Salvaging the Biggest Cherry Tree in Iowa | Urban Logging

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Reddit Comments
  1. Why not just buy a d-tape instead of using a measuring tape?

  2. That sleeveless guy looks like an idiot cutting those logs with no PPE.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

Ouch. Those bucking skills made me cringe...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Noisemiker 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

Not highly.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Hey everyone, my name is Matt. Today, we're gonna be going on a bit of an adventure. We're gonna be going to pick up a cherry tree. This is probably gonna be the, I think the furthest I've ever gone for any sort of log pickup. We're going from the Minneapolis area to Cedar Rapids. It's about a four hour drive each way. Should be interesting. So we are going after a really big cherry tree. So, this cherry tree blew over in the crazy storm that went through that area of Iowa last year. And unfortunately the homeowners haven't been able to find anybody that wants to do something with this tree, which is a pretty unfortunate. So they kind of expanded their search area of looking for people that are interested in it. And myself and my buddy, Josh got contacted. And we decided that it would make the most sense for both of us to go because the tree is so large that neither of us could get the whole thing back here individually without doing multiple trips. So we're gonna do one trip with both of our trucks and trailer or trailers. And it should be an interesting day. So Josh has coordinated a lot of this. He already coordinated with a local tree service down there, which we're gonna be meeting up with around 11 o'clock this morning. It's six o'clock in the morning right now. So we have plenty of time to get down there. The tree service has a clamp truck, a grapple truck or whatever. So they're gonna be able to load us. So the loading process should be fairly straight forward. It's just a matter of getting down there and seeing kind of where things are at. I'm not really sure if it's been kind of bucked up into lengths yet, but it looks like we got a pretty good butt section up to a large crotch. And then the two main stems that go out from that crotch look like they were pretty vertical. So those are gonna be good for the taking too. So yeah, I don't... I have an idea of what I'm getting into, but not quite 100% yet what I'm getting into. So 263-ish miles we'll be going here today or this morning, and then all the way back. So let's go. (truck engine revving) Everybody loves those drive off shots, but you know you gotta come back and get the camera. So even though both Josh and I live in this area, we're gonna be meeting up along the way. Our paths are kind of converge somewhere along the way. Either we meet up along the way on the road somewhere. Or we meet up when we actually get there. Passing through Rochester. I used to pass through here a lot when I used to live in La Crosse. I would have to come through here on the way to Minneapolis all the time. Okay, hello, Iowa. (Matt laughing) I think Josh is about like four miles ahead of me, so I'm catching up. I think this is about at the halfway point. So, officially in Iowa now. Look who I caught up to. - Lookin' up. How's it going? Fancy meeting you down here in Iowa. - [Matt] That's weird, huh? - [Josh] Yeah. - [Matt] You're a long way from home. - [Josh] What are the odds? - [Matt] Look at this big chicken. (Matt laughing) All right, back out onto the road. Like an hour and a half to go. We are here, well, we're in Cedar rapids. A little bit of driving to do, and we'll be there shortly. (truck engine revving) Gonna go up on the lawn here. Park over here. Tree guys are over there already. (Matt laughing) What do we got? - Four feet, easy. - [Matt] Easy four feet, huh? - Good, solid eight feet to kind of the... Yeah, right to the crotch to that part is- - [Matt] That's eight? How long until the next crotch, if you keep going? - 14 to here. - [Matt] 14? - God, these branches are huge. - [Matt] Are you tiny or is this tree big? - Yeah, I shrunk. I mean, just that piece there, six foot. This branch is 24 inches, and that's 18 feet off the ground. - [Matt] This is pretty incredible. Man, look at this crotch. Look at this thing. How wide is this through here, anyway? Four feet up on the crotch here. - [Josh] Four foot, six to there. (Matt laughing) (grapple truck engine revving) (chainsaw humming) (chainsaw humming) (chainsaw humming) (chainsaw humming) (Matt laughing) - [Matt] It's so much hotter here. - [Josh] I know it. (wood cracking) (chainsaw humming) (chainsaw humming) (chainsaw humming) (wood cracking) (chainsaw humming) - [Matt] And that's just part of the canopy. (chainsaw humming) (chainsaw humming) (chainsaw humming) That is crunchy. - [Josh] Yeah it is. (Matt laughing) - [Matt] Is that how you know it's moving, so everybody knows? (chainsaw humming) (chainsaw humming) (chainsaw humming) (Matt laughing) What's up? Still going. - Gone to the bottom? (indistinct) (chainsaw humming) - [BJ] My biggest concern is I can't grip it. And not being able to grip it, if we get this thing on the trailer, it could start doing whatever it wants, and I ain't gonna be able to stop it. I don't wanna destroy your stuff. And I don't want to destroy my truck. Do you have chains with you? Let's see if we can hook a chain, and see if we can lift it with a chain. If we can lift it. - [Josh] I can back up here. - [BJ] And we just slide it slow, start working it. Let's try it that and see what happens. (chains rattling) - Wait, we all ready? (Matt laughing) - [BJ] Hey, when I go that way, I can see right here. - [Josh] I think we're nice and level now if we can do it. - [BJ] That's it right there. - [Josh] What do think this guy is? - [BJ] I'm guessing the weight right around 9,000. I'm giving it everything I got, and I can't- - You want more? You want me to hook you on the side? (grapple truck engine revving) - [Matt] A little bit. - That way? - [Matt] Yeah. - Just a hair that way. Make that one just a little tighter. - There you go, nice. Okay, all loaded up. And now we're heading out. Josh was trying to get out into the driveway, it looks like. It's crazy how powerful the wind must have been when it came through here. Think it was white oak just snapped right in half. Crazy. Okay, well, time to drive home, I guess. That's a quick stop for some snacks, some diesel. Back on the way. Just crossed into Minnesota from Iowa. So that means we got, I think an hour and a half, hour 45 to go back to the city Rochester. And then back up to the city's again. There's a sign. What do we got? Rochester, 39 miles. All right, we are back. Josh is going to back up the driveway with that thing, and we're gonna get him unloaded because it's eight o'clock at night already. Get him back home. And he's got like a 45 minute drive back home. We will, I'll unload this tomorrow. So, let's get let's get him on loaded. (telehandler engine revving) (telehandler beeping) - Good morning. It's quite the windy, breezy day today here. So I'm gonna finish up getting things put away today. So I am gonna go around and seal the end grain of have all the logs with ANCHORSEAL. I have a video about sealing logs. Basically it just helps it to not crack on the ends. And yeah, get my trailer unloaded. And then hopefully get these kind of stacked and organized. And I guess I got to get that crotch out of the back of my pickup as well, so yeah. Painting and material handling this morning. And then we can call this one, this adventure, done. This log here sitting in my driveway, I'm really glad we're able to get it out whole because I think it would have been a shame to have to cut it down to two sections. That full 13 feet, it's awesome. (telehandler beeping) (telehandler beeping) (chains rattling) When I first showed the pickup for this log on Instagram, we got a lot of questions on if this was a state record holder for cherry trees. I had no idea. But when I got back, I pulled up the Iowa DNR website. I got to their tree section, or whatever, the forestry section. They have a listing there of all of the state's biggest trees, as well as the instructions for measuring these things to submit them. So we're gonna go through the process and see if this would have been a record-holding cherry tree for the state of Iowa. So they do that based off of three different criteria, the circumference, the total crown height, and then the total crown spread. So the first one is circumference. That's the one that I can measure right now with the tree no longer in tree form. Since I have the butt log here sitting in my yard. The circumference should be measured at breast height. So if we take into account the fact that we left part of the buttress of the tree back at the site, that's probably about a foot. So if I come down a foot from the 54 inches that they want, that measurements can be a 42 inches around. Which actually works out really nicely, because in the instructions, if at 54 you're at a cross, you should go beneath it. So 42 inches off the cut end of this log ends up being exactly where it should be based off of those measuring criteria. Now because the tree's already all cut up and everything, the rest of this is gonna be done in the computer. So I need a known length. So it take the total length of this log. And I measured that out to be 160 inches. So if I hop into the computer, I can use my drone footage. I can get a screenshot of that and bring it into Photoshop. And we can do some figuring to get the overall height and width of this tree. So I can measure the photo for the section of the log that's sitting of my yard. So that's 132 pixels for 160 inches. So we can get a conversion factor from that. So our conversion factor is 1.21 inches per pixel. Now, from there, I can measure the total height of the tree in the image in pixels. And then do a little bit of math to get the overall height. And then we can do the canopy spread, which is probably like the biggest shot in the dark for this one. This one should probably really be done with the tree actually standing. But I'll pick a spot that looks like kind of an average width canopy, and get a measurement for that as well. So let's see how our cherry tree did. We have three cherry trees on this registry. So based on circumference, this is the biggest cherry tree, at least bigger than these three. The next biggest one has a circumference of 11 foot 11 inches. So our 12 foot, four is a little bit bigger in circumference than the previously largest one in circumference. Height is where things kind of fall apart. Again, these are, that's gonna be an estimate. This one is a bit shorter than the shortest one listed here, which is listed at 77 3/4 feet tall. As far as the crown spread, that's the one that had like the least amount of certainty. And at 33 feet, it's like way behind everything else. The smallest one here is 52 feet. So maybe this was a record tree. It just depends on how it was measured. Of course, we'll never really know now that it's taken apart, but if it was measured when it was standing, it might have been the biggest one out of all three of those based on the other two criteria, which are just kind of estimates based off of that picture. But by circumference alone, biggest tree on the registry. (Matt laughing) Which is pretty absolutely mind blowing. So I had heard about the wind storm, the derecho, last summer, but I had no idea just how devastating it was. I mean, like, you hear how devastating it is but then you go there in person and you see just how like all the trees are gone. And then there's still trees laying down everywhere there. There's a lot of trees still down that still need to be cleaned up. And as I was talking to BJ when I was there, their company's booked out the entire summer still cleaning up stuff from last year. So they're just, there was so much destruction through that whole area that they're still trying to clean up all these trees. And they don't really have anything to really do with them. So that's a super unfortunate. But this one will become something someday. This is ridiculous. So big thank you to BJ and his crew from Cedar Valley Arborist. BJ was like very on board with this idea. So he is a supporter of crazy ideas. So I always appreciate those kinds of people out in the world. So super, super nice guy, super nice folks. I had a fantastic day. This was like some of them the most fun I've ever had or I've had in a long time. Just going out for the day, just hanging out with Josh, cutting up this tree, getting it loaded and bringing it back here. And just meeting some awesome people. Always, always fun. So yeah, we'll get this thing cut up soon enough. I'm waiting for some blades to come in. And then I gotta make a short bed extension for the saw so I can cut this whole thing. But small challenges now that this thing is laying here in the yard. So that's gonna do it for this one. Thank you, as always, for watching. I greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions or comments on this crazy adventure, or anything back in the shop, please feel free to leave me a comment. As always, I'd be happy to answer any question you might have. And until next time, happy woodworking.
Channel: Matthew Cremona
Views: 2,157,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, woodshop, furniture making, matt cremona, matthew cremona, fine woodworking, period furniture
Id: AVPwQj6TUx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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