How to Upload VRCHAT Avatar Using Creator Companion for PC and Quest

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okay um I am going to show you guys how to upload one of my avatars mainly um using the Creator companion I'm sure you could use this for other avatars since we're all kind of similar with things um yeah also a heads up I just made a group that's not what it's gonna look like but um yeah if you want to join it go ahead I don't really know how groups work but um yeah it's that I don't know anyway so you'll go on to vrchant the website you know like the game epic awesome I hate this already um yeah so just log in you'll go and see this page you'll go to download and we're gonna download the Creator companion click on this bad boy and insult for only me accept the agreements next next we'll wait for that to install okay I did some tests but we're gonna go to new Avatar I'm gonna name this stinky test one you should name it something you're gonna remember probably preferably the Avatar that you're that you've purchased or are uploading um we'll just create I don't add anything for my avatar specifically but you can look at these and add them if you would like [Music] um this is the only way I know how to open it directly but I just click on open folder and then open project that seems to be the way to open a project but I could be wrong I have no idea and we'll just wait for that to open okay it is now open so I'm gonna drag my little um folder here you got this in your confirmation email or in your library or wherever you bought the avatar from um let's do Kyoko so essentially in my folders not my older ones but my newer avatars will have me numbering things in here um if you do upload one of my older avatars and it's just one package that means I've included the VR chat SDK and the shaders and everything when you're using the Creator companion it already includes the SDK so if you are uploading one of my old packages and um you're using Creator companion just make sure when you import the package uncheck the VR chat SDK folder or it's going to mess everything up so if you are using the Creator companion don't put in the VR sdker it's just gonna freak everything out so just start on step two with the shaders so um yeah any other shaders that I've included or anyone else have included just import them and then we'll do the Avatar package okay now that this is done we're in the assets folder this is the scene you'll want to double click and it will open up your package all nice and cute how wonderful um my human versions come with um GoGo Loco and and not GoGo Loco so um just keep in mind that the gogo Loco version doesn't have some emotes and dances that the non-go Loco version will have but that's the only difference really um but I know a lot of people like Coco Loco so we are going to log in now I am logged in so we'll go to the Builder tab click on whichever version you want it'll tell you here or you can hide them if it's confusing for you um and essentially just double checking that there's no ID in here we'll just build and publish for Windows and let that kind of load for a little bit okay we have this page now Avatar name name it I'm gonna put test so that I can remember to delete it make sure this is on private thank you um okay you'll click on this being like Yep this is right we're gonna go to our scene since I want to change the background I know a lot of you don't do that but it's a lot cuter if you do and I've provided this really cute little background for you isn't that sweet um oh that's not what I meant to click this is a camera preview that's what it's going to look like in game so just scoot it behind her and kind of position it how I'd like that looks fine um and then we'll just click upload okay so now that it's done we're going to press OK and if you didn't buy a quest version then you're done but if you did we're gonna start a new project please don't put this in the same project it will ruin it and then you'll come message me all Angry being like kozu you're so stupid and you did everything wrong but um I didn't it was you uh anyway um yeah we'll just make a new project new Avatar name it create bada bing bada boom um I'm gonna open the folder and open project again I'm sorry if that's not actually how you open the project I think it is but I don't I don't really know I don't use a Creator companion but I will now apparently so we've got our Quest package here let me go to the quest version I've made a mistake with the limited edition one where I put in the poyomi you don't need that Quest doesn't use poyomi so that's just another thing to skip for request version um so you'll essentially just need the quest package since it's it's already got everything in it um we'll just import that so we've got that all imported we will just double click the scene for the quest version and um we'll just log in again if you've only purchased the quest version you'll just start here obviously I'll probably I don't know how to do YouTube stuff so I'll try and put a time stamp if I can figure that out but um if not I'll probably put in the corner being like Quest or something um so if you've only bought the the quest version you'll just do you'll essentially just build um for both PC and Quest platforms um so that PC people can see you as well uh so I will do that just to show you how to do that in case you didn't watch the first part of this video so I'll just name this and then click this keep it private please um click on our little camera scoot it back to how we want it that looks awesome and then we'll click upload only if you've bought Quest if not then I'm just gonna cancel this um go to content manager and find your uploaded Avatar Kyoko test is the one we did for the PC version we're just going to copy the ID go to inspector click on whichever version we'd like and this one's at the bottom so sometimes it's at the top sometimes it's at the bottom but we want this blueprint ID to be the same Avatar so that it's both Quest and PC can see from the same Avatar so we'll attach that and then we're going to go to file build settings click on Android and switch platform if you're not doing this from the Creator companion you'll have to install the Android build as well so it'll give you a little prompt to install that finally done switching platforms kind of takes forever for the first time let's close out of that so we've got our ID attached um for the PC version this should now say Android we'll click on Builder this should also say Android and then we'll just build and publish and if you've done the PC version First we shouldn't have to put any name or picture or anything because that's already done previously cool so that's all good if you'd like to update the picture or whatever or change the position just click on upload image um and then we'll go back to the scene and click on this and maybe I want a really nice up close picture of that that looks way better than my background that I made really spent a lot of time on um you can't see it here for some reason sometimes it doesn't update but it will look like this whatever you have updated it to and we'll just click on that and upload thank you for watching I hope that helped you upload an avatar probably mine but um yeah if you're really struggling with uploading still and it just that none of that made sense please just join my Discord I will link it in the description or you could type it out kazoo c-o-z-o-o um yeah you'll have to verify with the bot to make sure you don't have an alt and stuff like that and then make sure to read the rules uh or you don't get access to the rest of the server so don't don't DM me about that unless you really can't get access to the server then do DM me about that but don't please don't DM me about any Avatar questions please ask in the in my server that's what it's there for [Music] um yeah there's a little section for for questions or you can open a ticket to ask me a question so please do that instead of dming me um yeah just start up an upload ticket follow the instructions that I have provided for you and we'll get that uploaded for you smoothly um yeah okay well if you have any questions I won't be looking at this YouTube video ever so so just joined my Discord and yeah if you want to join my Discord group um it'll be there somewhere I'll I'll make it look nice one day sometime so yeah we'll have just some fun times and stuff and I'm blabbing now so I'm gonna go but uh good luck I Believe In You Godspeed
Channel: Cozu
Views: 28,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SLyJZrJrmhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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