How To Turn Twitch Chat into A Talking Cat!

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text-to-speech has been a part of live streams for a long time but just having a disembodied voice is boring wouldn't it be cool to spice it up and make it a bit more fun why yes Nick I would absolutely love to do that thanks for the suggestion what's up everyone I'm Nick from Tic tacular and I'm going to be showing you guys how to turn your regular old text-to-speech into something a lot more fun and on brand for your streams through the use of some existing plugins and a bot I've been able to give my chat a presence on screen with bobcat and give them a fun way to use TTS the method I'm showing you today can be used either as a channel Point redemption or a regular chat command to get started we need two things the image reactions plugin and the move transition plugin if you aren't sure how to install plugins for OBS I made a quick and easy YouTube short on how to do that and you can find that uh in the card or above or in the link in the description and I'll of course link both of these plugins down below now since we want our text-to-speech character to only react to the TTS and not any other sounds on our PC we need to install virtual audio cable virtual audio cable is a small program it installs an extra input and output audio device on your PC and allows you to Route things a bit more freely and isolate that specific audio when you get to this screen make sure you head to the top of the page that you're seeing here and click the windows icon here to download the windows version for virtual audio cable the last thing is to download and install are the Bots now there's a few Bots that we can use to set the TTS character up but the two that I'm showcasing in this video are bqbot and mix it up links to both these Bots will be down below of course as well they're both quite user friendly but bikubot uses the Amazon TTS engine and since biggerbot is currently in Alpha you do have to sign up to the Creator's patreon to gain access thankfully it's just the same price as a twitch sub so it's not too much of a monthly subscription but this small cost helps the bot provide Amazon TTS engine to absolutely everyone who uses bigibot which is pretty cool mix it up on the other hand is free but it uses a different TTS engine which personally it sounds fine but it is not as good so it's up to you which one you prefer for those of you watching that use streamerbot you can follow along and build the same command structure in stream or as they all functionally work the same but if you want do want to see a dedicated tutorial setting this up with streamerbot make sure to leave a comment down below now bigubot only has one person developing it at the moment so it hasn't been updated to version 5 of websocket and websocket is basically the way that external programs can talk to OBS and do all sorts of cool things so for those of you using bikubot you'll need to install one extra plugin the plugin you need is websocket 4.9 compatibility I'll leave the link to this down below this is the website here so you just want to make sure that you click the windows zip file and stole it like any other plugin like I said if you need help with the plug-in installation I'll link my short down below alright so now that you have all those plugins installed let's get them set up so in OBS we want to go to tools up the top here and you can see two different websocket server settings the if you're using mix it up you want to click the one that just says server settings on its own enable websocket server have that ticked and disable the system tray alerts if if that's ticked uncheck that and set a server port number I'm going to set 5000 since this is the websocket server 5 and you don't need a password but you can but for the server you can set it to whatever number you like okay so then we're gonna click apply and click OK or the bigubot users we're going to go back to tools I'm going to click the server settings 4.x compatibility same thing here make sure and enable websocks enable web socket server is ticked say that 10 times for the server Port um put whatever number you want but just make sure that it's different to the number that you put previously and then you can put a password if you want don't need it and uncheck enable system tray alerts trust me they get so annoying cool now that's done let's make a brand new scene TTS character scene name it just like that and I'm going to right click and add a brand new source which there'll be a new one that you can see here called image reaction that's what we want TTS character source nice and simple name scheme and I'm going to input the images for our Bobcat that we're going to be using for this video and for those of you um that don't have any custom art that you want to use or you want to use this cat I'm providing it for free down below so yeah you you have some free assets to use straight away this awesome wobcat art that I got commissioned just for this video but also have another mascot down in the in the files as well too of you guys a little bit of variety but I do recommend to get some uh art or get your emotes edited by your emo artist um so that way it's a bit more on brand for your channel and a bit more custom but realistically all you need is for the images is one that has a like you know a closed mouth and then an open mouth because that's as simple as it needs to be so we're going to add our images in here so our closed mouth blob cat and then our open mouth bobcat and then for the audio source and the threshold and smoothers we'll come back to that in a minute so we're just going to click ok and I'm going to resize our little cat here now I want him to come from the right hand side of the screen so we're going to right click transform flip horizontal and there we go now he's facing there and we're going to shrink him down a bit perfect we also want to make sure that he we can move the cat on and off the screen automatically as part of the channel Point Redemption so right click on the scene filters right click adds a new add a new filter and it's a move Source filter and I'm going to call this TTS character move in I'm going to set the custom duration to 1000 milliseconds which is one second which means gonna take a second to move it onto the screen and duplicate that uh filter you just made but we're going to call it TTS character move out and click OK if we drag this window to the left and now I'm going to move our cat off the screen here like that I'm going to scroll down in the properties of the filter and click get transform this saves the location of where the cat currently is so now depending on which filter we activate it'll Move the cat to that location which is pretty cool so that's all done we can close that and or bikubot users we need to add the audio uh capture device so audio output capture just like that and this is the virtual audio cable that we set for the TTS output settings and you know installed earlier so we're going to call this VB audio cable and for the device that is the one we're going to select in the list the eyes there we go cable input there we go yeah it's called cable input always always catches me off guard cool so that's added uh you also want to make sure that we can hear it too so you want to go to the volume mixer and select the three dots and go Advanced Audio properties now it'll be personal preference whether you have it to monitor only or monitor an output it depends how your audio settings are set up but for my audio setup I have it to monitor only that way there's only audio coming through once and not getting doubled up and we'll be able to hear it when we test it too so that is all set up and good to go and uh also in the character Source uh properties um for the audio Source you can want to select the VB audio cable if you're using bqbot if you're using mix it up we're going to be setting up the mixed up overlay in the tutorial section over there so that's where you would change it in here um so we're going to get started with big coupon but I will leave timestamps down below for those of you using mix it up so you can jump straight to that part otherwise let's get started but the first thing we need to do is go to accounts log in with your streamer account and your Bot account and if you don't have a separate account for a bot streamer account works but we need to also add the connection to OBS so we're going to click the little plus button and I'm going to call mine OBS audible three so give you give it a name and we can wanna for the IP address you want to leave the Local Host there you only want to change the last four numbers so for the four point x compatibility so I set this to 4 000 and I didn't have a password click connect you just put in whatever you had put in that's green we have all green symbols at the bottom means we're all connected and ready to go now we're going to go to the modules section and uh also going to click the cable input here so this is the this is the bot will output any text-to-speech only to this specific audio device so that way our source inside OBS will only react to audio coming from this device and then you want to click the save button on the right hand side now let's go up to points click the plus button make a new point and I'm going to set the use queue to none and give your Redemption a name and a cost to whatever you like we do need to tick required user input because we want them to put a message in to read out and then we do want to have a cool down as well so I recommend a minimum of five minutes because this allows the bot to fully process the action and all the TTS but also not have it spammed or get too annoying and give it a description as well if you'd like and the first thing we need to do is click the OBS on the right hand side and we want to change this to filter visibility we select our character scene and select our move-in Source this is going to move move our cat onto the screen we hit we can add a little pause action here let it tell it to wait a second and click the TTS module and that adds the TTS Now by default it's set to use the message which is what we want it's going to pull the user's message and read it out you can select a whole bunch of voices as well in different access accents and languages which is really cool you can set the volume and you want to make sure that this is set to pause so it'll read all the TTS before it continues with the next action and to finish off this command we add another OBS module filter visibility select our scene and the filter we select is the move out filter it reads it out and Boots the cap off the screen just like that cool so now it's time to set up mixed up so once you go through all that new user installation wizard that mix it up has um you actually need to go to your Twitch dashboard go to viewer rewards Channel points I'm going to make a brand new channel point so add your custom reward and we're just going to call this TTS and just going to make the cost one but set the cost and cool down to whatever you like the important thing here is we need to make sure that review require viewer to enter text is on because we want to pull from the other viewers messages once you've done that now we can go back and going to mix it up and we're just going to go to this little Cog wheel on the top right hand corner and just want to double check some things one make sure the default stream platform is Twitch default streaming software's student OBS studio and the default audio output you actually want to make it the mix it up overlay and uh then I'm going to come back and come over to this burger menu over here so we're going to click services here down at the bottom and you'll be greeted with this page here so a couple things we need to do the first thing is we need to get the overlay set up the light mix up overlay setup in OBS the first thing you need to click this little link that's right here when you click that it'll bring up the uh bring up your browser and you want to go to the URL and control X to uh to cut that and you can just close that minimize and then come into your OBS and we're going in this uh TTS character scene here I'm gonna go I'm going to right click to add a new source go to browser and I'm just going to leave it as browser for now click OK and that way we can just make sure we paste this overlay in here and we're going to change the resolution to 1920 and the height to 1080. we also need to click control audio via OBS and this little checkbox here refresh browser when scene becomes active control audio and refresh browser very important that both of these things are checked inside this browser Source then we're just going to click OK and bring up mix it up and you'll see here the uh the source name mix it up underscore overlay you just want to highlight that Ctrl C to copy come back into OBS and now you can right click on that browser Source rename Ctrl V to paste and there we go so the mixed up overlay is set up and it's all good to go with uh with mixed up so if we click test connection cool yep overlay connection test successful great well that's num step one none step two you want to come to where it says OBS studio and it's you want to change this IP address so where we set up the the websockets before so mix up works with websocket five so I set mine up for five thousand and we're just gonna come in here and then click connect and it should say connection successful great that's what we want also I just want to point out I know I'm wearing different clothes but uh I'll explain why I'm re-recording this little part in a bit um now let's gonna go now that we've got those connected we can actually come over to action groups here and I'm going to make a new action group call this TTS action but whatever you like and we're just going to make a command group called TTS and click this unlock command uh tab so that way it does this doesn't hold up anything else that mix It Up's doing and I'm going to carry to the little action bar down at the bottom and find the one called streaming software I'm going to click the little plus button and where it says default setting click OBS Studio and then where the action that says scene you want to click that and come down to Source filter visibility so what is our source name well we can pull filters from scenes or sources and right now our scene is called TTS character because that had that scene has the filter that we want to find so I'm going to write TTS character in that Source name box there and mix it up is strict about capitalization so make sure that it's spelled correctly there's no Extra Spaces and everything's capitalized where it needs to be and then the filter name well we can come right click on the TTS character scene click filters and we can see here it's TTS character move in cool so that's what we write TTS character move in and then we want to make sure it we tick the little thing that says visible because we want to turn this filter on um command moves our character into the scene it waits a second and once it's done that I'm going to come back down here and then we're gonna find text-to-speech because then it'll start talking so for the voice you do have a bunch of of different um accents and also languages in here which is fantastic um but we're going to choose English so scroll the way to the bottom and we're just going to click us English mail here and for speech message we need to pull from the uh the command or the Redemption um that's being used so to do that we type dollar sign all args just like that so that tells mix it up hey take everything that was put after that command or that in that channel Point Redemption and put it in here the next thing we need to do is we need to tell mix it up to wait until the text-to-speech is finished now unfortunately we can't just you know it doesn't fully know when text the text-to-speech is finished so we have to sort of manually tell it how long to wait and there's a bit of a workaround that we do for that and shout out to uh one of the developers in the mix-up Discord for helping me out with this so we're going to come down to action I'm going to zoom in here to make sure you guys can see this properly and come down to it at the action here and then we're going to add another weight command and click click the plus to add it in and this is this is this is really important we're going to use a variable here called dollar sign ARG count this variable is how many words are in the message and then we're going to use an Asterix which is to multiply and then we're going to multiply it by 0.4 so we're taking the total words in the message for argument's sake let's say it's 23 times by 0.4 that result is how long mix it up is going to wait with this command and so 0.4 is kind of an estimation of how long it takes to say a word and then essentially kind of that's the the sort of workaround result that by the time that finishes is going to be sort of lined up and then we can continue with the rest of the action so we've added that weight and then now we can come up to the top here where we added the filter we're going to just duplicate that and it'll come down to the bottom and we're just going to change move in to move out because that's what the other filter is called here TTS character move out so we want to make sure that we hit save to save that action group right there and mix up is going to take a second and it saved it so now it's in that command group that we made called TTS called TTS action now so if you're making a uh just a regular chat command then you just come into the commands tab on the left here and you just make a new command and the action that you tell it to make is a command inside the command the command type is Action Group and then the command that we want it to run is TTS action so that's what you do if you're running as a chat command and so we're just going to exit out of that because we're making a channel Point Redemption so twitch Channel points on the left in the little the menu on the left here now we already made that t the channel Point Redemption earlier so we're going to add command to existing reward I'm gonna click that and it's going to give us the list of all of our Channel Point redemptions we called it TTS so we're going to click that one there command group we're going to add it to that TTS um command group that we made earlier and we're gonna make sure that unlock command is checked so just like before go to the little action selector and scroll to find command click the plus button the command type is Action Group and we want to run command and the command we won't want to run is TTS action sweet now that that's all set up we actually have to come back into OBS uh click on our TTS character Source right click go to properties and we the audio source that we need to choose is mix it up overlay very important forgot to point that out earlier um so like yeah so for mix it up you would choose to mix up overlay if using beekubot or something else it'd be that audio output capture that we set up but yeah mix it up overlay make sure you select that in the audio Source selector in the TTS character source all right time to test the TTS now price is going to be the same for either bot but in bikubot we're going to duplicate the text-to-speech module just here and then click custom message on mix it up same thing click the duplicate button which will make bring another one down here and we're just going to get rid of the little dollar sign logs that we put there so we're just making separate modules just to make sure we don't mess anything up in the original original modules and once we finish testing we can delete them afterwards so we also obviously need some text to input to test this so uh my solution was to use the transcript from Fellowship of the Ring um you know listen I can use whatever you like but I feel like this works pretty well and I'll leave a link to this website down below that has the transcript but we're just going to uh copy this and paste it in bikubot here so as I mentioned either way it's going to work the same thing both have a play button for testing the TTS um but I'm just going to use bikubot for the tutorial example when we get into OBS just double check as well that you guys have the audio uh property set up correctly for the devices so for the mix it up overlay and the audio cable you want to click the three dots go to Advanced Audio properties and make sure that the monitoring is set up correctly so that way make sure that you can hear it and the stream can hear it awesome now I'm going to the properties of our TTS character source and we've got it set up to VB audio cable because it's coming through bikubop and as our character talks we're going to be messing with the threshold and the smoothness to get the uh the mouth flaps just right so let's click play and start it again with the forging of the great Ring ah the great Ring three were given it's looking good so as you you uh increase the reaction threshold because it starts in minus so basically this is you know how sensitive it is um I'm feeling like around the getting close to the 30 Mark was really good I found the smoothness of 60 worked pretty well there because it made it nice and snappy um which is kind of which is what you want we're going to click play again and fine-shun it a little bit more but they were all of them deceived for another ring was made yep that's looking good yeah I think 31 is is perfect here for me and uh yeah you could definitely use my my uh my numbers here as a bit of a starting guide and then kind of fine tune from there but apart from that the TTS is working great with fine-tuned the settings we're good to go there you have it you now have a really cool TTS character set up for your streams if you found this video helpful do me a favor and Spain that like button if you want to see more videos like this Plus reviews on Tech for gamers and creators hit subscribe and ring that bell all that really helps out this video and the channel overall so thank you so much for watching my name is Nick this is tic tacular you've been spectacular see you next time
Channel: Techtacula
Views: 16,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to set up channel point rewards on twitch, Improve your stream, Mixitup, Nicktacula twitch, OBS Effects, OBS tips, Streaming tips, bikubot tutorial, how to tts on twitch, nicktacula, nicktacula twitch, obs 29.0, obs studio, obs studio tutorial, obs tips and tricks, obs tutorials, techtacula, text to speech, twitch channel points, text to speech tutorial, twitch channel points ideas, channel points, channel points twitch, twitch tts, twitch text to speech, tts, twitch
Id: 9XBp0xK26pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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