How to trick a swarm of bees to stay in your hive

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everybody's David again barnyard bees got another swarm on the same tree I caught the last one on this was a little bit more difficult it was a it was around the branch the main branch of the peach tree so this is the second swarm has come in here I'm just kind of setting up under the tree here watching it just kind of watch them do the March I don't have my sandals on today but there sometimes when you don't get the Queen see how they're they're trying to go back into the trade a little bit it's just hard to shake pleasure so what we'll do is we try to give them to do what they call the March you can see some at the entrance fan and going in sometimes you blow a little bit smoke alum and see how they're kind of there's my trusty smoker just smoke a little bit on that side get them to move a little bit they're still a little bit trying to go up on the on the tree trunk up this shows up it's kind of it's shade right here but maybe it'll feel good sometimes our smoke will give them to march a little bit faster it's the other they're all kind of fanning their wings coming around the corner and right in the buff so I'm trying to get in through the top but I have a I have a lid on that for now but they look now like are getting committed to the box they're doing the March see how their watch them coming around the corner there for the new beekeepers if you ever shake a swarm you know what look sometimes you can blow a little smoke see how they're trying to accumulate up here on top and the pheromone sometimes is still there or the Queen flies back it's sometimes it's hard to tell but the majority of them are going right down into the box and I just keep blowing some smoke trying to encourage them to get away from the bad old tree these are really gentle bees right here to the I'm sitting here in shorts and a t-shirt on and sitting we can see my foot right there it's just couple feet from it I'm just sitting here kind of on the ground watching undoing March and we're lucky here with our bees because they're they're very very gentle stalk of bees and most likely this is a one of our hives I'm really not sure why we're getting so many swarms because when we go through our nukes we do splits and they're not real strong after we do splits and then we sell nuke but there was a lot a lot of bees in this worm in that first video I did was right over there in that big pine tree and it was huge it was bigger than a basketball and yeah the it's possible they could be coming from another yard on I know my neighbors just down the road have beaver usually these don't swarm that far away from their from their mother hive it's most of the time it's within 100 couple hundred feet so I'm just watching them I need to pull back the interns they're a little bit where they can get weeds under this tree but their fan and see how we can still video see how their fan and always look for that like I said your new beekeeper in your shakes worm they're standing at the entrance pan and that's a good sign welcomes you know they sense their pheromones and there's getting less and less fees have grown the sauce her up on the lamb I'm sorry and we're just smoking them it looks like they're all following suit and they're going right in there now one thing I did different there's an idea to this on especially new beekeepers long times you have trouble swarm staying well there's ways to convince them very strongly not to go and it's not pinning them up if you have a spare frame with brood on it put that in the center of your nuke and I did that I went through one of my 10 frames down there and pulled out a frame I had and I shook it and I just get a light shake on it because it did have bird in it and put it right in the center of the hive and that gives them something that gives them a lot of encouragement because now they have babies to tend to and it's harder for them to walk away from the flyways don't guess it look like to fly away from that so that usually helps so if you're new beekeeper and you have some extra frames of brood but you're framing brood in there when you shake it if you have drawn comb that helps out a lot especially if it's older not black older but just usable and that all encourages them to go into a new home now this is a pretty good-sized swarm here if the length of it was I didn't get a filmic before the video it was a probably about three foot long and pretty good-sized around by the big is your leg around so it was a pretty decent sized swarm and what I'll have to do because actually this this box I'm using the on top as the funnel is actually a super for these noobs so once they get in there establish all open it up and see how many is in the bottom just by open the bottom you can tell how crowded it is and I'll probably take that super and put more frames in it and that'll be a double deep more than likely like that uh that first worm I shook did on the video is is right there that yellow that double yellow that was the first one I did the second one I did is right here on the end it's a smaller when the swarm is about the size of a smaller than a soccer ball bigger than a softball it was decent size yeah he's pretty good size but not huge and then this one was kind of in the middle it was still big it was a big swarm and I know once they start swarming in a certain tree it's kind of like a pheromone stage so those other bees will swarm to that also so but it's looking good they're slowly disappearing out here after just trees are showing less interest number now this is the blessings about having a swarm getting to the ground the ones up high or pain and you just can't sit here on the ground like I am and I'll coax the bees to go in a little of time this is the I've got four four swarms this year and in this yard and two or three that just occupied empty boxes and that's always a good thing that's better in the swarm and so that's they're doing get here they're going in so this is looks like a success what I'll do later on there tomorrow Oh looks like I see if we're back I want to put the frames in I'll put a feeder on it I taught Peter feed them up good throwing drawn mooch off it as many blank frames as I can in there because they're in swarm boats that are going to draw out frames are really really fast but I had to share this another video please like and subscribe please share your my videos if you would to anyone that you know that likes beekeeping I'm trying to get out as much information to people I love doing these videos and I love enjoying senda the views pile up and the subscribers uh it's just enjoyment I like like doing I like sharing stuff like this it just makes it fun but thanks for watching barnyard bees
Views: 130,648
Rating: 4.885572 out of 5
Keywords: fat bee man, fatbeeman, swarm, swarms
Id: sglvfkLEyqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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