How to upload avatars and make them quest compatible

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hello everyone today I'm gonna do a tutorial on how to upload VR chat avatars and how to make them quests compatible um it's been a while since I posted a video and if you can't tell I got a new mic but yeah today I purchased this Avatar bun from lost things you can literally see the tab up here and they have the quest performance bomb but that only comes with the good performance pc package and then the quest compatible version so I wanted to get the original performance and I'll just convert it to Quest myself so I thought why don't I show you guys okay so I just downloaded um the package and the first thing I'm going to do since it's a zip file I'm gonna click extract all and I'm just going to extract it into this folder so yeah I'm just gonna let that do it I'm just gonna get rid of this so yeah if I click into this package I can just see that they gave me a VR chat SDK and a poyomi free um and they also gave me a Unity package an avatar image okay so I'm going to have a link to all of the things I'm using and I know that VR chat Creator companion is out but I still just do it the normal way so first you want to make sure you're in the correct build of unity which is 2019.4.31 I will leave a link to where you get that and you just want to First import your VR chat SDK you want to make sure it is the newest one I will leave links to everything in my description so it's just going to decompress and it's going to come up over here you're going to want to click import okay so the next thing I'm going to do now that my SDK is imported is I'm just going to throw in this polio me free 8.0 and 7.3 not every Avatar you purchase will have shaders um shaders and sdks in the package so I have a folder on my desktop actually with everything I use okay now that my polyomi Shader is imported you should see your SDK right here and your poly shaded right here you'll also notice that the SDK is up here so now I'm going to import rallyive DPS just because this is a tutorial this is the order you would typically do it in so yeah if you wanted to have ADD DPS you would do it after importing your shaders and it'll pop up right down here so typically now we would import our package but if your avatar has instructions I do suggest reading them because sometimes they recommend importing an extra Shader like Arc tune or some Fair Shader but for me I don't need that so I'm just going to import my package okay so now that I have this Avatar imported I'm going to figure out where my avatar is so sometimes you're gonna have a package that looks like this and you want to double click that um and it'll bring up your avatar right in here so for me um I do not have a package like this but I have a prefab that looks like this so I'm just going to drag it up into my hierarchy and as we can see she looks very good but these shaders are off and that is okay that does happen so I'm gonna go down to materials and as we can see our metal Shader is off so I'm gonna click this I'm gonna click payomi 7.3 tune and we're gonna see that our Shader gets fixed we're going to want to lock it in this isn't a necessary step it will automatically do it for you once you upload your avatar but I still just like to do it now and now I'm just going to go through and make sure that everything is good which it is so you can kind of play around with the shaders and make sure that everything looks good and you're happy with everything before uploading the Avatar the next you're going to want to click here click show control panel and it's going to bring up this and if it doesn't just click Builder you you're going to have to log in if errors pop up here you're just going to want to autofix I typically just loot this one alone because I don't care about it but yeah typically you're going to want to go down on autofix all these errors and then click build and publish for Windows okay so sometimes this pops up and if it says this just click ok and it'll automatically lock the materials for you and that's going to upload your avatar okay so now that my avatar is ready for uploading it's just going to say new Avatar so where it says Avatar name I'm just gonna name her and I'm gonna make sure she's private make sure when you're uploading paid for avatars they're a private we're gonna check this little box and we're gonna click upload okay so sometimes it'll say that your avatar is uploaded and everything as well other times you'll get this little message saying error savings blueprint and then it'll say oh yeah update launch launch version it didn't upload so if that happens to you which it doesn't always we can just go over here so we're just going to click on this Avatar up here go over here click detach where it says pipeline manager and blueprint ID and then we're just going to re-upload it and it should upload perfectly fine this time okay so yeah you're just gonna have to rename it if that happens to you make sure that this little things clicked make sure it's private and just click upload okay so now that it's uploaded it should have no more blueprint error and if it did if you forgot to detach it then just do it again it's okay so now we are done we can close out of this project all is well so now we're on to the quest Avatar you're going to want to open up a new project that is very important it is not going to work if you're doing it in the same project as the PC Avatar you're going to want to click file build settings and it's always going to be on PC Mac Linux Standalone I just clicked Android and switched it um it's going to say switch platform and I just switched the platform already Okay so we're pretty much going to want to do the same thing we're just going to import the SDK click import okay so now that my SDK is imported I'm just going to want to import BRC Quest tools we're just going to double click it and click import and just let that import as well so now that that is imported I'm just going to want to import the Unity package we don't need our pyomi shaders or our rally of DPS because neither of those are compatible okay so now that the Avatar is imported I'm just going to find the prefab and drag it up okay so of course a lot of my materials are purple because I did not import because I did not import piyomi shaders if everything imported correctly you're going to have VRC crystals up at the top here you're going to want to click this and click convert avatar for Quest okay now it's going to pull up this little panel you're going to want to click this click on the Avatar you want to convert scroll down and click convert and you're gonna see it starts generating new Quest compatible textures okay so now that it has converted your materials this little message will pop up you can just click OK and click OK again it's going to pull up a little menu with all the Fizz bones I typically save this for last so yeah now you can see that our Avatar is converted and you might be like girl what is this why why does it look like this so we're gonna have a little file down here that says KRT and if we click Quest avatars we're going to have access to our materials and textures we're going to click on this I'm just going to delete the bodysuit it's personal preference um the bodysuit is not gonna look good regardless of what we do I'm personally going to delete this it's going to help reduce the size of our Avatar and it's also just gonna allow our Avatar to not have a really ugly looking bodysuit on also another thing is the bra these buckles it says black latex and they're not blacks okay so what I'm gonna do for this material is go to vrchat go to mobile standard light make sure this metallic and smoothness is down because I just prefer the way it looks and I'm just going to turn that to Black and boom it's fixed so I'm also just going to delete DPS because we don't need that and it's just an extra thing um we're gonna go to BRC Quest tools and click remove Fizz bones and then we're going to select the quest Avatar okay so typically I delete all fizzbone colliders and it you can keep the contacts if you want typically I just delete them and now onto fizborn components this is actually the jiggly parts of your avatar the parts that move and are Dynamic and if you're wondering like what is the candy you can click on it and then click here zoom out and it'll show you so that candy is down somewhere at the foot so I don't care about it I'm mainly worried about like the butt the legs the boobs because I'm gonna be possibly dancing in this Avatar I'm not sure and also something I'm going to be careful about is if I'm if I want the boob to move I'm going to make sure that both boobs are selected instead of just having one because then only one will move okay um and you can unselect what you don't want so I typically just unselect the hair because it's way too many components but it's totally up to you what you keep and don't but just keep in mind that you have to only have eight so now I have eight out of eight components so we should be good I can just close out of that another thing I'm going to do to optimize this Avatar more is I'm going to go to textures I'm going to make sure I'm in the quest avatars texture and I'm going to click on everything so I'm going to click and then hit shift and then click down here okay and then I'm going to hit control and unclick all of these body textures and all that and then I'm going to go over here it'll say nine texture 2D import settings we can leave all of this alone we're going to want to click right here click 32 low quality and make sure crunch compression is on we're going to click apply and that just lowers the quality of some of these materials another thing I'm going to do is shift-click all these bodies and put them to 32 because I'm going to be using the lightest tone because it matches my real skin color the best okay and then for the texture I am going to use I'm going to want to turn that to 512 low quality and click apply and we're going to see there's no change but as we can see if I drag this face in it's still has plenty of detail now that I'm happy with this we can just click the arch VRC SDK we can click in our content manager search up the Avatar and now that the Avatar has come up we're going to want to click copy ID we're going to want to click in our hierarchy on our Avatar we're going to detach whatever blueprint ID is already on there we're going to control control V paste this and attach it okay and then we're going to want to go to Builder and click build and publish for Android okay so sometimes you'll be able to upload your avatar right away other times you're going to get a message that says something like this um it is too big for a VR chat still which is fine we're just going to have to delete a couple more things so I'm probably going to delete this because um when do I ever use a ball gag because I never actually use like ball gags or anything you can delete um things over here that you don't want so if I don't want the chains I could delete those I already deleted the gag I could delete um the ears or the choker to optimize it more um just honestly things that are going to help optimize it so I'm going to delete this Tail as well and I'm going to go to VRC questions and remove the tail Fizz bone because I deleted that unfortunately Quest has many limitations so sometimes you do have to delete a lot of things off of an avatar before you can get it to be uploaded so unfortunately I'm gonna have to delete the ears as well I just need to get this optimized and 10 megabytes are under for Quest so yeah sometimes you just gotta delete things that you don't really want to delete we finally got it 10 megabytes so if you copy and pasted the blueprint ID it should automatically come up you can just click this and click upload and yeah that is how you upload things for both PC and Quest I always just hop on my quest and make sure it's Quest compatible and that it looks good and everything is fine you can also use um gesture manager and just drag that in and test everything like that but sometimes they look a little bit different in games so I definitely just get into game yourself or get a friend to go in and look at the avatar for you because there are sometimes unknown bugs and whatnot that can mess with your avatars so yeah if you like the tutorial leave a thumbs up if you have any questions about Unity go ahead and comment them and I will try to answer them the best that I can if you need help or have questions about anything else just let me know thank you so much for watching goodbye beautifuls
Channel: heraplays
Views: 23,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i0XRN2b05H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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