How to make a VRChat crasher (2023)

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all you want to make a basic crash of your chat first um join my Discord pretty simple I'll link everything below I mean everything but um first I'm going to do is get Unity doesn't matter um the latest version is 2022 I don't like it we're use 2019 for now this is the older version but it still works but um basically once you're here to this page which I'll link both of them down just hit install with unity Hub and it's going to install Unity hub for you probably just let it do its thing and once it's done hit open Unity Hub it's going to probably make you an account or want you to make an account so just make an account is free um yeah and then um go to new project make sure it's 3D select the unity version 2022 or 2019 we'll do 2019 name it and then create project just for time purp I already have it open once you're in here you would need bloodborne obviously it's a really good SDK I would recommend using it you have to use it if you want upload Crashers but download it for 2019 you have to use the older version which the last release was 3.10 just click on this it's going to install it go back here right click this import and then import the Avatar package you just installed they will import the VR chat SDK you know that so you don't have to download the actual SDK for VR chat just hit import and once you do that um yeah once you do that in my server I already have linked so for example public shaders public assets we will need this so install this and then Quest boy this is the mesh this will just help you make toggles and I'll just for example I'll just give you a default avatar look up in here robot it'll pop up with a basic Avatar just drag it in here boom simple as that unpack it so you can edit it and like right click in here create empty because this will be the the crash part basically just name it crash whatever and make sure you attach this to the head of any Avatar it will always have a head so attach this to the head because it'll be crashing you won't see it now this will work Quest and PC so it will crash both without you dying obviously it's a non serde Crasher now that mes I told you quest boy just drag it in like this pretty simple I already have three cuz I it up but uh if your PC is poor or in general I just recommend hiding it but if your PC is a little bit higher just you should be fine but drag it in then pack it far you go here and disable everything on it so you won't see the shadows and and make this a Tuggle oh I forgot I forgot added an avatar descriptor make sure the Viewpoint is set for the head some like that make sure you have this what default so it pops with the default expression you can just use that and make sure it has an FX which you just cck on this and look at FX now go back here since I forgot to do that and now you can make this a toggle make sure you have the Expressions men you just type name it crash or whatever these just you don't really need to mess with these not really anything special you just got to read them it might take a second or so whenever you create the Tuggle now you can duplicate this a ton so I would recommend duplicating to 200 because it will probably get checked by Security checks or some or 100 this will probably like this at a PC it would for sure crash Quest but you have a Tuggle right so this is basically just a non-suicide crasher now you can just upload it as you want you just make sure to Auto fix all this it shouldn't get flagged to my put it should be fine and I'll show you one more method this is just a freeze someone screen for PC only works for PC but create another empty attach they had name it Shader whatever up to you right click ready sphere sphere I don't think it really matters which one you use to be honest I just use sphere because it's most common I should set this now you can do multiple of these people like to just duplicate these and do this so basically whenever you look at someone and like if these touch them they'll just kill them automatically I'm not going to do that I'll just show you something basic well that's the basic meth I'll just show you something easier so it crashes everyone mainly only need one sphere um you need a Shader I forgot to me mention this but it's in my server shaders scroll up it doesn't really matter which one you use but I'll just use this one for example this one's easy to use create a material just create material and drag this the Shader onto it now this right now um if someone like it wouldn't crash everyone for example if if I put it in right now see it doesn't crash unless you get real close to it which I'm not going to get close but hide this and then find that sphere or the trader and set this to something higher like 15 25 and basically it will just as it sends right here it would you over but um basically that just sets the power and how far it will go and whenever you toggle everyone's screen is going to freeze what they have your avatar on and that's literally how you make a basic Crasher now you can build it just build and publish upload it that was it's that simple I think I made a toggle for this yeah just make it a Tuggle and but that's literally a basic Crasher it's a nonsuicide for you it's literally it I'll link everything about in the description should be that hard
Channel: Pawel580
Views: 1,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: buy5qapT9Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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