How to Upload VRChat Avatars Using Unity 2022

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hello everyone it's kou I'm just here to help you guys upload my avatars specifically for mine but you could probably use this in other instances as well but um yeah let's go ahead and get started if you already have your chat Creator companion and unity 2022 then you can skip this I will hopefully remember to put a time stamp if I don't scrub through that video but I will start from just to get-go in case no one in case anyone hasn't ever uploaded um an avatar before so go to log into your account go to downloads um you're going to setting up the SDK blah blah blah whatever download the Creator companion I'm just going to do that I already have it installed so I will just be um not actually doing that but um if you go to your downloads and install it accept the agreement go through all that stuff um and you're all good to go then you'll have something like this um when that's all installed and then also make sure you have Unity Hub downloaded and then um VR chat Creator companion if you have issues install ing Unity 2022 which is this one if you can't do it you have to manually install it from here so going from Unity Hub click installs install editor I go to Archive download archive go to Unity 2022 and then I think it's 3.6 let me check though yep 3.6 so scroll down to this and then you'll click Unity Hub open in unity Hub and then you'll download that I already have it installed but make sure when you're installing it that you click the Android build as well install that that's the quest side of stuff um but you can install it later too if you forget but just try to do it right now so going from the projects here you're going to create a new project click on Unity 2022 Avatar project I'm going to name it name it something you'll actually remember by um and probably don't put it on your desktop but I will be just for this test so we have all of these the most updated versions is what you want Unity version 2022 if it's like 2019 so like 2022 open project this upload is specifically for my Christmas Avatar Snowbell because it has gono's licensing um on it so I think that might be confusing to people which is why I'm making an updated version of how to upload so we'll just go ahead with all that okay it opened on my other monitor that's okay though so I'm going to take my Snowbell package I have Ed which order to put it in if you don't put it in this order then your project might not work so drag in your poomi into the assets section and we'll wait for that to unpackage and we'll just import all of that okay once that's imported we take the unlit one and slap it in there as well import I'm going to say no thanks um this just scanning for old old materials there's no old materials in here so and then we take in snow Bell and slap it in there import so from here we're going to click on snow Bel and double click the open me box and it will open up the project to where we want it um okay if you don't have the gono licenser you can just log into your VR SDK and build the avatar from here but since this one does I will just show you essentially what it looks like when you purchase my avatar you get a license key make sure to save this it is imperative it's very important for you to be able to log into your account and upload the Avatar so when we click click on go to the licenser and validate Avatar the license key is what you'll need which you'll get from your email and then we'll unlock the Avatar that means the Avatar is unlocked make sure that you have logged into your VR chat account before you unlock the Avatar or it'll be like what's happening log in um because essentially the Avatar is going to be locked to one VR chat account so that means you can't use it on Alt accounts or send it to your friends and share the Avatar it's just for one account and that's just to prevent leaking so once You' validated your avatar you can go into the Builder and give it a name just type in test because I'm going to delete it to get the thumbnail that I have for you click capture scene use custom camera and then camera and it is already set up to where it needs to be and then you'll just press capture here make sure to click autofix and everything else should be good click on this button and then press build and publish and then it will upload for you I like to press yes on this I don't know what happens if you press no probably nothing too crazy but um yeah keep in mind that you can use the Avatar validation key as many times as you need license key um it's not like a specific amount of times you can use it you can use it as many times as you want to and you'll need to use it every time you need to update or upload the Avatar so just keep that in mind don't freak out um if your project is like messing up and you need to start a new project with the same Avatar just use that same key and it will unlock the Avatar so don't worry about that um in case you were okay the upload has succeeded so because there is a license on the Avatar it kind of makes it hard to change things but gono told me that if you wanted to add accessories or things like let's say you wanted to add like a necklace or something you have to make a new FX and then merge it onto the FX that it has so just keep in mind that editing the Avatar might be a little bit finicky so I apologize but that's how it is okay on to the quest side of things um going back to VR chat Creator companion I'll be creating a new Project Unity 2022 I'll do test one Quest name it something actual that you will remember hopefully the Avatar name um and we'll just press create on that make sure everything is the same here Unity 2022 open project okay make sure you're logged into your VR chat account here before you open everything I mean you can open everything just if you try to upload obviously it'll freak out you can't validate the Avatar before you log in keep that in mind that's just so that it makes sure you're on the right account so I'll go into Snowbell double click the open me box and then go to Builder I'm going to go to my gono licenser and validate my Avatar Avatar unlocked press okay you can close out of that if you want um since I have uploaded the PC version already um I'm going to go into my content manager and click on the Avatar that I just uploaded for the PC side and then copy and paste their ID so that will make it so that they're under the same Avatar the quest version and the PC version are one Avatar so people on the quest side will see the quest version people on PC will see the PC version if you are just watching this just for the quest version don't do that obviously um just fill out the name capture from scene since we already did this this fine but in case you weren't watching previously click on any of the cameras it doesn't matter they're all the same click capture and then since this is the quest version we're going to switch the platform to Android press confirm confirm okay it has been swapped going to click autofix oh my goodness what's happening okay and then I'll click this button make sure we're on Android build and publish oh I forgot to validate okay so I'm going to click validate press okay that's not the Avatar thing sorry I'm being I'm being silly goofy right now okay going to copy and paste my licensing key again unlock Avatar okay dismiss that build and publish okay awesome and then that is the quest version if if you only purchase the quest version um after you build on the Android side of things you can change it to Windows and also build it from there and then you don't need to change the blueprint ID because it's already on it and then you'll just build and publish from the windows section and then you're kind of all ready to go so if you have any questions if you ask it in the YouTube comments I'm probably not going to see it so if you have any questions please go to my Discord which is coou that's C zo o o or you can click this funny little button here it will send you an invite to my Discord um or you can find it in my link tree probably everything's going to be they all kind of lead everywhere so um yeah so if you have questions make sure to validate um your a guar um make sure to verify with my Discord bot or it will kick you and also read the rules and react to the funny little heart emoji or else you can't get rest the you can't get access to the rest of the server um and then you can just ask me in my help Channel um if you have any questions and I'll try my best to help you thank you for watching this video I hope it wasn't too obscure and weird I I didn't plan out this video very well I'm sorry um yeah let me know if you have questions and have a Merry Christmas okay goodbye
Channel: Cozu
Views: 4,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uT-KpmXsONA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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