3 Fastest Ways To Level PVP Tracks & Get Azoth Salt (New World)

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how's it going everyone and welcome to another video today we're going to be going over the three fastest ways to earn PVP XP and Asos salt in New World so you can level up your PVP tracks and start unlocking some of the PVP track artifacts but first please consider giving the video a like and subscribing to the channel it helps out massively now let's get into it since artifacts have been put into New World they've become a very Major Impact on people's builds and play Styles unfortunately though a lot of these great artifacts are locked behind the PVP track so we all find ourselves finding out PVP levels even if we aren't PVP enthusiasts just to get the item we need to complete our builds so for this video I decided to go in and try out all the current ways people are leveling their PVP tracks quickly and then calculate which are the most effective in terms of PVP XP per hour and Asos cell earned per hour so you can look at the numbers and decide on which method is best for you and don't worry this method's in there for those of you who love the PVP game modes and those of you who are trying to avoid any kind of PVP interactions now let's get started the first method we're going to be looking at is grinding 3v3 arenas for winning a 3v3 Arena you're rewarded with 2,500 PVP XP and 1,350 Asos salt plus you can get a reward cache but they usually give you junk anyways losing a match will give you 500 PVP XP and 350 AO salt now to test this method and get my hourly numbers I did a total of five matches queuing in Solo the fastest match completed was 3 minutes and 40 seconds with the longest match lasting 8 minutes and 40 seconds the average of all the matches was 5 minutes and 40 seconds so that means I can get in roughly 11 games per hour to keep the numbers even across all methods I'll assume you win 50% of your matches but if you're really good and get a good group together these numbers can go up significantly that means by spamming 3v3 arenas for a whole hour with 5.5 wins and 5.5 losses you can expect to be making 16,500 PVP XP and 9,350 AO assault per hour not bad but let's see if the other methods can beat those numbers next up we got a method that's for those of you who don't really want to PVP against others but still want to get your tracks leveled up to get some of those PVP track artifacts and that's the PVP missions method particularly doing PVP missions in great cleave cuz they reward well always give you the same three missions and are always really near one another so a full set of three PVP missions will reward you with 1,50 PVP XP 600 Asos salt and 20 gold on average I get a set of these done in four minutes and 20 seconds that means I can get roughly 14 sets of these PVP missions in per hour netting me 14,700 PVP XP 8,400 Asos salt and 280 gold per hour that's just about the same amount as doing 3v3 Arenas but without all of the PVP action of course if you're really good at 3 v3s and have a good team those numbers can change drastically but for the average solo player you can expect a similar return from both these methods now if you're new to the great cleave missions I'll go over quickly what you need to do for these these missions as well as give you a couple tips and tricks for efficiency to keep your runs going smoothly for starters you get three missions all in the small area of one another one requires you to be in a zone for a minute and a half and usually by the time you're getting done with the other two missions that time is up the other requires you to grab a box from one spot and deliver it to another and the last one wants you to loot five chests in a certain area depending on your faction the drop off location for the Box will be different but they're all still close by so once I have all three quests gotten I head to the pickup spot first and grab the box you'll notice that during the ride there the countdown timer will eventually start ticking down for the second mission and once I have the box I go over and loot the five chests for the third Quest if you do these sets of missions back to back you can still loot any of the chests you looted on the previous run there will be no chest countdown timer to slow you down once that's done I head over to the drop off location usually as I'm running there the last few seconds from the hold Mission finish off but if you still have a bit longer you can just sit around in the area until the Quest is complete from there just head back to town drop off all the missions and repeat the process it can get a bit dull but if you throw on a podcast or some TV you can passively grind those PVP tracks out I'm in a highly populated server with people all over this area and most of the time if I see an enemy player we just walk past each other and keep doing our own thing because we're both just grinding out PVP missions but sometimes they run into those players that want to take you out and make you lose your progress just in case that happens I like to have two good Escape weapons equipped like the Great ax fire staff or Rapier and then I have the mount strap on that allows me to spawn my Mount faster the one you get from the mount quests so when I make distance from my attacker I just weave around objects if they're ranged players or just keep distance if they're melee players until I can spawn my Mount and just dash off I'd say 95% of the time I get attacked I get away unless there multiple people ganking me but that's yet to happen another thing to know about this method is that there's been a glitch in the game for ages when first getting these quests that only two two quests show up to get around this just accept both quests then wait for the 5-minute Quest reset timer to run down and go back to the quest quiver to accept the third Quest you can do a set of two quests while you wait if you really want to but I usually use the time to get other things done before getting into my questing routine but don't worry when you turn in your first set of three quests you can immediately accept another three as long as being 5 minutes since you started your run this glitch doesn't happen again that would slow down your grind speed significantly also if you want to sacrifice a bit of PVP XP for some more gold and skill level increases you can gather the resource nodes in this area as you're running your routes you'll see on screen some of the good resources around this area I tend to get lots of load Stones gold ore and weirdwood while doing these runs when I'm not going for speed plus the aptitude levels from doing these skills that's me some nice profits as well and finally we have our last method in grinding out Outpost Rush matches currently for winning an opr match you can get two tiers of rewards depending on how you score if you are below 501 points you will get nothing but being over 501 points will get you 1,500 PVP XP 1,8 salt 900 faction tokens and XP 125 aoth and 180 gold if you perform even better in a win and get over 3,000 points you'll be getting a whopping 2,500 PVP XP 2,000 AO salt 1,280 faction tokens in XP 250 Asos and 360 gold plus there's a chance of getting 16 dark matter with every win you participate in to keep track of your points just hit the end key to bring up the leaderboards in a match it's really easy to get over 3,000 points unless it's a steamroll victory or defeat that ends in less than 10 minutes now when it comes to a loss the point threshold still applies so under 501 points is nothing with over 501 points giving you 500 PVP XP zero AO salt 800 faction tokens in XP 125 AO and 180 gold if you contributed well and got over 3,000 points your reward will be bumped up to 2,000 PVP XP 1,000 ASO assult 900 faction tokens and XP 175 aoth and 270 Gold Plus losses give you a chance at four dark matter now when it comes to the time it takes to complete a match the quickest I got a match done in during my test runs was 8 minutes and 56 seconds but that was a complete steamroll Victory with no opposition the longest the match took was 31 minutes and 42 seconds with the average of all matches being 21 minutes long that means I can get in roughly three matches per hour it's very easy to get over 2,000 contribution points per match so I'll be basing the numbers on if you do so for every match if you're good at PVP this should not be a problem and even if you're not good at PVP and you're more of a PVE player and want to avoid PVP and oprs I'll link you a video I made on how to opr as a PVE player in the top right of this video and in the video description if you follow those tips you should easily get 3,000 contribution points per match with the 50% win ratio you can expect to be getting 6,750 PVP XP 4,500 Asos salt 3,270 faction tokens and XP 6375 Asos and 945 gold per hour plus you can get up to 27 Dark Matter per hour as well you will also be getting opr reward cachets during these grinds which can sometimes give you some pretty nice gear or salvageable gear for bonus dark matter you can see what I got for my caches on on screen now overall I'd say it's a lot slower of a method than the previous two when it comes to PVP XP and salt but it gives you a larger pool of rewards and the dark matter is always nice plus if you were in an opr company and ran these matches with an organized group of good players that could up your win percentage and match speeds improving these numbers significantly as a bonus method that's not very consistent anymore but can be worth adding into your grinds for whenever you need a break is sitting AFK on Faction points I made a video about it a while back which will be linked in the top right and the video description so if You' like to see me go a bit more in depth with this method and give you all the tips and tricks I use check out that video but in short whenever I need a break or have other things I need to get done I just head over to any faction control point and sit down at AFK while doing my other things sometimes someone will come and kill me but a lot of times I actually manage to capture the spot especially if it's one of the less visited zones and at a time when not too many people are logged on or if an influence race is on these points are usually left alone solo capping one of these points takes roughly 15 minutes but rewards you with 1,100 PVP XP and 300 ASO salt so if you got extremely lucky and never got killed in an hour while taking roughly 5 minutes of travel time to each faction point you can be getting three points per hour for 3,300 PVP XP and 900 asile salt those aren't incredible numbers especially when you look at the other methods but it does add up and your AFK anyways so might as well try it's worth noting though after capturing 10 control points in a day the rewards go down significantly following the same kind of theme as AFK PVP EXP P has also influenced races I've done a couple now and doing a full 45-minute race hasn't been anywhere near as rewarding as the other methods for me but just going into the zone and putting a bit of damage on some players before going off and doing your own thing is really worth it in my opinion because that'll make the game think you participated in the race and once the race is over you'll be getting rewards cache 1,000 PVP XP 500 Asos salt and 5,000 faction tokens that's just for hitting an enemy with a couple of attacks now there's only three of these a day but it's easy 3K XP for basically nothing so it could be worth adding into your daily routine another thing to note is that in my server my faction is severely outnumbered so we never win these races plus we have no organization if you were in a good group and a good faction maybe these races can even be more profitable for you than the other methods but I know for a lot of us that won't be an option or if you're one of those that just likes to explore in the world it's worth staying flagged up for PVP even if you just run away whenever there's conflict cuz you can randomly get Asos salt for doing open world activities so if you're looking for salt stay flagged up but that covers the three fastest ways to level your PVP track and get ASO salt plus a couple of extra tips you'll see on screen now a breakdown of all the methods so you can make a decision on which one is best for you overall it looks like spamming 3v3 is is the most rewarding method as long as you keep your win rate above 50% however missions is very close in rewards plus you get a bit of gold from them faction tokens and you can do them mindlessly without having to put much effort in if you're a non-pvp player player this for sure will be the best bet to level some PVP tracks and then there's Outpost Rush although the game mode is pretty fun and you get a large pool of rewards you just don't really get enough PVP XP or Asos salt for it to be a viable grind maybe throw one or two of them in from time to time to switch things up but I would for sure not make it my main focus but do what makes you happiest maybe even throw in a couple of influence races or sit on some control points AFK when you need a break it's going to be a long grind no matter what so variety will keep things fresh let me know if there's a method you're using to Grant XP ins Sal that I didn't mention and if the video is of any help please consider giving it a like and subscribing to the channel it helps out massively but until next time have a good one thanks for watching another video If You' like to learn about the previously mentioned AFK faction control Point method click on the video to the left or if you like to learn about the best ways to get dark matter currently in New World click on the video to the right
Channel: Newb World
Views: 52,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new world pvp track farm, new world pvp guide, fastest way to level pvp track new world, new world pvp track, new world fastest pvp track xp, new world fastest way to level pvp track, pvp track new world, fastest way to level up pvp track new world, new world best pvp xp farm, new world pvp reward track, new world pvp leveling, new world pvp xp farm, new world fastest pvp track, fastest pvp track new world, new world azoth salt farm, new world azoth salt, azoth salt new world
Id: C3l8j_ImbKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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