Why Ancient Adventism Failed pt 2: A G Daniels, "Not Worth a Nickel"-Pastor Bill Hughes

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foreign [Music] happy Sabbath everyone it's uh it's a beautiful day in Central Florida and uh we certainly don't want to rub that in to anybody who may be watching and it's snowing outside or it's sub 30 degrees but we welcome you to this meeting at this time as we begin let's need our prayers dear father in Heaven we need we need the Holy Spirit and we ask for his presence to Enlighten our minds to strengthen us to give us Clarity of thought today so that we can stand in the right place for such a time as this in Jesus name amen like to start with the Bible path to Bible passages in the psalm Psalm 71 verse 16 Psalm 73 verse 26 the psalmist said I will go in the strength of the Lord God I will make mention of thy righteousness even of thine only now why would David only mention the righteousness of the Lord he said that's the only righteousness I will make mention of and the obvious answer is because righteousness isn't found anywhere else it's not found in any human being it's only found in the Lord God and so David would declare his righteousness and thank the Lord this morning that we can look away from frail feeble pathetic Humanity which means ourselves and we can look to Jesus Psalm 73 verse 26 the psalmist declared My Flesh and my heart faileth but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever David got it right folks our flesh our Humanity we try to do it our ways and it fails my heart and my flesh fail me my mind fails me my flesh fail me why because it's sinful it's carnal that's what we were born with but David says there is another place God can step in in our Frailty and in our weakness and he can be our strength to do for us what we can't do so I'm thankful this morning that I can look outside of me to the righteousness of Jesus and he can enable me and you to do what we can't do and that's to obey a perfect law so praise the Lord for the gospel truth that Christ in you is still the hope of glory in this life and in the life to come we're going to look at part two today I'm going to finish up a few slides from last Sabbath at the end of the program and then we will go into the next program and get as far as we can but we're not in any time scale we're not trying to rush through material so we'll just take it as as we go last Sabbath in the previous meeting called why ancient adventism failed we noticed friends that the Jewish people the Jewish leaders decided that the Jewish young men the leader the Future Leaders of of Israel would go to Greece they would go to Alexandria in Northern Egypt or they'd go to Athens and they would be educated in the philosophy in the culture and in the ideas of the Greek people now the the uh justification for that was well we're strong enough we can deal with whatever we learn and in fact we will convert some of the Greeks to our religion well friends the exact opposite happened instead of the Greeks being converted to Judaism and the Gospel of the Old Testament in fact it were the Jews that were converted to Greek Heathen thought so that by the time Christ came two distinct groups had developed in Israel there were the the liberal Sadducees who were throwing out fundamental Seventh-day Adventist teachings and then on the Other Extreme were the fanatical Pharisees who were taking fundamentals in the Jewish religion and taking them to extremes and proposing falsehood and it was through the development of those two Extremes in ancient Judaism that led to the cross and folk in Seventh-Day adventism today we are repeating the history of ancient Israel real quick Paul was taught there when he was Saul he went there and he thought that was the end-all answers to everything because he kept going back for the answers to the Pharisees for everything absolutely you know Paul it's fascinating you mentioned Paul and it it reminded me of Moses Paul was trained at the feet of Gamaliel a a brilliant Jewish scholar but after Paul's conversion he had to leave the the surroundings of society for many years to get rid of all that garbage before he could become a preacher of righteousness and that's exactly what happened to Moses as well Moses was schooled in the the thought of the ancient Egyptians he had to go out and and take care of the sheep for 40 years before he was ready so wow Cody please there is a danger in going to and going and listening to the Serpent's reasonings and the Serpent's knowledge it will catch you in its snare and when we know better especially these people they should have known better they had no business going there they know who is the Fountain of that bitter stream it was the Devil Himself and I can't find it interesting you're making the connection between the Sadducees and the Pharisees and which one of those groups worked for Rome both both did isn't that interesting isn't that interesting so um when we see the stuff going on it it doesn't happen for no reason it doesn't just happen by itself because of well-meaning sheep it's not well-meaning sheep that are leaving leading the flock astray it's Wolves and sheep's clothing and that's what the Apostle Paul warned us about in Acts chapter 20 and he said that he spent three years of his ministry warning people in tears about the wolves that would come in after he was gone and Mrs White had to deal with the same thing not only in her day but especially after she was gone the Wolves went crazy absolutely great Point great Point Cody Paul appreciate it Ellen White was so strong and clear about Adventist education have schools out in the country where agriculture could be taught let students dwell around nature and become acquainted with the god of nature this was critical to Adventist education blend the manual practical with the head knowledge educate the young people then send them out as missionaries this beautiful plan was tried at Madison and for a Time was Dynamite but then the world crept in and adventism has been derailed folk when we study the history of Judaism in the 300 years or so before Jesus came folk we are reliving that history today because we're doing exactly the same thing that the Jews did and so adventism today is being prepared they're already prepared to embrace Sunday to reject the lord of the Sabbath in Jesus Christ and to be ready to suffer the second death that's what's happening in Seventh-Day adventism today friend and it's all because we have thrown out the blueprint of Adventist education you can't mix water and oil friend it does not work and trying to blend adventism and worldly ideas it doesn't mix doesn't mix Paul one more quick comment and I'll leave you be you know it's interesting I thought of this the other day and Jesus's time on a secular level more than a spiritual level you had Rome and the first century Adventist Church working against Christ today we have exactly the same thing on a spiritual level they won't come out in the open but on a spiritual level it's identical but this is more deadly because it's done as John said in the wilderness out of sight absolutely Paul absolutely great point can we can we Trace in Seventh-Day adventism the Turning Away from the educational plan that Ellen White adopted can we see another plan that was instituted to take Adventist education and unite it with the world to bring about what we have in adventism today and yes we can see it and it was this man right here Arthur G Daniels the president of the General Conference from 1901 to 1922. he got the ball rolling friends just as Percy began later wept Percy McGann who was instrumental in the starting of the school at Madison friends ultimately Percy McGann went out to Loma Linda and became the head fundraiser and the head administrator at Loma Linda and Percy began wept because he saw that Adventists by the 1920s and 30s were no longer preparing missionaries they were preparing Adventists to make a boatload of money in California and Percy began wept he wept because he saw the direction that Adventist education was going in the 1920s friends over a hundred years ago the ball has was started to roll to bring it about where we are today in 1935 now we're going to get a little bit ahead of ourselves but this is just to summarize worn out with the cares of years Arthur Daniels came to Loma Linda gave five talks to the faculty and students one evening a medical student found him walking in the hallway Daniels was weeping turning to the young man in an Agony of voice Daniel said obey the spirit of Prophecy I didn't and paid the price now folks Arthur Daniels paid that price two ways this this statement is taken from the book broken blueprint page 343 and friends I don't do this very often but I will do it with this book you need to get this book and you need to read this book this is an Incredible Book to trace the history of Madison and Loma Linda and how Seventh-Day adventism has rejected the blueprint from the spirit of prophecy on the educational work and the medical work and it has brought us to the precipice of Destruction today you got to get this book friend the broken blueprint Daniel's wept friends in 1935 because he said I rejected what Ellen White said and now I'm paying the price Arthur Daniels was the man who steered Adventist education away from the spirit of Prophecy blueprint and he took adventism ultimately to the world and Blended the worldly education and adventism which has brought us to where we are today the other way in which Arthur Daniels rejected the spirit of Prophecy right after these talks in 1935 Daniels was found to have cancer and so Daniels is in his hospital bed Daniels was diagnosed with cancer entered the Glendale sanitarium stricken with grief at the actions he had pushed forward which had been so instrumental in damaging our entire educational system he sent out an urgent request that three men come to his room they were G.A Roberts president of the California Conference Roy Cottrell former China missionary and current chaplain at gendale and George B Star George B Starr a close friend of Ellen White in Australia who was at that time retired all three of this men were faithful to the spirit of Prophecy writings Elder Daniels asked these men to anoint him for healing stepping outside the room to discuss the matter the three men said one to another how can we pray for this man's healing when for years he has persistently gone against the spirit of Prophecy instruction in his diet and so many other ways and has never changed politely the three men refused Daniel's request to anoint him friends Ellen White for decades for decades said we've got to get back to the diet of God we've got to get back to the diet that God gave to man and woman in Eden we've got to get back to a vegetarian diet and Ellen White talked about that for decades friends from the time of her vision there in in the 1860s for decades she encouraged the brethren get back to the blueprint on diet from Eden Arthur Daniels refused Arthur Daniels was a not devout but Arthur Daniels could not give up his love of Flesh food and when we talk about flesh food we're not just talking about what comes from cows be it beef we're talking friends about chicken we're talking about fish that's flesh food if it's got eyes and it was breathing that's flesh food Arthur Daniels refused for decades to give up his flesh fruit diet and Friends his decision making was skewed and scarred and when he asked for prayer for healing from those three men they said how can we pray for you when you have rejected the counsel of the spirit of Prophecy for decades friends we cannot expect health Clarity of mind we cannot expect that if we're not following the counsel that God has given to us Arthur Daniels didn't and Arthur Daniels fought against the spirit of Prophecy for decades and it's because of him that adventism is in the position that we're in today Cody please I was just going to say there's been a number of of Adventist Pioneers or members around that time that have for all intents and purposes forsaken the Council of Mrs White they all live to regret it in my studies every single one Dudley can write was crying at Mrs White's funeral and he he you know he turned away from the faith A.G Daniels is paying the price here uh you know E.J Wagner A.T Jones the list just goes on and on anybody who refuses to obey the counsel the testimony of Jesus Lives to regret it and I think that's why it's a good it's good to study our history because you can see who the true heroes and who the true uh fakes and traitors are Chloe it's a great point the the court the core issue with all those leaders we read it in Galatians 6 for 3. the Bible says for if a man think himself to be something when he's nothing he deceiveth himself when we when we get puffed up in our own heads and we think we know better than this little this little lady destruction it's devastation the story we're now going to look at all started in the early 1900s and the title of part two of this little mini-series is called not worth a nickel not worth a nickel little background and the medical work and how it has paved the way to Bringing Seventh-Day adventism today to the precipice of Destruction we're going to look at right now Battle Creek sanitarium early 1890s early 1900s this was the Mecca of The Seventh-Day Adventist Health work Battle Creek Michigan Battle Creek Sanitarium it was run by the world renowned doctor John Harvey Kellogg Battle Creek sanitarium was at the cusp of all medical knowledge what was Kellogg's Secret when Battle Creek was doing so well Kellogg compared what he learned with the writings of Ellen White you see folk there were all kinds of medical people in the late 1800s and into the 1900s who were doing practical naturopathic medicine there was the guy Dr Jackson in New York whom the whites went to on a few occasions who was teaching following the eight laws of Health there were others Sylvester Graham from whom we get the graham cracker Dr troll there were a host of well-known people who were getting back to the eight laws of Health for healing John Harvey Kellogg was one of them in 1891 Dr David Paulson stopped by to see John Harvey Kellogg at the Battle Creek sanitarium Paulson asked the question he'd been thinking about for some time John how is it that you are able to stay five years ahead of the rest of the medical profession Kellogg leaned back in his chair and the answer he gave was one that Paulson never forgot Kellogg replied if something new was advocated he instantly adopted it if from his knowledge of Mrs White's writings it was sound when other Physicians finally accepted it after slowly feeling their way Kellogg had a five-year Head Start on the other hand Kellogg rejected some of the new medical fads because they did not measure up to the light given Mrs White when other doctors finally discovered their mistake they wondered why Kellogg had not been caught as they had you know Folk this is an incredible and such such a simple principle but this is what made Kellogg a successful doctor there were people Henry Ford uh Firestone with the tires I believe even William Howard Taft president also a Justice on the United States Supreme Court these men all came to Battle Creek Battle Creek was famous because of the success that it had and folk we can do the same thing if somebody comes along like what was that that diet uh there was that guy in the last 20 30 odd years who said the way you get healthy is that you eat meat and so people would all eat meat I just can't remember the guy's name but Folk that was against what the spirit of Prophecy and the bible teach [Music] so if it's against what the Bible and the spirit of Prophecy teach it needs to be set aside Paul go ahead Atkins diet that's it yeah Cody remembered it um Saint Augustine and people who don't know the history of Saint Augustine it was a Mecca of the famous and Rich due to Flagler the fancy hotels Kellogg had a water treatment place up there he had a house there yeah the place he used to do the water treatment is there still you know with the water therapy and all that great Point Paul so folk John Harvey Kellogg when he followed the spirit of Prophecy he was five years ahead of everybody else you know I'll tell you in my own personal life I know for for a number of years I've heard people say well you know you should you should eat at least five meals a day and in eating five meals a day you can make sure you keep your blood sugar up and I'm always I'm going if I ate five meals a day well my folks I'd eat seven in the morning 10 in the morning two in the afternoon five in the afternoon and eight o'clock at night I'm going that would be horrible and why would that be horrible well that's a modern invention as to how we can be healthy but Ellen White is so clear so clear in many places throughout the spirit of Prophecy that we should keep somewhere between five and six hours between our meals so that we give our stomach the opportunity to rest so it's critical folks to take what the spirit of Prophecy says and compare that with all the other diet fads that come along Cody since you're bringing up health I just want to bring up two fallacies of of modern adventism and the false Health message number one it's a very popular raw food all raw food diet Mrs White does not recommend that she says a warm meal is good for you she also recommends Dr Merritt Kellogg Kellogg's brother Dr Merrick Kellogg's book The Home family physician or the hygienic family physician rather in that book he says it is important for your health to cook your vegetables because the starch needs to be ruptured so that your body can process it properly if not it's like sending a general into an army or into a battle without an army number two um juicing Mrs White nowhere says that we should juice in fact she says it's bad to have mushy porridge food all the time that we should be having solid food and this came up this came up in the modern era with all this juicing stuff it's not it's there's things inside that juice that because vegetables because you're supposed to cook them if you just juice them instead you're basically having them raw but without the fibrous material it comes with and it can be lethal to your body when you have that stuff so what people call Health is actually what I'll say I'll say it the way Mrs White said what people call Health reform is actually Health D form so raw foods and juicing those are the two major golden caps we see in the health message today appreciate the comment Cody absolutely you get we have Extremes in the health reform folk we've got to stick with what Ellen White said uh you know the other thing well I'll go on I'll go on so Kellogg was good as long as he stayed humble and followed What Ellen White said stepped aside from that he was destroyed tragedy strikes it was in 1908 1908 at the Battle Creek sanitarium and the American Medical College in Battle Creek were severed from the denomination John Harvey Kellogg and his medical and legal Associates had effectively stolen Battle Creek sanitation from the church because what happened was Kellogg read into the bylaws of the state of Michigan and his lawyer said oh but Battle Creek sanitarium cannot be sectarian it cannot teach and promote something that's connected to a specific Church Kellogg and his lawyers took that and in 1908 Battle Creek sanitarium ceased to be a Seventh-Day Adventist Sanitarium that was in 1908 Lee using legal manipulations Kellogg managed to rest control of the Battle Creek sanitarium and the Medical College away from the denomination so what's going on then Battle Creek sanitarium was to be the light on the hill to share the medical message the medical missionary work and the eight laws of Health with the world that was the whole intent of the Sanitarium so the sanitarium by 1908 is booted out and removed from denominational control but Ellen White saw that she saw what Kellogg was doing she knew about the pantheism and the alpha of apostasy so 1904. 1904 Ellen White selected a gentleman a young man probably most of us I know I'd never heard of him until I read the book The Broken blueprint but this man his name was John Burton John burden was a young man who loved the spirit of Prophecy and he loved the medical work and Ellen White selected John burden in the early 20th century and she said brother burden I want you to go through Southern California and I want you to find places where we can open up sanitariums because folk Ellen White foresaw what Kellogg was doing and she knew that in 1908 Battle Creek would be no more so 1904 John burden takes up the task of locating suitable places to begin the Adventist Medical work again and from that place Ellen White envisioned sending medical missionaries all over the world Ellen White said that God had shown her that he would find good properties available at low prices while surveying coastal areas and valleys John burden found many tourist hotels and health resorts for sale these had earlier gone bankrupt during a real estate boom and bust two of these were purchased privately on her advice The Paradise Valley sanitarium 1904 in National City right near San Diego and the Glendale sanitarium in 1905. further inland near San Bernardino California was a Victorian styled complex called the Loma Linda Resort Hotel now when the original owner went into bankruptcy in the 1890s the property and its extensive acreage was purchased by a group of Los Angeles businessmen and Physicians who wanted to develop it as a health resort Ellen White saw that Battle Creek was going to be lost to the church she led John Burton to find property he found the property which is today Loma Linda now at that time there was lots of acreage around this hotel called Loma Linda so that the people that would come to Loma Linda for health they could work out in gardens they could work out in the soil as part of their healing process there's something folk medicinal there's something medicinal about working out in God's creation burdens blueprint plan as the spirit of Prophecy laid it out was to train men and women in the eight laws of Health and basic medical procedures like hydrotherapy and in the Three Angels messages and then to send those young people throughout the world as medical missionaries this was the way Loma Linda started and the man whom God chose to start it up John Burton 1904 1905. Paul go ahead you know it's funny you mentioned all that but there was no water there Loma Linda was uh they didn't have they they were they couldn't hit water and that's why they got it so cheap if you know the whole story I won't go into it but it was uh it was very cheap and at one point the well driller told her to abandon it because they couldn't find water that's why the owners went Belly Up they struck water they eventually but I believe that he ended up paying eight thousand dollars and they were asking I'm not around 40 000 for it and we ended up paying eight grand for it something like that but there was no water that was the issue okay yeah well Ellen White knew just as she had done at Avondale when they were told there the soil was poor so at Loma Linda as Paul brought out a great point I did not know never read that about there being a lack of water there but Ellen White knew this was the place in fact when she first saw the property she said this is the place the Lord has shown me we need to have so so for the first few years of Loma Linda it actually was called the college of medical evangelists because folk as we shared in the previous slide this was the blueprint for Adventist Medical Education the eight laws of Health the importance of nutrition the importance of exercise the importance of drinking plenty of water the importance of getting plenty of sleep and so on and so on this was to be the heart of the medical training of young men and women at Loma Linda to go out and educate people on how to be well the use of hydrotherapy and mingling the laws of Health with a solid understanding of the Three Angels messages then these young men and women were to go all over the world as medical missionaries Cody I was going to say compare that with the health system we have today I I went to Advent Health with my wife when she was when she gave birth to our both of our children and now let me tell you it was hard-pressed I was hard-pressed to find something that was by Seventh-day Adventist supposedly standards that was acceptable for me to eat there by going down to the cafeteria now they did have a few options but by and large the what they had available there was totally against our health message in so many ways and that's not just mentioning how the buildings are set up their Big Sky Rise buildings now that's what we stayed in a giant skyrise building there was no place to get fresh air there was no place to be outside you couldn't open any Windows this is Health this is not health Cody the medical blueprint that Ellen White laid out has absolutely nothing to do with Adventist Health System and health work today we were never to have acute care hospitals we were never to have hospitals where surgeries were performed we were never to have nurses doing bedside care that was never the purpose that's what worldly hospitals that's what they do and that's their work go ahead and do that as Percy McGann said he said when you open somebody up or when you cut off somebody's leg or somebody's arm he said they're not interested in hearing the Three Angels messages he said we were never intended to have hospitals like that that's how the world was to be ours were to teach people the eight laws of Health how to stay well how to stay strong and healthy to have a strong mind and as they're getting well then you share with them the Three Angels messages that's how the Adventist Medical system was to be set up well John burden in starting the College of medical evangelists 1904 1905 1906 1907. this was the training he was giving the young people at Loma Linda but there were other people in the denomination that weren't happy with what John burden was doing and so there was a pivotal meeting in 1907 a year before Kellogg takes Battle Creek out of the denominations 1907 there's a meeting that's held at Loma Linda October of 1907. there was a conflict between two men Arthur Daniels The General Conference president and John burden the man selected by God to lead out at Loma Linda because he understood the medical blueprint the conflict between these two men and between these two ideas first came out in the open at the medical Convention held at Loma Linda the last of October 1907. that's 115 years ago friends during the discussion regarding the future of the College of medical evangelists A.G Daniels asked the leaders at Loma Linda if they contemplate the establishment of a full-fledged Medical College that will be recognized that will give students a preparation for graduation that will be recognized by legal bodies such as the American Medical Association you know it must have such recognition to be worth a nickel friends this decision at Loma Linda in 1907 here's the conflict burden says we're going to do it the way Ellen White said Daniels comes in we just read it right here and he says if we don't make our institution at Loma Linda so that the American Medical Association will approve of it Daniel said Loma Linda will not be worth a nickel and Folk the conflict erupts in 1907. and a few short years later within the next five to six years Daniels and his cronies decided there were other jobs that John Burton needed to do he needed to fundraise he needed to become in charge of another Institution eventually by 1912 1913. John burden is removed from Loma Linda and a person is put in place who would prepare Loma Linda to receive Aid and to follow the American Medical Association Folk this decision was devastating absolutely devastating and adventism has suffered the consequences of this direction that Daniels took the medical work in 1907. Paul real quick Loma Linda too at its Inception one of its main missions was to trade train women doctors and nurses to go out healing and spreading the third Angel's message that was one of its primary missions that's why the college Paul was called the College of medical evangelists it was the training of young men and women in the eight laws of Health in hydrotherapy in understanding the importance of nutrition and sleep and exercise and manual labor out in the garden all of those things were critical to an understanding of the medical work that the College of medical evangelists at Loma Linda were to perform tragically Arthur Daniels wanted the school to be accredited by the AMA now the American Medical Association they have their work to do and that's fine if they have requirements and plans for any school that wants to receive accreditation from them well that's their job but Seventh-Day adventism had their work they had their messages they had the blueprint that God had given to Ellen White in medical in education the medical and educational fields and the Adventist Medical work was never was never to become a part of the accreditation of the American Medical Association John Burton wanted the school to follow the blueprint of the spirit of Prophecy over the next several years Elder burden was given different jobs to pull him further and further away from Loma Linda till finally in 1915. he was totally removed from the college Arthur Daniels had won and the denomination was in serious serious trouble we're going to stop there friends we will continue on with the remaining slides the next time I am here but friends 1907 was a watershed moment in the history of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church and the man who took adventism over the precipice and down into the fiery Wicked Waters of accreditation with the AMA it all started in 1907. enclosing friends if we take nothing from this meeting today but we remember the principle that so many famous early rock stars in adventism failed to remember and it's a principle of friends we can never forget if a man thinks he's something when he's nothing he deceiveth himself may God help us to ever remember that apart from the righteousness of Christ and apart from allowing that righteousness to enable us to keep his Commandments we're nothing let us pray father please forgive please forgive us all because we all have thought that we were something and maybe today we still think we're something I pray that whatever it takes for that principle to be forever broken in our hearts and in our minds Lord I would ask that you would break that principle and save us from ourselves so that the blueprint and the plan that you laid out through the spirit of Prophecy would take center stage in our hearts and in our minds in Jesus name amen foreign [Music]
Channel: Truth Triumphant Ministries
Views: 1,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, sda, seventh day adventist, adventism, truth, truth triumphant, Ellen White, spirit of prophecy, why ancient adventism failed, Arthur G Daniels, A.G. Daniels, A.G. Daniells, Arthur G Daniells, not worth a nickel, Pastor Bill Hughes, Bill Hughes, loma linda, American Medical Association, accredited, accreditization, College of Medical Evangelists, adventist pioneers, John Harvey Kellogg, medical field, education, Advent Health, broken blueprint, hospitals, sanitariums
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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