not move around with me normally i can grab it but now it is completely stale so to turn that off we'll unlock it now and then of course we have our timer so if i want to take a cute selfie with all my friends and now i have a photo that's going to be on my computer if you go into wherever your photos are saved there should automatically be a vr chat folder if you're using the steam version now let's talk about the player menu if you open up your menu like normal point at somebody in the room this bubble is gonna appear around them i can click on it and then you have some different options here i can of course send them a friend request i can mute them if they are being annoying or creepy and you can block them to remove them completely if somebody's avatar is lagging you you can just hide it and then it's gonna go away and you can't see it anymore it's gonna be a robot if you click on show avatar it'll bring it right back you can change their volume here and of course show their avatar stats to see what their performance is if you open your menu while you're standing in front of someone you can see if the request user what rank there are in their avatar performance along as their status you can see this person here is a very poor avatar and they're on a quest and i don't even know what these people are doing but i'm just not going to worry about it that person's a known user that's surprising this person's a regular user there's lots to see and do in these worlds especially black cat i don't recommend going here on your first time in the game but that's besides the point now let's talk about quest users if you're using a quest and you aren't connected to your pc then there's limited things of what you're able to do in the game so if we open the menu and come to worlds we can check whether or not the world can actually be loaded in your quest version of the game by taking a look and seeing these little circles up here if it is blue it means it only runs in pc if it is green it means it only runs on quest but if it has both then that means that any version of your chat works now in avatars it works exactly the same way as you can see i have a version of my retrofia model that is pc only with specific shaders and you know all that fancy stuff i'm not going to get into and then i have a more optimized version of my model that i may just request if you're on pc and you're using a pc only avatar it will show up as a robot to quest users so if you want you can choose a backup model so that you aren't just a robot to people and at least have some kind of personality once you play the game for a little bit i know that you're probably thinking how do i upload my own avatar so basically vr chat uses a software called unity you can use this program to create avatars and create worlds and then you download an sdk where you can actually upload that content to vr i have a bunch of tutorials on how you can make your own avatar for cheap easy and free so make sure you check those out if you're interested but keep in mind that you do have to play the game for a certain amount of time before you can even upload content at all when you're still visitor rank you can't upload content and another thing you need to know is you have to be using a vr chat account you can't be using a steam account to know whether or not you're using a steam or vr chat account you can check by going into your social tab and come up here so let's search for something basic like poop again and you're going to see aha here is a steam user and if you want to know how i can tell is that they have these four characters after their name steam automatically just assigns you some random characters and everybody can tell that you're using a steam account so if you want your name to just be regular and you can upload content to vr chat then make sure you go to the website create a yard chat account and then link your two counts so that everything transfers over look vr chat can be a little overwhelming if you only go to public worlds you're probably going to hear people screaming the n-word or kids screaming but i promise you that there is so much more to the game than that there's an entire living breathing culture if you want to get more connected in events and things that go on well here are some accounts that i recommend following on twitter i hope this video was helpful to you there's still some specific things that i didn't go into but i tried to cover everything that i wish people just could have told me when i first started playing make sure you like this video so that you can show it to your friends later when they try to join vr chat and subscribe to the via channel because i make stuff on vr chat all the time anyways thanks so much for watching i've been your host fia and i'll see you in the next video bye special thanks to this month's patreon members in virtual vips do tech clue clay mr cheerio scoremaller
Channel: The Virtual Reality Show
Views: 755,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vrchat guide, beginners guide to vrchat, how to play vrchat, how to make a vrchat avatar, how to make a world, how to join a world, vrchat, virtual reality, vr, how to stream vrchat, how to take photos in vrchat, how to friend people in vrchat, how to add friends, how to block someone, safety settings, desktop vrchat, vrchat quest, quest in vrchat, vrchat events, block, mute, phiabunny, vroid, how to stop teleporting, stop lagging, reduce lag, vrchat funny moments, vrchat funny
Id: WtENuEbqUXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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