Vroid to VRchat Tutorial (PC 3.0 Avatars & Leg Fix Easy)

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[Music] hi and welcome to my channel art event in today's tutorial I'm going to show you how to get a v-ray model into VR chat specifically for PC and I will show you how to do the Lake Crossing fix with no blender and how to implement this bones as added bonus I will be teaching this tutorial as if you were somewhat a beginner while mirroring my last tutorial and the reason why is because I want to make sure people who are watching my last tutorial on how to make your v-word model work for a VR chat request I want to make sure that you guys can make it PC and Quest compatible now before we dive into anything there is quite a few um downloads and stuff that you need to do so first off you will need to make a VR chat account and either download it on either steam or the quest app and play VR chat for a good amount of time and once you you make an account and play for some time you will be able to log on to vrchat.com and then go to this downloads Tab and then you will be able to have these downloads available what you want to do is download the sdk3 for avatars go ahead and download that and then once you download that you will also need v-rid studio so go to vroid.com and then go ahead and click download for the Alpha version if you want the beta version I believe you go all the way down again there's the uh past versions right here you can download the beta version and there's all these release history version of the past okay so the next thing you will need to do is to download the current version of unity 2019.4.31 F1 go ahead and download that if you have multiple versions of unity go ahead and download Unity Hub I actually recommend that you um go ahead and download Unity Hub anyways because it makes managing Unity version is a lot easier and it will make it a lot easier for you if you're using the old version of unity that is okay if you're using old version of v-ray that is also okay no matter which versions of those programs you're using it will be okay the next thing you will need to do is to go to Google poyomi shaders and find it on GitHub and you will need to download this for your PC version of your model you will need those and you will need to go and either on the assetstore.unand.com or within the asset store built into Unity program and download Dynamic bones I know some of you are aware that um VR chat just did an update from Dynamic bones to fizbones don't worry about it go ahead and download this anyways you're going to use this um to convert those into Fizz Bones the next thing you will need to do is to go to booth.pm once you're here make an account and then look up vrm converter for vrchat go ahead and download this this is good it's what's going to make it possible to import your v-raid model into unity and be set up for VR chat and the next thing you will also need from Booth is this VRC bone fix so if you were watching my last tutorial I mentioned something about the Lakes Crossing and this is um notorious and Infamous for void models so long story short the old way of fixing this was to bring your model into blender and then do some things and then fix it that way however this bypasses that it makes a whole lot simpler and I have to give a shout out to a night owl fiend for pointing this out I don't think anybody that I have seen at all or any tutorials has actually ever talked about this or even pointed this out but I just want to give a shout out to night all fiend for actually pointing out to me so once you have those downloaded I have two separate folders from my quest and my PC uh the reason why the long story short is um when you import your material materials and textures and you're trying to make it PC and Quest compatible do not put it in one Unity project long story short is things will get messy so go ahead and make yourself a PC folder and this is just the way I set it up um I have my Unity project right here my Unity assets right here and then I just have my my vroid uh stuff right here or my void model so once you have everything downloaded um go ahead and open up v-roid so this is the Alpha version of v-ride go ahead and create a new um character or Avatar um I'm going to be using one of my old ones the one from my last tutorial there might be some uh presets for you to use too so go ahead and click any of those now once it's opened up you can stylize your character however you want this tutorial is not going to go into styling your character or showing you how to do stuff within vroid I'm just trying to show you how to get your model into VR chat so you can go YouTube on how to stylize your character once you've done that and finished stylizing it you can come back to this part in the video so once your character is done and stylized you can go over here to this little arrow click it and then click export as vrm it will take a second so just bear with me okay once it's opened up like that click export title it put your name as the Creator or whatever you want go ahead and click export now I have a folder on my desktop called PC I just navigate to that and I have three separate folders one for my Unity project one for my Unity plugins and assets and then I have a folder for my vroid file so I save it in there I've already saved a version of it in here you can go ahead and save it um I'm gonna click cancel because I already have it there so if you're using the beta version instead of the alpha it's going to be fairly similar I'm going to be clicking the uh Avatar that I had used from my last tutorial just to keep things consistent um you might have samples here or you might have some passwords here you can go ahead and click whatever you want or create new this will take a second okay so once it's opened up and you stylize your character however you want go to camera exporter and then over here click export and then you're gonna do the similar thing you did in the Alpha version um just name it author whatever you want and then click OK and then save it and the location that you uh want to save it to or that you have your project in I'm not going to save it because I already have a version of it so just keep in mind this is just showing you um how to do both ways for the alpha and beta version of vroid I'm gonna hit cancel one thing I forgot to mention is if you are in the Alpha version or the beta version of void you're going to make sure you go to um hairstyle and click any one of these and then click on your hair and and click edit hair bounce and just Auto generate bone group this is going to give physics to your um Dynamic bone slash fizbones in VR chat so to do that with the beta version same thing just um hair editor bones and then create bone groups or generate bone groups and you should be you should be fine okay now if you are here and you're a beginner you can skip this part and move on to the unity portion of the tutorial now those who are already watched my quest tutorial and want to make their models quest in PC compatible don't skip this part um let me recap and reiterate so in the quest tutorial I had to edit some textures for your model to work for Quest due to transparency issues what you're going to need to do is to undo those fixes so everyone else that has no idea what I'm talking about you can skip to the Unity part so for everyone else what you're going to do is go to face editor texture and if you recall I had you fix the eyeline eyelashes eyebrows irises highlight and Skin So the first thing you're going to do for those who are watching from my quest tutorial go to skin and what you're going to do is you're going to go on layer and I'm going to zoom in so you can see what I'm talking about with all the textures were on the face I recall and you recall um and then we put it on layer so what you're going to do is toggle visibility it goes away and then re-toggle the original default your original skin is back then you have to undo that for the rest of these so I am just going to go ahead and quickly do that make sure you do the white of the eye too okay so once you toggle those off just one thing I want to make sure is when you do this make sure you are clicked on the um the item that you are toggling on or off for visibility or else it won't go away or it won't show up on the actual model anyways once you have done that you can just go ahead and Export as you would and then move on to the unity portion of the video so first thing you're going to do is open up Unity Hub and what you're going to do is you're going to make sure you're using the current version of unity if you have the old version that is okay too um this tutorial will still work for either more but I recommend using the newer version I have already have a project set up so I'm just going to go ahead and um click on that um you're just going to hit new and then you're going to um name the project and then pick your location by clicking on these dots okay so go ahead and do that and then click create Unity will take a second for it to open up so just bear with the time okay so once your project is opened up you need to go to your Unity assets are all the stuff that had you download and one by one you're going to click and drag and um import your assets into the folder so I'm going to click on the current version of the SDK I'm going to click and drag that in a little dialog box like this will open up you just click import it may take um some time before it completely Imports but you're just gonna have to bear with that it will just keep doing the same thing for the rest of the um assets and one last thing is make sure when you're clicking your assets you're clicking and dragging into the assets area of your project tab um otherwise it won't it won't import correctly now you know is if a dialog box like this opens up okay so now that everything is imported except for your actual model before you import that you want to make sure you go over to file build settings then make sure your platform is set to PC now if you're confused on why it's not Android Android is request PC is for PC Quest is Android PC is PC so make sure you are checked on PC how you know is there's this little box here um just go ahead and make sure it's on that if it is not click it to the right one and then there should be like an option down here if it's not to switch platforms like this it'll say like something like that but make sure it's on PC okie dokie click out of that you can technically switch the um platform or build settings when you're physically actually uploading your model but I do not recommend that I recommend just going to file and build settings okay so now everything is imported and you change build settings what you want to do is go to vrm right here and then import you will find your vrm file of your model which was for me it is on my desktop in a folder under keyboard there it is open it will ask you to save a prefab go ahead and call it whatever you want and then save it'll take a second what it's going to do is going to organize everything material wise and what you're going to do after it does that you're going to go ahead and click this right here your um your model then you're going to go back up here to um vrm and then you're going to scroll down until you find duplicate and convert for VR chat click that everything should be fine go ahead and click duplicate and convert it's going to convert everything for VR chat it's going to open up this box go ahead and um save and it should take a second or two click ok now your model should pop up in the scene in the hierarchy right here all right so just Quick Navigation middle Mouse you can scroll in and out if you hit alt in Middle Mouse you can grab up and down right click you can look around alt and left click you can orbit around and that's pretty much it if you go here in a hierarchy you can click the little arrow button it opens it up you can click on the Avi or your avatar and is optional but um if you want to change the scale all you have to do is just go over here scale and then let's say if you want to click I don't know point nine point nine um you want it like shorter just make sure you hit whatever size you want hit Tab and that make sure it's the consistent size 0.9 tab 0.9 so the same size all the way across and if you do that make sure you come down here to descriptor and you just click edit and it's basically like a little ball you just basically want to set it to where the eyes are you know and that's going to be where you look um so you do that if you change the size of your avatar this is not mandatory it's just optional you know if you want to set your avatar to however however you want I am going to undo that so the only thing you would have to really do everything should be set for you um is to go to gestures click that and then click over here and then just look for the one that says gesture Droid bone fix that's it you fix the legs you fix the thumbs that's it simple you don't have to do blender to fix the legs you're done so after you fix the the bone fix the next thing you want to do is go to the body and you can see all your um materials there you want to fix the shaders in your project just go to your materials folder it should pop up right here when you click on it click this or any Shader and then shift click everything you want to change it from vrm mt2 or M2 you want to change it to the poyomi one make sure you hit pliomi and then you're just going to make sure everything is set to cut out and your avatar should change slightly a little bit not too much but it should be A-Okay and then you're pretty much ready to go now the reason why I have changed your shaders is because Quest uses specific ones PC uses uh specific ones as well okay so after you've done the bone fix adjusted the shaders and changed your height if you did that um what you're gonna do is go to VR chat SDK show control panel and then you're gonna go ahead and click on the count and then log into your um VR chat account um I will come back to you when I'm logged on okay so once this opens up go ahead and click Builder so there's one right here that says Avatar uses depreciated Dynamic bones upgrade to Fizz bones to guarantee you future compatibility go ahead and click autofix and then proceed and then boom it's you know it just did a vast generic job of doing the Fizz bones um you can always go in to your Fizz bones and um are adjusted accordingly before I have you upload your model I forgot to mention you want to go to content manager and you just want to go you just want to go and find the model that you were working on Quest copy ID and then go over here to the um inspector while you're clicked on your model clicked on this inspector and then make sure the um you're down to pipeline manager script or AKA via blueprint um I've already attached it um you just want to click copy it shows up like this just go ahead and um Ctrl V that and then attach and it's just going to go to the same model that you have your quest version in that separate project okay simple once you have that done you can go to Builder and just make sure you hit build and publish it's going to take a second so just bear with me okay so once your project shows up like this you're going to go ahead and name your model put the description um add any warnings um either click sharing or private depending what you want and then click click this box down here and then click upload um if you want to adjust your your um image um you're on game all you have to do is go to scene do not unclick this and scene you can scroll out there's a little camera right here you click that this is the view you can adjust this using these to go like zoom in up and down however you want um just do not unclick this you can see the picture right there or you can just upload but um that's how you adjust that anywho you're just going to click upload and that is it I'll probably show you some gameplay of the um the bone fix um and I'll see how that goes okay so now that I'm in VR um for PC I'm going to go ahead and click my menu go to avatars go to my creations and then click on the Avatar that I've been working on for this tutorial and the last tutorial which is this one here click on it change into avatars and voila um here's my avatar as you can see it's got the physics on the hair and it looks pretty good now if I do say so myself tattoos come in pretty clear oh and one thing is the leg fix so I'm gonna go in my uh Stan sit position so I can show you and look at that no late Crossing whatsoever you didn't have to do no blender no nothing you just did the simple fix that I showed you to do um and voila you don't you don't have to do anything and I'm gonna show you some stuff details on the Avatar so as you can see the overall performance is medium it's 29 000 uh polygons which is pretty good over the 70 000 limit overall it's pretty good the reason why the polygon count is so low is because the only real clothing is the shoes all of this here it's actually just textures on top of the um the body skin so that's one way to optimize your avatar and just as a sneak peek I I'm gonna show you my other Avatar so so as a sneak peek this is one of the avatars I worked on and made with v-roid uh this one I did something a little custom I added wings I drew these myself and I put them into your chat myself and I feel like there is no tutorial out there that shows you how to do such thing with v-ray models if you guys really like the wings I may show you how to do that in my next tutorial um I'm not gonna lie it was a pain to get these Wings on a beard model into VR chat but one of the cool things I did is that I can change the colors and I put admissions on that so if you like this stuff and I get a lot of likes and comments and stuff I will show you how I did this so after coming back from uh testing the model in game um there's a couple things I do want to say if you're wondering why you can't just make your um Quest project PC well you can but that version was exported for PC not Quest this one that I showed you in the in the tutorial is um hence the uh the shaders and what have you and like I said it's best to keep your um Quest and PC version separate um Unity projects because textures and materials get messy um and also it's actually easier to um keep things organized the only thing you just need to remember is to make sure both versions have the same blueprint ID I mean it's simple as that and one last thing is you know this workflow is good because you can easily do the lake fix without having to go through the blender workflow um the only setback is with this workflow you can't edit the wastes and mod model bodily features you know in this workflow the only reason uh to use blender is to do exactly that to edit the ways to give like a a better hourglass figure and manually fix the legs and the bone fix if you do put your model into blender it it will work um and this will also work with either Unity version and either a vred version [Music] [Music] hopefully this tutorial is somewhat helpful um hopefully I explained it I didn't over complicate or confuse you whatsoever but let me know what you guys think like comment subscribe and hopefully I will see you guys in the next video peace out [Music]
Channel: Art of Ant
Views: 8,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vrchat tutorial, vroid vrchat, vrchat avatar tutorial, vroid models to vrchat, vrchat avatars, vroid to vrchat, vroid to vrchat avatar, vroid to vrchat sdk 3, phia vroid to vrchat, vroid to unity, vroid studio to vrchat, vroid, vroid to vrchat SDK 3.0, vroid import unity, vrchat unity tutorial, vroid to vrchat tutorial, tutorial, vroid vrchat quest, Vroid Leg Fix, Vroid Leg Crossing, Vroid to Vrchat PC, Physbones, Poiyomi shaders, vroid quest, Vroid Vrchat 2022, Vroid quest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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