How to Trim Ribeye

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[Music] [Music] this is Alan with the grilling Network welcome to my youtube channel today I'm going to do something special and that fabricate a ribeye I went to restaurant Depot and purchased a prime select ribeye I know there's prime choice and select this is the prime so this is the top-end yes it's a little bit more but what I was showing one of my kids the other day was we went to Costco and they had ribeye steaks and they had it priced at about $10 $11 a pound you know pre sliced but if you bought it in a larger slice it was like 895 so you saved yourselves about two to three dollars per pound by slicing yourself yes it's a you know larger investment by buying a large piece of meat but what we're going to do is save a lot of money by doing this and I'll go ahead and slice this up and what we're going to do is I'm going to slice off about six inches for a prime ribeye or rib roast or standing rib roast and then I'm slice up one inch slice pieces of meat for no ribeye steaks and we'll go ahead and do that next all right this has been cryovac for about I guess a week and we're going to go ahead and it so it's been wet aging we're go ahead and break the vacuum seal and yes it's going to get you know blood and over your cutting area but that's okay look at this piece of meat here looks amazing Gus you smell the beefy flavor on this it's pretty awesome right part of the pieces that you want to take care of it's got you know a nice fat cap on the back it's got a fat lip right here that we want to take care of and what we'll do now is I want to trim that off so I can show you guys this you know it's about a good inch so I'm going to take a bone knife and just go along the edge right here as you can see here it's a nice piece of fat you know I don't need this I know there's probably people that can do things with this but for me I'm going to toss that in the trash I probably can go off just a little bit more here that's fine and then on the back side right here kind of hard to see I'm going to trim off a little bit of the fat here as well you know you wanna make sure your hands are nice and dry when you're doing this you don't you know cut yourself I'm just going to take off little pieces of fat just a little bit to clean up just a little bit the fat is what holds your ribeye steaks together are part of it and as you can see the marbling and this thing is amazing so what we'll do now is I'm going to cut it off on the long side I'm going to go in about 6 inches let's do that from this side so we can see it and this is the new shooting knife that I purchased and I have a video that you guys can watch later but as you can see now it's going to be a lot easier to make slices so I'm going to go about I set about 6 inches and then just make myself a standing rib roast look at that right there that's going to make an amazing rib roast so I'm going to set that aside right there and then what we want to do now is I want to make a 1-inch look at that you could slice this now but slice it later so I'm going to make 1 inch thick slice steaks that's out of the way so you can see in the video there and then again just this knife is amazing very effort look at that that is amazing so one go ahead and set that there and what you do by doing this is this stake right here would be about 13 bucks in a grocery store or like at your local butcher per pound and by doing this yourself it's going to be about I would say you know eight bucks a pound save yourself a lot of money yeah it's a large initial investment but in the long run you save yourself you know tons of money my family's gonna love me for you know for making mistakes this is amazing guys all right we're almost done here probably cut this in half so I don't have to worry about and again this is a boneless ribeye and I make bone-in so this is going to be a nice probably about a two pounds and it's like a cowboy steak one other thing you could probably do to help trim this up a little bit is take some of this fat off right here and just you know cut that off so we can do that on the rest of the steaks and I'll finish these up so again this is a great way to save money by fabricating larger cuts of meat you can go to Costco you can go to I go to restaurant Depot or Sam's Club you don't have to go prime like I did but you can go choice or select but either way by doing this you save tons of money my next upcoming video I'll show you guys how I make my ribeye steaks and of course a standing rib roast I have a plank this most likely so we'll see you on the next video and again guys thanks for watching my channel it's always appreciated and until next time we'll see you then [Music]
Channel: GrillingNetwork™
Views: 820,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ribeye Trim, standing rib roast, meat, beef, prime beef, steaks, shun, knife, dinner, Fabrication, Steak (Type Of Dish), cut meat, food, cut, slice, sub-primal, rib, ribeye, slice ribeye, cut ribeye
Id: te7zv9cM69I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2012
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