How to Unlock the Warrior & Sorcerer Vocation EARLY in Dragons Dogma 2 Tips!

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so in Dragon's St 2 to unlock the warrior class  and the sorcerer class right at the start of the   game this is what you need to do and just  so you know if you are interested in the   advanced vocations as well you actually unlock  them a lot later so don't shy away from trying   out these other classes so you can do this from  very early on in the game as soon as you reach   the major capital city of verw worth you'll start  the game here in the Border watch riftstone you'll   then need to come over here to Mel following the  main quest without spoiling anything you then end   up in the major city of burnworth and as soon as  you get here you can unlock these two vocation   classes so once you're in the city look at the  local map we're in the merchants quarter right   in the center of town here and just to the South  you're going to see the big city Square where I'm   currently standing we want to go to this location  just here the verw worth vocation Guild so from   the Town Center you'll see a big statue here  and if you turn around you'll see a big church   behind you now just to the left of this church  and in this door this is the guild room just   here and this is the character we need to talk to  First have you business with the guild sir and if   you talk to him he's going to give you a quest  this Quest is called vocation frustration now   the first part of the quest is easy you just need  to go back to the merchant quarter cross over the   square and talk to rodick the Smithy so we just  need to go out of the entrance way here cross over   the square sorry for the FPS the game's not really  very well optimized right now and Rod is literally   right ahead of us this is the guy we got to talk  to now if we Press B to return to the main map we   can see the big city here and he's actually going  to direct us to find these stolen weapon shipments   and they are spread out hidden in a cave so to  get to that cave it's quite easy we just need to   cross this bridge to the West just over here and  once we come across that bridge there's going to   be like a little Tower here and a campsite that  you're going to sort of come down this path here   you're then going to cross over a river there's  not many enemies to kill so it's pretty easy you   can do this early on and then you're going to  come over here to trevo mine now this mine will   be marked on your map if you've selected it as  your priority Quest but once you actually reach   the mine you need to find the weapons yourself so  this is what the cave entrance looks like right   here you can see there'll be a bunch of goblins  outside when you do get here so once you enter   this big cave you're just going to go ahead and  follow quite a linear path initially but you   can actually miss the weapons let's go ahead and  light our Lantern up I've already kill the enemies   inside here so I can easily guide you through it  but the path starting out is very linear so just   go ahead and follow the pathway now eventually on  the map here on the bottom left there you'll come   to this fork in the path you'll see some rocks  to the right you want to jump up these rocks   just here and this is just like an easier path  but they both lead to the same location in this   case so you're all right um you're then going  to get to another fork in the path and there's   an ornate chest right in front of you and in this  chest you actually find the great sword which you   need to unlock the warrior class so go ahead and  pick that up you can either go left here or you   can go right through this sort of prison door we  actually want to go left though and this is going   to take us straight downwards into a larger part  of the goblin encampment there's another ornate   chest there but we want to cross over this  bridge and then we're going to work our way downwards to the bottom here found a chest let us  examine what it has to offer and we can kill the   Goblins as we go to seem better days but there's  no sense lenting it so once you reach the bottom   of this area you'll see there's a little fire  here and then there's a tiny little cave at the   bottom and right here at the end you're going  to find an orate chest and this actually has   the the staff you need to unlock the sorcerer  class and now you need to go back to the city   of veror and return back to the vocation Guild  so you can give these items back good Tiding sir   how fair is your retrieval of those plundered  weapons and now we can give him the staff first   so let's go ahead and deliver that oh and that's  then going to unlock the sorcerer vocation and   then obviously after we can give him the warrior  sword or the two-handed sword we got and that's   going to unlock the Warrior's vocation and now we  talk to him we've unlocked the option to buy the   warrior and the Sorcerer just here and obviously  if you want to unlock the advanced classes as   well I will will leave another guide in the  description below on exactly how to do that   it will require 150 discipline to unlock the  warrior and sorcerer class though if you want   to get disciplined you just sit on a class that  you haven't leveled up yet and start farming it
Channel: ESO
Views: 50,208
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Keywords: dragons dogma 2, dragon's dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 how to unlock warrior, dragons dogma 2 how to unlock sorcerer, unlock sorcerer vocation, unlock warrior vocation, all vocations, how to unlock, how to unlock warrior, dd2, unlock, classes, class, warrior class, sorcerer class, early, best class, best vocation, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragons dogma 2 guide, starter guide, tips
Id: ZP0CNBfH0yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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