How to prevent your hive from swarming with these signs

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hey everybody this is David at barnyard bees and today's video is how to prevent a high fronts from swarming in advance before it does so you'll have indications that we'll show you when it's going to swarm so I'm going to show you that today and on this frame right here when you look you'll see drone comb right there that's a typical pattern that you'll usually see when they're getting ready to swarm now this hive in particular here has advanced further than that so the next step that you'll see is Queen cells so and you can see where the drone is actually started hatching so it's they've been here that long if drones are already hatching then it's been indicating for a while and I just never had a chance to get to it so what you need to do when you go through your hives look for this pattern and when you start seeing that pattern you better do something you better add some more space to it a super or what we do is split just go ahead and split now that Queen cell right there I will cut that one out and there's four other frames that have Queen cells on them also so and it actually may being too late on this I because I've looked and looked and I'm not seeing the Queen not saying she's not in there hiding on the side I just can't find her and there's a lot of bees in here but there was probably a lot more so keep an eye out for that see how that one's just all five frames will just completely draw it out and a lot of bees hatch and then they're going to be a lot more hatching so she may be still be in there but chances are they have already swarmed out and it could be either way it could have been extremely packed eyes and some I'm sorry swung because there's got a lot of bees in there so it could be either way still be in there and they've not formed yet but the Queen cells that I found some of them are thinned down really spins indicating that they're getting ready to hatch so always look out for that there's one good indication to look it is looking for that typical drone pattern usually sit down in the corner like that right here that will save you some bees right there like I said it's not always a disaster when your beasts warm up because you're populating the woods but keep in mind too you want to keep some DS for yourself you don't want to give them all up to swarms so watch after that when you first pop the lid and you see a lot of bees now the next indication after they swarm would be you'd open the top and you just see a lot of drones coming to the top because law there's drones a hashed out so that means you're pretty much queenless and you've probably got a virgin queen in the process of mating and returning hopefully and that don't always happen so you can always get confused that's why it's a good thing to keep your boxes to hell this one's facing this direction this of course the it's a the entrance is on the opposite side and then this one on this side and then they're painted different that all helps you it all gives you a little bit better percent of her coming back and on our mating flight so please remember that new beekeepers but that's about it I just wanted to share that pattern that's I think it's very important right there for new beekeepers to remember remember that pattern it's usually down on the corner that one this frame right here it doesn't really have many drone on it maybe right during this just the couple right here in the corner but most of them do so this one does advance more yes to the point to where it's lost to a swarm or getting ready to so I'm going to go ahead and split this hive I'm going to cut some of those cells out and some of the frames I'm just going to move over and do splits with and please like and subscribe we're out here to help the new beekeeper please spread our videos so more and more beekeepers can can learn from them and thanks for watching barnyard peace
Views: 69,557
Rating: 4.9391537 out of 5
Keywords: Queens, Barnyard bees, fat bee man, honey, honey bees, Queen cells, swarms, swarm cells, nucs, new beekeeper, wax, wax moth, hive Beatles, feeding, brood, eggs, farming, homestead, permaculture
Id: QGHk6GMtcB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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