[2023] Uploading Your First Avatar To VRChat - Full PC Tutorial

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hello this is Pinky and this will be a tutorial on uploading your very first avatar to vrchat so I'm going to start out with the very Bare Basics here you will need Unity this is a free editor so we will head over to the unity.com download and we'll hit download for Windows right here and it will start downloading our Unity Hub setup so I will wait for this to go through now that it is done we will open it up we'll hit yes and we'll agree we'll pick our file location for where we want to download it so I'm just going to keep it on my C drive and I'm going to hit install now after it is done installing we are going to make sure we hit this just so it starts and we will hit finish so this will boot Unity Hub as soon as we have finished installing it so now that Unity Hub is open it's going to tell us to download the newest version of unity but this is not what we want to do so we're actually going to hit skip installation so our next step here will be going over to the download archive I'll leave a link to this in the description as well and we're going to make sure we hit unity 2019x and we're going to scroll down until we find exactly this version so this is what we need for the unity Hub uh this is what we need for Unity this is what VR chat requires you to run on so this is the one we will install and we're going to hit the big blue Unity Hub button here and it'll pull up a little prompt here and we'll just hit open in unity engine and now as you can see it opens up now you want to make sure that you install the Android build support this is very important so if you want to upload your avatar to Quest you want to make sure you select this and now we're going to hit continue now we're going to accept the terms install and now the process of installing will start I am going to speed up this part because this will take quite a bit anyways I will see you guys shortly okay now that our Unity is installed as you can see it is all done and we have our Unity version in our installs as you can see and just to double check uh if you look at it we can see that we have the Android and windows installed here so our next step will be heading over to vrchat.com and we will make sure that we log into our account and we're gonna head over to the download section and we're going to click this download the Creator companion so it's going to install just a little here and after that is done I'm going to click on it and I'm going to do install for me only because I'm only going to install this on my thing if you're sharing your computer with multiple people and they also use Unity you could do this but personally I'm just going to install it only for me I'm going to accept the agreement press next next and I'm going to install it okay so now that VR chat Creator companion is installed we are going to actually head over to this top bar right here and we're going to create a new project now as you can see I have a lot of projects in my list already this because I've actually used Creator companion quite a lot but this is under the assumption that you have nothing here so what we're going to do is we're going to hit the create a new project we're going to click on the avatars we're going to name this res because that is the Avatar name and we're going to select our location so my location is on my D drive and it's in my all Unity projects folder I would recommend putting this to somewhere that you will remember and keep safe from downloading and deleting anyways I'm going to hit create project and inside of here I'm actually going to be adding the gesture manager and the avatars 3.0 manager by hitting this plus over here on the side and now I'm going to hit this little back arrow and I'm going to hit open project now I'm going to give it a little bit because it's going to take some time to load everything so I will quickly cut back to there okay so now that we are in to we're gonna quickly wait to check that all our packages are done as there is an error so to know that we are in we're going to head over to our VR chat SDK and we're going to hit show control panel and after this loads up we will be prompted to log in with our VR chat account mine automatically logged in since I logged in off screen that you'll have to enter in your login credentials here and now we're gonna head over to the Builder so we are going to now add our two files so that being our poyomi uh to get poyomi we're going to head over to the poyomi GitHub repository we're going to head over to releases and we're going to click on the newest one and we're going to download it right here and as for our Avatar I'm going to be using the res air zonium in this example and I'm actually going to head over I've already bought this Avatar of course and I'm going to hit view content and it'll bring me to the gumroad page and we are going to be downloading the unity package so you're going to make sure that yours is a uni package file format and you're going to hit download so now that we are here I'm going to drag them both in starting off we're going to do poyomi first this will be a decently long process so I'm actually just going to skip ahead okay now that our poyomi is done installing I'm going to drag in our Avatar now and I am going to add that okay so now that everything is imported over so the very important thing is some of your avatar uh creators like to do some different things so in my case I have a Unity uh file that I need to open so you can either double click this to open it or you can drag it over here to your hierarchy uh some of them will make prefabs they will look like this so to know the difference between a prefab and fbx the fbxs have these little arrows here they open up and they show you all the components a prefab is just a prefab of an avatar that you could drag in now for this example I'm actually going to be using the combined face tracking version so I'm going to turn all the other ones off and make sure that I have the one I want to upload showing now the next step will be opening up the vrchat SDK going to the show control panel and after this has to pop up you're going to head over and we're going to hit the build and publish for Windows so if this button is grayed out and you can't click this you may want to look through this list here because there will be some things that pop up and say that you need to either autofix it or that there's something that's a problem with your avatar if there's something that you can't understand fully right now I would suggest contacting the creator of your avatar otherwise thankfully for mine mine is ready to upload so I'm just going to hit the build and publish for Windows now it's going to ask some random things here I'm going to say no to that and for locking materials I'm going to hit OK so this process also takes quite a while because of poyomi shaders so I will also speed this part up okay so now that we are in our upload scene aftertar so we will be able to name our Avatar in this I'm going to call it res test you can add a description if you want and for different content warnings whether or not you want it to be public or by yourself only private and we're going to make sure we click this so we're gonna head over to the scene and I'm going to drag this down set the solid color and I'm going to make sure that it's pink it's not going to head over to game sadly it looks like mine is bugged but if you wanted a custom thumbnail this is exactly how you would do it you'd move the camera here make it look and head back over to the game and hit upload so I'm going to again wait for this to happen okay and now we are done so just in case you don't want to hop in VR chat and you want to see that it's successfully uploaded you can actually head over to the vrchat SDK up here hit show control panel and then after this loads up again it's quite slow we are going to just head over to our content manager now if you click this tab you can see that your uploaded Avatar will appear down at the bottom anyways thank you for watching this has been a tutorial on how to upload your avatar to PC I will have a second part out soon that will include how to upload the quest anyways thank you very much for watching I appreciate helped you to please like like And subscribe I would like to start off by thanking my patreons that being foxy DK hamu piku sir fapping sin Maple the Proto TEF and lastly sarcastic split I appreciate you guys very much thank you for subscribing to the patreon um if you guys would like to become a part of the patreon subscribers I will have a link to that in my description you also at the 25 tier get a funny little goofy stream buddy anyways thank you very much again I appreciate it I hope you guys have a good rest of your day and uh pinky out
Channel: PxINKY
Views: 47,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AGyXUbg2MDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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